changeset 1 2fb8b9db1c86
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12/zlib-1.2.3/contrib/ada/	Fri Jul 31 15:01:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+--  ZLib for Ada thick binding.                               --
+--                                                            --
+--  Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Dmitriy Anisimkov                 --
+--                                                            --
+--  Open source license information is in the file.  --
+--  $Id:,v 1.11 2004/07/23 06:33:11 vagul Exp $
+with Interfaces.C.Strings;
+with System;
+private package ZLib.Thin is
+   --  From zconf.h
+   MAX_MEM_LEVEL : constant := 9;         --  zconf.h:105
+                                          --  zconf.h:105
+   MAX_WBITS : constant := 15;      --  zconf.h:115
+                                    --  32K LZ77 window
+                                    --  zconf.h:115
+   SEEK_SET : constant := 8#0000#;  --  zconf.h:244
+                                    --  Seek from beginning of file.
+                                    --  zconf.h:244
+   SEEK_CUR : constant := 1;        --  zconf.h:245
+                                    --  Seek from current position.
+                                    --  zconf.h:245
+   SEEK_END : constant := 2;        --  zconf.h:246
+                                    --  Set file pointer to EOF plus "offset"
+                                    --  zconf.h:246
+   type Byte is new Interfaces.C.unsigned_char; --  8 bits
+                                                --  zconf.h:214
+   type UInt is new Interfaces.C.unsigned;      --  16 bits or more
+                                                --  zconf.h:216
+   type Int is new;
+   type ULong is new Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;     --  32 bits or more
+                                                     --  zconf.h:217
+   subtype Chars_Ptr is Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+   type ULong_Access is access ULong;
+   type Int_Access is access Int;
+   subtype Voidp is System.Address;            --  zconf.h:232
+   subtype Byte_Access is Voidp;
+   Nul : constant Voidp := System.Null_Address;
+   --  end from zconf
+   Z_NO_FLUSH : constant := 8#0000#;   --  zlib.h:125
+                                       --  zlib.h:125
+   Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH : constant := 1;       --  zlib.h:126
+                                          --  will be removed, use
+                                          --  Z_SYNC_FLUSH instead
+                                          --  zlib.h:126
+   Z_SYNC_FLUSH : constant := 2;       --  zlib.h:127
+                                       --  zlib.h:127
+   Z_FULL_FLUSH : constant := 3;       --  zlib.h:128
+                                       --  zlib.h:128
+   Z_FINISH : constant := 4;        --  zlib.h:129
+                                    --  zlib.h:129
+   Z_OK : constant := 8#0000#;   --  zlib.h:132
+                                 --  zlib.h:132
+   Z_STREAM_END : constant := 1;       --  zlib.h:133
+                                       --  zlib.h:133
+   Z_NEED_DICT : constant := 2;        --  zlib.h:134
+                                       --  zlib.h:134
+   Z_ERRNO : constant := -1;        --  zlib.h:135
+                                    --  zlib.h:135
+   Z_STREAM_ERROR : constant := -2;       --  zlib.h:136
+                                          --  zlib.h:136
+   Z_DATA_ERROR : constant := -3;      --  zlib.h:137
+                                       --  zlib.h:137
+   Z_MEM_ERROR : constant := -4;       --  zlib.h:138
+                                       --  zlib.h:138
+   Z_BUF_ERROR : constant := -5;       --  zlib.h:139
+                                       --  zlib.h:139
+   Z_VERSION_ERROR : constant := -6;      --  zlib.h:140
+                                          --  zlib.h:140
+   Z_NO_COMPRESSION : constant := 8#0000#;   --  zlib.h:145
+                                             --  zlib.h:145
+   Z_BEST_SPEED : constant := 1;       --  zlib.h:146
+                                       --  zlib.h:146
+   Z_BEST_COMPRESSION : constant := 9;       --  zlib.h:147
+                                             --  zlib.h:147
+   Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION : constant := -1;      --  zlib.h:148
+                                                --  zlib.h:148
+   Z_FILTERED : constant := 1;      --  zlib.h:151
+                                    --  zlib.h:151
+   Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY : constant := 2;        --  zlib.h:152
+                                          --  zlib.h:152
+   Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY : constant := 8#0000#; --  zlib.h:153
+                                             --  zlib.h:153
+   Z_BINARY : constant := 8#0000#;  --  zlib.h:156
+                                    --  zlib.h:156
+   Z_ASCII : constant := 1;      --  zlib.h:157
+                                 --  zlib.h:157
+   Z_UNKNOWN : constant := 2;       --  zlib.h:158
+                                    --  zlib.h:158
+   Z_DEFLATED : constant := 8;      --  zlib.h:161
+                                    --  zlib.h:161
+   Z_NULL : constant := 8#0000#; --  zlib.h:164
+                                 --  for initializing zalloc, zfree, opaque
+                                 --  zlib.h:164
+   type gzFile is new Voidp;                  --  zlib.h:646
+   type Z_Stream is private;
+   type Z_Streamp is access all Z_Stream;     --  zlib.h:89
+   type alloc_func is access function
+     (Opaque : Voidp;
+      Items  : UInt;
+      Size   : UInt)
+      return Voidp; --  zlib.h:63
+   type free_func is access procedure (opaque : Voidp; address : Voidp);
+   function zlibVersion return Chars_Ptr;
+   function Deflate (strm : Z_Streamp; flush : Int) return Int;
+   function DeflateEnd (strm : Z_Streamp) return Int;
+   function Inflate (strm : Z_Streamp; flush : Int) return Int;
+   function InflateEnd (strm : Z_Streamp) return Int;
+   function deflateSetDictionary
+     (strm       : Z_Streamp;
+      dictionary : Byte_Access;
+      dictLength : UInt)
+      return       Int;
+   function deflateCopy (dest : Z_Streamp; source : Z_Streamp) return Int;
+   --  zlib.h:478
+   function deflateReset (strm : Z_Streamp) return Int; -- zlib.h:495
+   function deflateParams
+     (strm     : Z_Streamp;
+      level    : Int;
+      strategy : Int)
+      return     Int;       -- zlib.h:506
+   function inflateSetDictionary
+     (strm       : Z_Streamp;
+      dictionary : Byte_Access;
+      dictLength : UInt)
+      return       Int; --  zlib.h:548
+   function inflateSync (strm : Z_Streamp) return Int;  --  zlib.h:565
+   function inflateReset (strm : Z_Streamp) return Int; --  zlib.h:580
+   function compress
+     (dest      : Byte_Access;
+      destLen   : ULong_Access;
+      source    : Byte_Access;
+      sourceLen : ULong)
+      return      Int;           -- zlib.h:601
+   function compress2
+     (dest      : Byte_Access;
+      destLen   : ULong_Access;
+      source    : Byte_Access;
+      sourceLen : ULong;
+      level     : Int)
+      return      Int;          -- zlib.h:615
+   function uncompress
+     (dest      : Byte_Access;
+      destLen   : ULong_Access;
+      source    : Byte_Access;
+      sourceLen : ULong)
+      return      Int;
+   function gzopen (path : Chars_Ptr; mode : Chars_Ptr) return gzFile;
+   function gzdopen (fd : Int; mode : Chars_Ptr) return gzFile;
+   function gzsetparams
+     (file     : gzFile;
+      level    : Int;
+      strategy : Int)
+      return     Int;
+   function gzread
+     (file : gzFile;
+      buf  : Voidp;
+      len  : UInt)
+      return Int;
+   function gzwrite
+     (file : in gzFile;
+      buf  : in Voidp;
+      len  : in UInt)
+      return Int;
+   function gzprintf (file : in gzFile; format : in Chars_Ptr) return Int;
+   function gzputs (file : in gzFile; s : in Chars_Ptr) return Int;
+   function gzgets
+     (file : gzFile;
+      buf  : Chars_Ptr;
+      len  : Int)
+      return Chars_Ptr;
+   function gzputc (file : gzFile; char : Int) return Int;
+   function gzgetc (file : gzFile) return Int;
+   function gzflush (file : gzFile; flush : Int) return Int;
+   function gzseek
+     (file   : gzFile;
+      offset : Int;
+      whence : Int)
+      return   Int;
+   function gzrewind (file : gzFile) return Int;
+   function gztell (file : gzFile) return Int;
+   function gzeof (file : gzFile) return Int;
+   function gzclose (file : gzFile) return Int;
+   function gzerror (file : gzFile; errnum : Int_Access) return Chars_Ptr;
+   function adler32
+     (adler : ULong;
+      buf   : Byte_Access;
+      len   : UInt)
+      return  ULong;
+   function crc32
+     (crc  : ULong;
+      buf  : Byte_Access;
+      len  : UInt)
+      return ULong;
+   function deflateInit
+     (strm        : Z_Streamp;
+      level       : Int;
+      version     : Chars_Ptr;
+      stream_size : Int)
+      return        Int;
+   function deflateInit2
+     (strm        : Z_Streamp;
+      level       : Int;
+      method      : Int;
+      windowBits  : Int;
+      memLevel    : Int;
+      strategy    : Int;
+      version     : Chars_Ptr;
+      stream_size : Int)
+      return        Int;
+   function Deflate_Init
+     (strm       : Z_Streamp;
+      level      : Int;
+      method     : Int;
+      windowBits : Int;
+      memLevel   : Int;
+      strategy   : Int)
+      return       Int;
+   pragma Inline (Deflate_Init);
+   function inflateInit
+     (strm        : Z_Streamp;
+      version     : Chars_Ptr;
+      stream_size : Int)
+      return        Int;
+   function inflateInit2
+     (strm        : in Z_Streamp;
+      windowBits  : in Int;
+      version     : in Chars_Ptr;
+      stream_size : in Int)
+      return      Int;
+   function inflateBackInit
+     (strm        : in Z_Streamp;
+      windowBits  : in Int;
+      window      : in Byte_Access;
+      version     : in Chars_Ptr;
+      stream_size : in Int)
+      return      Int;
+   --  Size of window have to be 2**windowBits.
+   function Inflate_Init (strm : Z_Streamp; windowBits : Int) return Int;
+   pragma Inline (Inflate_Init);
+   function zError (err : Int) return Chars_Ptr;
+   function inflateSyncPoint (z : Z_Streamp) return Int;
+   function get_crc_table return ULong_Access;
+   --  Interface to the available fields of the z_stream structure.
+   --  The application must update next_in and avail_in when avail_in has
+   --  dropped to zero. It must update next_out and avail_out when avail_out
+   --  has dropped to zero. The application must initialize zalloc, zfree and
+   --  opaque before calling the init function.
+   procedure Set_In
+     (Strm   : in out Z_Stream;
+      Buffer : in Voidp;
+      Size   : in UInt);
+   pragma Inline (Set_In);
+   procedure Set_Out
+     (Strm   : in out Z_Stream;
+      Buffer : in Voidp;
+      Size   : in UInt);
+   pragma Inline (Set_Out);
+   procedure Set_Mem_Func
+     (Strm   : in out Z_Stream;
+      Opaque : in Voidp;
+      Alloc  : in alloc_func;
+      Free   : in free_func);
+   pragma Inline (Set_Mem_Func);
+   function Last_Error_Message (Strm : in Z_Stream) return String;
+   pragma Inline (Last_Error_Message);
+   function Avail_Out (Strm : in Z_Stream) return UInt;
+   pragma Inline (Avail_Out);
+   function Avail_In (Strm : in Z_Stream) return UInt;
+   pragma Inline (Avail_In);
+   function Total_In (Strm : in Z_Stream) return ULong;
+   pragma Inline (Total_In);
+   function Total_Out (Strm : in Z_Stream) return ULong;
+   pragma Inline (Total_Out);
+   function inflateCopy
+     (dest   : in Z_Streamp;
+      Source : in Z_Streamp)
+      return Int;
+   function compressBound (Source_Len : in ULong) return ULong;
+   function deflateBound
+     (Strm       : in Z_Streamp;
+      Source_Len : in ULong)
+      return     ULong;
+   function gzungetc (C : in Int; File : in  gzFile) return Int;
+   function zlibCompileFlags return ULong;
+   type Z_Stream is record            -- zlib.h:68
+      Next_In   : Voidp      := Nul;  -- next input byte
+      Avail_In  : UInt       := 0;    -- number of bytes available at next_in
+      Total_In  : ULong      := 0;    -- total nb of input bytes read so far
+      Next_Out  : Voidp      := Nul;  -- next output byte should be put there
+      Avail_Out : UInt       := 0;    -- remaining free space at next_out
+      Total_Out : ULong      := 0;    -- total nb of bytes output so far
+      msg       : Chars_Ptr;          -- last error message, NULL if no error
+      state     : Voidp;              -- not visible by applications
+      zalloc    : alloc_func := null; -- used to allocate the internal state
+      zfree     : free_func  := null; -- used to free the internal state
+      opaque    : Voidp;              -- private data object passed to
+                                      --  zalloc and zfree
+      data_type : Int;                -- best guess about the data type:
+                                      --  ascii or binary
+      adler     : ULong;              -- adler32 value of the uncompressed
+                                      --  data
+      reserved  : ULong;              -- reserved for future use
+   end record;
+   pragma Convention (C, Z_Stream);
+   pragma Import (C, zlibVersion, "zlibVersion");
+   pragma Import (C, Deflate, "deflate");
+   pragma Import (C, DeflateEnd, "deflateEnd");
+   pragma Import (C, Inflate, "inflate");
+   pragma Import (C, InflateEnd, "inflateEnd");
+   pragma Import (C, deflateSetDictionary, "deflateSetDictionary");
+   pragma Import (C, deflateCopy, "deflateCopy");
+   pragma Import (C, deflateReset, "deflateReset");
+   pragma Import (C, deflateParams, "deflateParams");
+   pragma Import (C, inflateSetDictionary, "inflateSetDictionary");
+   pragma Import (C, inflateSync, "inflateSync");
+   pragma Import (C, inflateReset, "inflateReset");
+   pragma Import (C, compress, "compress");
+   pragma Import (C, compress2, "compress2");
+   pragma Import (C, uncompress, "uncompress");
+   pragma Import (C, gzopen, "gzopen");
+   pragma Import (C, gzdopen, "gzdopen");
+   pragma Import (C, gzsetparams, "gzsetparams");
+   pragma Import (C, gzread, "gzread");
+   pragma Import (C, gzwrite, "gzwrite");
+   pragma Import (C, gzprintf, "gzprintf");
+   pragma Import (C, gzputs, "gzputs");
+   pragma Import (C, gzgets, "gzgets");
+   pragma Import (C, gzputc, "gzputc");
+   pragma Import (C, gzgetc, "gzgetc");
+   pragma Import (C, gzflush, "gzflush");
+   pragma Import (C, gzseek, "gzseek");
+   pragma Import (C, gzrewind, "gzrewind");
+   pragma Import (C, gztell, "gztell");
+   pragma Import (C, gzeof, "gzeof");
+   pragma Import (C, gzclose, "gzclose");
+   pragma Import (C, gzerror, "gzerror");
+   pragma Import (C, adler32, "adler32");
+   pragma Import (C, crc32, "crc32");
+   pragma Import (C, deflateInit, "deflateInit_");
+   pragma Import (C, inflateInit, "inflateInit_");
+   pragma Import (C, deflateInit2, "deflateInit2_");
+   pragma Import (C, inflateInit2, "inflateInit2_");
+   pragma Import (C, zError, "zError");
+   pragma Import (C, inflateSyncPoint, "inflateSyncPoint");
+   pragma Import (C, get_crc_table, "get_crc_table");
+   --  since zlib 1.2.0:
+   pragma Import (C, inflateCopy, "inflateCopy");
+   pragma Import (C, compressBound, "compressBound");
+   pragma Import (C, deflateBound, "deflateBound");
+   pragma Import (C, gzungetc, "gzungetc");
+   pragma Import (C, zlibCompileFlags, "zlibCompileFlags");
+   pragma Import (C, inflateBackInit, "inflateBackInit_");
+   --  I stopped binding the inflateBack routines, becouse realize that
+   --  it does not support zlib and gzip headers for now, and have no
+   --  symmetric deflateBack routines.
+   --  ZLib-Ada is symmetric regarding deflate/inflate data transformation
+   --  and has a similar generic callback interface for the
+   --  deflate/inflate transformation based on the regular Deflate/Inflate
+   --  routines.
+   --  pragma Import (C, inflateBack, "inflateBack");
+   --  pragma Import (C, inflateBackEnd, "inflateBackEnd");
+end ZLib.Thin;