Convert wlanhwinit_stub to use the published SHAI interface pieces
- use epoc32/include/platform/shai/wlanhwinit.mmh to get fixed parts of the mmp file, including def files
- don't have a local copy of the def files
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCI10GetBitrateERj @ 1 NONAME
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCI10GetVadModeERi @ 2 NONAME
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCI10SetBitrateEj @ 3 NONAME
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCI10SetVadModeEi @ 4 NONAME
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCI20GetSupportedBitratesER6RArrayIjE @ 5 NONAME
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCI4NewLEv @ 6 NONAME
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCID0Ev @ 7 NONAME
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCID1Ev @ 8 NONAME
_ZN22CSpeechEncoderConfigCID2Ev @ 9 NONAME
_ZTI22CSpeechEncoderConfigCI @ 10 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTV22CSpeechEncoderConfigCI @ 11 NONAME ; #<VT>#