Merge GCC_SURGE with current default head.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Accenture Ltd - Syborg framebuffer improvements, now auto determines frame size from board model, performance and memory improvements
* Description: Minimalistic frame buffer driver
#include <display.h>
#include <videodriver.h>
#include <system.h>
#define __GCE_DEBUG_PRINT(a) Kern::Printf(a)
#define __GCE_DEBUG_PRINT2(a,b) Kern::Printf(a,b)
#define __GCE_DEBUG_PRINT(a)
#define __GCE_DEBUG_PRINT2(a,b)
// Macro to calculate the screen buffer size
// aBpp is the number of bits-per-pixel, aPpl is the number of pixels per line and aLpp number of lines per panel
#define FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE(aBpp,aPpl,aLpp) ((aBpp/8)*aPpl*aLpp)
const TInt KConfigLcdWidthInTwips = 1996;
const TInt KConfigLcdHeightInTwips = 3550;
const TBool KConfigIsMono = 0;
const TBool KConfigIsPalettized = 0;
const TInt KCOnfigOffsetToFirstPixel = 0;
const TBool KConfigPixelOrderRGB = 0;
const TBool KConfigPixelOrderLandscape = 1;
const TInt KConfigLcdDisplayMode = 2;
const TInt KConfigOffsetToFirstPixel =0;
const TInt KConfigLcdNumberOfDisplayModes = 3;
const TInt KConfigBitsPerPixel = 32;
const TInt KVSyncDfcPriority = 7 ; //priority of DFC within the queue (0 to 7, where 7 is highest)
/* Class Definition */
* This class defines a callback mechanism that is used by a resource user to specify its callback. It contains a
* function pointer and data pointer. The function pointer specifies the user callback function to be invoked by the
* resource while the data pointer specifies the data to be passed to the callback function.
class TLcdUserCallBack
// The constructor for the callback mechanism.
TLcdUserCallBack(TInt (*aFunction)(TUint aResID, TAny* aPtr), TAny* aPtr)
iCbFn = aFunction;
iDataPtr = aPtr;
// The callback function pointer.
TInt (*iCbFn)(TUint aResID, TAny* aPtr);
// Pointer to the data structure to be passed to the callback function.
TAny *iDataPtr;
class DLcdPowerHandler : public DPowerHandler
public: // from DPowerHandler
void PowerDown(TPowerState);
void PowerUp();
public: // to prevent a race condition with WServer trying to power up/down at the same time
void PowerUpDfc();
void PowerDownDfc();
TInt Create();
void DisplayOn();
void DisplayOff();
TInt HalFunction(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
void PowerUpLcd(TBool aSecure);
void PowerDownLcd();
void ScreenInfo(TScreenInfoV01& aInfo);
void WsSwitchOnScreen();
void WsSwitchOffScreen();
void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
void SwitchDisplay(TBool aSecure);
TInt GetCurrentDisplayModeInfo(TVideoInfoV01& aInfo, TBool aSecure);
TInt GetSpecifiedDisplayModeInfo(TInt aMode, TVideoInfoV01& aInfo);
TInt SetDisplayMode(TInt aMode);
TInt AllocateFrameBuffer();
IMPORT_C static TInt RegisterCallback(TLcdUserCallBack* aCbPtr);
IMPORT_C static void DeRegisterCallback(TLcdUserCallBack* aCbPtr);
TBool iDisplayOn;
DPlatChunkHw* iChunk;
DPlatChunkHw* iSecureChunk;
TBool iWsSwitchOnScreen;
TBool iSecureDisplay;
TDfcQue* iDfcQ;
TMessageQue iMsgQ; // to prevent a race condition with Power Manager trying to power up/down at the same time
TDfc iPowerUpDfc;
TDfc iPowerDownDfc;
NFastMutex iLock;
TPhysAddr ivRamPhys;
TPhysAddr iSecurevRamPhys;
TLcdUserCallBack * iAppCallBk[2];
TVideoInfoV01 iVideoInfo;
TVideoInfoV01 iSecureVideoInfo;
TInt iSize;
TLinAddr iPortAddr;
TPhysAddr iCompositionPhysical;
static DLcdPowerHandler * pLcd;
enum {
FB_ID = 0,
FB_BASE = 1,
/* begin new interface */
FB_BPP = 8,
FB_PALETTE_START = 0x400 >> 2,
/* end new interface */
#define FB_INT_VSYNC (1U << 0)
#define FB_INT_BASE_UPDATE_DONE (1U << 1)
class DDisplayPddSyborg : public DDisplayPdd
Called by the LDD to handle the device specific part of switching to Legacy mode.
@return KErrNone if successful; or one of the other system wide error codes.
virtual TInt SetLegacyMode();
Called by the LDD to handle the device specific part of switching to GCE mode.
@return KErrNone if successful; or one of the other system wide error codes.
virtual TInt SetGceMode();
Called by the LDD to handle the device specific part of setting the rotation.
@return KErrNone if successful; or one of the other system wide error codes.
virtual TInt SetRotation(RDisplayChannel::TDisplayRotation aRotation);
Called by the LDD to handle the device specific part of posting a User Buffer.
@return KErrNone if successful; or one of the other system wide error codes.
virtual TInt PostUserBuffer(TBufferNode* aNode);
Called by the LDD to handle the device specific part of posting a Composition Buffer
@return KErrNone if successful; or one of the other system wide error codes.
virtual TInt PostCompositionBuffer(TBufferNode* aNode);
Called by the LDD to handle the device specific part of posting the Legacy Buffuer
@return KErrNone if successful; or one of the other system wide error codes.
virtual TInt PostLegacyBuffer();
Called by the LDD to handle device specific cleanup operations when a channel is closed.
@return KErrNone if successful; or one of the other system wide error codes.
virtual TInt CloseMsg();
Called by the LDD to handle device specific initialisation tasks when a channel is opened.
@param aUnit The screen/hardware unit number.
@return KErrNone if successful; or one of the other system wide error codes.
virtual TInt CreateChannelSetup(TInt aUnit);
Called by the LDD in order to detect whether a post operation is pending. This type of
information is specific to the actual physical device.
@return ETrue if a Post operation is pending otherwise EFalse.
virtual TBool PostPending();
Called by the LDD to retrieve the DFC Queue created in the PDD.
@param aUnit The screen/hardware unit number.
@return A pointer to the TDfcQue object created in the PDD.
virtual TDfcQue* DfcQ(TInt aUnit);
static void VSyncDfcFn(TAny* aChannel);
TDfcQue* iDfcQ;
//generic display info
TVideoInfoV01 iScreenInfo;
//Pointer to a buffer in the Pending state
TBufferNode* iPendingBuffer;
//Pointer to a buffer in the Active state
TBufferNode* iActiveBuffer;
DChunk * iChunk;
TLcdUserCallBack* iLcdCallback;
TDfc iVSyncDfc;
PDD Factory class
class DDisplayPddFactory : public DPhysicalDevice
virtual TInt Install();
virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
virtual TInt Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
virtual TInt Validate(TInt aDeviceType, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);