Bug 1513: "Too difficult to boot Syborg from PDK"
syborg.dtb exported to same location as syborg ROM images
/* * gelf.h - public header file for libelf. * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2006 Michael Riepe * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *//* @(#) $Id: gelf.h,v 1.15 2006/09/07 15:55:42 michael Exp $ */#ifndef _GELF_H#define _GELF_H#if __LIBELF_INTERNAL__#include <libelf.h>#else /* __LIBELF_INTERNAL__ */#include <libelf/libelf.h>#endif /* __LIBELF_INTERNAL__ */#if __LIBELF_NEED_LINK_H#include <link.h>#elif __LIBELF_NEED_SYS_LINK_H#include <sys/link.h>#endif /* __LIBELF_NEED_LINK_H */#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif /* __cplusplus */#ifndef __P# if (__STDC__ + 0) || defined(__cplusplus) || defined(_WIN32)# define __P(args) args# else /* __STDC__ || defined(__cplusplus) */# define __P(args) ()# endif /* __STDC__ || defined(__cplusplus) */#endif /* __P */#if !__LIBELF64#error "GElf is not supported on this system."#else /* __LIBELF64 */typedef Elf64_Addr GElf_Addr;typedef Elf64_Half GElf_Half;typedef Elf64_Off GElf_Off;typedef Elf64_Sword GElf_Sword;typedef Elf64_Word GElf_Word;typedef Elf64_Sxword GElf_Sxword;typedef Elf64_Xword GElf_Xword;typedef Elf64_Ehdr GElf_Ehdr;typedef Elf64_Phdr GElf_Phdr;typedef Elf64_Shdr GElf_Shdr;typedef Elf64_Dyn GElf_Dyn;typedef Elf64_Rel GElf_Rel;typedef Elf64_Rela GElf_Rela;typedef Elf64_Sym GElf_Sym;/* * Symbol versioning */#if __LIBELF_SYMBOL_VERSIONStypedef Elf64_Verdef GElf_Verdef;typedef Elf64_Verneed GElf_Verneed;typedef Elf64_Verdaux GElf_Verdaux;typedef Elf64_Vernaux GElf_Vernaux;#endif /* __LIBELF_SYMBOL_VERSIONS *//* * These types aren't implemented (yet) *typedef Elf64_Move GElf_Move;typedef Elf64_Syminfo GElf_Syminfo; *//* * Generic macros */#define GELF_ST_BIND ELF64_ST_BIND#define GELF_ST_TYPE ELF64_ST_TYPE#define GELF_ST_INFO ELF64_ST_INFO#define GELF_R_TYPE ELF64_R_TYPE#define GELF_R_SYM ELF64_R_SYM#define GELF_R_INFO ELF64_R_INFO/* * Function declarations */extern int gelf_getclass __P((Elf *__elf));extern size_t gelf_fsize __P((Elf *__elf, Elf_Type __type, size_t __count, unsigned __ver));extern Elf_Data *gelf_xlatetof __P((Elf *__elf, Elf_Data *__dst, const Elf_Data *__src, unsigned __encode));extern Elf_Data *gelf_xlatetom __P((Elf *__elf, Elf_Data *__dst, const Elf_Data *__src, unsigned __encode));extern GElf_Ehdr *gelf_getehdr __P((Elf *__elf, GElf_Ehdr *__dst));extern int gelf_update_ehdr __P((Elf *__elf, GElf_Ehdr *__src));extern unsigned long gelf_newehdr __P((Elf *__elf, int __elfclass));extern GElf_Phdr *gelf_getphdr __P((Elf *__elf, int ndx, GElf_Phdr *__dst));extern int gelf_update_phdr __P((Elf *__elf, int ndx, GElf_Phdr *__src));extern unsigned long gelf_newphdr __P((Elf *__elf, size_t __phnum));extern GElf_Shdr *gelf_getshdr __P((Elf_Scn *__scn, GElf_Shdr *__dst));extern int gelf_update_shdr __P((Elf_Scn *__scn, GElf_Shdr *__src));extern GElf_Dyn *gelf_getdyn __P((Elf_Data *__src, int __ndx, GElf_Dyn *__dst));extern int gelf_update_dyn __P((Elf_Data *__dst, int __ndx, GElf_Dyn *__src));extern GElf_Rel *gelf_getrel __P((Elf_Data *__src, int __ndx, GElf_Rel *__dst));extern int gelf_update_rel __P((Elf_Data *__dst, int __ndx, GElf_Rel *__src));extern GElf_Rela *gelf_getrela __P((Elf_Data *__src, int __ndx, GElf_Rela *__dst));extern int gelf_update_rela __P((Elf_Data *__dst, int __ndx, GElf_Rela *__src));extern GElf_Sym *gelf_getsym __P((Elf_Data *__src, int __ndx, GElf_Sym *__dst));extern int gelf_update_sym __P((Elf_Data *__dst, int __ndx, GElf_Sym *__src));extern long gelf_checksum __P((Elf *__elf));/* * These functions aren't implemented (yet) *extern GElf_Move *gelf_getmove __P((Elf_Data *__src, int __ndx, GElf_Move *__src));extern int gelf_update_move __P((Elf_Data *__dst, int __ndx, GElf_Move *__src)); *extern GElf_Syminfo* gelf_getsyminfo __P((Elf_Data *__src, int __ndx, GElf_Syminfo *__dst));extern int gelf_update_syminfo __P((Elf_Data *__dst, int __ndx, GElf_Syminfo *__src)); *//* * Extensions (not available in other versions of libelf) */extern size_t gelf_msize __P((Elf *__elf, Elf_Type __type, size_t __count, unsigned __ver));#endif /* __LIBELF64 */#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif /* __cplusplus */#endif /* _GELF_H */