Thu, 06 May 2010 18:20:27 +0100
changeset 64 6b63d9a6077b
parent 34 92d87f2e53c2
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Update version of syborg dtb file to reflect change made to Syborg.dts in the fix for Bug 1296


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#include <stddef.h>

    Sgidefs included to define __uint32_t, 
    a guaranteed 4-byte quantity.            
#include "libdwarfdefs.h"

#define true                    1
#define false                   0

/* to identify a cie */
#define DW_CIE_ID 		~(0x0)
#define DW_CIE_VERSION		1

/*Dwarf_Word  is unsigned word usable for index, count in memory */
/*Dwarf_Sword is   signed word usable for index, count in memory */
/* The are 32 or 64 bits depending if 64 bit longs or not, which
** fits the  ILP32 and LP64 models
** These work equally well with ILP64.

typedef unsigned long Dwarf_Word;
typedef long Dwarf_Sword;

typedef signed char Dwarf_Sbyte;
typedef unsigned char Dwarf_Ubyte;
typedef signed short Dwarf_Shalf;

	On any change that makes libdwarf producer
	incompatible, increment this number.
	1->2->3 ...

#define  PRO_VERSION_MAGIC 0xdead1

/* these 2 are fixed sizes which must not vary with the
** ILP32/LP64 model. These two stay at 32 bit.
typedef __uint32_t Dwarf_ufixed;
typedef __int32_t Dwarf_sfixed;

	This struct is used to hold information about all
	debug* sections. On creating a new section, section
	names and indices are added to this struct
	definition in pro_section.h
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Section_Data_s *Dwarf_P_Section_Data;

	This struct is used to hold entries in the include directories
	part of statement prologue. Definition in pro_line.h
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Inc_Dir_s *Dwarf_P_Inc_Dir;

	This struct holds file entries for the statement prologue. 
	Defined in pro_line.h
typedef struct Dwarf_P_F_Entry_s *Dwarf_P_F_Entry;

	This struct holds information for each cie. Defn in pro_frame.h
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Cie_s *Dwarf_P_Cie;

	Struct to hold line number information, different from 
	Dwarf_Line opaque type.
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Line_s *Dwarf_P_Line;

	Struct to hold information about address ranges.
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Simple_nameentry_s *Dwarf_P_Simple_nameentry;
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Simple_name_header_s *Dwarf_P_Simple_name_header;
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Arange_s *Dwarf_P_Arange;
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Per_Reloc_Sect_s *Dwarf_P_Per_Reloc_Sect;
typedef struct Dwarf_P_Per_Sect_String_Attrs_s *Dwarf_P_Per_Sect_String_Attrs;

/* Defined to get at the elf section numbers and section name
   indices in symtab for the dwarf sections
   Must match .rel.* names in _dwarf_rel_section_names
#define         DEBUG_INFO      0
#define         DEBUG_LINE      1
#define         DEBUG_ABBREV    2
#define         DEBUG_FRAME     3
#define         DEBUG_ARANGES   4
#define         DEBUG_PUBNAMES  5
#define         DEBUG_STR       6
#define         DEBUG_FUNCNAMES 7
#define         DEBUG_TYPENAMES 8
#define         DEBUG_VARNAMES  9
#define         DEBUG_WEAKNAMES 10
#define         DEBUG_MACINFO   11
#define         DEBUG_LOC   12

    /* number of debug_* sections not including the relocations */
#define         NUM_DEBUG_SECTIONS      DEBUG_LOC + 1

struct Dwarf_P_Die_s {
    Dwarf_Unsigned di_offset;	/* offset in debug info */
    char *di_abbrev;		/* abbreviation */
    Dwarf_Word di_abbrev_nbytes;	/* # of bytes in abbrev */
    Dwarf_Tag di_tag;
    Dwarf_P_Die di_parent;	/* parent of current die */
    Dwarf_P_Die di_child;	/* first child */
    Dwarf_P_Die di_left;	/* left sibling */
    Dwarf_P_Die di_right;	/* right sibling */
    Dwarf_P_Attribute di_attrs;	/* list of attributes */
    Dwarf_P_Attribute di_last_attr;	/* last attribute */
    int di_n_attr;		/* number of attributes */
    Dwarf_P_Debug di_dbg;	/* For memory management */
    Dwarf_Unsigned di_marker;   /* used to attach symbols to dies */

/* producer fields */
struct Dwarf_P_Attribute_s {
    Dwarf_Half ar_attribute;	/* Attribute Value. */
    Dwarf_Half ar_attribute_form;	/* Attribute Form. */
    Dwarf_P_Die ar_ref_die;	/* die pointer if form ref */
    char *ar_data;		/* data, format given by form */
    Dwarf_Unsigned ar_nbytes;	/* no. of bytes of data */
    Dwarf_Unsigned ar_rel_symidx;	/* when attribute has a
					   relocatable value, holds
					   index of symbol in SYMTAB */
    Dwarf_Ubyte ar_rel_type;	/* relocation type */
    Dwarf_Word ar_rel_offset;	/* Offset of relocation within block */
    char ar_reloc_len;		/* Number of bytes that relocation
				   applies to. 4 or 8. Unused and may
				   be 0 if if ar_rel_type is
				   R_MIPS_NONE */
    Dwarf_P_Attribute ar_next;

/* A block of .debug_macinfo data: this forms a series of blocks.
** Each macinfo input is compressed immediately and put into
** the current block if room, else a newblock allocated.
** The space allocation is such that the block and the macinfo
** data are one malloc block: free with a pointer to this and the
** mb_data is freed automatically.
** Like the struct hack, but legal ANSI C.
struct dw_macinfo_block_s {
    struct dw_macinfo_block_s *mb_next;
    unsigned long mb_avail_len;
    unsigned long mb_used_len;
    unsigned long mb_macinfo_data_space_len;
    char *mb_data;		/* original malloc ptr. */

/* dwarf_sn_kind is for the array of similarly-treated
   name -> cu ties
enum dwarf_sn_kind { dwarf_snk_pubname, dwarf_snk_funcname,
    dwarf_snk_weakname, dwarf_snk_typename,
    dwarf_snk_entrycount	/* this one must be last */

/* The calls to add a varname etc use a list of
   these as the list.
struct Dwarf_P_Simple_nameentry_s {
    Dwarf_P_Die sne_die;
    char *sne_name;
    int sne_name_len;
    Dwarf_P_Simple_nameentry sne_next;

/* An array of these, each of which heads a list
   of Dwarf_P_Simple_nameentry
struct Dwarf_P_Simple_name_header_s {
    Dwarf_P_Simple_nameentry sn_head;
    Dwarf_P_Simple_nameentry sn_tail;
    Dwarf_Signed sn_count;

    /* length that will be generated, not counting fixed header or
       trailer */
    Dwarf_Signed sn_net_len;
typedef int (*_dwarf_pro_reloc_name_func_ptr) (Dwarf_P_Debug dbg, int sec_index, Dwarf_Unsigned offset,	/* r_offset 
					       Dwarf_Unsigned symidx,
					       enum Dwarf_Rel_Type type,
					       int reltarget_length);

typedef int (*_dwarf_pro_reloc_length_func_ptr) (Dwarf_P_Debug dbg, int sec_index, Dwarf_Unsigned offset,	/* r_offset 
						 enum Dwarf_Rel_Type
						 int reltarget_length);
typedef int (*_dwarf_pro_transform_relocs_func_ptr) (Dwarf_P_Debug dbg,
						     Dwarf_Signed *

	Each slot in a block of slots could be:
	a binary stream relocation entry (32 or 64bit relocation data)
        a SYMBOLIC relocation entry.
	During creation sometimes we create multiple chained blocks,
	but sometimes we create a single long block.
        Before returning reloc data to caller, 
        we switch to a single, long-enough,

	We make counters here Dwarf_Unsigned so that we
	get sufficient alignment. Since we use space after
	the struct (at malloc time) for user data which
        must have Dwarf_Unsigned alignment, this
	struct must have that alignment too.

struct Dwarf_P_Relocation_Block_s {
    Dwarf_Unsigned rb_slots_in_block;	/* slots in block, as created */
    Dwarf_Unsigned rb_next_slot_to_use;	/* counter, start at 0. */
    struct Dwarf_P_Relocation_Block_s *rb_next;
    char *rb_where_to_add_next;	/* pointer to next slot (might be past
				   end, depending on
				   rb_next_slot_to_use) */
    char *rb_data;		/* data area */

/* One of these per potential relocation section 
   So one per actual dwarf section.
   Left zeroed when not used (some sections have
   no relocations).
struct Dwarf_P_Per_Reloc_Sect_s {

    unsigned long pr_reloc_total_count;	/* total number of entries
					   across all blocks */

    unsigned long pr_slots_per_block_to_alloc;	/* at Block alloc, this 
						   is the default
						   number of slots to
						   use */

    int pr_sect_num_of_reloc_sect;	/* sect number returned by
					   de_func() or de_func_b()
					   call, this is the sect
					   number of the relocation
					   section. */

    /* singly-linked list. add at and ('last') with count of blocks */
    struct Dwarf_P_Relocation_Block_s *pr_first_block;
    struct Dwarf_P_Relocation_Block_s *pr_last_block;
    unsigned long pr_block_count;


typedef struct memory_list_s {
  struct memory_list_s *prev;
  struct memory_list_s *next;
} memory_list_t;

struct Dwarf_P_Per_Sect_String_Attrs_s {
    int sect_sa_section_number;
    unsigned sect_sa_n_alloc;
    unsigned sect_sa_n_used;
    Dwarf_P_String_Attr sect_sa_list;

/* Fields used by producer */
struct Dwarf_P_Debug_s {
    /* used to catch dso passing dbg to another DSO with incompatible
       version of libdwarf See PRO_VERSION_MAGIC */
    int de_version_magic_number;

    Dwarf_Unsigned de_access;
    Dwarf_Handler de_errhand;
    Dwarf_Ptr de_errarg;

       Call back function, used to create .debug* sections. Provided
       by user. Only of these used per dbg. */
    Dwarf_Callback_Func de_func;
    Dwarf_Callback_Func_b de_func_b;

    /* Flags from producer_init call */
    Dwarf_Unsigned de_flags;

    /* This holds information on debug section stream output, including
       the stream data */
    Dwarf_P_Section_Data de_debug_sects;

    /* Pointer to the 'current active' section */
    Dwarf_P_Section_Data de_current_active_section;

    /* Number of debug data streams globs. */
    Dwarf_Word de_n_debug_sect;

    /* File entry information, null terminated singly-linked list */
    Dwarf_P_F_Entry de_file_entries;
    Dwarf_P_F_Entry de_last_file_entry;
    Dwarf_Unsigned de_n_file_entries;

    /* Has the directories used to search for source files */
    Dwarf_P_Inc_Dir de_inc_dirs;
    Dwarf_P_Inc_Dir de_last_inc_dir;
    Dwarf_Unsigned de_n_inc_dirs;

    /* Has all the line number info for the stmt program */
    Dwarf_P_Line de_lines;
    Dwarf_P_Line de_last_line;

    /* List of cie's for the debug unit */
    Dwarf_P_Cie de_frame_cies;
    Dwarf_P_Cie de_last_cie;
    Dwarf_Unsigned de_n_cie;

    /* Singly-linked list of fde's for the debug unit */
    Dwarf_P_Fde de_frame_fdes;
    Dwarf_P_Fde de_last_fde;
    Dwarf_Unsigned de_n_fde;

    /* First die, leads to all others */
    Dwarf_P_Die de_dies;

    /* Pointer to list of strings */
    char *de_strings;

    /* Pointer to chain of aranges */
    Dwarf_P_Arange de_arange;
    Dwarf_P_Arange de_last_arange;
    Dwarf_Sword de_arange_count;

    /* macinfo controls. */
    /* first points to beginning of the list during creation */
    struct dw_macinfo_block_s *de_first_macinfo;

    /* current points to the current, unfilled, block */
    struct dw_macinfo_block_s *de_current_macinfo;

    /* Pointer to the first section, to support reset_section_bytes */
    Dwarf_P_Section_Data de_first_debug_sect;

    /* handles pubnames, weaknames, etc. See dwarf_sn_kind in
       pro_opaque.h */
    struct Dwarf_P_Simple_name_header_s

    /* relocation data. not all sections will actally have relocation
       info, of course */
    struct Dwarf_P_Per_Reloc_Sect_s de_reloc_sect[NUM_DEBUG_SECTIONS];
    int de_reloc_next_to_return;	/* iterator on reloc sections
					   (SYMBOLIC output) */

    /* used in remembering sections */
    int de_elf_sects[NUM_DEBUG_SECTIONS];	/* 
						   elf sect number of
						   the section itself,
						   DEBUG_LINE for
						   example */

    Dwarf_Unsigned de_sect_name_idx[NUM_DEBUG_SECTIONS];	/* section 

    int de_offset_reloc;	/* offset reloc type, R_MIPS_32 for
				   example. Specific to the ABI being
				   produced. Relocates offset size
				   field */
    int de_exc_reloc;		/* reloc type specific to exception
				   table relocs. */
    int de_ptr_reloc;		/* standard reloc type, R_MIPS_32 for
				   example. Specific to the ABI being
				   produced. relocates pointer size
				   field */

    unsigned char de_offset_size;	/* section offset. Here to
					   avoid test of abi in macro
					   at run time MIPS -n32 4,
					   -64 8.  */

    unsigned char de_pointer_size;	/* size of pointer in target.
					   Here to avoid test of abi in 
					   macro at run time MIPS -n32 
					   4, -64 is 8.  */

    unsigned char de_is_64bit;	/* non-zero if is 64bit. Else 32 bit:
				   used for passing this info as a flag 
    unsigned char de_relocation_record_size;	/* reloc record size
						   varies by ABI and
						   method (stream or
						   symbolic) */

    unsigned char de_64bit_extension;	/* non-zero if creating 64 bit
					   offsets using dwarf2-99
					   extension proposal */

    int de_ar_data_attribute_form;	/* data8, data4 abi dependent */
    int de_ar_ref_attr_form;	/* ref8 ref4 , abi dependent */

    /* simple name relocations */
    _dwarf_pro_reloc_name_func_ptr de_reloc_name;

    /* relocations for a length, requiring a pair of symbols */
    _dwarf_pro_reloc_length_func_ptr de_reloc_pair;

    _dwarf_pro_transform_relocs_func_ptr de_transform_relocs_to_disk;

    /* following used for macro buffers */
    unsigned long de_compose_avail;
    unsigned long de_compose_used_len;

    unsigned char de_same_endian;
    void *(*de_copy_word) (void *, const void *, size_t);

    /* Add new fields at the END of this struct to preserve some hope
       of sensible behavior on dbg passing between DSOs linked with
       mismatched libdwarf producer versions. */

    Dwarf_P_Marker de_markers;  /* pointer to array of markers */
    unsigned de_marker_n_alloc;
    unsigned de_marker_n_used;
    int de_sect_sa_next_to_return;  /* Iterator on sring attrib sects */
    /* String attributes data of each section. */
    struct Dwarf_P_Per_Sect_String_Attrs_s de_sect_string_attr[NUM_DEBUG_SECTIONS];


Dwarf_Unsigned _dwarf_add_simple_name_entry(Dwarf_P_Debug dbg,
					    Dwarf_P_Die die,
					    char *entry_name,
					    enum dwarf_sn_kind
					    Dwarf_Error * error);

#define DISTINGUISHED_VALUE 0xffffffff	/* 64bit extension flag */