Update version of syborg dtb file to reflect change made to Syborg.dts in the fix for Bug 1296
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This struct holds the abbreviation table, before they are written
on disk. Holds a linked list of abbreviations, each consisting of
a bitmap for attributes and a bitmap for forms
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Abbrev_s *Dwarf_P_Abbrev;
struct Dwarf_P_Abbrev_s {
Dwarf_Unsigned abb_idx; /* index of abbreviation */
Dwarf_Tag abb_tag; /* tag of die */
Dwarf_Ubyte abb_children; /* if children are present */
Dwarf_ufixed *abb_attrs; /* holds names of attrs */
Dwarf_ufixed *abb_forms; /* forms of attributes */
int abb_n_attr; /* num of attrs = # of forms */
Dwarf_P_Abbrev abb_next;
/* used in pro_section.c */
int _dwarf_pro_add_AT_fde(Dwarf_P_Debug dbg, Dwarf_P_Die die,
Dwarf_Unsigned offset, Dwarf_Error * error);
int _dwarf_pro_add_AT_stmt_list(Dwarf_P_Debug dbg,
Dwarf_P_Die first_die,
Dwarf_Error * error);
int _dwarf_pro_add_AT_macro_info(Dwarf_P_Debug dbg,
Dwarf_P_Die first_die,
Dwarf_Unsigned offset,
Dwarf_Error * error);