Fix bug 873. Fixes to syborg virtio-audio code as well as to the audio driver
* Copyright (c) 2010 ISB.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* ISB - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#ifndef __deviceIFI_H
#define __deviceIFI_H
Returns the driver's name
inline const TDesC& RWebcameraDevice::Name()
return KDriverName;
Returns the version number of the driver
inline TVersion RWebcameraDevice::VersionRequired()
const TInt KMajorVersionNumber=1;
const TInt KMinorVersionNumber=1;
const TInt KBuildVersionNumber=0;
return TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
NOTE: The following member functions would normally be exported from a seperate client DLL
but are included inline in this header file for convenience.
#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
Opens a logical channel to the driver
@return One of the system wide error codes.
inline TInt RWebcameraDevice::Open()
return DoCreate(Name(),VersionRequired(),KNullUnit,NULL,NULL,EOwnerThread);
Gets the current configuration settings.
@param aConfig A structure which will be filled with the configuration settings.
@return KErrNone
inline TInt RWebcameraDevice::GetConfig(TConfigBuf& aConfig)
return DoControl(EGetConfig,(TAny*)&aConfig);
Sets the current configuration settings.
@param aConfig The new configuration settings to be used.
@return KErrInUse if there are outstanding data transfer requests.
KErrArgument if any configuration values are invalid.
KErrNone otherwise
inline TInt RWebcameraDevice::SetConfig(const TConfigBuf& aConfig)
return DoControl(ESetConfig,(TAny*)&aConfig);
Receives image from the device.
Only one receive request may be pending at any time.
@param aStatus The request to be signalled when the data has been received.
The result value will be set to KErrNone on success;
or set to one of the system wide error codes when an error occurs.
@param aData A descriptor to which the received data will be written.
inline void RWebcameraDevice::StartViewFinder(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TDes8& aBuffer)
TInt length=BUFSIZE;
Cancels a previous StartViewFinder request.
inline void RWebcameraDevice::StartViewFinderCancel()
inline void RWebcameraDevice::StopViewFinder()
Capture data from the device.
Only one Capture request may be pending at any time.
@param aStatus The request to be signalled when the data has been captureed.
The result value will be set to KErrNone on success;
or set to one of the system wide error codes when an error occurs.
@param aData A descriptor to which the captured data will be written.
inline void RWebcameraDevice::Capture(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TDes8& aBuffer)
TInt length=BUFSIZE;
Cancels a previous capture request.
inline void RWebcameraDevice::CaptureCancel()
#endif // !__KERNEL_MODE__