Fix bug 2183 - Clicking a QEMU skin button causes screen flicker on the display area (edit)
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$Header: /plroot/cmplrs.src/v7.4.5m/.RCS/PL/dwarfdump/RCS/esb.h,v 1.1 2005/08/04 05:09:37 davea Exp $ */
/* esb.h
Extensible string buffer.
A simple vaguely object oriented extensible string buffer.
The struct could be opaque here, but it seems ok to expose
the contents: simplifies debugging.
struct esb_s {
string esb_string; /* pointer to the data itself, or NULL. */
size_t esb_allocated_size; /* Size of allocated data or 0 */
size_t esb_used_bytes; /* Amount of space used or 0 */
/* string length taken from string itself. */
void esb_append(struct esb_s *data, string in_string);
/* The 'len' is believed. Do not pass in strings < len bytes long. */
void esb_appendn(struct esb_s *data, string in_string, size_t len);
/* Always returns an empty string or a non-empty string. Never 0. */
string esb_get_string(struct esb_s *data);
/* Sets esb_used_bytes to zero. The string is not freed and
esb_allocated_size is unchanged. */
void esb_empty_string(struct esb_s *data);
/* Return esb_used_bytes. */
size_t esb_string_len(struct esb_s *data);
/* The following are for testing esb, not use by dwarfdump. */
/* *data is presumed to contain garbage, not values, and
is properly initialized. */
void esb_constructor(struct esb_s *data);
/* The string is freed, contents of *data set to zeroes. */
void esb_destructor(struct esb_s *data);
/* To get all paths in the code tested, this sets the
allocation/reallocation to the given value, which can be quite small
but must not be zero. */
void esb_alloc_size(size_t size);
size_t esb_get_allocated_size(struct esb_s *data);