Update version of syborg dtb file to reflect change made to Syborg.dts in the fix for Bug 1296
Copyright (C) 2000,2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Dwarf_Ptr _dwarf_get_alloc(Dwarf_Debug, Dwarf_Small, Dwarf_Unsigned);
Dwarf_Debug _dwarf_get_debug(void);
Dwarf_Debug _dwarf_setup_debug(Dwarf_Debug);
int _dwarf_free_all_of_one_debug(Dwarf_Debug);
typedef struct Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s *Dwarf_Alloc_Area;
typedef struct Dwarf_Free_List_s *Dwarf_Free_List;
This struct is used to chain all the deallocated
structs on the free list of each chain. The structs
are chained internally, by using the memory they
struct Dwarf_Free_List_s {
Dwarf_Free_List fl_next;
This struct is used to manage all the chunks malloc'ed
for a particular alloc_type. Many of the fields are
initialized by dwarf_init().
struct Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr_s {
/* Count of actual number of structs user app holds pointers to
currently. */
Dwarf_Sword ah_struct_user_holds;
Size of each struct that will be allocated for this alloc_type.
Initialized by dwarf_init(). */
Dwarf_Half ah_bytes_one_struct;
Number of structs of this alloc_type that will be contained in
each chunk that is malloc'ed. Initialized by dwarf_init(). */
Dwarf_Word ah_structs_per_chunk;
Number of bytes malloc'ed per chunk which is basically
(ah_bytes_one_struct+_DWARF_RESERVE) * ah_alloc_num. */
Dwarf_Word ah_bytes_malloc_per_chunk;
/* Count of chunks currently allocated for type. */
Dwarf_Sword ah_chunks_allocated;
Points to a chain of Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s structs that represent
all the chunks currently allocated for the alloc_type. */
Dwarf_Alloc_Area ah_alloc_area_head;
/* Last Alloc Area that was allocated by malloc. The
free-space-search area looks here first and only if it is full
goes thru the list pointed to by ah_alloc_area_head. */
Dwarf_Alloc_Area ah_last_alloc_area;
This struct is used to manage each chunk that is
malloc'ed for a particular alloc_type. For each
allocation type, the allocation header points to
a list of all the chunks malloc'ed for that type.
struct Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s {
/* Points to the free list of structs in the chunk. */
Dwarf_Ptr aa_free_list;
Count of the number of free structs in the chunk. This includes
both those on the free list, and in the blob. */
Dwarf_Sword aa_free_structs_in_chunk;
Points to the first byte of the blob from which struct will be
allocated. A struct is put on the free_list only when it
dwarf_deallocated. Initial allocations are from the blob. */
Dwarf_Small *aa_blob_start;
/* Points just past the last byte of the blob. */
Dwarf_Small *aa_blob_end;
/* Points to alloc_hdr this alloc_area is linked to: The owner, in
other words. */
Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr aa_alloc_hdr;
Used for chaining Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s atructs. Alloc areas are
doubly linked to enable deletion from the list in constant time. */
Dwarf_Alloc_Area aa_next;
Dwarf_Alloc_Area aa_prev;
struct Dwarf_Error_s *_dwarf_special_no_dbg_error_malloc(void);
DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC is for testing the hypothesis that the existing
complex malloc scheme in libdwarf is pointless complexity.
DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC also makes it easy for a malloc-tracing
tool to verify libdwarf malloc has no botches (though of course
such does not test the complicated standard-libdwarf-alloc code).
struct simple_malloc_entry_s {
Dwarf_Small *se_addr;
unsigned long se_size;
short se_type;
#define DSM_BLOCK_COUNT (1000)
#define DSM_BLOCK_SIZE (sizeof(struct simple_malloc_entry_s)*DSM_BLOCK_COUNT)
/* we do this so dwarf_dealloc can really free everything */
struct simple_malloc_record_s {
struct simple_malloc_record_s *sr_next;
int sr_used;
struct simple_malloc_entry_s sr_entry[DSM_BLOCK_COUNT];