Provisional fix for bug 3508 - Persistent storage support breaks Linux compatibility.
Enables to be built and dynamically linked on Linux and rom boot reports persistent storage image created OK, but ROM then crashes.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Accenture Ltd
* Contributors:
* Description: This file is a part of sound driver for Syborg adaptation.
#include "virtio_audio.h"
namespace VirtIo
namespace Audio
static TBool CheckProcessing( TAny* aSelf )
MQueue* queue = reinterpret_cast<MQueue*>( aSelf );
return queue->Processing() == 0;
static void WaitForCompletion( MQueue& aQueue )
SYBORG_VIRTIO_DEBUG("AddBufferHelperWaitForCompletion : {");
TInt st = Kern::PollingWait( &CheckProcessing, &aQueue, 50, 100 );
ASSERT ( (st == KErrNone) && "Polling problem" )
SYBORG_VIRTIO_DEBUG("AddBufferHelperWaitForCompletion : }");
static void AddBufferHelper( MQueue& aQueue, TAddrLen aList[], TUint aBufInCount, TUint aBufOutCount, Token aToken)
TInt st = aQueue.AddBuf(aList, aBufInCount, aBufOutCount, aToken );
if ( st == KErrNotReady )
SYBORG_VIRTIO_DEBUG("AddBufferHelper - no free descriptors at Control Queue, forcing wait");
TUint transferred;
Token t;
while ( ( t = aQueue.GetBuf(transferred), t ) != 0 )
SYBORG_VIRTIO_DEBUG("flushing Q%x, T%x, L%x\n", 0, t, transferred );
st = aQueue.AddBuf(aList, aBufInCount, aBufOutCount, aToken );
ASSERT( st == KErrNone );
if (iCmdMem)
{ Kern::Free( iCmdMem ); }
TInt DControl::Construct()
TUint cmdSize = sizeof(iCmd[0])*KCmdMaxBufCount;
TUint size = cmdSize + sizeof(*iBufferInfo);
// as we are going to align the allocated memory
// we add extra alignment size minus 1
iCmdMem = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( Kern::Alloc( size + sizeof(iCmd[0])-1 ) );
if (!iCmdMem)
{ return KErrNoMemory; }
// let us align the memory address
// note: sizeof(iCmd[0]) is a power of 2
ASSERT( sizeof(iCmd[0]) == POW2ALIGN(sizeof(iCmd[0])) );
TUint8* alignedMem = iCmdMem
+ ( (-(TUint32)iCmdMem)&(sizeof(iCmd[0])-1) ); // adding missing amount of bytes
iCmd = reinterpret_cast<TCommandPadded*>( alignedMem );
iBufferInfo = reinterpret_cast<TBufferInfo*>( alignedMem + cmdSize );
for (TUint i = 0; i< KCmdMaxBufCount; ++i)
iCmd[i].iStream = iDataQueueId - 1;
iCmd[0].iCommand = Audio::ECmdSetEndian;
iCmd[1].iCommand = Audio::ECmdSetChannels;
iCmd[2].iCommand = Audio::ECmdSetFormat;
iCmd[3].iCommand = Audio::ECmdSetFrequency;
iCmd[4].iCommand = Audio::ECmdInit;
iCmd[5].iCommand = Audio::ECmdRun;
iCmd[5].iArg = Audio::EDoRun; //start stream
iCmd[6].iCommand = Audio::ECmdRun;
iCmd[6].iArg = Audio::EDoStop; //stop stream
iCmd[7].iCommand = Audio::ECmdRun;
iCmd[7].iArg = Audio::EDoStop; //kind of pause
iCmd[8].iCommand = Audio::ECmdRun;
iCmd[8].iArg = Audio::EDoRun; //kind of resume
iCmd[9].iCommand = Audio::ECmdInit; // kind of shutdown
iCmd[9].iArg = EDirectionNone;
return KErrNone;
TInt DControl::Setup( StreamDirection aDirection, TInt aChannelNum,
FormatId aFormat, TInt aFreq)
if (iIsRunning
&& (( aDirection != iDirection )
|| (aFormat != iCmd[2].iArg )
|| (aFreq != iCmd[3].iArg )
|| (aChannelNum != iCmd[1].iArg )
{ return KErrInUse; }
iCmd[1].iArg = aChannelNum;
iCmd[2].iArg = aFormat;
iCmd[3].iArg = aFreq;
iCmd[4].iArg = iDirection = aDirection;
if (!iIsRunning) {
AddCommand(&iCmd[4],(Token)4, iBufferInfo, sizeof(*iBufferInfo) );
return KErrNone;
void DControl::AddCommand( TCommandPadded* aCmd, Token aToken )
TAddrLen list;
list.iLen = sizeof(TCommand);
list.iAddr = Epoc::LinearToPhysical((TUint32)aCmd);
SYBORG_VIRTIO_DEBUG("AddCommand %x %x %x", aCmd->iCommand, aCmd->iStream, aCmd->iArg);
AddBufferHelper( ControlQueue(), &list, 1, 0, aToken );
void DControl::AddCommand( TCommandPadded* aCmd, Token aToken,
TAny* aMem, TUint aSize )
TAddrLen list[2];
list[0].iLen = sizeof(TCommand);
list[0].iAddr = Epoc::LinearToPhysical((TUint32)aCmd);
list[1].iLen = aSize;
list[1].iAddr = Epoc::LinearToPhysical((TUint32)aMem);
AddBufferHelper( ControlQueue(),list, 1, 1, aToken );
void DControl::AddCommand( Command aCmd )
TUint idx = aCmd;
if ( (aCmd == EStop) || (aCmd == EShutDown) )
// due to bug on qemu's side we need to stop sending buffers
// and wait for all pending buffers to get filled...
iIsRunning = 0;
AddCommand(&iCmd[idx], (Token)idx );
if (aCmd == ERun )
iIsRunning = 1;
TInt DControl::SendDataBuffer( TAny* virtaulAddr, TUint aSize, Token aToken )
TAddrLen sgl[KMaxSGLItemCountPerAudioBuffer];
TUint sglCount = KMaxSGLItemCountPerAudioBuffer;
TInt st = LinearToSGL(virtaulAddr, aSize, sgl, sglCount );
ASSERT( st != KErrNoMemory ); // failure means our fixed lenght sgl table is too small
if (st!=KErrNone)
{ return st; }
st = DataQueue().AddBuf( sgl,
iDirection == EDirectionPlayback ? sglCount : 0,
iDirection == EDirectionRecord ? sglCount : 0,
aToken );
if (st!=KErrNone)
{ return st; }
return KErrNone;
} // namespace Audio
} // namespace VirtIo