changeset 0 0ce1b5ce9557
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omasuplasnconverterstubimpl/src/cstubsuplstart.cpp	Thu Jan 14 07:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description:Supl Start
+ *
+ */
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32def.h> 
+#include <e32cmn.h> 
+#include "epos_comasuplasnbase.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplasnmessagebase.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplstart.h"
+#include "cstubsuplstart.h"
+#include "lbs/epos_comasuplsetcapabilities.h"
+#include "epos_comasupllocationid.h"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::NewL
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CStubSuplStart* CStubSuplStart::NewL()
+    {
+    CStubSuplStart* self = new (ELeave) CStubSuplStart;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::~CStubSuplStart
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CStubSuplStart::~CStubSuplStart()
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::EncodeL
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CStubSuplStart::EncodeL(TInt& aErrorCode)
+    {
+    aErrorCode = 0;
+    HBufC8* encodedBuffer = NULL;
+    InitializeL();
+    // Do actual encoding here and return encoded buffer and put appropriate error code in aErrorCode
+    return encodedBuffer;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::CStubSuplStart
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+//delete all member variables here...
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::ConstructL
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CStubSuplStart::ConstructL()
+    {
+    COMASuplStart::ConstructL();
+    //Allocate memmory for internal usage....
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::InitializeL
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CStubSuplStart::InitializeL()
+    {
+    if(iSETCapabilities) //This parameter is mandatory in asn
+        {
+        InitializeSetCapabilities();
+        }
+    if(iLocationId)   //This parameter is mandatory in asn
+        {
+        InitializeLocationId();
+        }
+    if (iQopSet)   //This parameter is optional in asn
+        {
+        InitializeQop();
+        }
+    if(ieCID)   //This parameter is optional in asn
+        {
+        InitializeECellId();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::InitializeSetCapabilities
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CStubSuplStart::InitializeSetCapabilities()
+    {
+    TOMASuplPosTechnology lPosTechnology;
+    COMASuplSETCapabilities::TOMASuplPrefMethod    lPrefMethod;
+    TOMASuplPosProtocol   lPosProtocol;
+    iSETCapabilities->GetSETCapabilities(lPosTechnology,lPrefMethod,lPosProtocol);
+    TBool lSETAssist;
+    TBool lGpsSETBased;
+    TBool lAuto;
+    TBool lFLT;
+    TBool leOTD;
+    TBool loTDOA;
+    lPosTechnology.GetPosTechnology(lSETAssist,lGpsSETBased,lAuto,
+            lFLT,leOTD,loTDOA);
+    //Initialize structure accordingly from here...
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::InitializeLocationId
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CStubSuplStart::InitializeLocationId()
+    {
+    COMASuplLocationId::TOMASuplCellInfoType lChoice = iLocationId->SuplCellInfoType();
+    switch(lChoice)
+        {
+        case COMASuplLocationId::EGSM :
+            {
+            COMASuplGSMCellInfo* lCellInfo = NULL;
+            COMASuplLocationId::TOMASuplStatus lStatus;
+            iLocationId->SuplLocationId(lCellInfo,lStatus);
+            if(lCellInfo)
+                {
+                TInt lRefMNC;
+                TInt lRefMCC;
+                TInt lRefLAC;
+                TInt lRefCI;
+                lCellInfo->SuplGSMCellInfo(lRefMNC,lRefMCC,lRefCI,lRefLAC);
+                //Use lRefMNC,lRefMCC,lRefCI,lRefLAC for filling asn structs for encoding.
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        case COMASuplLocationId::EWCDMA:
+            {
+            COMASuplCellInfo* lCellInfo = NULL;
+            COMASuplLocationId::TOMASuplStatus lStatus;
+            iLocationId->SuplLocationId(lCellInfo,lStatus);
+            if(lCellInfo)
+                {
+                TInt lRefMNC;
+                TInt lRefMCC;
+                TInt lRefUC;
+                lCellInfo->SuplCellInfo(lRefMNC,lRefMCC,lRefUC);
+                if((KMncMin<=lRefMNC && lRefMNC<=KMncMax) && (KMccMin<=lRefMCC && lRefMCC<=KMccMax) &&
+                        (KRefUcMin<=lRefUC && lRefUC<=KRefUcMax))
+                    {
+                    //Initialize  
+                     //Use RefMNC,lRefMCC,lRefUC for filling asn structs for encoding.
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                //error    
+                }
+								break;
+            }
+        }
+    //Initialize structure accordingly from here...
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::InitializeQop
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CStubSuplStart::InitializeQop()
+    {
+    TInt horizAccuracy = iSuplQop.SuplQop();
+    if(KHorizAccuracyMin <= horizAccuracy && horizAccuracy <= KHorizAccuracyMax)
+        {
+        //initialize here
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //error...return with error 
+        }
+    TInt vertAccuracy;  
+    TInt error = iSuplQop.VerticalAccuracy(vertAccuracy);
+    if(!error)
+        {
+        if(KVertAccuracyMin <= vertAccuracy && vertAccuracy <= KVertAccuracyMax)
+            {
+            //initialize
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //return error
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //initialize
+        }
+    TInt maxLocAge; 
+    error = iSuplQop.MaxLocationAge(maxLocAge);
+    if(!error)
+        {
+        //initialize
+        if(KMaxLocationAgeMin <= maxLocAge && maxLocAge <= KMaxLocationAgeMax)
+            {
+            //initialize
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //error
+            return; 
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //initialize
+        }
+    TInt delay; 
+    error = iSuplQop.Delay(delay);
+    if(!error)
+        {
+        if(KDelayMin <= delay && delay <= KDelayMax)
+            {
+            //initialize
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //error
+            return; 
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //initialize
+        }
+    //Initialize structure accordingly...
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::InitializeECellId
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CStubSuplStart::InitializeECellId()
+    {
+    TOMASuplNwMode nwMode = iMmCellInfo.NetworkMode();
+    if (nwMode == EOMASuplGSM)
+        {
+        InitializeGSMECellId();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        InitializeWCDMAECellId();
+        }
+    //Initialize structure accordingly...
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::InitializeGSMECellId
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CStubSuplStart::InitializeGSMECellId()
+    {
+    	// In E-Cell id structs, if any of the data field contains -1 as a value, it means that no data is available for that field.
+    TOMASuplGSMCellinfo  omaSuplGSMCellinfo;
+    iMmCellInfo.GSMCellInfo(omaSuplGSMCellinfo);
+    if(KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet != omaSuplGSMCellinfo.iTA)
+        {
+        if(KTAMin <= omaSuplGSMCellinfo.iTA && omaSuplGSMCellinfo.iTA <= KTAMax)
+            {
+            //Initialize
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //error
+            }
+        }       
+    else
+        {
+        }
+    TOMASuplNmr Nmr;
+    TInt ARFCN;
+    TInt BSIC;
+    TInt RxLEV;
+    for(TInt i = 0; i < KOMASUPLMaxNmrAmount; i++)
+        {
+        Nmr = omaSuplGSMCellinfo.iNmr[i];
+        ARFCN = Nmr.iARFCN; // 0 to 1023  
+        BSIC = Nmr.iBSIC;   // 0 to 63    
+        RxLEV = Nmr.iRxLEV; // 0 to 63   
+        if(ARFCN == KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet && BSIC == KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet &&  RxLEV ==  KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet ) 
+            {
+            //initialize
+            }
+        if(KARFCNMin <= ARFCN && ARFCN <= KARFCNMax && 
+                KBSICMin  <= BSIC  && BSIC  <= KBSICMax  &&
+                KRxLEVMin <= RxLEV && RxLEV <= KRxLEVMax)
+            {
+            //initialize
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //error
+            }   
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CStubSuplStart::InitializeWCDMAECellId
+// Other Items were commented in a header
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CStubSuplStart::InitializeWCDMAECellId()
+    {
+    	// In E-Cell id structs, if any of the data field contains -1 as a value, it means that no data is available for that field.
+    TOMASuplWCDMACellinfo  omaSuplWCDMACellinfo;
+    iMmCellInfo.WCDMACellInfo(omaSuplWCDMACellinfo);
+    if(KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet != omaSuplWCDMACellinfo.iPrimaryScrambilingCode) // means PrimaryScrambilingCode is filled
+        {
+        if(KPrimaryScrambilingCodeMin <= omaSuplWCDMACellinfo.iPrimaryScrambilingCode && omaSuplWCDMACellinfo.iPrimaryScrambilingCode <= KPrimaryScrambilingCodeMax)
+            {
+            //Initialize
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //error
+            }
+        }       
+    else
+        {
+        //error
+        }
+    FillFrequencyInfo(omaSuplWCDMACellinfo.iFrequencyInfo);
+    FillMeasuredResultsList(omaSuplWCDMACellinfo.iNwkMeasureReport);   
+    }
+TInt CStubSuplStart::FillFrequencyInfo(TOMASuplFrequencyInfo& aOMASuplFrequencyInfo)
+    {
+    TInt    FddUL = aOMASuplFrequencyInfo.iFddUL;       // 0..16383     In case of fdd( iFddUL, iFddDL),
+    TInt    FddDL = aOMASuplFrequencyInfo.iFddDL;       // 0..16383     iFddUL is optional while iFddDL is mandatory. 
+    TInt    TddDt = aOMASuplFrequencyInfo.iTddNt;       // 0..16383     
+    TInt retError = KErrNone;   
+    if(FddDL != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet ) //means FddDL is provided...
+    {
+    if(KFddDLMin <= FddDL && FddDL <= KFddDLMax)
+        {
+        //Initialize here..
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //error
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        {
+            //error
+        }
+    FillFrequencyInfoULInfo(FddUL,retError);
+    FillFrequencyInfoDT(TddDt,retError);
+    return retError;
+    }
+void CStubSuplStart::FillFrequencyInfoULInfo(TInt aFddUL,TInt& aRetErrorCode)
+    {
+    if(aFddUL != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet && aRetErrorCode == KErrNone )
+        {
+        if(KFddULMin <= aFddUL && aFddUL <= KFddULMax)
+            {
+            //set to message
+              aRetErrorCode = KErrNone;
+            }
+        else
+            {     
+            //error   
+            }
+        }                                                                       
+    }
+void CStubSuplStart::FillFrequencyInfoDT(TInt aTddDt,TInt& aRetErrorCode)
+    {
+    if(aTddDt != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet ) //means TddDt is provided...
+        {
+        if(KTddDtMin <= aTddDt && aTddDt <= KTddDtMax)
+            {
+            //Initialize
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //error
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+         //error
+        }
+    aRetErrorCode = KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt CStubSuplStart::FillMeasuredResultsList(TOMASuplNetworkMeasureReport aNwkMeasureReport[])
+    {
+    for(TInt i = 0; i < KOMASUPLMaxNetworkMeasureReports; i++ )
+        {
+        TOMASuplNetworkMeasureReport NwkMeasureReport = aNwkMeasureReport[i];
+        TInt err = FillFrequencyInfo(NwkMeasureReport.iFrequencyInfo);                
+        if(KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet != NwkMeasureReport.iCarrierRSSI) // means iCarrierRSSI is filled
+            {
+            if(KCarrierRSSIMin <= NwkMeasureReport.iCarrierRSSI && NwkMeasureReport.iCarrierRSSI <= KCarrierRSSIMax)
+                {  
+                //initialize
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                //error
+                }
+            }       
+        err = FillCellMeasuredResult(NwkMeasureReport.iCellMeasuredResult);               
+        }
+    return 0;
+    //Own error code can be set...
+    }
+TInt CStubSuplStart::FillCellMeasuredResult(TOMASuplCellMeasuredResult aCellMeasuredResult[])
+    {
+    TInt eleCount = 0;
+    for(TInt i = 0; i < KOMASUPLMaxCellMeasuredResults; i++ )
+        {
+        TOMASuplCellMeasuredResult  CellMeasuredResult = aCellMeasuredResult[i];
+        TInt err = FillModeSpecificInfo(CellMeasuredResult);
+        if( err == KErrNone)
+            {
+            //Initialize
+            if(CellMeasuredResult.iCID != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // CID is present
+                {
+                if(KCIDMin <= CellMeasuredResult.iCID && CellMeasuredResult.iCID <= KCIDMax)
+                    {
+                    //Set to message                                
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                       //error
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                    //error
+                }
+            eleCount++;
+            }           
+        }
+    if(eleCount != 0 )
+        return KErrNone;
+    else
+        return KErrArgument; 
+    }
+TInt CStubSuplStart::FillModeSpecificInfo(TOMASuplCellMeasuredResult&  aCellMeasuredResult)
+    {
+    TOMASuplFddInfo     FddInfo = aCellMeasuredResult.iFddInfo;
+    TOMASuplTddInfo     TddInfo = aCellMeasuredResult.iTddInfo;
+    if(FddInfo.iPrimaryCPICH != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // iPrimaryCPICH is present
+        {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////              
+        if(KPrimaryCPICHMin <= FddInfo.iPrimaryCPICH && FddInfo.iPrimaryCPICH <= KPrimaryCPICHMax)
+            {
+            //Set to message    
+            //initialize
+            }
+        else
+            {
+               //error
+            }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                  
+        if(FddInfo.iCpichEcN0 != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // iCpichEcN0 is present
+            {
+            if(KCpichEcN0Min <= FddInfo.iCpichEcN0 && FddInfo.iCpichEcN0 <= KCpichEcN0Max)
+                {
+                //Set to message                                
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                    //error
+                }
+            }       
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                              
+        if(FddInfo.iCichRscp != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // iCichRscp is present
+            {
+            if(KCichRscpMin <= FddInfo.iCichRscp && FddInfo.iCichRscp <= KCichRscpMax)
+                {
+                //Set to message                                
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                    //error
+                }
+            }       
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                  
+        if(FddInfo.iPathloss != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // iPathloss is present
+            {
+            if(KPathlossMin <= FddInfo.iPathloss && FddInfo.iPathloss <= KPathlossMax)
+                {
+                //Set to message                                
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                    //error
+                }
+            }       
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                  
+        return KErrNone;            
+        }
+    else
+        {
+            //error
+        }
+    if(TddInfo.iCellParamID != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // iCellParamID is present
+        {
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                 
+        if(KCellParamIDMin <= TddInfo.iCellParamID && TddInfo.iCellParamID <= KCellParamIDMax)
+            {
+            //Set to message
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                //error
+            }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                         
+        if(TddInfo.iProposedTGSN != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // iProposedTGSN is present
+            {
+            if(KProposedTGSNMin <= TddInfo.iProposedTGSN && TddInfo.iProposedTGSN <= KProposedTGSNMax)
+                {
+                //Set to message    
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                    //error
+                }
+            }       
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                         
+        if(TddInfo.iPrimaryCcpchRscp != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // iPrimaryCcpchRscp is present
+            {
+            if(KPrimaryCcpchRscpMin <= TddInfo.iPrimaryCcpchRscp && TddInfo.iPrimaryCcpchRscp <= KPrimaryCcpchRscpMax)
+                {
+                //Set to message           
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                    //error
+                }
+            }       
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                         
+        if(TddInfo.iPathloss != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet) // iPathloss is present
+            {
+            if(KPathlossMin <= TddInfo.iPathloss && TddInfo.iPathloss <= KPathlossMax)
+                {
+                //Set to message                                
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                   //error
+                }
+            }       
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                  
+        TInt eleCount = 0; 
+        for(TInt i = 0; i < KOMASUPLMaxTimeSlotIscpAmount; i++)
+            {
+            if(TddInfo.iTimeslotISCP[i] != KOMASuplOptionalParamNotSet && KTimeslotISCPMin <= TddInfo.iTimeslotISCP[i] && TddInfo.iTimeslotISCP[i] <= KTimeslotISCPMax)
+                {
+                //Set to message                                
+                //Set to message that its not optional
+                eleCount++;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                    //error
+                }
+            }
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                  
+        //          
+        return KErrNone;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+            //error
+        }
+    return 0;
+    //Own error code can be set...
+    }