Fix for Bug 3671 - QEMU GDB stub listens on IPv6-only port on Windows 7
The connection string used by the GDB stub does not specify which
version of the Internet Protocol should be used by the port on
which it listens. On host platforms with IPv6 support, such as
Windows 7, this means that the stub listens on an IPv6-only port.
Since the GDB client uses IPv4, this means that the client cannot
connect to QEMU.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# RTestParser represents the results of running an RTest testsuite on the target in terms of RTest
# objects. Each RTest object captures the LineTimeInfo associated with the test and can determine
# whether the test errored, failed or passed. It also provides further information such as the name of
# the test and how long it took to gather the output from the test (which is a crude estimate of how long
# it took to run the test. It can provide various useful bits of information like the line number in the
# raw test data of a given line and the 'context' of a failure (in terms of the lines in the raw data).
import sys
import re
import qemuruntest
startRTestPattern = re.compile('RTEST TITLE:')
bmSuiteFailurePattern = re.compile('Error:')
endRTestPattern = re.compile('RUNTESTS: Test')
failedRTestPattern = re.compile('RUNTESTS: Test .* FAIL')
erroredRTestPattern = re.compile('RUNTESTS: Test .* ERROR')
nameRTestPattern = re.compile('RUNTESTS: Test (\w+)')
testSuiteEndingPattern = re.compile('RUNTESTS: Elapsed')
class NoRTestsFound(Exception):
def __init__(self, parser):
self.parser = parser
def __str__(self):
return "No test results found in output from running '%s' rom image" % (self.parser.GetRomName())
def GetParser(self):
return self.parser
class RTestEndMissing(Exception):
def __init__(self, rtest):
self.rtest = rtest
def __str__(self):
return "Could not find end of test started on line %d: '%s'" % (self.rtest.GetLineNumber(0), self.rtest.GetLine(0))
def GetParser(self):
return self.parser
def GetIndex(self):
return self.index
class RTestNameMissing(Exception):
def __init__(self, rtest, line):
self.rtest = rtest
self.line = line
def GetRTest(self):
return self.rtest
def __str__(self):
return "Could not find RTest name in line '%s'" % (self.line)
def GetParser(self):
return self.parser
def GetLine(self):
return self.line
class RTest(object):
def __init__(self, parser, lineTimeInfo, startLine = 0):
"""return new RTest instance"""
self.parser = parser
self.lineTimeInfoList = []
self.timeTaken = None
self.result = None = None
self.startLine = startLine
#line = lineTimeInfo.GetLine()
#print >> sys.stdout, line
def __str__(self):
return self.GetName() + " " + self.GetResult()
def Consume(self,lineTimeInfoList, start):
newStart = start;
for i in range(start, len(lineTimeInfoList) - 1):
lineTimeInfo = lineTimeInfoList[i]
line = lineTimeInfo.GetLine()
newStart = newStart + 1
if self.EndOfTestp(line):
raise RTestEndMissing(self)
return newStart
def EndOfTestp(self,line):
return re.match(endRTestPattern, line) != None
def FailedTestp(self,line):
return re.match(failedRTestPattern, line) != None
def ErroredTestp(self,line):
return re.match(erroredRTestPattern, line) != None
def GetTimeTaken(self):
if self.timeTaken == None:
self.timeTaken = self.lineTimeInfoList[-1].GetTime() - self.lineTimeInfoList[0].GetTime()
return self.timeTaken
def GetResult(self):
if self.result == None:
line = self.lineTimeInfoList[-1].GetLine()
if self.FailedTestp(line):
self.result = 'Failed'
elif self.ErroredTestp(line):
self.result = 'Errored'
self.result = 'Passed'
return self.result
def Failedp(self):
return self.GetResult() == 'Failed'
def Erroredp(self):
return self.GetResult() == 'Errored'
def Passedp(self):
return self.GetResult() == 'Passed'
def GetName(self):
if == None:
try: = self.ParseName()
except RTestNameMissing, x:
print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: ", x = "RTEST @ line %d" % (x.GetRTest().GetLineNumber(0))
def ParseName(self):
line = self.lineTimeInfoList[-1].GetLine()
m = re.match(nameRTestPattern, line)
if m != None:
raise RTestNameMissing(self, line)
def GetLineNumber(self, i):
return self.startLine + i
def GetLine(self, index):
return self.lineTimeInfoList[index].GetLine()
def ErrorContext(self):
if self.Failedp():
return map(qemuruntest.LineTimeInfo.GetLine, self.lineTimeInfoList[-5:-1])
return []
class RTestParser(object):
def __init__(self, testRunner, lineTimeInfoList = None):
self.testRunner = testRunner
if lineTimeInfoList == None:
self.lineTimeInfoList = testRunner.GetResults()
self.lineTimeInfoList = lineTimeInfoList
self.rtestList = []
self.result = None
def Parse(self):
index = 0
end = len(self.lineTimeInfoList)
self.rtestList = []
testSuiteComplete = False
testErroredp = False
# find first test
while index < end:
lineTimeInfo = self.lineTimeInfoList[index]
index += 1;
line = lineTimeInfo.GetLine()
if self.StartOfTestp(line):
if self.ErroredTestp(line):
self.rtestList.append(RTest(self, lineTimeInfo, index-1))
raise NoRTestsFound(self)
while index < end:
# NB making startLine index means that line number are based at 1 rather than 0
rtest = RTest(self, lineTimeInfo, startLine = index)
index = rtest.Consume(self.lineTimeInfoList, index)
if self.TestSuiteEnding(self.lineTimeInfoList[index].GetLine()):
testSuiteComplete = True
while index < end:
lineTimeInfo = self.lineTimeInfoList[index]
index += 1;
line = lineTimeInfo.GetLine()
if self.StartOfTestp(line):
if self.ErroredTestp(line):
self.rtestList.append(RTest(self, lineTimeInfo, startLine = index))
except RTestEndMissing, x:
print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: ", x
return testSuiteComplete
def StartOfTestp(self,line):
if re.match(startRTestPattern, line) != None:
return True
if re.match(bmSuiteFailurePattern, line) != None:
return True
return False
def ErroredTestp(self,line):
if re.match(erroredRTestPattern, line) != None:
return True
def TestSuiteEnding(self,line):
return re.match(testSuiteEndingPattern, line) != None
def GetRTests(self):
return self.rtestList
def GetLine(self,index):
return self.lineTimeInfoList[index]
def GetRomName(self):
return self.testRunner.GetRomName()