author andrew.jordan <>
Thu, 29 Jul 2010 11:34:55 +0100
changeset 90 73ba398cc7f4
parent 1 2fb8b9db1c86
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for Bug 1312 - F32test t_fsys.exe failed to check ioInfo() of RAM

map 0x0000041d
include common

# Top row
section 0x29
onehalf 0x29 shift

# 1
exclam 0x2 shift

# 2
quotedbl 0x3 shift
at 0x3 altgr

# 3
numbersign 0x4 shift
sterling 0x4 altgr
# 4
currency 0x5 shift
dollar 0x5 altgr
# 5
percent 0x6 shift
# 6
ampersand 0x7 shift
# 7
slash 0x8 shift
braceleft 0x8 altgr
# 8
parenleft 0x9 shift
bracketleft 0x9 altgr
# 9
parenright 0xa shift
bracketright 0xa altgr
# 0
equal 0xb shift
braceright 0xb altgr

plus 0xc
question 0xc shift
backslash 0xc altgr

acute 0xd
dead_acute 0xd
grave 0xd shift
dead_grave 0xd shift

# QWERTY first row
EuroSign 0x12 altgr
aring 0x1a
Aring 0x1a shift
dead_diaeresis 0x1b
dead_circumflex 0x1b shift
dead_tilde 0x1b altgr

# QWERTY second row
odiaeresis 0x27
Odiaeresis 0x27 shift
adiaeresis 0x28
Adiaeresis 0x28 shift
apostrophe 0x2b
asterisk 0x2b shift

# QWERTY third row
less 0x56
greater 0x56 shift
bar 0x56 altgr
mu 0x32 altgr
comma 0x33
semicolon 0x33 shift
period 0x34
colon 0x34 shift
minus 0x35
underscore 0x35 shift