* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Command handler for SSY <--> Sensor messages
#include <e32property.h>
#include "ssyreferencecmdhandler.h"
#include "ssyreferencecontrol.h"
#include "ssyreferencechannel.h"
#include "ssyreferencetrace.h"
#ifdef DSG
#include <u32exec.h>
#include <e32uid.h>
#define SystemCategory KUidSystemCategory
#define EmulatorOrientationKey KSystemEmulatorOrientationKey
#endif // DSG
// ======== CONSTANTS ========
const TInt KSsyRefShortDelay = 100;
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler C++ constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::CSsyReferenceCmdHandler( CSsyReferenceChannel& aSsyChannel ) :
CActive( EPriorityNormal ),
iSsyChannel( aSsyChannel )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::CSsyReferenceCmdHandler()" ) ) );
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::CSsyReferenceCmdHandler() - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ConstructL()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ConstructL()" ) ) );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ConstructL() - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSsyReferenceCmdHandler* CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL( CSsyReferenceChannel& aSsyChannel )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL()" ) ) );
CSsyReferenceCmdHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CSsyReferenceCmdHandler( aSsyChannel );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL() - return" ) ) );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::~CSsyReferenceCmdHandler()" ) ) );
if ( iMessage )
// Send ProcessResponse
iMessage->SetError( KErrCancel );
iSsyChannel.ProcessResponse( iMessage );
delete iMessage;
iMessage = NULL;
#ifdef DSG
if ( iPsListener )
delete iPsListener;
iPsListener = NULL;
#endif // DSG
if ( iTimer )
delete iTimer;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::~CSsyReferenceCmdHandler() - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand( TSsyReferenceMsg aMessage )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand()" ) ) );
TInt err( KErrAlreadyExists );
// Special case, when channel is reciving, iMessage is not deleted after ProcessCommand
if ( aMessage.Function() == ESsyReferenceStopChannelData )
// Stop 'receiving'. No need to handle this asynchronously
if ( iTimer )
delete iTimer;
iTimer = NULL;
#ifdef DSG
if ( iPsListener )
delete iPsListener;
iPsListener = NULL;
#endif // DSG
iDataItemPtr = 0;
err = KErrNone;
// No need to send ProcessResponse either
delete iMessage;
iMessage = NULL;
else if ( !iMessage )
TRAP(err, iMessage = new ( ELeave ) TSsyReferenceMsg( aMessage ));
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand() - error %d creatig TSsyReferenceMsg" ), err ) );
switch( aMessage.Function() )
case ESsyReferenceStartChannelData:
// Get channel data items and start 'receiving'
err = KErrNone;
case ESsyReferenceOpenChannel:
// Open channel specific handling here
err = KErrNone;
case ESsyReferenceCloseChannel:
// Close channel specific handling here
err = KErrNone;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand() - Unknown function" ) ) );
err = KErrNotFound;
err = KErrUnknown;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand() - return" ) ) );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::IssueRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::IssueRequest( TInt aError )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::IssueRequest()" ) ) );
// Provides synchronous function calls to be handled as asynchronous
if ( !IsActive() )
TRequestStatus *s = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( s, aError );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::IssueRequest() - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendResponse
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendResponse( TInt aError )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendResponse()" ) ) );
// Send response to channel
if ( iMessage )
iMessage->SetError( aError );
iSsyChannel.ProcessResponse( iMessage );
delete iMessage;
iMessage = NULL;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendResponse() - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunL()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunL() - %i" ), iStatus.Int() ) );
TInt err( iStatus.Int() );
if ( iMessage )
switch( iMessage->Function() )
case ESsyReferenceStartChannelData:
TInt startInterval( 0 );
// Get all Channel data information from config file
GetChannelDataInformationL( iMessage->ChannelId(), iDataItemArray, startInterval );
// Check that channel data items were found
if ( iDataItemArray.Count() )
// If interval is zero, set small interval
if ( startInterval == 0 )
startInterval = KSsyRefShortDelay;
// wait that interval
if ( iTimer )
delete iTimer;
iTimer = NULL;
// Reset pointer
iDataItemPtr = 0;
// Start timer and continue processing in callback function
iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
#ifndef DSG
iTimer->Start( startInterval * 1000, 0, TCallBack( DataItemCallback, this ) );
if (startInterval > 0)
iTimer->Start(startInterval * 1000, 0, TCallBack(DataItemCallback, this));
// Register to receive property updates ...
if (!iPsListener)
iPsListener = CSsyPsListener::NewL(*this, SystemCategory, EmulatorOrientationKey);
if (iPsListener)
// Respond to the inital value of the property, if it exists
static TInt initialValue;
if (RProperty::Get(SystemCategory, EmulatorOrientationKey, initialValue) == KErrNone)
PsValueSet(SystemCategory, EmulatorOrientationKey, initialValue);
#endif // DSG
case ESsyReferenceOpenChannel:
// Open channel response specific handling here
iMessage->SetFunction( ESsyReferenceOpenChannelResp );
case ESsyReferenceCloseChannel:
// Close channel response specific handling here
iMessage->SetFunction( ESsyReferenceCloseChannelResp );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand() - Unknown function" ) ) );
err = KErrNotFound;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunL() - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DoCancel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DoCancel()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DoCancel()" ) ) );
// Handle cancel for this channel. Cancel any ongoing requests
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DoCancel() - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunError
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunError()" ) ) );
// Handle possible errors here and return KErrNone to prevent SSY from panic
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunError() - return" ) ) );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DataItemCallback
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DataItemCallback( TAny* aThis )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DataItemCallback()" ) ) );
return static_cast<CSsyReferenceCmdHandler*>( aThis )->GenerateChannelDataItem();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelDataItem
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelDataItem()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelDataItem()" ) ) );
// Get next item from list and set pointer to next item
TSsyRefChannelDataBase dataItem = iDataItemArray[iDataItemPtr++];
// Get next item interval from data item
TInt nextInterval( dataItem.Interval() );
// Set timestamp to data item
TTime time;
dataItem.SetTimestamp( time );
// If interval is zero, set small interval
if ( nextInterval == 0 )
nextInterval = KSsyRefShortDelay;
// Add data item to message
iMessage->SetDataItem( &dataItem );
// If in last data item, set pointer back to first item
if ( iDataItemArray.Count() == iDataItemPtr )
iDataItemPtr = 0;
// Send response and start new timer
iMessage->SetFunction( ESsyReferenceDataItemReceived );
iSsyChannel.ProcessResponse( iMessage );
if ( iTimer )
delete iTimer;
iTimer = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE( iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
iTimer->Start( nextInterval * 1000, 0, TCallBack( DataItemCallback, this ) ); )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelDataItem() - return" ) ) );
return KErrNone;
#ifdef DSG
void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendData()
if (iMessage)
TSsyRefChannelDataBase dataItem = iDataItemArray[iDataItemPtr];
// Set timestamp to data item
TTime time;
// Add data item to message
// Send response
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelStateItem
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelStateItem()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelStateItem()" ) ) );
// If we wrap around, or the 'Interval' (i.e. state number) of the next entry
// differs from that of the current one, we've finished this sequence of callbacks
TInt newIndex = iDataItemPtr+1;
if (newIndex >= iDataItemArray.Count())
newIndex = 0;
TInt oldState = iDataItemArray[iDataItemPtr].Interval();
TInt newState = iDataItemArray[newIndex].Interval();
if (newState == oldState && newIndex != 0)
iDataItemPtr = newIndex;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelStateItem() - return" ) ) );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::StateItemCallback
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::StateItemCallback( TAny* aThis )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::StateItemCallback()" ) ) );
return static_cast<CSsyReferenceCmdHandler*>( aThis )->GenerateChannelStateItem();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::PsValueSet
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::PsValueSet(TUid aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue)
TUid c = aCategory;
TInt k = aKey;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::PsValueSet(%x, %x, %d)" ), aCategory, aKey, aValue ) );
// Find where to start ...
for (TInt index = 0; index < iDataItemArray.Count(); ++index)
TSsyRefChannelDataBase& dataItem = iDataItemArray[index];
if (dataItem.Interval() == aValue)
// The 'Interval' (i.e. state number) matches the property value.
// Set the start index and start the timer callback running
iDataItemPtr = index;
iTimer->Start(10, 10000, TCallBack(StateItemCallback, this));
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::PsValueSet() - return" ) ) );
#include "ssypslistener.cpp"
#endif // DSG
// End of file