SF Bug 1284 - QEMU has faulty instruction emulation for VMOV (between two ARM core registers and two single-precision registers)
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$Header: /plroot/cmplrs.src/v7.4.5m/.RCS/PL/dwarfdump/RCS/dwconf.h,v 1.2 2006/04/18 04:29:39 davea Exp $ */
declarations helping configure the frame reader.
struct dwconf_s {
char *cf_config_file_path;
char *cf_abi_name;
/* 2 for old, 3 for frame interface 3. 2 means use the old
mips-abi-oriented frame interface. 3 means use the new
DWARF3-capable and configureable-abi interface.
Now, anyone who revises dwarf.h and libdwarf.h to match their
abi-of-interest will still be able to use cf_interface_number 2
as before. But most folks don't update those header files and
instead of making *them* configurable we make dwarfdump (and
libdwarf) configurable sufficiently to print frame information
sensibly. */
int cf_interface_number;
/* The number of table rules , aka columns. For MIPS/IRIX is 66. */
unsigned long cf_table_entry_count;
/* Array of cf_table_entry_count reg names. Names not filled in
from dwarfdump.conf have NULL (0) pointer value.
cf_named_regs_table_size must match size of cf_regs array.
Set cf_regs_malloced 1 if table was malloced. Set 0
if static.
char **cf_regs;
unsigned long cf_named_regs_table_size;
int cf_regs_malloced;
/* The 'default initial value' when intializing a table. for MIPS
is DW_FRAME_SAME_VAL(1035). For other ISA/ABIs may be
int cf_initial_rule_value;
/* The number of the cfa 'register'. For cf_interface_number 2 of
MIPS this is 0. For other architectures (and anytime using
cf_interface_number 3) this should be outside the table, a
special value such as 1036, not a table column at all). */
int cf_cfa_reg;
/* Returns DW_DLV_OK if works. DW_DLV_ERROR if cannot do what is asked. */
int find_conf_file_and_read_config(char *named_file,
char *named_abi, char **defaults,
struct dwconf_s *conf_out);
void init_conf_file_data(struct dwconf_s *config_file_data);
void print_reg_from_config_data(Dwarf_Signed reg,
struct dwconf_s *config_data);
void init_generic_config_1000_regs(struct dwconf_s *conf);