changeset 0 0ce1b5ce9557
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/examplecommonisc/IscApi/inc/IscDefinitions.h	Thu Jan 14 07:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  ?Description
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <kernel.h>
+#endif // __KERNEL_MODE__
+const TInt KIscNumberOfUnits = 64;
+// uncomment definition to support channel sharing
+// amount of how many users one channel can have
+const TInt KIscMaxNumberOfChannelSharers = 3;
+const TInt KIscMaxNumberOfChannelSharers = 1;
+const TInt KIscIniLineLength = 256;
+// constant used by DIscMultiplexerBase::GetFrameInfo, 
+// TIscFrameInfo.DataMode
+enum TIscFrameType
+    {
+    EIscNonDataFrame,
+    EIscDataFrame
+    };
+// frame concatenation enumeration
+enum TIscFrameConcatenation
+    {
+    EIscNoConcatenation,
+    EIscConcatenationDataStart,
+    EIscConcatenationData,
+    EIscConcatenationDataEnd
+    };
+/** Connection status enumeration. 
+@see RIscApi::NotifyConnectionStatus
+@see RIscApi::ConnectionStatus
+enum TIscConnectionStatus
+    {
+    /**
+    The connection is functional.
+    */
+    EIscConnectionOk=0,
+    /**
+    The connection to baseband modem is not functional.
+    */
+    EIscConnectionNotOk
+    };
+/** Flow control status enumeration. 
+@see RIscApi::FlowControlStatus
+@see RIscApi::NotifyFlowControl
+enum TIscFlowControlStatus
+    {
+    /**
+    Flow control is not active; i.e. the client can operate normally.
+    */
+    EIscFlowControlOff=0,
+    /**
+    Flow control is invoked, meaning that the user may no longer send data until the status is back to EIscFlowControlOff.
+    */
+    EIscFlowControlOn,
+    /**
+    Indicates that other end has finished sending data or the data connection has been removed.
+    */
+    EIscTransmissionEnd
+    };
+const TUint16 KIscControlChannel = 0x00;
+const TUint16 KIscFirstChannel = 0x01;
+const TUint16 KIscLastChannel = KIscNumberOfUnits-1;   // Maximun number of channels in ISC driver framework
+const TUint16 KIscMaxChannelsInLdd = 0x20; // 32
+const TUint16 KIscFrameReceiverNotFound = 0x500;
+const TUint16 KIscAllChannels = 0x100;
+// enumerations for asynchronous requests in ISC
+enum TIscAsyncRequest
+    {
+    EIscAsyncInitializeModemInterface,
+    EIscAsyncOpen,
+    EIscAsyncLastKernelServerContext, // last kernel server context call
+    EIscAsyncSend,
+    EIscAsyncReceive,
+    EIscAsyncDataSend,
+    EIscAsyncDataReceive,
+    EIscAsyncNotifyConnectionStatus,
+    EIscAsyncNotifyFlowControlStatus,
+    EIscAsyncCustomOperation1,
+    EIscAsyncCustomOperation2,
+    EIscAsyncCustomOperation3,
+    EIscAsyncCustomOperation4,
+    EIscAsyncCustomOperation5,
+    EIscAsyncClose,
+    EIscAsyncLast
+    }; 
+// enumerations for synchronous requests in ISC
+enum TIscSyncRequest
+    {
+    EIscSyncClose = EIscAsyncLast,  // 15
+    EIscSyncLastKernelServerContext,// last kernel server context call
+    EIscSyncSend,
+    EIscSyncDataSend,
+    EIscSyncGetConnectionStatus,
+    EIscSyncGetFlowControlStatus,
+    EIscSyncGetChannelInfo,
+    EIscSyncGetMaximunDataSize,
+    EIscSyncCustomOperation1,
+    EIscSyncCustomOperation2,
+    EIscSyncCustomOperation3,
+    EIscSyncCustomOperation4,
+    EIscSyncCustomOperation5,
+    EIscSyncResetBuffers,
+    EIscSyncLast
+    };
+// enumerations for canceling asynchronous requests in ISC
+enum TIscCancelRequest
+    {
+    EIscCancelAsyncInitialize = EIscSyncLast,
+    EIscCancelAsyncOpen,
+    EIscCancelAsyncSend,
+    EIscCancelAsyncDataSend,
+    EIscCancelAsyncReceive,
+    EIscCancelAsyncDataReceive,
+    EIscCancelAsyncNotifyConnection,
+    EIscCancelAsyncNotifyFlowControl,
+    EIscCancelAsyncCustomOperation1,
+    EIscCancelAsyncCustomOperation2,
+    EIscCancelAsyncCustomOperation3,
+    EIscCancelAsyncCustomOperation4,
+    EIscCancelAsyncCustomOperation5,
+    EIscCancelAsyncClose,
+    EIscCancelLast
+    };
+// Panic values used in ASSERT_RESET macro
+// Can be seen as "FAULT [component] [TIscIfFault]" in trace or crash debugger
+// e.g "FAULT IscDriver: 0x1"
+enum TIscIfFault
+    {
+    EIscPanicSetChannel=1,              // 1
+    EIscPanicCreateLogicalDevice,       // 2
+    EIscMainRcvBufferOverflow,          // 3
+    EIscNotAllowedCallToDoRequest,      // 4
+    EIscNotAllowedCallToDoCancel,       // 5
+    EIscUnknownCommand,                 // 6
+    EIscNullIscDriverPointer,           // 7
+    EIscMemoryAllocationFailure,        // 8
+    EIscRequestAlreadyActive,           // 9    
+    EIscDriverNotFound,                 // 10
+    EIscLogicalDevicesNotFound,         // 11
+    EIscMultiplexerNotFound,            // 12
+    EIscDataTransmissionDriverNotFound, // 13
+    EIscMainRcvBufferInitialize,        // 14
+    EIscBufferAllocationFailure,        // 15
+    EIscControlBufferOverflow,          // 16
+    EIscInvalidChannelPtr               // 17 only in debug mode
+    }; 
+#endif      // ISCDEFINITIONS_H
+// End of File