changeset 0 0ce1b5ce9557
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:0ce1b5ce9557
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    22 //  INCLUDES
    23 #include <kernel.h>
    24 #include <IscDefinitions.h>
    26 // CONSTANTS
    27 _LIT( KIscMultiplexerName,"IscMultiplexer" );
    29 const TUint16 KIscBufferAmount = 10;
    30 // MACROS
    32 // DATA TYPES
    34 typedef struct
    35 {
    36    TIscFrameType frameType;
    37    TIscFrameConcatenation concatenation;
    38    TUint16 totalLength;
    39    TUint16 writeStartIndex;
    40    TUint16 writeLength;
    41 } TIscFrameInfo;
    43 typedef struct
    44 {
    45    TUint16 size;
    46    TUint16 count;
    47 } TIscBufferEntry;
    49 typedef struct
    50 {
    51    TUint16 mainRcvQueueSize;
    52    TUint16 channelRcvQueueSize;
    53    TUint16 channelDataRcvQueueSize;
    54    TUint16 channelSendQueueSize;
    55    TIscBufferEntry bufferConfig[KIscBufferAmount];
    56 } TIscConfiguration;
    61 class DIscDevice;
    65 /**
    66 *  DIscMultiplexerBase defines the ISC Multiplexer Plug-In API.
    67 *  This class defines the base class for Multiplexer( s ) used in 
    68 *  conjunction with ISC Driver
    69 *
    70 *  @lib IscMultiplexerBase.LIB
    71 *  @since 2.8
    72 */
    73 class DIscMultiplexerBase : public DLogicalDevice
    74     {
    75     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    77         /**
    78         * C++ default constructor.
    79         */        
    80         IMPORT_C DIscMultiplexerBase();
    82         /**
    83         * Destructor
    84         */
    85         IMPORT_C virtual ~DIscMultiplexerBase();
    87     public: // Functions from base class
    89         /**
    90         * Implementation of pure-virtual Install from DLogicalDevice. This 
    91         * function calls Install2ndPhase.
    92         * @since 2.8
    93         * @return TInt KErrNone
    94         */
    95         IMPORT_C TInt Install();
    97     public: // New functions
    98         /**
    99         * Second phase initialization, called during ISC Multiplexer loading
   100         * ISC Multiplexer must do all initialization here that are normally 
   101         * done in Install()
   102         * @since 2.8
   103         * @return TInt KErrNone if successful
   104         */
   105         virtual TInt Install2ndPhase() = 0;
   107         /**
   108         * Multiplexers "pre" intialization before Data transmission driver 
   109         * initialization has been done ( e.g. if buffer configurations are given from isc_config.ini )
   110         * @since 2.8
   111         * @param aParameters Additional parameters passed to multiplexer
   112         * @return void 
   113         */
   114         IMPORT_C virtual void SetInitializationParameters( const TDesC8& aParameters );
   116         /**
   117         * Multiplexer intialization
   118         * @since 2.8
   119         * @param aOperation The asynchronous request to complete after
   120         * multiplexer intialization is complete
   121         * @param aParameters Additional parameters passed to multiplexer
   122         * @param aChannelPtr DIscChannel pointer
   123         * @return void 
   124         */
   125         virtual void InitializeMultiplexer( const TUint16 aOperation, 
   126                                             const TDesC8& aParameters,
   127                                             const TAny* aChannelPtr ) = 0;
   129         /**
   130         * Open data link connection with the modem
   131         * @since 2.8
   132         * @param aDLCI The channel id to open
   133         * @param aOpenParams Additional open parameters given by the ISC user,
   134         * NULL if omitted
   135         * @param aChannelPtr DIscChannel pointer
   136         * @return void 
   137         */
   138         virtual void OpenDLC( const TUint16 aDLCI, 
   139                               const TDesC8* aOpenParams,
   140                               const TAny* aChannelPtr ) = 0;
   142         /**
   143         * Close data link connection
   144         * @since 2.8
   145         * @param aDLCI The channel id to close
   146         * @param aChannelPtr DIscChannel pointer
   147         * @return void 
   148         */
   149         virtual void CloseDLC( const TUint16 aDLCI,
   150                                const TAny* aChannelPtr ) = 0;
   152         /**
   153         * Send data to Domestic OS
   154         * @since 2.8
   155         * @param aOperation Used to distinguish whether it is a synchronous 
   156         * or asynchronous Send request ( EIscSyncSend / EIscAsyncSend )
   157         * @param aSenderChannel Sender channel id
   158         * @param aData Data to be sent
   159         * @param aChannelPtr DIscChannel pointer
   160         * @return KErrNone if successful 
   161         */
   162         virtual TInt Send( const TUint16 aOperation,
   163                            const TUint16 aSenderChannel, 
   164                            const TDesC8& aData,
   165                            const TAny* aChannelPtr ) = 0;
   166         /**
   167         * Send data to Domestic OS
   168         * @since 2.8
   169         * @param aOperation Used to distinguish whether it is a synchronous 
   170         * or asynchronous Send request ( EIscSyncDataSend / EIscAsyncDataSend )
   171         * @param aSenderChannel Sender channel id
   172         * @param aData Data to be sent
   173         * @param aChannelPtr DIscChannel pointer
   174         * @return KErrNone if successful 
   175         */
   176         virtual TInt DataSend( const TUint16 aOperation,
   177                                const TUint16 aSenderChannel,
   178                                const TDesC8& aData,
   179                                const TAny* aChannelPtr ) = 0;
   182         /**
   183         * Retrieve information on the incoming frame
   184         * @since 2.8
   185         * @param aFrame Frame which info to retrieve
   186         * @param aFrameInfo Structure that the multiplexer must fill
   187         * @return void 
   188         */
   189         virtual void GetFrameInfo( const TDesC8& aFrame, 
   190                                    TIscFrameInfo& aFrameInfo ) const = 0;
   192         /**
   193         * Retrieve the channel this frame belongs to
   194         * @since 2.8
   195         * @param aFrame Frame to check
   196         * @param aRcvChannelId Receiver channel id has to written into this
   197         * variable. Value should be between 0 and 63. KIscFrameReceiverNotFound
   198         * should be returned if multiplexer could not determine correct receiver 
   199         * or multiplexer just wants to delete the frame. For multiplexer's purposes 
   200         * channel ids higher than 63 are also possible
   201         * @param aRcvChannelPtr Receiver channel pointer. If routing to control channel
   202         * NULL should be returned an 0 to aRcvChannelId
   203         * @return void 
   204         */
   205         virtual void GetRcvChannelId( const TDesC8& aFrame, 
   206                                       TUint16& aRcvChannelId,
   207                                       TAny*& aRcvChannelPtr ) = 0;
   209         /**
   210         * Set flow control to specified state
   211         * @since 2.8
   212         * @param aFlowStatus EIscFlowControlOn / EIscFlowControlOff
   213         * @param aChannelId Channel who requested to DL flow control change
   214         * @param aChannelPtr DIscChannel pointer for corresponding channel
   215         * @return void 
   216         */
   217         virtual void DLFlowControl( const TInt aFlowStatus,
   218                                     const TUint16 aChannelId,
   219                                     const TAny* aChannelPtr ) = 0;
   221         /**
   222         * Handle frames going to control channel ( channel zero )
   223         * @since 2.8
   224         * @param aFrame Control frame to be handled
   225         * @return void 
   226         */
   227         virtual void HandleControlFrame( const TDesC8& aFrame ) = 0;
   229         /**
   230         * Notify multiplexer that some asynchronous operation has been
   231         * cancelled
   232         * @since 2.8
   233         * @param aChannelId Channel id which has cancelled the operation
   234         * @param aOperation The operation that has been cancelled
   235         * @param aChannelPtr Channel pointer which has cancelled the operation
   236         * @return void 
   237         */
   238         virtual void CancelNotify( const TUint16 aChannelId,
   239                                    const TUint16 aOperation,
   240                                    const TAny* aChannelPtr ) = 0;
   242         /**
   243         * API extension function
   244         * @since 2.8
   245         * @param aChannelId Channel id that is executing the operation
   246         * @param aOperation Which custom operation to execute
   247         * @param aParameters Additional parameters, NULL if omitted
   248         * @param aChannelPtr Pointer to DIscChannel
   249         * @return TInt KErrNone if successful. KErrNotSupported if the
   250         * operation that was requested is not supported by the multiplexer
   251         */
   252         IMPORT_C virtual TInt CustomFunction( const TUint16 aChannelId,
   253                                               const TUint16 aOperation, 
   254                                               TAny* aParameters,
   255                                               const TAny* aChannelPtr );
   257         /**
   258         * Get information on specified channel
   259         * @since 2.8
   260         * @param aChannelNumber The channel, which information is required
   261         * @param aInfo Buffer in client address space where to write the data
   262         * @return TInt KErrNone if successful. KErrNotSupported if not supported 
   263         * by the multiplexer
   264         */
   265         IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetChannelInfo( const TUint16 aChannelNumber,
   266                                               TDes8& aInfo );
   268         /**
   269         * Get maximun data size ( for sending and receiving )
   270         * @since 2.8
   271         * @param aChannelId Channel which needed maximum data size is queried
   272         * @return TInt Maximun data size in bytes 
   273         */
   274         virtual TInt MaximumDataSize( const TUint16 aChannelId ) = 0; 
   276         /**
   277         * Inform multiplexer on connection status changes
   278         * @since 2.8
   279         * @param aConnectionStatus EIscConnectionOk / EIscConnectionNotOk
   280         * @return void 
   281         */
   282         virtual void NotifyConnectionStatus( const TInt aConnectionStatus ) = 0;
   284         /**
   285         * Connect ISC Driver to ISC Multiplexer
   286         * @since 2.8
   287         * @param aDevice Pointer to DIscDevice class of ISC Driver
   288         * @return void 
   289         */
   290         IMPORT_C virtual void Connect( DIscDevice* aDevice );
   292         /**
   293         * Get buffer configurations from ISC Multiplexer
   294         * @since 2.8
   295         * @param aConfig Configuration data structure that the multiplexer must fill
   296         * @return  void 
   297         */
   298         virtual void GetConfiguration( TIscConfiguration& aConfig ) = 0;
   301     protected:  // New functions
   303         /**
   304         * Complete specified asynchronous request
   305         * @since 2.8
   306         * @param aReqNumber Request to complete ( possible values in 
   307         * IscDefinitions.h )
   308         * @param aStatus Error code, KErrNone if the operation in question
   309         * was successful
   310         * @param aChannelPtr The channel, which request to complete
   311         * @return void 
   312         */
   313         IMPORT_C void CompleteRequest( TUint16 aReqNumber, 
   314                                        TInt aStatus, 
   315                                        const TAny* aChannelPtr );
   317         /**
   318         * Check if specified request is pending in ISC Driver
   319         * @since 2.8
   320         * @param aReqNumber Request to check if pending
   321         * @param aChannelId The channel, which to check for the request
   322         * @return TInt KRequestPending if the request is pending. KErrNone if 
   323         * request is not pending
   324         */
   325         IMPORT_C TInt IsPending( const TUint16 aReqNumber, 
   326                                  const TAny* aChannelId );
   328         /**
   329         * Queue frame for sending
   330         * @since 2.8
   331         * @param aChannelId On which channels queue to add the frame. Value
   332         * must be between 0 and 63. 0( zero ) refers to the control channel.
   333         * @param aFrame Frame to send
   334         * @param aMultiplexerDfc Dfc to run when frame transmission to modem has been done
   335         * @param aMultiplexerErrorCode error if data transmsission was succesful or not
   336         * @return TInt KErrNone if successful. KErrNotFound if the channel 
   337         * in question was not open 
   338         */        
   339         IMPORT_C TInt QueueFrame( const TUint16 aChannelId,
   340                                   const TDesC8* aFrame,
   341                                   const TAny* aChannelPtr,
   342                                   TAny* aFrameInfo = NULL );
   344         /**
   345         * Start sending the frames
   346         * @since 2.8
   347         * @return void 
   348         */
   349         IMPORT_C void FlushQueues();
   351         /**
   352         * Notify flow control changes to ISC Driver
   353         * @since 2.8
   354         * @param aULFlowStatus Uplink flow control status, 
   355         * EIscFlowControlOff/EIscFlowControlOn
   356         * @param aChannelId Channel to be affected by the flow control
   357         * @param aChannel Channel to be affected by the flow control, NULL if wanted to have 
   358         * effect on all channels within this id. By default it affects all channels
   359         * @return void 
   360         */
   361         IMPORT_C void ULFlowControl( const TInt aULFlowStatus,
   362                                      const TUint16 aChannelId,
   363                                      TAny* aChannelPtr = NULL );
   365         /**
   366         * Reserve memory block
   367         * @since 2.8
   368         * @param aPtr Pointer to reserved memory block, NULL if not successful
   369         * @param aSize Required minimun size of the block
   370         * @return void 
   371         */
   372         IMPORT_C void ReserveMemoryBlock( TDes8*& aPtr, 
   373                                           const TUint16 aSize );
   375         /**
   376         * Release memory block allocated with ReserveMemoryBlock
   377         * @since 2.8
   378         * @param aPtr Pointer to memory block to be released
   379         * @return void 
   380         */
   381         IMPORT_C void ReleaseMemoryBlock( TDes8* aPtr );
   384         /**
   385         * Copy data from user buffer to kernel side buffer by multiplexer.
   386         * This method will be deprecated in the future.
   387         * It is preffered to use GetThreadPtr instead.          
   388         * @since 2.8
   389         * @param aUserBuffer pointer to source descriptor
   390         * @param aKernelBuffer pointer to destination descriptor
   391         * @param aChannelPtr DIscChannel pointer
   392         * @param aOffset Offset of the source buffer
   393         * @return KErrNone if successful
   394         */
   395         IMPORT_C TInt CopyFromUserBuffer( const TDesC8& aUserBuffer,
   396                                           TDes8& aKernelBuffer,
   397                                           const TAny* aChannelPtr,
   398                                           const TInt aOffset = 0 );
   400         /**
   401         * Copy data to user side buffer from kernel side by multiplexer.
   402         * This method will be deprecated in the future.
   403         * It is preffered to use GetThreadPtr instead.        
   404         * @since 2.8
   405         * @param aUserBuffer pointer to destination descriptor
   406         * @param aKernelBuffer pointer to source descriptor
   407         * @param aChannelPtr DIscChannel pointer
   408         * @param aOffset Offset of the destination buffer
   409         * @return KErrNone if succesful
   410         */
   411         IMPORT_C TInt CopyToUserBuffer( TAny* aUserBuffer, 
   412                                         const TDesC8& aKernelBuffer, 
   413                                         const TAny* aChannelPtr,
   414                                         const TInt aOffset = 0 );
   417         /**
   418         * Description_here
   419         * @since 2.8
   420         * @param aChannelId Channel whose queued send frames should be deleted
   421         * @param aChannelPtr Corresponding DIscChannel pointer
   422         * @return TInt KErrNone if succesful
   423         */
   424         IMPORT_C TInt CancelSending( const TUint16 aChannelId, const TAny* aChannelPtr );
   427         /**
   428         * Returns a user side thread of a given channel. Returns NULL if channelptr
   429         * is not valid or if the channel is not found.
   430         * @since 3.0
   431         * @param const TAny* aChannelPtr, channel pointer (DIscChannel).
   432         * @return DThread&, user side clients thread. Ownership is not given.
   433         */
   434         IMPORT_C DThread* GetThreadPtr( const TAny* aChannelPtr );
   437     protected:  // Data
   439         // pointer to DIscDevice class from ISC Driver
   440         DIscDevice* iDevice; // No ownership
   442     };
   444 #endif      // ISCMULTIPLEXERBASE_H   
   446 // End of File