author Faisal Memon <>
Thu, 26 Aug 2010 19:04:50 +0100
changeset 96 c7e943dbf70f
parent 2 d55eb581a87c
permissions -rw-r--r--
interim work untested: added the register base for graphics and some custom pointer modifications from jani

	_Z17VariantInitialisev @ 1 NONAME
	_Z14AsicInitialisev @ 2 NONAME
	_ZN6Syborg11DebugOutputEj @ 3 NONAME
	_ZN6Syborg12MsTickPeriodEv @ 4 NONAME
	_ZN6Syborg13StartupReasonEv @ 5 NONAME
	_ZN6Syborg27SystemTimeInSecondsFrom2000ERi @ 6 NONAME
	_ZN6Syborg30SetSystemTimeInSecondsFrom2000Ei @ 7 NONAME
	_ZN6Syborg5Init1Ev @ 8 NONAME
	_ZN6Syborg5Init3Ev @ 9 NONAME
	_ZN6Syborg9DebugInitEv @ 10 NONAME
	_ZN6SyborgC1Ev @ 11 NONAME
	_ZN6SyborgC2Ev @ 12 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg10DisableIntEj @ 13 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg10TimerValueEj @ 14 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg11EnableTimerEjNS_6TStateE @ 15 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg12SetTimerLoadEjm @ 16 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg12SetTimerModeEjNS_10TTimerModeE @ 17 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg12VideoRamPhysEv @ 18 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg12VideoRamSizeEv @ 19 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg13ClearTimerIntEj @ 20 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg13DebugPortAddrEv @ 21 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg14IsTimerEnabledEj @ 22 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg16MarkDebugPortOffEv @ 23 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg18VideoRamPhysSecureEv @ 24 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg20EnableTimerInterruptEj @ 25 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg21DisableTimerInterruptEj @ 26 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg9EnableIntEj @ 27 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg9TimerLoadEj @ 28 NONAME
	_ZN7TSyborg9TimerModeEj @ 29 NONAME
	_ZN9Interrupt11SetPriorityEii @ 30 NONAME
	_ZN9Interrupt4BindEiPFvPvES0_ @ 31 NONAME
	_ZN9Interrupt5ClearEi @ 32 NONAME
	_ZN9Interrupt6EnableEi @ 33 NONAME
	_ZN9Interrupt6UnbindEi @ 34 NONAME
	_ZN9Interrupt7DisableEi @ 35 NONAME
	_ZTI6Syborg @ 36 NONAME
	_ZTV6Syborg @ 37 NONAME