changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/qemu-symbian-svp/keymaps/is	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# 2004-03-16 Halldór Guðmundsson and Morten Lange
+# Keyboard definition file for the Icelandic keyboard
+# to be used in rdesktop 1.3.x ( See
+# generated from XKB map de, and changed manually
+# Location for example /usr/local/share/rdesktop/keymaps/is
+include common
+map 0x40f
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+#section 0x04 shift
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr
+currency 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+#ssharp 0x0c
+odiaeresis 0x0c
+#question 0x0c shift
+Odiaeresis 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+#acute 0x0d
+minus  0x0d
+#dead_acute 0x0d
+#grave 0x0d shift
+#dead_grave 0x0d shift
+underscore 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+#z 0x15 addupper
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+#thorn 0x19 altgr
+#THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+#udiaeresis 0x1a
+#Udiaeresis 0x1a shift
+#dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+#dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+eth 0x1a
+ETH 0x1a shift
+apostrophe 0x1b
+question 0x1b shift
+#plus 0x1b
+#asterisk 0x1b shift
+asciitilde 0x1b altgr
+#grave 0x1b altgr
+#dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+#dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+#ae 0x1e altgr
+#AE 0x1e shift altgr
+#eth 0x20 altgr
+#eth 0x20
+#ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+#ETH 0x20 shift
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+#adiaeresis 0x27
+#Adiaeresis 0x27 shift
+ae 0x27
+AE 0x27 shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 altgr
+#adiaeresis 0x28
+#Adiaeresis 0x28 shift
+#dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+#asciicircum 0x29
+acute  0x28
+dead_acute 0x28
+#dead_circumflex 0x29
+#degree 0x29 shift
+#notsign 0x29 altgr
+plus 0x2b
+asterisk 0x2b shift
+grave 0x2b altgr
+#numbersign 0x2b
+#apostrophe 0x2b shift
+#dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+#y 0x2c addupper
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+#minus 0x35
+#underscore 0x35 shift
+thorn 0x35
+THORN 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr