dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.AC_INIT(dwarfdump.c)AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)AC_PROG_CCAC_GCC_TRADITIONALAC_PROG_INSTALLAC_CHECK_TOOL(RANLIB, ranlib, :)AC_CHECK_TOOL(AR, ar)dnl AC_ARFLAGS/* Define to 1 if the elf64_getehdr function is in libelf.a */#undef HAVE_ELF64_GETEHDRAC_CHECK_HEADERS(elf.h getopt.h libelf.h libelf/libelf.h sgidefs.h sys/types.h)AC_CHECK_LIB(elf,elf64_getehdr, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ELF64_GETEHDR,1, [Define to 1 if the elf64_getehdr function is in libelf.a.]))dnl Find out where the elf header is.if test "$ac_cv_header_elf_h" = yes; then AC_DEFINE(LOCATION_OF_LIBELFHEADER,[<elf.h>], [Define to header that first defines elf])elif test "$ac_cv_header_libelf_h" = yes; then AC_DEFINE(LOCATION_OF_LIBELFHEADER, [<libelf.h>], [Define to header that first defines elf.])elif test "$ac_cv_header_libelf_libelf_h" = yes; then AC_DEFINE(LOCATION_OF_LIBELFHEADER,[<libelf/libelf.h>], [Define to header that first defines elf.])fiAC_TRY_COMPILE([#include LOCATION_OF_LIBELFHEADER], Elf64_Rel *p; int i; i = p->r_info; ,AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ELF64_R_INFO,1, [Define to 1 if the Elf64_Rel structure has r_info field.]))AC_TRY_COMPILE([], __uint32_t p; p = 3; ,AC_DEFINE(HAVE___UINT32_T, 1,[See if __uint32_t is predefined in the compiler. ]))AC_TRY_COMPILE([], __uint64_t p; p = 3; ,AC_DEFINE(HAVE___UINT64_T, 1,[See if __uint64_t is predefined in the compiler. ]))AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/types.h>],[ __uint32_t p; p = 3]; , AC_DEFINE(HAVE___UINT32_T_IN_SYS_TYPES_H,1, [Define 1 if sys/types.h defines __uint32_t.]))AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <libelf.h>],[ int p; p = 0; ] , AC_DEFINE(HAVE_RAW_LIBELF_OK,1, [Define 1 if plain libelf builds.]))AC_TRY_COMPILE([#define _GNU_SOURCE#include <libelf.h>],[ off64_t p; p = 0;] , AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBELF_OFF64_OK,1, [Define 1 if off64 is defined via libelf with GNU_SOURCE.]))AC_OUTPUT(Makefile)