author emilioc
Wed, 27 Jan 2010 14:42:12 +0000
changeset 38 33dfab4ab0fc
parent 34 92d87f2e53c2
permissions -rw-r--r--
PDD Display Driver for Syborg


  Copyright (C) 2000,2002,2004,2005,2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
  as published by the Free Software Foundation.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

  Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
  free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
  or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
  otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
  any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
  other software, or any other product whatsoever.  

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
  License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software 
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  Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1500 Crittenden Lane,
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  For further information regarding this notice, see:


/* This source file used for SGI-IRIX rqs processing.
   Unused otherwise.

#include "config.h"
#include "dwarf_incl.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dwarf_line.h"
#include <alloca.h>

	Return DW_DLV_OK or, if error,

	Thru pointers, return 2 arrays and a count
	for rqs.
_dwarf_line_address_offsets(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
			    Dwarf_Die die,
			    Dwarf_Addr ** addrs,
			    Dwarf_Off ** offs,
			    Dwarf_Unsigned * returncount,
			    Dwarf_Error * err)
    Dwarf_Addr *laddrs;
    Dwarf_Off *loffsets;
    Dwarf_Signed lcount;
    Dwarf_Signed i;
    int res;
    Dwarf_Line *linebuf;

    res = _dwarf_internal_srclines(die, &linebuf, &lcount,	/* addrlist= 
								 */ true,
				   /* linelist= */ false, err);
    if (res != DW_DLV_OK) {
	return res;
    laddrs = (Dwarf_Addr *)
	_dwarf_get_alloc(dbg, DW_DLA_ADDR, lcount);
    if (laddrs == NULL) {
	dwarf_srclines_dealloc(dbg, linebuf, lcount);
	_dwarf_error(dbg, err, DW_DLE_ALLOC_FAIL);
	return (DW_DLV_ERROR);
    loffsets = (Dwarf_Off *)
	_dwarf_get_alloc(dbg, DW_DLA_ADDR, lcount);
    if (loffsets == NULL) {
	dwarf_srclines_dealloc(dbg, linebuf, lcount);
	/* We already allocated what laddrs points at, so we'e better
	   deallocate that space since we are not going to return the
	   pointer to the caller. */
	dwarf_dealloc(dbg, laddrs, DW_DLA_ADDR);
	_dwarf_error(dbg, err, DW_DLE_ALLOC_FAIL);
	return (DW_DLV_ERROR);

    for (i = 0; i < lcount; i++) {
	laddrs[i] = linebuf[i]->li_address;
	loffsets[i] = linebuf[i]->li_addr_line.li_offset;
    dwarf_srclines_dealloc(dbg, linebuf, lcount);
    *returncount = lcount;
    *offs = loffsets;
    *addrs = laddrs;
    return DW_DLV_OK;

   It's impossible for callers of dwarf_srclines() to get to and
   free all the resources (in particular, the li_context and its
   So this function, new July 2005, does it.  