changeset 124 606eafc6d6a8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseport/syborg/webcamera/webcamera_uvc.h	Mon Oct 18 19:39:25 2010 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 ISB.
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* ISB - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: UVC FOrmat Header 
+#include <comm.h>
+#define KWebcameraEoh			(TUint8)(0x80)
+#define KWebcameraErr			(TUint8)(0x40)
+#define KWebcameraSti			(TUint8)(0x20)
+#define KWebcameraRes			(TUint8)(0x10)
+#define KWebcameraScr			(TUint8)(0x08)
+#define KWebcameraPts			(TUint8)(0x04)
+#define KWebcameraEof			(TUint8)(0x02)
+#define KWebcameraFid			(TUint8)(0x01)
+#define KWebcameraTokenCounter	(TUint16)(0x1fff)
+/* UVC DescriptorType */
+#define KWebcameraSCUndefined					(TUint8)(0x00)
+#define KWebcameraSCVideoControl				(TUint8)(0x01)
+#define KWebcameraSCVideoStreaming				(TUint8)(0x02)
+#define KWebcameraSCVideoInterfaceCollection	(TUint8)(0x03)
+/* VideoStreaming DescriptorSubType */
+#define KWebcameraVSUndefined			(TUint8)(0x00)
+#define KWebcameraVSInputHeader			(TUint8)(0x01)
+#define KWebcameraVSOutputHeader		(TUint8)(0x02)
+#define KWebcameraVSStillImageFrame		(TUint8)(0x03)
+#define KWebcameraVSFormatUnconmpressed (TUint8)(0x04)
+#define KWebcameraVSFrameUncompressed	(TUint8)(0x05)
+#define KWebcameraVSFormatJPEG			(TUint8)(0x06)
+#define KWebcameraVSFrameJPEG			(TUint8)(0x07)
+#define KWebcameraVSFormatMPEG2TS		(TUint8)(0x0a)
+#define KWebcameraVSFormatDV			(TUint8)(0x0c)
+#define KWebcameraVSColorFormat			(TUint8)(0x0d)
+#define KWebcameraVSFormatFrameBased	(TUint8)(0x10)
+#define KWebcameraVSFrameFrameBased		(TUint8)(0x11)
+#define KWebcameraVSFormatStreamBased	(TUint8)(0x12)
+/* VideoFormat(GUID) */
+#define KWebcameraYuy2	(TUint32)(0x32595559)
+#define KWebcameraVideoStream	(TUint32)(0x73646976)
+class TWebcameraGuid
+	{
+	TUint32	iData1;
+	TUint16	iData2;
+	TUint16	iData3;
+	TUint8	iData4[8];
+	};
+class TWebcameraDataFortmat
+	{
+	TUint32			iFormatSize;
+	TUint32			iFlags;
+	TUint32			iSampleSize;
+	TUint32			iReserved;
+	TWebcameraGuid	iMajorFormat;
+	TWebcameraGuid	iSubFormat;
+	TWebcameraGuid	iSpecifier;
+	};
+class TWebcameraRect
+	{
+	TInt32 iLeft;
+	TInt32 iTop;
+	TInt32 iRight;
+	TInt32 iBottom;
+	};
+class TWebcameraBitmapInfoHeader
+	{
+	TUint32	iSize;
+	TInt32	iWidth;
+	TInt32	iHeight;
+	TUint16	iPlanes;
+	TUint16	iBitCount;
+	TUint32	iCompression;
+	TUint32	iSizeImage;
+	TInt32	iXPelsPerMeter;
+	TInt32	iYPelsPerMeter;
+	TUint32	iClrUsed;
+	TUint32	iClrImportant;
+	};
+class TWebcameraVideoInfoHeader
+	{
+	TWebcameraRect				iRcSource;
+	TWebcameraRect				iRcTarget;
+	TUint32						iDwBitRate;
+	TUint32						iDwBitErrorRate;
+	Int64						iAvgTimePerFrame;
+	TWebcameraBitmapInfoHeader	iBmiHeader;
+	};
+class TWebcameraDataInfo
+	{
+	TWebcameraDataFortmat		iDataFortmat;
+	TWebcameraVideoInfoHeader	iVideoInfoHeader;
+	};
+class TWebcameraUVCSourceClockReference
+	{
+	TUint16	iTokenCounter;
+	TUint32	iSourceTimeClock;
+	};
+class TWebcameraUVCHeaderFormat
+	{
+	/**
+	Variables that configure UVC Header.
+	*/
+	TUint8								iHeaderLength;
+	TUint8								iHeaderInfo;
+	TUint32								iPresentationTime;
+	TWebcameraUVCSourceClockReference	iSourceClockReference;
+	};
+class TWebcameraUVCFormatDescriptor
+	{
+	TUint8			iLength;
+	TUint8			iDescriptorType;
+	TUint8			iDescriptorSubType;
+	TUint8			iFormatIndex;
+	TUint8			iNumFrameDescriptor;
+	TWebcameraGuid	iGuid;
+	TUint8			iBitsPerPixel;
+	TUint8			iDefaultFrameIndex;
+	TUint8			iAspectRatioX;
+	TUint8			iAspectRatioY;
+	TUint8			iInterlaceFlags;
+	TUint8			iCopyProtect;
+	TUint8			iDataoffset;
+	TUint8			iPacketLength1;
+	TUint32			iPacketLength2;
+	TUint8			iStrideLength;
+	TWebcameraGuid	iGuidStrideFormat;
+	TUint8			iFlags;
+	TUint8			iVariableSize;
+	TUint32			iMaxVideoFrameBufferSize;
+	TUint8			iFormatType;
+	};
+class TWebcameraUVCFrameInterval
+	{
+	TUint32 iFrameInterval1;
+	TUint32 iFrameInterval2;
+	TUint32 iFrameInterval3;
+	};
+class TWebcameraUVCFrameDescriptor
+	{
+	TUint8	iLength;
+	TUint8	iDescriptorType;
+	TUint8	iDescriptorSubType;
+	TUint8	iFrameIndex;
+	TUint8	iCapabilities;
+	TUint16	iWidth;
+	TUint16	iHeight;
+	TUint32	iMinBitRate;
+	TUint32	iMaxBitRate;
+	TUint32	iMaxVideoFrameBufferSize;
+	TUint32	iDefaultFrameInterval;
+	TUint8	iFrameIntervalType;
+	TWebcameraUVCFrameInterval iFrameInterval;
+	TUint32	iBytesPerLine;
+	};
+class TWebcameraUVCDescriptor
+	{
+	TWebcameraUVCFormatDescriptor		iFormatDescriptor;
+	TWebcameraUVCFrameDescriptor		iFrameDescriptor;
+	};
+class TWebcameraUVC
+	{
+	TWebcameraUVCHeaderFormat	iUVCHeader;
+	TWebcameraUVCDescriptor		iUVCDescriptor;
+	};
+Describe UVC base class.
+class DWebCameraUVCDescriptor : public DBase// : public DWebCameraUVCBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Constructor.
+	*/
+	DWebCameraUVCDescriptor();
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	~DWebCameraUVCDescriptor();
+	/**
+	Describe UVC Format Descriptor and Frame Descriptor.
+	@param	aDataInfo	[in]					Information of data from lower layer.
+			bDescriptor.
+	*/
+	virtual TWebcameraUVCDescriptor DescribeDescriptor(const TWebcameraDataInfo aDataInfo);
+	};
+Describe descriptor of YUY2 format included in UVC.
+class DWebCameraUVCDescribeDescriptorYUY2 : public DWebCameraUVCDescriptor
+	{
+	/**
+	Constructor.
+	*/
+	DWebCameraUVCDescribeDescriptorYUY2();
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	~DWebCameraUVCDescribeDescriptorYUY2();
+	/**
+	Describe UVC Descriptor of YUY2 Format.
+	@param		aDataInfo			[in]				Information of data from lower layer.
+	@return		bDescriptor.
+	*/
+	TWebcameraUVCDescriptor DescribeDescriptor(const TWebcameraDataInfo aDataInfo);
+	};
+Describe UVC header class. 
+ */
+class DWebCameraUVCHeader
+	{
+	/**
+	Constructor.
+	*/
+	DWebCameraUVCHeader();
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	~DWebCameraUVCHeader();
+	/**
+	Describe UVC Header.
+	@param		aDataInfo	[in]					Information of data from lower layer.
+	@return		bHeader.
+	*/
+	TWebcameraUVCHeaderFormat DescribeHeader(const TWebcameraDataInfo aDataInfo);
+	/**
+	Describe HeaderInfo to be included UVC Header.
+	@param		aDataInfo	[in]					Information of data form lower layer.
+	@return		bHeaderInfo.
+	*/
+	TUint8 DescribeHeaderInfo(TWebcameraDataInfo aDataInfo);
+	/**
+	Describe HeaderLength to be included UVC Header.
+	@param		aDataInfo		[in]				Information of data from lower layer.
+	@return		bHeaderLength.
+	*/
+	TUint8 DescribeHeaderLength(TWebcameraDataInfo aDataInfo, TUint8 aHeaderInfo);
+	/**
+	Describe PresentationTime to be included UVC Header.
+	@param		aDataInfo			[in]									Information of data from lower layer.
+	@return		bPresentationTime.
+	*/
+	TUint32 DescribePresentationTime(TWebcameraDataInfo aDataInfo);
+	/**
+	Describe SourceClockReference to be included UVC Header.
+	@param		aDataInfo				[in]								Information of data from lower layer.
+	@return		bSourceClockReference.
+	*/
+	TWebcameraUVCSourceClockReference DescribeSourceClockReference(TWebcameraDataInfo aDataInfo);
+	TUint8 iFID;
+	};
+Describe class.
+class DWebCameraDescribe : public DBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Constructor.
+	*/
+	DWebCameraDescribe();
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	~DWebCameraDescribe();
+	/**
+	Parse iDataInfo from lower layer and describe UVC Header and Descriptor.
+	@param	aDataInfo			[in]						Information of data from lower layer.
+			aDescriptror		[out]						Header and Descriptor format of YUY2 format.
+	@return	KErrNone.
+	*/
+	TWebcameraUVC ParseDataInfo(const TWebcameraDataInfo aDataInfo);
+	DWebCameraUVCDescriptor* iDescribe;
+	};
+#endif /* WEBCAMERA_UVC_H_ */