Fix bug 2183 - Clicking a QEMU skin button causes screen flicker on the display area (edit)
Copyright (C) 2000,2004,2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Portions Copyright (C) 2007 David Anderson. All Rights Reserved.
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under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
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$Header: /plroot/cmplrs.src/v7.4.5m/.RCS/PL/dwarfdump/RCS/globals.h,v 1.25 2006/04/17 00:09:56 davea Exp $ */
#ifndef globals_INCLUDED
#define globals_INCLUDED
#include "config.h"
#if (!defined(HAVE_RAW_LIBELF_OK) && defined(HAVE_LIBELF_OFF64_OK) )
/* At a certain point libelf.h requires _GNU_SOURCE.
here we assume the criteria in configure determine that
#define _GNU_SOURCE 1
/* We want __uint32_t and __uint64_t and __int32_t __int64_t
properly defined but not duplicated, since duplicate typedefs
are not legal C.
HAVE___UINT64_T will be set by configure if
our 4 types are predefined in compiler
#if (!defined(HAVE___UINT32_T)) && defined(HAVE_SGIDEFS_H)
#include <sgidefs.h> /* sgidefs.h defines them */
#define HAVE___UINT32_T 1
#define HAVE___UINT64_T 1
#if (!defined(HAVE___UINT32_T)) && defined(HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) && defined(HAVE___UINT32_T_IN_SYS_TYPES_H)
# include <sys/types.h>
/* we assume __[u]int32_t and __[u]int64_t defined
since __uint32_t defined in the sys/types.h in use */
#define HAVE___UINT32_T 1
#define HAVE___UINT64_T 1
#ifndef HAVE___UINT32_T
typedef int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned __uint32_t;
#define HAVE___UINT32_T 1
#ifndef HAVE___UINT64_T
typedef long long __int64_t;
typedef unsigned long long __uint64_t;
#define HAVE___UINT64_T 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef HAVE_ELF_H
#include <elf.h>
#include <libelf.h>
#include <libelf/libelf.h>
#include <dwarf.h>
#include <libdwarf.h>
typedef char * string;
typedef int boolean;
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
/* size of attrib_buffer, defined in print_die.c */
#define ATTRIB_BUFSIZ 999
typedef struct {
int checks;
int errors;
} Dwarf_Check_Result;
extern int verbose;
extern boolean dense;
extern boolean ellipsis;
extern boolean dst_format;
extern boolean use_mips_regnames;
extern boolean show_global_offsets;
extern boolean check_pubname_attr;
extern boolean check_attr_tag;
extern boolean check_tag_tree;
extern boolean check_type_offset;
extern Dwarf_Check_Result abbrev_code_result;
extern Dwarf_Check_Result pubname_attr_result;
extern Dwarf_Check_Result reloc_offset_result;
extern Dwarf_Check_Result attr_tag_result;
extern Dwarf_Check_Result tag_tree_result;
extern Dwarf_Check_Result type_offset_result;
extern boolean info_flag;
extern boolean use_old_dwarf_loclist;
extern char cu_name[ ];
extern boolean cu_name_flag;
extern Dwarf_Unsigned cu_offset;
extern Dwarf_Off fde_offset_for_cu_low;
extern Dwarf_Off fde_offset_for_cu_high;
extern int check_error;
extern Dwarf_Error err;
extern void print_error (Dwarf_Debug dbg, string msg,int res, Dwarf_Error err);
extern void print_line_numbers_this_cu (Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Die in_die);
struct dwconf_s;
extern void print_frames (Dwarf_Debug dbg, int print_debug_frame,
int print_eh_frame,struct dwconf_s *);
extern void print_pubnames (Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_macinfo (Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_locs (Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_abbrevs (Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_strings (Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_aranges (Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_relocinfo (Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_static_funcs(Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_static_vars(Dwarf_Debug dbg);
enum type_type_e {SGI_TYPENAME, DWARF_PUBTYPES} ;
extern void print_types(Dwarf_Debug dbg,enum type_type_e type_type);
extern void print_weaknames(Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern void print_exception_tables(Dwarf_Debug dbg);
extern string get_fde_proc_name(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Addr low_pc);
extern void print_die_and_children(
Dwarf_Debug dbg,
Dwarf_Die in_die,
char **srcfiles,
Dwarf_Signed cnt);
extern void print_one_die(
Dwarf_Debug dbg,
Dwarf_Die die,
boolean print_information,
char **srcfiles,
Dwarf_Signed cnt);
#define DWARF_CHECK_ERROR(str) {\
printf("*** DWARF CHECK: %s ***\n", str);\
check_error ++; \
#define DWARF_CHECK_ERROR2(str1, str2) {\
printf("*** DWARF CHECK: %s: %s ***\n", str1, str2);\
check_error ++; \
#define DWARF_CHECK_ERROR3(str1, str2,strexpl) {\
printf("*** DWARF CHECK: %s -> %s: %s ***\n", str1, str2,strexpl);\
check_error ++; \
struct esb_s;
extern Dwarf_Die current_cu_die_for_print_frames; /* This is
an awful hack, making this public. But it enables
cleaning up (doing all dealloc needed). */
extern void printreg(Dwarf_Signed reg,struct dwconf_s *config_data);
extern void print_frame_inst_bytes(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
Dwarf_Ptr cie_init_inst, Dwarf_Signed len,
Dwarf_Signed data_alignment_factor,
int code_alignment_factor, Dwarf_Half addr_size,
struct dwconf_s *config_data);
extern Dwarf_Unsigned local_dwarf_decode_u_leb128(unsigned char *leb128,
unsigned int *leb128_length);
extern Dwarf_Signed local_dwarf_decode_s_leb128(unsigned char *leb128,
unsigned int *leb128_length);
extern void dump_block(char *prefix, char *data, Dwarf_Signed len);
dwarfdump_print_one_locdesc(Dwarf_Debug dbg,
Dwarf_Locdesc * llbuf,
int skip_locdesc_header,
struct esb_s *string_out);
void clean_up_die_esb();
void clean_up_syms_malloc_data();
#endif /* globals_INCLUDED */