author Gareth Long <>
Tue, 29 Jun 2010 15:10:15 +0100
changeset 80 e9514b7eeead
parent 34 92d87f2e53c2
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
RAM size change for full UI, modified syborg.dt*, included mouse pointer fix

The ELF4ROM command line tool and libraries. This tool is used to convert Symbian ROM images
into debuggable elf files. See docs/wiki/ELF4ROM.doc for more information.

ELF4ROM depends on the following libraries;

* boost/program_options
* boost/regex
* boost/filesystem
* libelf
* libdwarf

Supported libelf and libdwarf can be found in the libs/ folder
Boost can be downloaded and built from

On windows please use mingw or cygwin to build.