--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/e32test-driver/qemuruntest.py Fri Jan 15 09:07:44 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Launch QEMU for SVP with a specified ROM image and core using a COM port for IO
+# Uses Python's Popen class for process control.
+# Test output is captured by invoking QEMU in -nographic mode. This redirects serial output to stdout which can then be PIPE'd
+# using Popen.
+# Tests which hang(or crash into the the crash debugger) are detected using a trivial 'watchdog'. IWBN to use e.g. 'select'
+# with a timeout, but this won't work on Windoze, which only supports timeout's on sockets. If the watchdog timeouts out QEMU is killed.
+# When the test suite runs to (recognizable) completion QEMU is killed. Unfortunately this appears to require an OS specific
+# solution. NB unrecognized completion will result in the watchdog killing QEMU.
+# QemuTestRunner collects output into LineTimeInfo objects. These record the time at which each line was received. The time can be used as a crude
+# measure of how long a test took to execute.
+# The raw data gathered from running the tests can be retrieved using GetResults. This returns a list of LineTimeInfo objects.
+import sys
+mswindows = (sys.platform == "win32")
+# import the following so we can kill QEMU
+if mswindows:
+# import win32api
+ import signal
+ import signal
+import os
+import time
+import re
+import subprocess
+from subprocess import *
+from stat import *
+import watchdog
+__all__ = ["QemuTestRunner"]
+class LineTimeInfo(object):
+ def __init__(self, line, atime):
+ self.line = line
+ self.time = atime
+ def GetLine(self):
+ return self.line
+ def GetTime(self):
+ return self.time
+class QemuTestRunner(object):
+ def __init__(self, qemupath, cpu, rompath, board = 'syborg', endOfTestFn=None, displayp=False, dataFile = None):
+ """Create new QemuTestRunner instance."""
+ self.qemupath = qemupath
+ self.board = board
+ self.cpu = cpu
+ self.rompath = rompath
+ self.endOfTestFn = endOfTestFn
+ self.displayp = displayp
+ #self.cmd = qemupath + " -M syborg -cpu " + cpu + " -kernel " + rompath + " -nographic"
+ self.cmd = "%s -M %s -cpu %s -kernel %s -nographic" % (qemupath, board, cpu, rompath)
+ self.endOfTestPattern = re.compile('RUNTESTS: Completed test script')
+ self.lineTimeInfo = []
+ self.id = None
+ self.dataFile = dataFile
+ self.watchdog = watchdog.WatchDog(900, lambda : self.KillSim())
+ def Run(self):
+ self.lineTimeInfo = []
+ output = False
+ self.timeStarted = time.gmtime()
+ self.id = time.strftime("%d-%m%--%Y-%H-%M-%S", self.timeStarted)
+ if self.dataFile != None:
+ filename = self.dataFile + "-" + self.GetRunId() + "-data.txt"
+ self.dataFileName = filename
+ output = open(filename, 'wb')
+ p = Popen( self.cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE )
+ self.popen = p
+ stdin = p.stdin
+ stdout = p.stdout
+ stop = False
+ if self.displayp:
+ print >> sys.stdout, self.cmd
+ self.watchdog.Start()
+ try:
+ while p.poll() == None and not stop:
+ line = stdout.readline()
+ atime = time.clock()
+ self.watchdog.Reset()
+ if self.displayp and p.returncode == None:
+ print >> sys.stdout , line
+ if output and p.returncode == None:
+ print >> output , line
+ if p.returncode == None:
+ self.lineTimeInfo.append(LineTimeInfo(line, atime))
+ if self.endOfTestFn != None:
+ stop = self.endOfTestFn(line)
+ else:
+ stop = self.EndOfTestp(line)
+ finally:
+ self.timeEnded = time.gmtime()
+ self.watchdog.Stop()
+ if output:
+ output.close()
+ self.testSuiteFinished = stop;
+ if p.returncode == None:
+ self.KillSim()
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def GetDataFileName(self):
+ return self.dataFileName
+ def TestSuiteFinishedp(self):
+ return self.testSuiteFinished
+ def EndOfTestp(self, l):
+ return re.match(self.endOfTestPattern,l) != None
+ def KillSim(self):
+# if mswindows:
+# win32api.TerminateProcess(int(self.popen._handle), -1)
+# else:
+ os.kill(slef.popen.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
+ def GetResults(self):
+ return self.lineTimeInfo
+ def GetRomName(self):
+ return self.rompath
+ def GetRunId(self):
+ return self.id
+ def GetSummary(self):
+ simStat = os.stat(self.qemupath)
+ simSummary = "QEMU Executable: %s size: %d creation time: %d\n" % (self.qemupath, simStat[ST_SIZE], simStat[ST_CTIME])
+ boardSummary ="Board: %s\n" % self.board
+ cpuSummary = "CPU: %s\n" % self.cpu
+ romStat = os.stat(self.rompath)
+ romSummary = "ROM image: %s size: %d creation date: %d\n" % (self.rompath, romStat[ST_SIZE], romStat[ST_CTIME])
+ timeFormat = "%d-%m%--%Y %H:%M:%S"
+ startTime = "Start time: " + time.strftime(timeFormat, self.timeStarted) + "\n"
+ endTime = "End time: " + time.strftime(timeFormat, self.timeEnded) + "\n"
+ status = "Testsuite did not complete\n"
+ if self.TestSuiteFinishedp():
+ status = "Testsuite completed\n"
+ return simSummary + boardSummary + cpuSummary + romSummary + startTime + endTime + status
+ def GetReportFileName(self):
+ return self.GetRomName() + "-" + self.GetRunId() + "-results-summary.txt"
+class PseudoRunner(QemuTestRunner):
+ def __init__(self, input):
+ #self.qemupath = qemupath
+ #self.board = board
+ #self.cpu = cpu
+ #self.rompath = rompath
+ #self.endOfTestFn = endOfTestFn
+ #self.displayp = displayp
+ #self.cmd = qemupath + " -M syborg -cpu " + cpu + " -kernel " + rompath + " -nographic"
+ #self.endOfTestPattern = re.compile('RUNTESTS: Completed test script')
+ self.lineTimeInfo = []
+ #self.id = None
+ self.dataFile = input
+ for line in open(input):
+ self.lineTimeInfo.append(LineTimeInfo(line, 0))
+ def GetRomName(self):
+ return "Unknown"
+ def GetRunId(self):
+ return None
+ def GetSummary(self):
+ return ""
+ def GetReportFileName(self):
+ return "Runtest-Summary.txt"