Provisional fix for bug 3508 - Persistent storage support breaks Linux compatibility.
Enables to be built and dynamically linked on Linux and rom boot reports persistent storage image created OK, but ROM then crashes.
# lib/Makefile.w32 - Makefile for W32 port.# Copyright (C) 1995 - 2006 Michael Riepe# # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.# # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU# Library General Public License for more details.# # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA# @(#) $Id: Makefile.w32,v 1.2 2006/11/21 20:21:12 michael Exp $instroot =prefix = exec_prefix = libdir = includedir = installdirs = $(libdir) $(includedir) $(includedir)/libelfCC = cl /nologoLD = link /nologoAR = MV = RM = delLN_S = RANLIB = INSTALL = INSTALL_DATA = INSTALL_PROGRAM = CFLAGS = /O2 /W2 /TC /MDCPPFLAGS = DEFS = /DHAVE_CONFIG_HLDFLAGS = LIBS = DEPSHLIBS = DO_SHLIB = PICFLAGS = SHLIB_SFX = .dllSHLINK_SFX = SONAME_SFX = LINK_SHLIB = $(LD) /DLL $(LDFLAGS)SHLIB = libelf$(SHLIB_SFX)SHLINK = libelf$(SHLINK_SFX)SONAME = libelf$(SONAME_SFX)# install includes in includedir?DO_COMPAT = INCLUDES = /I.COMPILE = $(CC) /c $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(XCFLAGS)# no user serviceable parts belowPACKAGE = libelfVERSION = 0.8.9MAJOR = 0SHELL = /bin/shsrcdir = .top_srcdir = ..topdir = ..subdir = lib.SUFFIXES:.SUFFIXES: .obj .c.c.obj: $(COMPILE) $<# generic sourcesSRCS1 = begin.c cntl.c end.c errmsg.c errno.c fill.c flag.c getarhdr.c \ getarsym.c getbase.c getdata.c getident.c getscn.c hash.c kind.c \ ndxscn.c newdata.c newscn.c next.c nextscn.c rand.c rawdata.c \ rawfile.c strptr.c update.c version.c checksum.cOBJS1 = $(SRCS1:.c=.obj)# 32-bit sourcesSRCS2 = 32.fsize.c 32.getehdr.c 32.getphdr.c 32.getshdr.c 32.newehdr.c \ 32.newphdr.c 32.xlatetof.cOBJS2 = $(SRCS2:.c=.obj)# supportSRCS3 = cook.c data.c input.c assert.cOBJS3 = $(SRCS3:.c=.obj)# nlistSRCS4 = nlist.cOBJS4 = $(SRCS4:.c=.obj)# optSRCS5 = opt.delscn.c x.remscn.c x.movscn.c x.elfext.cOBJS5 = $(SRCS5:.c=.obj)# 64-bit sourcesSRCS64 = 64.xlatetof.c gelfehdr.c gelfphdr.c gelfshdr.c gelftrans.c swap64.cOBJS64 = $(SRCS64:.c=.obj)# Versioning sourcesSRCS_V = verdef_32_tof.c verdef_32_tom.c verdef_64_tof.c verdef_64_tom.cOBJS_V = $(SRCS_V:.c=.obj)HDRS_V = verdef.h verneed.hSRCS = $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) $(SRCS3) $(SRCS4) $(SRCS5) $(SRCS64) $(SRCS_V)OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(OBJS4) $(OBJS5) $(OBJS64) $(OBJS_V)# missing functionsLIBSRCS = memset.cLIBOBJS = # public header filesHDRS = libelf.h nlist.h gelf.h# public header files (created by configure)AUXHDRS = sys_elf.h# private header filesPRIVHDRS = byteswap.h errors.h ext_types.h private.h elf_repl.h $(HDRS_V)DISTFILES = $(SRCS) $(LIBSRCS) $(HDRS) $(PRIVHDRS) sys_elf.h.inall: $(OBJS) $(SHLIB)check:$(SHLIB): libelf.def $(OBJS) $(LIBOBJS) -@$(RM) $(SHLIB) $(LINK_SHLIB) /OUT:"$(SHLIB)" /DEF:"libelf.def" $(OBJS) $(LIBOBJS) kernel32.libinstall:mostlyclean: -$(RM) *.obj -$(RM) $(SHLIB) -$(RM) libelf.lib -$(RM) libelf.expclean: mostlycleandistclean: clean -$(RM) $(AUXHDRS)maintainer-clean: distclean# dependencies$(OBJS): private.h config.h libelf.h gelf.h errors.h $(AUXHDRS)32.fsize.obj: ext_types.h32.xlatetof.obj: byteswap.h ext_types.h64.xlatetof.obj: byteswap.h ext_types.hgetarsym.obj: byteswap.hmemset.obj: config.hnlist.obj: nlist.hswap64.obj: byteswap.h$(OBJS_V): byteswap.h ext_types.h $(HDRS_V)