--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/data/10205058.rss Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Feature Manager stub plugin ECom resource file
+#include "ecom/registryinfov2.rh"
+// Declares info for one implementations
+RESOURCE REGISTRY_INFO featmgrstubplugin_registry_info
+ {
+ // UID for the DLL. See FeatMgrStubPlugin.mmp
+ resource_format_version = RESOURCE_FORMAT_VERSION_2;
+ dll_uid = 0x10205058;
+ interfaces =
+ {
+ {
+ // UID of interface that is implemented
+ interface_uid = 0x10205057;
+ implementations =
+ {
+ {
+ implementation_uid = 0x10205059;
+ version_no = 1;
+ display_name = "";
+ default_data = "";
+ opaque_data = "";
+ rom_only = 1;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/group/bld.inf Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Feature Manager stub plugin bld file
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+../rom/featmgrstubplugin.iby CORE_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(stubs,featmgrstubplugin.iby)
+// End of File
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/group/featmgrstubplugin.mmp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Feature Manager stub plugin Project definition file
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+TARGET FeatMgrStubPlugin.dll
+UID 0x10009D8D 0x10205058
+SOURCE proxy.cpp
+SOURCE featmgrplugin.cpp
+SOURCE plugintimer.cpp
+START RESOURCE ../data/10205058.rss
+ TARGET FeatMgrStubPlugin.rsc
+ #endif
+LIBRARY euser.lib
+LIBRARY ecom.lib
+// Trace macros
+//MACRO API_TRACE_FLAG // Uncomment during testing to get API traces.
+//MACRO COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG // Uncomment during testing to get COMPONENT traces.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/inc/featmgrplugin.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Feature Manger stub plugin header
+#include <featureinfoplugin.h>
+#include "plugintimer.h"
+class CFeatMgrPlugin : public CFeatureInfoPlugin,
+ public MPluginTimerCallback
+ {
+ public:
+ static CFeatMgrPlugin* NewL();
+ virtual ~CFeatMgrPlugin();
+ /**
+ * Method to invoke a particular command in the plugin
+ * @param aCommandId Command ID
+ * @param aTransId Transaction ID
+ * @param aData Data associated with command
+ */
+ virtual void ProcessCommandL( const FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ const TUint8 aTransId,
+ TDesC8& aData );
+ // From MPluginTimerCallback
+ void GenericTimerFiredL( MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aService,
+ const FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ const TUint8 aTransId,
+ TInt aRetVal );
+ private: // Construction
+ CFeatMgrPlugin();
+ void ConstructL();
+ // RPointerArray<CPluginTimer> iTimers;
+ CPluginTimer* iTimer;
+ };
+#endif // __FEATMGRPLUGIN_H_
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/inc/plugintimer.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Feature Manager stub plugin timer definition
+#ifndef __PLUGINTIMER_H_
+#define __PLUGINTIMER_H_
+#include <featureinfoplugin.h>
+* An interface for handling timer expiration events.
+class MPluginTimerCallback
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Called when the timer fires
+ */
+ virtual void GenericTimerFiredL( MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aService,
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ TUint8 aTransId,
+ TInt aRetVal ) = 0;
+ };
+class CPluginTimer : public CTimer
+ {
+ public:
+ CPluginTimer( TInt aPriority,
+ MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aService,
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ TUint8 aTransId,
+ TInt aRetVal,
+ MPluginTimerCallback* aCallback );
+ ~CPluginTimer();
+ CPluginTimer(TInt aPriority);
+ static CPluginTimer* NewL( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& anInterval,
+ MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aService,
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ TUint8 aTransId,
+ TInt aRetVal,
+ MPluginTimerCallback* aCallback );
+ void ConstructL();
+ void RunL();
+ inline TUint8 TransId() const
+ {
+ return iTransId;
+ };
+ private:
+ MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& iService; // Not owned
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd iCommandId;
+ TUint8 iTransId;
+ TInt iRetVal;
+ MPluginTimerCallback* iCallback; // Not owned
+ };
+#endif // __PLUGINTIMER_H_
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/inc/trace.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This is debug macro definition file for Feature Manager
+#ifndef TRACE_H
+#define TRACE_H
+#include <e32svr.h>
+// Removes null statement not in line by itself warnings from
+//lint -esym(960,54)
+// Removes "area too small" pointer cast warnings.
+//lint -e826
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a ) RDebug::Print a
+ #else // #ifdef COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a )
+ #endif //#ifdef COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define API_TRACE( a ) RDebug::Print a
+ #else //#ifdef API_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define API_TRACE( a )
+ #endif //#ifdef API_TRACE_FLAG
+#else // #ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a )
+ #define API_TRACE( a )
+#endif //#ifdef _DEBUG
+#endif //#ifndef TRACE_H
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/rom/featmgrstubplugin.iby Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: FeatMgrStubPlugin provide dummy implementation for emulator
+* environment to be used instead of proper FeatMgr plugin.
+ECOM_PLUGIN( FeatMgrStubPlugin.dll , FeatMgrStubPlugin.rsc )
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/src/featmgrplugin.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Feature Manager stub plugin
+* implementation.
+#include "featmgrplugin.h"
+#include <featureinfoplugin.h>
+#include "trace.h"
+CFeatMgrPlugin* CFeatMgrPlugin::NewL()
+ {
+ CFeatMgrPlugin* self = new(ELeave) CFeatMgrPlugin();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ if ( iTimer )
+ {
+ delete iTimer;
+ iTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CFeatMgrPlugin::ConstructL()
+ {
+ }
+void CFeatMgrPlugin::ProcessCommandL( const FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ const TUint8 aTransId,
+ TDesC8& /*aData*/ )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("FeatMgrPlugin: Processing command: 0x%x, TransId: 0x%x"),
+ aCommandId, aTransId));
+ switch ( aCommandId )
+ {
+ case FeatureInfoCommand::ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE(_L("FeatMgrPlugin: Processed ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId"));
+ // Load feature info
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("FeatMgrPlugin: Unknown Command: 0x%x"), aCommandId));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ TInt retval(KErrNone);
+ TInt timeout( 1000 ); // microseconds
+ // create new timer
+ iTimer = CPluginTimer::NewL(timeout, *iResponseCallback, aCommandId, aTransId, retval,this);
+ }
+void CFeatMgrPlugin::GenericTimerFiredL(
+ MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aService,
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ TUint8 aTransId,
+ TInt /*aRetVal*/)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("FeatMgr Plugin: GenericTimerFiredL (0x%x, 0x%x)"),
+ aCommandId, aTransId));
+ //__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!(&aService), User::Invariant() );
+ RArray<FeatureInfoCommand::TFeature>* list =
+ new(ELeave) RArray<FeatureInfoCommand::TFeature>(1);
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfo featureList;
+ TInt err( KErrNone );
+ //
+ //
+ /***/
+ // For testing, case 1.
+ // Returns empty list and KErrNone.
+ featureList.iErrorCode = KErrNone;
+ featureList.iList = *list;
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoRespPckg resPackage(featureList);
+ TRAP(err, aService.ProcessResponseL(aCommandId, aTransId, resPackage));
+ /***/
+ /***
+ // For testing, case 2.
+ // Returns one feature and KErrNone.
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeature feature1;
+ feature1.iFeatureID = KFeatureIdBt;
+ feature1.iValue = ETrue;
+ list->Append(feature1);
+ featureList.iErrorCode = KErrNone;
+ featureList.iList = *list;
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoRespPckg resPackage(featureList);
+ TRAP(err, aService.ProcessResponseL(aCommandId, aTransId, resPackage));
+ ***/
+ /***
+ // For testing, case 3.
+ // Returns three features and KErrNone
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeature feature1;
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeature feature2;
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeature feature3;
+ feature1.iFeatureID = KFeatureIdBt;
+ feature1.iValue = EFalse;
+ feature1.iFeatureID = KFeatureIdIrda;
+ feature1.iValue = ETrue;
+ feature1.iFeatureID = KFeatureIdProtocolWlan;
+ feature1.iValue = EFalse;
+ list->Append(feature1);
+ list->Append(feature2);
+ list->Append(feature3);
+ featureList.iErrorCode = KErrNone;
+ featureList.iList = *list;
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoRespPckg resPackage(featureList);
+ TRAP(err, aService.ProcessResponseL(aCommandId, aTransId, resPackage));
+ ***/
+ /***
+ // For testing, case 4.
+ // Returns empty list and KErrArgument.
+ featureList.iErrorCode = KErrArgument;
+ featureList.iList = *list;
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoRespPckg resPackage(featureList);
+ TRAP(err, aService.ProcessResponseL(aCommandId, aTransId, resPackage));
+ ***/
+ /***
+ // For testing, case 5.
+ // ProcessResponseL never called.
+ ***/
+ list->Reset();
+ delete list;
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("FeatMgr Plugin: Error in ProcessResponseL: %d"), err));
+ }
+ if ( iTimer && !iTimer->IsActive() )
+ {
+ delete iTimer;
+ iTimer = NULL;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("FeatMgr Plugin: GenericTimerFiredL - Removed obsolete timer")));
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/src/plugintimer.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Feature Manager stub plugin timer implementation
+#include "plugintimer.h"
+#include <featureinfoplugin.h>
+#include "trace.h"
+CPluginTimer* CPluginTimer::NewL( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& anInterval,
+ MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aService,
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ TUint8 aTransId,
+ TInt aRetVal,
+ MPluginTimerCallback* aCallback )
+ {
+ CPluginTimer* self = new( ELeave ) CPluginTimer(0, aService, aCommandId,
+ aTransId, aRetVal, aCallback);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(self);
+ COMPONENT_TRACE((_L("FeatMgr Plugin - CPluginTimer::NewL - Setting timer: %d"), anInterval));
+ self->After(anInterval);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ // PCLint demands
+ iCallback = NULL;
+ }
+CPluginTimer::CPluginTimer( TInt aPriority,
+ MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aService,
+ FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ TUint8 aTransId,
+ TInt aRetVal,
+ MPluginTimerCallback* aCallback )
+ : CTimer(aPriority),
+ iService(aService),
+ iCommandId(aCommandId),
+ iTransId(aTransId),
+ iRetVal(aRetVal),
+ iCallback(aCallback)
+ {
+ }
+void CPluginTimer::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CTimer::ConstructL();
+ }
+void CPluginTimer::RunL( )
+ {
+ iCallback->GenericTimerFiredL(iService, iCommandId, iTransId, iRetVal );
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/src/proxy.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Feature Manager stub plugin proxy definition file
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
+#include "featmgrplugin.h"
+// Map the interface implementation UIDs to implementation factory functions
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
+ {
+ IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x10205059, CFeatMgrPlugin::NewL),
+ };
+// Exported proxy for instantiation method resolution.
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
+ {
+ aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
+ return ImplementationTable;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/sensorchannelsreference/group/bld.inf Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Build information file for project sensorchannelsreference
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+../inc/sensrvproprietaryproperties.h OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(sensrvproprietaryproperties.h)
+../inc/sensrvproprietarydatatypes.h OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(sensrvproprietarydatatypes.h)
+../inc/sensrvproprietarychannels.h OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(sensrvproprietarychannels.h)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/sensorchannelsreference/inc/sensrvproprietarychannels.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Proprietary channels definitions
+#include <sensrvtypes.h>
+* - Name: Proprietary example channel type.
+* Value of the channel ID must be unique among the all channels.
+* To guarantee uniqueness, UID value can be used for channel ID.
+* UID values are assigned to developers centrally by Symbian.
+* In this example temporary UID range is used (0xExxxxxxx).
+* - Type: N/A
+* - Datatype: see sensrvproprietarydatatypes.h
+* - Description: Example channel definition.
+//const TSensrvChannelTypeId KSensrvProprietaryChanneld = 0xE0000001;
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/sensorchannelsreference/inc/sensrvproprietarydatatypes.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This header provides the proprietary data type definitions.
+// See platform provided data type definitions for a channel
+// from sensrvchanneldatatypes.h as an example.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/sensorchannelsreference/inc/sensrvproprietaryproperties.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This header provides the proprietary property definitions.
+#include <sensrvproperty.h>
+* - Name: Name of the property.
+* Property values from 0x0 to 0xffff are reserved for platform use.
+* - Type: Defines type of the property (TInt/TReal/TBuf)
+* - Scope: Defines a property scope. Property can be defined for a
+* channel, for a specific item in a channel or for a server
+* related to channel or
+* - Group: Defines which category a property belongs
+* - Mandatory: Defines is property mandatory or in which groups property is
+* mandatory
+* - Capability: Capabilities needed to set this property
+* - Description: Description of the property
+//const TSensrvPropertyId KSensrvProprietaryProperty = 0x00010000;
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/data/10205089.rss Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Used as an reference implementation
+* Declaration of SSYReferencePlugin ECom resource
+#include <sensrvresource.hrh>
+#include "ecom/registryinfov2.rh"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 10205089.rss
+// Declares info for SSYReference ECom plugin
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ // UID for the DLL. See SSYReferencePlugin.mmp
+ resource_format_version = RESOURCE_FORMAT_VERSION_2;
+ dll_uid = 0x10205089;
+ interfaces =
+ {
+ {
+ // UID of interface that is implemented
+ interface_uid = KSsyControlInterfaceUid;
+ implementations =
+ {
+ {
+ implementation_uid = 0x10205088;
+ version_no = 1;
+ display_name = "SSYReferencePlugin";
+ default_data = {
+ // Double tap channel
+ 0x1, // ChannelInfoVersion
+ 0x2F, // ChannelInfoLength
+ 0x2E, // Flags
+ 0x81, 0x50, 0x20, 0x10, // ChannelType
+ 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ContextType ESensrvContextTypeDevice
+ 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Quantity ESensrvQuantityTapping
+ 0x0C, 0x53, 0x73, 0x79, 0x52, 0x65, 0x66, 0x44, 0x62, 0x6C, 0x54, 0x61, 0x70, // Location: SsyRefDblTap
+ 0x06, 0x53, 0x73, 0x79, 0x52, 0x65, 0x66, // VendorId: SsyRef
+ 0x7F, 0x50, 0x20, 0x10, // ChannelDataTypeId
+ 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // ChannelSecurityPolicy
+ // Accelerometer channel
+ 0x1, // ChannelInfoVersion
+ 0x2F, // ChannelInfoLength
+ 0x1E, // Flags
+ 0x7E, 0x50, 0x20, 0x10, // ChannelType
+ 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ContextType ESensrvContextTypeDevice
+ 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Quantity ESensrvQuantityAcceleration
+ 0x0C, 0x53, 0x73, 0x79, 0x52, 0x65, 0x66, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0x43, 0x68, 0x6E, // Location SsyRefXYZChn
+ 0x06, 0x53, 0x73, 0x79, 0x52, 0x65, 0x66, // VendorId: SsyRef
+ 0x7E, 0x50, 0x20, 0x10, // ChannelDataTypeId
+ 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // ChannelSecurityPolicy
+ // Magnetometer channel
+ 0x1, // ChannelInfoVersion
+ 0x2F, // ChannelInfoLength
+ 0x1E, // Flags
+ 0xE0, 0xBE, 0x00, 0x20, // ChannelType
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ContextType ESensrvContextAmbient
+ 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Quantity ESensrvQuantityMagnetic
+ 0x0C, 0x53, 0x73, 0x79, 0x52, 0x65, 0x66, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0x43, 0x68, 0x6E, // Location: SsyRefXYZChn
+ 0x06, 0x53, 0x73, 0x79, 0x52, 0x65, 0x66, // VendorId: SsyRef
+ 0xE0, 0xBE, 0x00, 0x20, // ChannelDataTypeId
+ 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // ChannelSecurityPolicy
+ // Proximity channel
+ 0x1, // ChannelInfoVersion
+ 0x2F, // ChannelInfoLength
+ 0x3E, // Flags
+ 0x85, 0xE5, 0x00, 0x20, // ChannelType (0x2000E585)
+ 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ContextType ESensrvContextTypeDevice
+ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Quantity ESensrvQuantityProximity
+ 0x0C, 0x53, 0x73, 0x79, 0x52, 0x65, 0x66, 0x50, 0x72, 0x78, 0x43, 0x68, 0x6E, // Location: SsyRefPrxChn
+ 0x06, 0x53, 0x73, 0x79, 0x52, 0x65, 0x66, // VendorId: SsyRef
+ 0x85, 0xE5, 0x00, 0x20, // ChannelDataTypeId
+ 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF // ChannelSecurityPolicy
+ };
+ opaque_data = {};
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ }
+// End of File
Binary file systemswstubs/ssyreference/group/1020507E.txt has changed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/group/SsyReferenceConfig.xml Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+<!-- SSY reference configuration -->
+ <SsyGeneralInformation>
+ </SsyGeneralInformation>
+ <ChannelInformationGroup ChannelCount="4">
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="1"
+ ContextType="2"
+ Quantity="11"
+ ChannelType="0x10205081"
+ Location="SsyRefDblTap"
+ Vendor="SsyRef"
+ DataTypeId="0x1020507F">
+ <Properties>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="100"
+ MaxValue="150"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000004"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="1"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, availability of the channel, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdAvailability -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="3000">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x1020507F" count="1" IntervalMs="3000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataTapping Direction="0x01"></SsyRefChannelDataTapping>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x1020507F" count="1" IntervalMs="5000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataTapping Direction="0x02"></SsyRefChannelDataTapping>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="2"
+ ContextType="2"
+ Quantity="10"
+ ChannelType="0x1020507E"
+ Location="SsyRefXYZChn"
+ Vendor="SsyRef"
+ DataTypeId="0x1020507E">
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- First four properties has same property Id, they are grouped to array property -->
+ <!-- First is array info -2, which tells currently selected property, value = 1 -->
+ <!-- Max and Min values tells max and min property array indexes, not the actual values -->
+ <!-- Array index is mandatory only for array type of properties, by default it is -1 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="-2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="2"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="0"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="10"
+ MaxValue="10"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="1"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="30"
+ MaxValue="30"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="50"
+ MaxValue="50"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000004"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="1"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, availability of the channel, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdAvailability -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="1"
+ PropertyValue="14.56"
+ MaxValue="128"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for X-axis (item index = 1), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="2"
+ PropertyValue="20.65"
+ MaxValue="256"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for Y-axis (item index = 2), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="3"
+ PropertyValue="10.56"
+ MaxValue="128"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for Z-axis (item index = 3), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x000000008"
+ ItemIndex="-1"
+ PropertyValue="10"
+ MaxValue="1"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <!-- Channel item property, accuracy property common (item index = -1), see KSensrvPropIdChannelAccuracy -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x0000000010"
+ ItemIndex="-1"
+ PropertyValue="10"
+ MaxValue="0"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel item property, unit property for common (item index = -1), see KSensrvPropIdChannelUnit -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="1000">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x1020507E" count="3" IntervalMs="5000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="50" ></SsyRefChannelDataAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="3"
+ ContextType="1"
+ Quantity="14"
+ ChannelType="0x2000BEE0"
+ Location="SsyRefXYZChn"
+ Vendor="SsyRef"
+ DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0">
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- First four properties has same property Id, they are grouped to array property -->
+ <!-- First is array info -2, which tells currently selected property, value = 1 -->
+ <!-- Max and Min values tells max and min property array indexes, not the actual values -->
+ <!-- Array index is mandatory only for array type of properties, by default it is -1 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="10"
+ MaxValue="10"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="1"
+ PropertyValue="14.56"
+ MaxValue="128"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for X-axis (item index = 1), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="2"
+ PropertyValue="20.65"
+ MaxValue="256"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for Y-axis (item index = 2), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="3"
+ PropertyValue="10.56"
+ MaxValue="128"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for Z-axis (item index = 3), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="1000">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0" count="1" IntervalMs="100">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="1" XAxisCalib="5" YAxisCalib="35" ZAxisCalib="-140" ></SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0" count="1" IntervalMs="100">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="1" XAxisCalib="20" YAxisCalib="25" ZAxisCalib="-140" ></SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0" count="1" IntervalMs="100">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="1" XAxisCalib="25" YAxisCalib="20" ZAxisCalib="-140" ></SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0" count="1" IntervalMs="100">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="1" XAxisCalib="35" YAxisCalib="5" ZAxisCalib="-140" ></SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0" count="1" IntervalMs="100">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="1" XAxisCalib="35" YAxisCalib="-5" ZAxisCalib="-140" ></SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0" count="1" IntervalMs="100">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="1" XAxisCalib="25" YAxisCalib="-20" ZAxisCalib="-140" ></SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0" count="1" IntervalMs="100">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="1" XAxisCalib="20" YAxisCalib="-25" ZAxisCalib="-140" ></SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BEE0" count="1" IntervalMs="100">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis XAxis="1" YAxis="1" ZAxis="1" XAxisCalib="5" YAxisCalib="-35" ZAxisCalib="-140" ></SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="4"
+ ContextType="2"
+ Quantity="16"
+ ChannelType="0x2000E585"
+ Location="SsyRefPrxChn"
+ Vendor="SsyRef"
+ DataTypeId="0x2000E585">
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- First four properties has same property Id, they are grouped to array property -->
+ <!-- First is array info -2, which tells currently selected property, value = 1 -->
+ <!-- Max and Min values tells max and min property array indexes, not the actual values -->
+ <!-- Array index is mandatory only for array type of properties, by default it is -1 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="-2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="2"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="0"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="10"
+ MaxValue="0"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="1"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="30"
+ MaxValue="0"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="50"
+ MaxValue="0"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="5000">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000E585" count="3" IntervalMs="4000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataProximity ProximityState="0"></SsyRefChannelDataProximity>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000E585" count="2" IntervalMs="4000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataProximity ProximityState="1"></SsyRefChannelDataProximity>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ </ChannelInformationGroup>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/group/SsyReferenceConfigR.xml Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+<!-- SSY reference configuration -->
+ <SsyGeneralInformation>
+ </SsyGeneralInformation>
+ <ChannelInformationGroup ChannelCount="4">
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="5"
+ ContextType="2"
+ Quantity="11"
+ ChannelType="0x10205081"
+ Location="SsyRefDblTap"
+ Vendor="SsyRefVendor"
+ DataTypeId="0x1020507F">
+ <Properties>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="100"
+ MaxValue="150"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000004"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="1"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, availability of the channel, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdAvailability -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="3000">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x1020507F" count="1" IntervalMs="3000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataTapping Direction="0x01"></SsyRefChannelDataTapping>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x1020507F" count="1" IntervalMs="5000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataTapping Direction="0x02"></SsyRefChannelDataTapping>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ ChannelId="2"
+ ContextType="2"
+ Quantity="10"
+ ChannelType="0x1020507E"
+ Location="SsyRefAxisChan"
+ Vendor="SsyRefVendor"
+ DataTypeId="0x1020507E">
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- First four properties has same property Id, they are grouped to array property -->
+ <!-- First is array info -2, which tells currently selected property, value = 1 -->
+ <!-- Max and Min values tells max and min property array indexes, not the actual values -->
+ <!-- Array index is mandatory only for array type of properties, by default it is -1 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="-2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="2"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="0"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="10"
+ MaxValue="10"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="1"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="30"
+ MaxValue="30"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="50"
+ MaxValue="50"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000004"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="1"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, availability of the channel, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdAvailability -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="1"
+ PropertyValue="14.56"
+ MaxValue="128"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for X-axis (item index = 1), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="2"
+ PropertyValue="20.65"
+ MaxValue="256"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for Y-axis (item index = 2), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000005"
+ ItemIndex="3"
+ PropertyValue="10.56"
+ MaxValue="128"
+ MinValue="1"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="2">
+ <!-- Channel item property, measure range for Z-axis (item index = 3), see KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="5000">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x1020507E" count="3" IntervalMs="500">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAxis XAxis="50" YAxis="32" ZAxis="44" ></SsyRefChannelDataAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x1020507E" count="4" IntervalMs="2000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAxis XAxis="22" YAxis="49" ZAxis="55" ></SsyRefChannelDataAxis>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="3"
+ ContextType="2"
+ Quantity="10"
+ ChannelType="0x2000E585"
+ Location="SsyRefAxisChan"
+ Vendor="SsyRefVendor"
+ DataTypeId="0x2000E585">
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- First four properties has same property Id, they are grouped to array property -->
+ <!-- First is array info -2, which tells currently selected property, value = 1 -->
+ <!-- Max and Min values tells max and min property array indexes, not the actual values -->
+ <!-- Array index is mandatory only for array type of properties, by default it is -1 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="-2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="2"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="0"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="10"
+ MaxValue="10"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="1"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="30"
+ MaxValue="30"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="50"
+ MaxValue="50"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="5000">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000E585" count="3" IntervalMs="1000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataProximity ProximityState="1"></SsyRefChannelDataProximity>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000E585" count="2" IntervalMs="1000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataProximity ProximityState="2"></SsyRefChannelDataProximity>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="7"
+ ContextType="2"
+ Quantity="10"
+ ChannelType="0x2000BF16"
+ Location="SsyRefAxisChan"
+ Vendor="SsyRefVendor"
+ DataTypeId="0x2000BF16">
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- First four properties has same property Id, they are grouped to array property -->
+ <!-- First is array info -2, which tells currently selected property, value = 1 -->
+ <!-- Max and Min values tells max and min property array indexes, not the actual values -->
+ <!-- Array index is mandatory only for array type of properties, by default it is -1 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="-2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="1"
+ MaxValue="2"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="0"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="0"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="10"
+ MaxValue="10"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="1"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="30"
+ MaxValue="30"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="0x00000002"
+ ArrayIndex="2"
+ ItemIndex="0"
+ PropertyValue="50"
+ MaxValue="50"
+ MinValue="0"
+ ReadOnly="1"
+ PropertyType="1">
+ <!-- Channel property, data rate, mandatory for all channels, see KSensrvPropIdDataRate -->
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="5500">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BF16" count="3" IntervalMs="2000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight AmbientLightState="22"></SsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="0x2000BF16" count="2" IntervalMs="2000">
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight AmbientLightState="77"></SsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ </ChannelInformationGroup>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/group/SsyReference_Config_template.xml Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+<!-- SsyReference configuration file template -->
+<!-- ********************************************************** -->
+<!-- ********************************************************** -->
+ <SsyGeneralInformation>
+ <!-- General information for SSY itself -->
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- General properties of the sensor -->
+ <!-- TSensrvProperty. Each property has its own item defined in here -->
+ <!-- Property example 1 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="TSensrvPropertyId"
+ ItemIndex="Item index in channel data structure"
+ PropertyValue="Value of the property"
+ MaxValue="Maximum value of data"
+ MinValue="Minimum value of data"
+ ReadOnly="Read only or modifiable"
+ PropertyType="TSensrvPropertyType">
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <!-- Property example 2 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="TSensrvPropertyId"
+ ItemIndex="Item index in channel data structure"
+ PropertyValue="Value of the property"
+ MaxValue="Maximum value of data"
+ MinValue="Minimum value of data"
+ ReadOnly="Read only or modifiable"
+ PropertyType="TSensrvPropertyType">
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ </SsyGeneralInformation>
+ <ChannelInformationGroup ChannelCount="2">
+ <!-- Channel definitions. Each channel item contains all information of one channel -->
+ <!-- Channel example 1 -->
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="This value is updated runtime when Sensrv has defined channel IDs"
+ ContextType="TSensrvContextType"
+ Quantity="TSensrvQuantity"
+ ChannelType="TSensrvChannelTypeId"
+ Location="Location of the sensor"
+ Vendor="Vendor ID"
+ DataTypeId="data type ID identifies data type defined here. See sensrvchanneldatatypes.h">
+ <!-- One channel definition. Each channel has its own item block -->
+ <!-- TSensrvChannelInfo. Contains information of this channel; Context type, Quantity etc. -->
+ <!-- Contains properties of this channel. -->
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- TSensrvProperty. Each property has its own item defined in here -->
+ <!-- Property example 3 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="TSensrvPropertyId"
+ ItemIndex="Item index in channel data structure"
+ PropertyValue="Value of the property"
+ MaxValue="Maximum value of data"
+ MinValue="Minimum value of data"
+ ReadOnly="Read only or modifiable"
+ PropertyType="TSensrvPropertyType">
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <!-- Property example 4 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="TSensrvPropertyId"
+ ItemIndex="Item index in channel data structure"
+ PropertyValue="Value of the property"
+ MaxValue="Maximum value of data"
+ MinValue="Minimum value of data"
+ ReadOnly="Read only or modifiable"
+ PropertyType="TSensrvPropertyType">
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <!-- Channel data. Information of generated data by this channel. -->
+ <!-- There may be several different (yet same type) data items. Next data item is added to -->
+ <!-- buffer after the previous data items (all according to count) are added and last Interval is passed -->
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="Time in milliseconds to start filling buffer after StartChannelData()">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="data type ID identifies data type defined here. See sensrvchanneldatatypes.h" count="Number of this data items to be added into buffer (with the same values)"
+ IntervalMs="Time in milliseconds after next data item is added into buffer">
+ <!-- Content of this channel item is dependent on the type of this channel. It must be one and only one of the following -->
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAxis XAxis="Integer value of X Axis" YAxis="Integer value of Y Axis" ZAxis="Integer value of Z Axis" ><!-- This type has DataTypeID 0x00010001 --></SsyRefChannelDataAxis>
+ <SsyRefChannelDataTapping Direction="direction of tapping"><!-- This type has DataTypeID 0x00010002 --></SsyRefChannelDataTapping>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <!-- Next channel data item -->
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="data type ID identifies data type defined here. See sensrvchanneldatatypes.h" count="Number of this data items to be added into buffer (with the same values)"
+ IntervalMs="Time in milliseconds after next data item is added into buffer">
+ <!-- Content of this channel item is dependent on the type of this channel. It must be one and only one of the following -->
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAxis XAxis="Integer value of X Axis" YAxis="Integer value of Y Axis" ZAxis="Integer value of Z Axis" ><!-- This type has DataTypeID 0x00010001 --></SsyRefChannelDataAxis>
+ <SsyRefChannelDataTapping Direction="direction of tapping"><!-- This type has DataTypeID 0x00010002 --></SsyRefChannelDataTapping>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ <!-- Channel example 2 -->
+ <ChannelItem
+ ChannelId="This value is updated runtime when Sensrv has defined channel IDs"
+ ContextType="TSensrvContextType"
+ Quantity="TSensrvQuantity"
+ ChannelType="TSensrvChannelTypeId"
+ Location="Location of the sensor"
+ Vendor="Vendor ID"
+ DataTypeId="data type ID identifies data type defined here. See sensrvchanneldatatypes.h">
+ <!-- One channel definition. Each channel has its own item block -->
+ <!-- TSensrvChannelInfo. Contains information of this channel; Context type, Quantity etc. -->
+ <!-- Contains properties of this channel. -->
+ <Properties>
+ <!-- TSensrvProperty. Each property has its own item defined in here -->
+ <!-- Property example 5 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="TSensrvPropertyId"
+ ItemIndex="Item index in channel data structure"
+ PropertyValue="Value of the property"
+ MaxValue="Maximum value of data"
+ MinValue="Minimum value of data"
+ ReadOnly="Read only or modifiable"
+ PropertyType="TSensrvPropertyType">
+ </PropertyItem>
+ <!-- Property example 6 -->
+ <PropertyItem PropertyId="TSensrvPropertyId"
+ ItemIndex="Item index in channel data structure"
+ PropertyValue="Value of the property"
+ MaxValue="Maximum value of data"
+ MinValue="Minimum value of data"
+ ReadOnly="Read only or modifiable"
+ PropertyType="TSensrvPropertyType">
+ </PropertyItem>
+ </Properties>
+ <!-- Channel data. Information of generated data by this channel. -->
+ <!-- There may be several different (yet same type) data items. Next data item is added to -->
+ <!-- buffer after the previous data items (all according to count) are added and last Interval is passed -->
+ <ChannelData StartIntervalMs="Time in milliseconds to start filling buffer after StartChannelData()">
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="data type ID identifies data type defined here. See sensrvchanneldatatypes.h" count="Number of this data items to be added into buffer (with the same values)"
+ IntervalMs="Time in milliseconds after next data item is added into buffer">
+ <!-- Content of this channel item is dependent on the type of this channel. It must be one and only one of the following -->
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAxis XAxis="Integer value of X Axis" YAxis="Integer value of Y Axis" ZAxis="Integer value of Z Axis" ><!-- This type has DataTypeID 0x00010001 --></SsyRefChannelDataAxis>
+ <SsyRefChannelDataTapping Direction="direction of tapping"><!-- This type has DataTypeID 0x00010002 --></SsyRefChannelDataTapping>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ <!-- Next channel data item -->
+ <ChannelDataItem DataTypeId="data type ID identifies data type defined here. See sensrvchanneldatatypes.h" count="Number of this data items to be added into buffer (with the same values)"
+ IntervalMs="Time in milliseconds after next data item is added into buffer">
+ <!-- Content of this channel item is dependent on the type of this channel. It must be one and only one of the following -->
+ <SsyRefChannelDataAxis XAxis="Integer value of X Axis" YAxis="Integer value of Y Axis" ZAxis="Integer value of Z Axis" ><!-- This type has DataTypeID 0x00010001 --></SsyRefChannelDataAxis>
+ <SsyRefChannelDataTapping Direction="direction of tapping"><!-- This type has DataTypeID 0x00010002 --></SsyRefChannelDataTapping>
+ </ChannelDataItem>
+ </ChannelData>
+ </ChannelItem>
+ </ChannelInformationGroup>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/group/bld.inf Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Used as an reference implementation
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+../rom/ssyreference.iby CORE_OS_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(ssyreference.iby)
+// Export config to SensorServers private folder
+// For emulator use
+SsyReferenceConfig.xml /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/private/1020507E/reference/SsyReferenceConfig.xml
+SsyReferenceConfig.xml /epoc32/release/winscw/urel/z/private/1020507E/reference/SsyReferenceConfig.xml
+1020507E.txt /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/private/10202be9/1020507E.txt
+1020507E.txt /epoc32/release/winscw/urel/z/private/10202be9/1020507E.txt
+// For HW use
+SsyReferenceConfig.xml /epoc32/data/z/private/1020507E/reference/SsyReferenceConfig.xml
+1020507E.txt /epoc32/data/z/private/10202be9/1020507E.txt
+#ifdef RD_SENSOR_FW
+#endif // RD_SENSOR_FW
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/group/ssyreferenceplugin.mmp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Project file for ssyreferenceplugin.dll
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+TARGET ssyreferenceplugin.dll
+// ECom Dll recognition UID followed by the unique UID for this dll
+UID 0x10009D8D 0x10205089
+SOURCE ssyreferencechanneldataprovider.cpp
+SOURCE ssyreferencecontrol.cpp
+SOURCE ssyreferencepropertyprovider.cpp
+SOURCE ssyreferencechannel.cpp
+SOURCE ssyreferenceconfig.cpp
+SOURCE ssyreferencecmdhandler.cpp
+SOURCE ECOMEntryPoint.cpp
+// The resource name should have to be same as the third UID above
+START RESOURCE ../data/10205089.rss
+TARGET ssyreferenceplugin.rsc
+LIBRARY euser.lib
+LIBRARY ecom.lib
+LIBRARY sensrvutil.lib
+LIBRARY xmlparser.lib // for XML parser
+LIBRARY efsrv.lib
+LIBRARY xmldom.lib
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/inc/ssyreferencechannel.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference implementation of SSY Channel
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <sensrvtypes.h>
+#include "ssyreferenceconfig.h"
+class CSsyReferenceControl;
+class CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider;
+class CSsyReferencePropertyProvider;
+class CSsyReferenceCmdHandler;
+ * Main control class for SSY. Controls sensor basic functionality and provides mandatory
+ * ECOM interface specific things.
+ *
+ * @lib ssyreferenceplugin.lib
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+class CSsyReferenceChannel : public CBase
+ {
+ /**
+ * Enumeration of the state of this channel
+ */
+ enum TSsyReferenceChannelState
+ {
+ ESsyReferenceChannelIdle, // Channel created, not opened
+ ESsyReferenceChannelOpening, // Processing channel opening
+ ESsyReferenceChannelOpen, // Channel is open
+ ESsyReferenceChannelReceiving, // Channel is receiving data
+ ESsyReferenceChannelClosing // Processing channel closing. After this state is idle
+ };
+ /**
+ * Two-phase constructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSsyControl Reference to SSY control instance.
+ * @param[in] aChannelInfo Information of this channel
+ * @return CSsyReferenceControl* Pointer to created CSsyReferenceControl object
+ */
+ static CSsyReferenceChannel* NewL( CSsyReferenceControl& aSsyControl, TSensrvChannelInfo aChannelInfo );
+ /**
+ * Virtual destructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ virtual ~CSsyReferenceChannel();
+ /**
+ * Request for SSY to open a sensor channel asynchronously.
+ * Response to the request is delivered through MSsyCallback::ChannelOpened().
+ * Initilizes SSY (and the sensor) to be ready for other control commands via
+ * data and property providers. Multiple OpenChannel()-requests can be
+ * active for different channels at the same time.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @return void Symbian OS error code
+ */
+ TInt OpenChannel();
+ /**
+ * Request to close a sensor channel asynchronously.
+ * Response to the request is delivered through MSsyCallback::ChannelClosed().
+ * Multiple CloseChannel()-requests can be active for different channels
+ * at the same time.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @return void Symbian OS error code
+ */
+ TInt CloseChannel();
+ /**
+ * Returns ID of this channel
+ */
+ TInt ChannelId();
+ /**
+ * Handles response directed to this channel
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aMessage Contains information of the response
+ */
+ void ProcessResponse( TSsyReferenceMsg* aMessage );
+ /**
+ * Updates the state of this channel
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aNewState State to update this channel
+ */
+ void UpdateState( const TSsyReferenceChannelState aNewState );
+ /**
+ * Reference to SsyControl
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceControl& SsyControl() const;
+ /**
+ * Reference to command handler
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceCmdHandler& CommandHandler() const;
+ /**
+ * Search property of given property id from the channel properties and
+ * returns reference to that. Leaves with KErrNotFound if property is not found
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aPropertyId Property ID to locate
+ * @param[in] aItemIndex Item index if this search conserns specific property
+ * @param[in] aArrayIndex Indicates array index of property
+ */
+ TSensrvProperty& FindPropertyL( const TSensrvPropertyId aPropertyId,
+ TInt aItemIndex = KErrNotFound,
+ TInt aArrayIndex = ESensrvSingleProperty );
+ /**
+ * Search property of given property id from the channel properties and
+ * update property values, if not read only
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aProperty Property to find and update
+ */
+ void FindAndUpdatePropertyL( const TSensrvProperty& aProperty );
+ /**
+ * Copies properties to param PropertyList
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in, out] aPropertyList List where to copy properties
+ */
+ void GetProperties( RSensrvPropertyList& aPropertyList );
+ /**
+ * C++ constructor.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSsyControl Reference to SSY Control instance.
+ * @param[in] aChannelInfo Information of this channel
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceChannel( CSsyReferenceControl& aSsyControl, TSensrvChannelInfo aChannelInfo );
+ /**
+ * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * Handles response for OpenChannel and completes transaction by calling
+ * MSsyCallback::ChannelOpened
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aError Error code indicating the channel opening status
+ */
+ void HandleOpenChannelRespL( const TInt aError );
+ /**
+ * Handles response for CloseChannel and completes transaction by calling
+ * MSsyCallback::ChannelClosed
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ void HandleCloseChannelResp();
+ /**
+ * Handles response for StartChannelData. Loops all channel data items and sends
+ * each item to ChannelDataProvider
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ void HandleDataReceivedResp();
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Reference to SSY Control to send responses to Sensor Server
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceControl& iSsyControl;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider owned by this channel
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider* iChannelDataProvider;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to CSsyReferencePropertyProvider owned by this channel
+ */
+ CSsyReferencePropertyProvider* iChannelPropertyProvider;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to command handler
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceCmdHandler* iCmdHandler;
+ /**
+ * Information of this channel
+ */
+ TSensrvChannelInfo iChannelInfo;
+ /**
+ * State of this channel. See CSsyReferenceChannel::TSsyReferenceChannelState
+ */
+ TInt iState;
+ /**
+ * Property list of this channel
+ */
+ RSensrvPropertyList iProperties;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/inc/ssyreferencechanneldataprovider.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference implementation of SSY Channel Data Provider interface
+#include <ssychanneldataprovider.h>
+class CSsyReferenceChannel;
+class TSsyReferenceMsg;
+ * Channel data provider implementation.
+ *
+ * @lib ssyreferenceplugin.lib
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+class CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider : public CBase, public MSsyChannelDataProvider
+ {
+ /**
+ * Two-phase constructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aChannel Reference to channel this provider belongs to
+ * @return CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider* Pointer to created CSsyReferenceControl object
+ */
+ static CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider* NewL( CSsyReferenceChannel& aChannel );
+ /**
+ * Virtual destructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ virtual ~CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider();
+// from base class MSsyChannelDataProvider
+ /**
+ * From MSsyChannelDataProvider
+ * Starts asynchronous data listening. Multiple OpenChannel()-requests
+ * can be active for different channels at the same time.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aBuffer Pointer to a data buffer
+ * @param[in] aCount Indicates data buffer size as a count of the data objects.
+ */
+ void StartChannelDataL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId, TUint8* aBuffer, TInt aCount );
+ /**
+ * From MSsyChannelDataProvider
+ * Stops asynchronous data listening. The data buffer is not valid after call of
+ * this function.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ void StopChannelDataL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId );
+ /**
+ * From MSsyChannelDataProvider
+ * Forces SSY to call BufferFilled() regardless of how many data items have been
+ * written to buffer. Even if no data items have yet been written, BufferFilled()
+ * must be called.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ void ForceBufferFilledL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId );
+ /**
+ * Returns a pointer to a specified interface - to allow future extension
+ * of this class without breaking binary compatibility
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param aInterfaceUid Identifier of the interface to be retrieved
+ * @param aInterface A reference to a pointer that retrieves the specified interface.
+ */
+ void GetChannelDataProviderInterfaceL( TUid aInterfaceUid, TAny*& aInterface );
+ /**
+ * Channel data item received
+ *
+ * @param[in] aMessage Contains channel item
+ */
+ void ChannelDataReceivedL( TSsyReferenceMsg* aMessage );
+ /**
+ * C++ constructor.
+ * @param[in] aChannel Reference to channel this provider belongs to
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider( CSsyReferenceChannel& aChannel );
+ /**
+ * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * Adds data into buffer.
+ *
+ *@param[in] aData Data to add to buffer
+ *@param[in] aSize Size of data
+ */
+ void AddDataToBuffer( TUint8* aData, const TInt aSize );
+ /**
+ * Sends BufferFilled notification to MSsyCallback
+ */
+ void SendBufferFilled();
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Reference to channel for which this provider belongs to
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceChannel& iChannel;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to data buffer in Sensor Server side
+ */
+ TUint8* iDataBuffer;
+ /**
+ * Maximum requested data items
+ */
+ TInt iMaxCount;
+ /**
+ * Number of items in buffer
+ */
+ TInt iDataCount;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/inc/ssyreferencecmdhandler.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Command handler for SSY <--> Sensor messages
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "ssyreferenceconfig.h"
+class CSsyReferenceChannel;
+ * Command handler class for handling commands of one channel. Each opened
+ * channel has its own instance of this class
+ *
+ * @lib ssyreferenceplugin.lib
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+class CSsyReferenceCmdHandler : public CActive
+ {
+ /**
+ * Two-phase constructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSsyChannel Reference to SSY Channel instance.
+ * @return CSsyReferenceCmdHandler* Pointer to created CSsyReferenceCmdHandler object
+ */
+ static CSsyReferenceCmdHandler* NewL( CSsyReferenceChannel& aSsyChannel );
+ /**
+ * Virtual destructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ virtual ~CSsyReferenceCmdHandler();
+// from base class CSsyControl
+ /**
+ * Processes command specified in param aMessage.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aMessage Contains command information to process
+ * @return void Symbian OS error code
+ */
+ TInt ProcessCommand( TSsyReferenceMsg aMessage );
+ /**
+ * From CActive
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ * From CActive
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * From CActive
+ */
+ TInt RunError( TInt aError );
+ /**
+ * Callback function for DataItem generation
+ */
+ static TInt DataItemCallback( TAny* aThis );
+ /**
+ * Handles data item generation. Called from DataItemCallback
+ */
+ TInt GenerateChannelDataItem();
+ /**
+ * C++ constructor.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSsyChannel Reference to SSY Channel instance.
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceCmdHandler( CSsyReferenceChannel& aSsyChannel );
+ /**
+ * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * Makes synchronous calls asynchronous
+ */
+ void IssueRequest( TInt aError = KErrNone );
+ /**
+ * Sends response to channel
+ */
+ void SendResponse( TInt aError = KErrNone );
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Reference to SSY Conrtol to send responses for commands
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceChannel& iSsyChannel;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to currently processing message
+ */
+ TSsyReferenceMsg* iMessage;
+ /**
+ * Data item array
+ */
+ TSsyRefDataItemArray iDataItemArray;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to next item to generate in iDataItemArray
+ */
+ TInt iDataItemPtr;
+ /**
+ * Periodic timer for generating channel data
+ */
+ CPeriodic* iTimer;
+ };
+// End of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/inc/ssyreferenceconfig.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Contains SSY Reference's channel configuration data
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <sensrvtypes.h>
+#include <sensrvchannelinfo.h>
+#include <gmxmlparser.h>
+#include <sensrvchanneldatatypes.h>
+#include <sensrvproximitysensor.h>
+#include <sensrvilluminationsensor.h>
+// Data item sizes
+const TInt KSsyRefAxisDataItemSize = sizeof( TSensrvAccelerometerAxisData );
+const TInt KSsyRefTappingDataItemSize = sizeof( TSensrvTappingData );
+const TInt KSsyRefProximityDataItemSize = sizeof( TSensrvProximityData );
+const TInt KSsyRefAmbientLightDataItemSize = sizeof( TSensrvAmbientLightData );
+const TInt KSsyRefMagneticAxisDataItemSize = sizeof( TSensrvMagnetometerAxisData );
+enum TSsyReferenceFunctions
+ {
+ ESsyReferenceOpenChannel,
+ ESsyReferenceOpenChannelResp,
+ ESsyReferenceDataItemReceived,
+ ESsyReferenceCloseChannel,
+ ESsyReferenceCloseChannelResp,
+ ESsyReferenceStartChannelData,
+ ESsyReferenceStopChannelData
+ };
+ * Base class for Channel data types. Contains iChannelDataType which is set
+ * by derived classes on construction.
+ */
+class TSsyRefChannelDataBase
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Enumeration for possible channel data types
+ */
+ enum TSsyRefChannelDataType
+ {
+ ESsyRefChannelTypeTapping = 5000,
+ ESsyRefChannelTypeAxis,
+ ESsyRefChannelTypeProximity,
+ ESsyRefChannelTypeAmbientLight,
+ ESsyRefChannelTypeMagneticAxis
+ };
+ TInt ChannelDataType() const { return iChannelDataType; }
+ TInt Interval() const { return iInterval; }
+ void SetTimestamp( const TTime aTimestamp ) { iTimestamp = aTimestamp; }
+ TTime Timestamp() const { return iTimestamp; }
+ TInt Size() const { return iSize; }
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Protected constructor as this class is not supposed to be instantiate
+ * directly.
+ */
+ TSsyRefChannelDataBase() {}
+ protected: // data
+ /**
+ * Identifies the type of data type class derived from this base class
+ */
+ TInt iChannelDataType;
+ /**
+ * Interval. Indicates time in ms from previous item until next item is produced
+ */
+ TInt iInterval;
+ /**
+ * Timestamp. Time when this data item is generated.
+ */
+ TTime iTimestamp;
+ /**
+ * Size of one data item. This is filled by derived class
+ */
+ TInt iSize;
+ /**
+ * Axis data item values.
+ * Accessible from TSsyRefChannelDataAxis/TSsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis classes
+ */
+ TInt iXAxis;
+ TInt iYAxis;
+ TInt iZAxis;
+ /**
+ * Axis data calibrated values.
+ * Accessible from TSsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis classes
+ */
+ TInt iXAxisCalib;
+ TInt iYAxisCalib;
+ TInt iZAxisCalib;
+ /**
+ * Proximity data item values.
+ * Accessible only from TSsyRefChannelProximity class
+ */
+ TInt iProximityState;
+ /**
+ * AmbientLight data item values.
+ * Accessible only from TSsyRefChannelAmbientLight class
+ */
+ TInt iAmbientLightState;
+ /**
+ * Tapping data item values. Difrection of the tapping.
+ * Accessible only from TSsyRefChannelDataTapping class
+ */
+ TInt iDirection;
+ };
+// Type definition array for Data item base class
+typedef RArray<TSsyRefChannelDataBase> TSsyRefDataItemArray;
+ * Message item for SSY <--> Sensor communications
+ * Contains Channel ID for which the message belongs to,
+ * Function ID that identifies the command and
+ * error for error cases.
+ */
+class TSsyReferenceMsg
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor of the TSsyReferenceMsg
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aChannelId Channel identifier
+ * @param[in] aFunction See TSsyReferenceFunctions
+ */
+ TSsyReferenceMsg( TInt aChannelId, TInt aFunction ) :
+ iChannelId( aChannelId ),
+ iFunction( aFunction ),
+ iError( KErrNone )
+ {}
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor of the TSsyReferenceMsg
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aMsg Object to be copied to constructed object
+ */
+ TSsyReferenceMsg( const TSsyReferenceMsg& aMsg ) :
+ iChannelId( aMsg.iChannelId ),
+ iFunction( aMsg.iFunction ),
+ iError( aMsg.iError )
+ {}
+ TInt ChannelId() { return iChannelId; }
+ void SetFunction( TInt aFunction ) { iFunction = aFunction; }
+ TInt Function() { return iFunction; }
+ void SetError( TInt aError ) { iError = aError; }
+ TInt Error() { return iError; }
+ void SetDataItem( TSsyRefChannelDataBase* aDataItem ) { iDataItem = aDataItem; }
+ TSsyRefChannelDataBase* DataItem() const { return iDataItem; }
+ private: // data
+ TInt iChannelId; // Identifies the channel
+ TInt iFunction; // Identifies the command
+ TInt iError; // Error is passed to response handler
+ // Data item for received data. This is casted to correct data item
+ // class implementation according to ChannelDataType
+ TSsyRefChannelDataBase* iDataItem;
+ };
+ * Tapping data type class implementation.
+ */
+class TSsyRefChannelDataTapping : public TSsyRefChannelDataBase
+ {
+ public:
+ TSsyRefChannelDataTapping( TInt aDirection, TInt aInterval )
+ {
+ iChannelDataType = ESsyRefChannelTypeTapping;
+ iSize = KSsyRefTappingDataItemSize;
+ iInterval = aInterval;
+ iDirection = aDirection;
+ }
+ TInt Direction() const { return iDirection; }
+ };
+ * XYZ Axis data type class implementation.
+ */
+class TSsyRefChannelDataAxis : public TSsyRefChannelDataBase
+ {
+ public:
+ TSsyRefChannelDataAxis( TInt aXAxis, TInt aYAxis, TInt aZAxis,
+ TInt aInterval )
+ {
+ iChannelDataType = ESsyRefChannelTypeAxis;
+ iSize = KSsyRefAxisDataItemSize;
+ iInterval = aInterval;
+ iXAxis = aXAxis;
+ iYAxis = aYAxis;
+ iZAxis = aZAxis;
+ }
+ TInt XAxis() const { return iXAxis; }
+ TInt YAxis() const { return iYAxis; }
+ TInt ZAxis() const { return iZAxis; }
+ };
+ * Proximity data type class implementation.
+ */
+class TSsyRefChannelDataProximity : public TSsyRefChannelDataBase
+ {
+ public:
+ TSsyRefChannelDataProximity( TInt aProximityState, TInt aInterval )
+ {
+ iChannelDataType = ESsyRefChannelTypeProximity;
+ iSize = KSsyRefProximityDataItemSize;
+ iInterval = aInterval;
+ iProximityState = aProximityState;
+ }
+ TInt ProximityState() const { return iProximityState; }
+ };
+ * AmbientLight data type class implementation.
+ */
+class TSsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight : public TSsyRefChannelDataBase
+ {
+ public:
+ TSsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight( TInt aAmbientLightState, TInt aInterval )
+ {
+ iChannelDataType = ESsyRefChannelTypeAmbientLight;
+ iSize = KSsyRefAmbientLightDataItemSize;
+ iInterval = aInterval;
+ iAmbientLightState = aAmbientLightState;
+ }
+ TInt AmbientLightState() const { return iAmbientLightState; }
+ };
+ * XYZ Axis data type class implementation.
+ */
+class TSsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis : public TSsyRefChannelDataBase
+ {
+ public:
+ TSsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis( TInt aXAxis, TInt aYAxis, TInt aZAxis,
+ TInt aXAxisCalib, TInt aYAxisCalib, TInt aZAxisCalib, TInt aInterval )
+ {
+ iChannelDataType = ESsyRefChannelTypeMagneticAxis;
+ iSize = KSsyRefMagneticAxisDataItemSize;
+ iInterval = aInterval;
+ iXAxis = aXAxis;
+ iYAxis = aYAxis;
+ iZAxis = aZAxis;
+ iXAxisCalib = aXAxisCalib;
+ iYAxisCalib = aYAxisCalib;
+ iZAxisCalib = aZAxisCalib;
+ }
+ TInt XAxis() const { return iXAxis; }
+ TInt YAxis() const { return iYAxis; }
+ TInt ZAxis() const { return iZAxis; }
+ TInt XAxisCalib() const { return iXAxisCalib; }
+ TInt YAxisCalib() const { return iYAxisCalib; }
+ TInt ZAxisCalib() const { return iZAxisCalib; }
+ };
+ * Channel ID pair class for pairing config file channel id and
+ * Sensor Server generated channel ID.
+ *
+ */
+class TSsyRefChannelIdPair
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor of the TSsyRefChannelIdPair
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aConfigChannelId Channel identifier from config file
+ */
+ TSsyRefChannelIdPair( TInt aConfigChannelId ) :
+ iConfigChannelId( aConfigChannelId )
+ {}
+ TInt ConfigId() const { return iConfigChannelId; }
+ TInt ServerId() const { return iSrvChannelId; }
+ void SetServerId( const TInt aSrvId ) { iSrvChannelId = aSrvId; }
+ private: // data
+ TInt iConfigChannelId; // Config file ID of the channel
+ TInt iSrvChannelId; // Sensor server assigned ID of the channel
+ };
+typedef RArray<TSsyRefChannelIdPair> TSsyRefChannelIdArray;
+ * Configuration class for SSY reference plugin. Generates configured SSY channel information.
+ * This keeps reference SSY implementation independent from 'sensor' it uses. This class is fully
+ * modifiable regarding to the needs of this SSY. It may be for example accelerometer sensor
+ * without any changes in the SSY reference implementation. Only this class is modified.
+ *
+ * @lib ssyreferenceplugin.lib
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+class CSsyReferenceConfig : public CActive, public MMDXMLParserObserver
+ {
+ /**
+ * Two-phase constructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @return CSsyReferenceConfig* Pointer to created CSsyReferenceControl object
+ */
+ static CSsyReferenceConfig* NewL();
+ /**
+ * Virtual destructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ virtual ~CSsyReferenceConfig();
+ /**
+ * From CActive
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ * From CActive
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * From CActive
+ */
+ TInt RunError( TInt aError );
+ /**
+ * From MMDXMLParserObserver
+ *
+ * Call back function used to inform a client of the Parser when a parsing operation completes.
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ void ParseFileCompleteL();
+ /**
+ * Starts parsing config file. This function blocks until file is parsed
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ void InitConfigL();
+ /**
+ * Total number of channels this SSY provides
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @return TInt Count of channels this SSY is configured to provide
+ */
+ TInt ChannelCount();
+ /**
+ * Generates channels this SSY is configured to provide
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in,out] aChannnelList Filled with generated channels by this configurator
+ */
+ void GenerateChannels( RSensrvChannelInfoList& aChannelList );
+ /**
+ * Updates Sensor server's generated channel Ids
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aChannnelList Same list as GenerateChannels produces but
+ * this contains channel identifiers
+ */
+ void UpdateChannelIds( RSensrvChannelInfoList aChannelList );
+ /**
+ * Reads all channel data information from config file and fills
+ * parameters with information
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSrvChannelId Sensor server generated channel id of the target channel
+ * @param[in,out] aDataItemList Contains data item objects defined in config file. Each
+ * Data item is presented as Data Item class derived from TSsyRefChannelDataBase.
+ * List can contain only one type of derived channel data items
+ * @param[in,out] aStartInterval Contains start interval to start producing data items
+ */
+ void GetChannelDataInformationL( const TInt aSrvChannelId,
+ TSsyRefDataItemArray& aDataItemList,
+ TInt& aStartInterval );
+ /**
+ * Reads sensor properties from config file and adds them to list
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[out] aPropertyList List where to append properties
+ */
+ void GetSensorPropertiesL( RSensrvPropertyList& aPropertyList );
+ /**
+ * Reads channel properties from config file and adds them to list
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSenSrvChannelId Sensor server generated channel id
+ * @param[out] aPropertyList List where to append properties
+ */
+ void GetChannelPropertiesL( const TInt aSrvChannelId,
+ RSensrvPropertyList& aPropertyList );
+ /**
+ * C++ constructor.
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceConfig();
+ /**
+ * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * Makes synchronous calls asynchronous
+ */
+ void IssueRequest( TInt aError = KErrNone );
+ /**
+ * Reads attribute value from element and casts it into TInt value
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aElement Element from where to read attribute
+ * @param[in] aAttrib Attribute name which to read
+ * @return TInt Integer value of read value
+ */
+ TInt GetAttributeIntValue( CMDXMLElement& aElement, const TDesC& aAttrib );
+ /**
+ * Reads attribute value from element and casts it into literal value
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aElement Element from where to read attribute
+ * @param[in] aAttrib Attribute name which to read
+ * @param[in/out] aTarget Target descriptor where to copy read literal
+ */
+ void GetAttributeStrValue( CMDXMLElement& aElement, const TDesC& aAttrib, TDes8& aTarget );
+ /**
+ * Reads attribute value from element and casts it into TReal value
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aElement Element from where to read attribute
+ * @param[in] aAttrib Attribute name which to read
+ * @return TReal value of the attribute
+ */
+ TReal GetAttributeRealValue( CMDXMLElement& aElement, const TDesC& aAttrib );
+ /**
+ * Reads Hexadesimal attribute value from element and casts it into Integer value
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aElement Element from where to read attribute
+ * @param[in] aAttrib Attribute name which to read
+ * @return TUint Unsigned integer value of read Hexadesimal value
+ */
+ TUint GetAttributeHexValue( CMDXMLElement& aElement, const TDesC& aAttrib );
+ /**
+ * Compares Sensor server generated channel IDs and return corresponding
+ * ConfigFile channel id
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSrvChannelId SenServer generated channel ID for which pair is needed
+ * @return TInt ConfigFile channel ID that is paired with aSrvChannelId
+ */
+ TInt ConfigChannelId( const TInt aSrvChannelId ) const;
+ /**
+ * Searches channel element for given SensorServer generated channel ID
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSrvChannelId SenServer generated channel ID identifying wanted channel element
+ * @return CMDXMLElement Pointer to found channel element or NULL if not found
+ */
+ CMDXMLElement* ChannelElement( const TInt aSrvChannelId );
+ /**
+ * Reads properties from given element and adds them to list.
+ * Element can be either 'SsyGenealInformation' or 'ChannelItem'
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aElement Element from where to read properties
+ * @param[out] aPropertyList List where to append properties
+ */
+ void GetElementPropertiesL( CMDXMLElement& aElement, RSensrvPropertyList& aPropertyList );
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Pointer of the config xml-file parser
+ */
+ CMDXMLParser* iConfigParser;
+ /**
+ * Contains Ssy general information element and all of its childs
+ */
+ CMDXMLElement* iGenralInfoElement;
+ /**
+ * Contains Ssy Channel information group element and all of its childs
+ * including each channel information and channel data for testing purpose
+ */
+ CMDXMLElement* iChannelGroupElement;
+ /**
+ * Number of channels defined in config file
+ */
+ TInt iChannelCount;
+ /**
+ * Active scheduler wait for blocking construction until config file is parsed
+ */
+ CActiveSchedulerWait iSchedulerWait;
+ /**
+ * Indicates is config file parsed
+ */
+ TBool iConfigFileParsed;
+ /**
+ * Channel ID pair array
+ */
+ TSsyRefChannelIdArray iChannelPairArray;
+ /**
+ * Elements of the config file. These needs to be stored
+ */
+ CMDXMLDocument* iConfigFile;
+ CMDXMLElement* iSsyReferenceConfig; // Root of the config
+ };
+// End of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/inc/ssyreferencecontrol.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference implementation of SSY Control
+#include <ssycontrol.h>
+#include "ssyreferenceconfig.h"
+class CSsyReferenceChannel;
+ * Main control class for SSY. Controls sensor basic functionality and provides mandatory
+ * ECOM interface specific things.
+ *
+ * @lib ssyreferenceplugin.lib
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+class CSsyReferenceControl : public CSsyControl
+ {
+ /**
+ * Two-phase constructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSsyCallback Reference to SSY callback instance.
+ * @return CSsyReferenceControl* Pointer to created CSsyReferenceControl object
+ */
+ static CSsyReferenceControl* NewL( MSsyCallback& aSsyCallback );
+ /**
+ * Virtual destructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ virtual ~CSsyReferenceControl();
+// from base class CSsyControl
+ /**
+ * From CSsyControl
+ * Request for SSY to open a sensor channel asynchronously.
+ * Response to the request is delivered through MSsyCallback::ChannelOpened().
+ * Initilizes SSY (and the sensor) to be ready for other control commands via
+ * data and property providers. Multiple OpenChannel()-requests can be
+ * active for different channels at the same time.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aChannelID Channel that is requested to be opened
+ * @return Symbian OS error code
+ */
+ void OpenChannelL( TSensrvChannelId aChannelID );
+ /**
+ * From CSsyControl
+ * Request to close a sensor channel asynchronously.
+ * Response to the request is delivered through MSsyCallback::ChannelClosed().
+ * Multiple CloseChannel()-requests can be active for different channels
+ * at the same time.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aChannelID Channel that is reqeusted to be closed
+ * @leave Symbian OS error code
+ */
+ void CloseChannelL( TSensrvChannelId aChannelID );
+ /**
+ * Reference to SSY Callback instance
+ */
+ MSsyCallback& SsyCallback() const;
+ /**
+ * Reference to SSY Config file
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceConfig& SsyConfig() const;
+ /**
+ * Handles response to CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aMessage Contains information of the response
+ */
+ void ProcessResponse( TSsyReferenceMsg* aMessage );
+ /**
+ * Search property of given property id from the channel properties and
+ * returns reference to that. Leaves with KErrNotFound if property is not found
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aPropertyId Property ID to locate
+ * @param[in] aArrayIndex Propertys array index
+ * @param[out] aProperty Contains found property
+ */
+ void FindPropertyL( const TSensrvPropertyId aPropertyId,
+ const TInt aArrayIndex,
+ TSensrvProperty& aProperty );
+ /**
+ * C++ constructor.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aSsyCallback Reference to SSY callback instance.
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceControl( MSsyCallback& aSsyCallback );
+ /**
+ * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * Finds and returns pointer to channel
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceChannel* FindChannelL( TSensrvChannelId aChannelID );
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Reference to SSY CallBack to send responses to Sensor Server
+ */
+ MSsyCallback& iSsyCallback;
+ /**
+ * Pointer array of all channels provided by this SSY
+ */
+ CArrayPtrFlat<CSsyReferenceChannel>* iChannelArray;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to config file parser
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceConfig* iConfigFile;
+ /**
+ * Property list of general properties of this SSY
+ */
+ RSensrvPropertyList iProperties;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/inc/ssyreferencepropertyprovider.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference implementation of SSY Property Provider interface
+#include <ssypropertyprovider.h>
+class CSsyReferenceChannel;
+ * Channel property provider implementation.
+ *
+ * @lib ssyreferenceplugin.lib
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+class CSsyReferencePropertyProvider : public CBase, public MSsyPropertyProvider
+ {
+ /**
+ * Two-phase constructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aChannel Reference to channel this provider belongs to
+ * @return CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider* Pointer to created CSsyReferenceControl object
+ */
+ static CSsyReferencePropertyProvider* NewL( CSsyReferenceChannel& aChannel );
+ /**
+ * Virtual destructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ */
+ virtual ~CSsyReferencePropertyProvider();
+// from base class MSsyPropertyProvider
+ /**
+ * From MSsyPropertyProvider
+ * Check if property value affects other sensor channels already open.
+ * If the new property value is legal but affects somehow other channels' properties,
+ * SSY must return list of the affected channels so that the sensor server can
+ * check if the client allowed to set this property. If the SSY value
+ * is not legal SSY must leave with KErrArgument-value.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aProperty Property to be checked.
+ * @param[out] aAffectedChannels Return list of the channel which will be affected if the property
+ * value will be set.
+ * @leave KErrArgument If the property value is illegal.
+ */
+ void CheckPropertyDependenciesL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
+ const TSensrvProperty& aProperty,
+ RSensrvChannelList& aAffectedChannels );
+ /**
+ * From MSsyPropertyProvider
+ * Set property for the channel. Before the sensor server sets the property value,
+ * it is checked with CheckPropertyDependenciesL()-function.
+ * This means a property value should always be valid for the SSY.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in] aProperty Rereference to a property object to be set
+ */
+ void SetPropertyL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
+ const TSensrvProperty& aProperty );
+ /**
+ * From MSsyPropertyProvider
+ * Get channel property value. The property parameter contains channel id and
+ * item index. SSY fills values and attributes to the property object.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[in, out] aProperty Reference to a property object to be filled
+ * with property values and attributes.
+ */
+ void GetPropertyL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
+ TSensrvProperty& aProperty );
+ /**
+ * From MSsyPropertyProvider
+ * Get all channel properties. Returns all properties which are related to this channel.
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param[out] aChannelPropertyList List of the all properties of the channel.
+ */
+ void GetAllPropertiesL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
+ RSensrvPropertyList& aChannelPropertyList );
+ /**
+ * Returns a pointer to a specified interface - to allow future extension
+ * of this class without breaking binary compatibility
+ *
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @param aInterfaceUid Identifier of the interface to be retrieved
+ * @param aInterface A reference to a pointer that retrieves the specified interface.
+ */
+ void GetPropertyProviderInterfaceL( TUid aInterfaceUid,
+ TAny*& aInterface );
+ /**
+ * C++ constructor.
+ * @param[in] aChannel Reference to channel this provider belongs to
+ */
+ CSsyReferencePropertyProvider( CSsyReferenceChannel& aChannel );
+ /**
+ * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+private: // data
+ /**
+ * Reference to channel for which this provider belongs to
+ */
+ CSsyReferenceChannel& iChannel;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/inc/ssyreferencetrace.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <e32svr.h>
+// Removes null statement not in line by itself warnings from
+//lint -esym(960,54)
+// Removes "area too small" pointer cast warnings.
+//lint -e826
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define THREAD_TRACE RDebug::Print(RThread().Name());
+ #else
+ #define THREAD_TRACE
+ #endif // #ifdef THREAD_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define DEBUG_PRINT_BUFFER DebugPrintBuffer();
+ #define BUFFER_TRACE( a ) RDebug::Print a
+ #else
+ #define BUFFER_TRACE( a )
+ #endif // #ifdef THREAD_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a ) THREAD_TRACE;RDebug::Print a
+ #else // #ifdef COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a )
+ #endif //#ifdef COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define API_TRACE( a ) THREAD_TRACE;RDebug::Print a
+ #else //#ifdef API_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define API_TRACE( a )
+ #endif //#ifdef API_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define ERROR_TRACE( a ) THREAD_TRACE;RDebug::Print a
+ #else //#ifdef ERROR_TRACE_FLAG
+ #define ERROR_TRACE( a )
+ #endif //#ifdef ERROR_TRACE_FLAG
+#else // #ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a )
+ #define API_TRACE( a )
+ #define ERROR_TRACE( a )
+ #define BUFFER_TRACE( a )
+ #define THREAD_TRACE
+#endif //#ifdef _DEBUG
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/rom/ssyreference.iby Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference / stub implementation for Sensor framework SSY plugin
+#ifdef RD_SENSOR_FW
+ECOM_PLUGIN(ssyreferenceplugin.dll, ssyreferenceplugin.rsc)
+data=ZPRIVATE\1020507E\reference\SsyReferenceConfig.xml \private\1020507E\reference\SsyReferenceConfig.xml
+#endif // RD_SENSOR_FW
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/src/ECOMEntryPoint.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: ECom entry point for creating ECom plugin
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
+#include "ssyreferencecontrol.h"
+// Define the interface UIDs
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
+ {
+ CSsyReferenceControl::NewL )
+ };
+// The one and only exported function that is the ECom entry point
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy
+ (TInt& aTableCount)
+ {
+ aTableCount = sizeof( ImplementationTable ) / sizeof( TImplementationProxy );
+ return ImplementationTable;
+ }
+ * Standard Symbian OS DLL entry point.
+ */
+#ifndef EKA2
+TBool E32Dll(TDllReason)
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+#endif // EKA2
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/src/ssyreferencechannel.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference implementation of SSY Channel
+#include <ssycallback.h> // MSsyCallback
+#include "ssyreferencechannel.h"
+#include "ssyreferencecontrol.h" // SSY Control
+#include "ssyreferencepropertyprovider.h" // iChannelPropertyProvider
+#include "ssyreferencechanneldataprovider.h" // iChannelDataProvider
+#include "ssyreferencetrace.h"
+#include "ssyreferencecmdhandler.h"
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel C++ constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceChannel::CSsyReferenceChannel( CSsyReferenceControl& aSsyControl, TSensrvChannelInfo aChannelInfo ) :
+ iSsyControl( aSsyControl ),
+ iChannelInfo( aChannelInfo ),
+ iState( ESsyReferenceChannelIdle )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::CSsyReferenceChannel()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::CSsyReferenceChannel() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannel::ConstructL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::ConstructL()" ) ) );
+ // Create command handler
+ iCmdHandler = CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL( *this );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::ConstructL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceChannel* CSsyReferenceChannel::NewL( CSsyReferenceControl& aSsyControl, TSensrvChannelInfo aChannelInfo )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::NewL()" ) ) );
+ CSsyReferenceChannel* self = new ( ELeave ) CSsyReferenceChannel( aSsyControl, aChannelInfo );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::NewL() - return" ) ) );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::~CSsyReferenceChannel()" ) ) );
+ // In case channel is not closed before destruction, providers are not deleted
+ if ( iChannelDataProvider )
+ {
+ delete iChannelDataProvider;
+ iChannelDataProvider = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iChannelPropertyProvider )
+ {
+ delete iChannelPropertyProvider;
+ iChannelPropertyProvider = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iCmdHandler )
+ {
+ delete iCmdHandler;
+ iCmdHandler = NULL;
+ }
+ iProperties.Reset();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::~CSsyReferenceChannel() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::ChannelId
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceChannel::ChannelId()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::ChannelId() - %i" ), iChannelInfo.iChannelId ) );
+ return iChannelInfo.iChannelId;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::SsyControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceControl& CSsyReferenceChannel::SsyControl() const
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::SsyControl()" ) ) );
+ return iSsyControl;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::SsyCmdHandler
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceCmdHandler& CSsyReferenceChannel::CommandHandler() const
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::SsyCmdHandler()" ) ) );
+ return *iCmdHandler;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::FindPropertyL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSensrvProperty& CSsyReferenceChannel::FindPropertyL(
+ const TSensrvPropertyId aPropertyId,
+ TInt aItemIndex,
+ TInt aArrayIndex )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::FindPropertyL()" ) ) );
+ TSensrvProperty* property = NULL;
+ TBool propertyFound( EFalse );
+ // Search property
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iProperties.Count() && !propertyFound; i++ )
+ {
+ property = static_cast<TSensrvProperty*>( &iProperties[i] );
+ // Compare property IDs and array index
+ if ( property->GetPropertyId() == aPropertyId )
+ {
+ // Compare item index if it is given
+ if ( ( KErrNotFound == aItemIndex ) || ( property->PropertyItemIndex() == aItemIndex ) )
+ {
+ // Correct property ID is found, now check is it array type of property.
+ // Either array indexes must match or propertys array index has to be array info
+ if ( ( property->GetArrayIndex() == aArrayIndex ) ||
+ ( ( property->GetArrayIndex() == ESensrvArrayPropertyInfo ) &&
+ ( ESensrvSingleProperty == aArrayIndex ) ) )
+ {
+ // Correct array index found
+ propertyFound = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Leave if not found
+ if ( !propertyFound )
+ {
+ iSsyControl.FindPropertyL( aPropertyId, aArrayIndex, *property );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::FindPropertyL() - return" ) ) );
+ return *property;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::FindAndUpdatePropertyL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannel::FindAndUpdatePropertyL( const TSensrvProperty& aProperty )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::FindAndUpdatePropertyL()" ) ) );
+ TBool propertyFound( EFalse );
+ // Search property
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iProperties.Count() && !propertyFound; i++ )
+ {
+ // Compare property IDs
+ if ( iProperties[i].GetPropertyId() == aProperty.GetPropertyId() )
+ {
+ // Compare item index if it is given
+ if ( ( KErrNotFound != aProperty.PropertyItemIndex() ) &&
+ ( iProperties[i].PropertyItemIndex() == aProperty.PropertyItemIndex() ) )
+ {
+ // Property found -> update if possible
+ if ( iProperties[i].ReadOnly() )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
+ }
+ // If modifiable, get type and update value
+ switch ( iProperties[i].PropertyType() )
+ {
+ case ESensrvIntProperty:
+ {
+ TInt value( 0 );
+ aProperty.GetValue( value );
+ iProperties[i].SetValue( value );
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESensrvRealProperty:
+ {
+ TReal value( 0 );
+ aProperty.GetValue( value );
+ iProperties[i].SetValue( (TReal) value );
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESensrvBufferProperty:
+ {
+ TBuf8<20> propValue;
+ aProperty.GetValue( propValue );
+ iProperties[i].SetValue( propValue );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ propertyFound = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::FindPropertyL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::GetProperties
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannel::GetProperties( RSensrvPropertyList& aPropertyList )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::GetProperties()" ) ) );
+ // Copy properties one by one to param aPropertyList
+ TInt propCount( iProperties.Count() );
+ RSensrvPropertyList propList( propCount );
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < propCount; i++ )
+ {
+ propList.Append( iProperties[i] );
+ }
+ aPropertyList = propList;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::GetProperties() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::UpdateState
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannel::UpdateState( const TSsyReferenceChannelState aNewState )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::UpdateState() - %i" ), aNewState ) );
+ iState = aNewState;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::ProcessResponse
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannel::ProcessResponse( TSsyReferenceMsg* aMessage )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::ProcessResponse()" ) ) );
+ if ( aMessage )
+ {
+ switch ( aMessage->Function() )
+ {
+ case ESsyReferenceOpenChannelResp:
+ {
+ // Open channel specific handling here
+ TRAPD( err, HandleOpenChannelRespL( aMessage->Error() ) );
+ if ( KErrNone != err )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::ProcessResponse() - Error opening channel: %i" ), err ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESsyReferenceDataItemReceived:
+ {
+ // Send data item to data provider
+ TRAPD( err, iChannelDataProvider->ChannelDataReceivedL( aMessage ) );
+ if ( KErrNone != err )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::ProcessResponse() - Error receiving data: %i" ), err ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESsyReferenceCloseChannelResp:
+ {
+ // Close channel specific handling here
+ HandleCloseChannelResp();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // This command was not intended to process here, try Control class
+ iSsyControl.ProcessResponse( aMessage );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::ProcessResponse() - Unknown function" ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::ProcessResponse() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::OpenChannel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceChannel::OpenChannel()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::OpenChannel()" ) ) );
+ TInt err( KErrAlreadyExists );
+ // Check that this channel is not already open
+ if ( ESsyReferenceChannelIdle == iState )
+ {
+ // Update state and issue request. Will continue in HandleOpenChannelResp
+ UpdateState( ESsyReferenceChannelOpening );
+ // Create message with function spesific information
+ // and pass it to command handler
+ err = iCmdHandler->ProcessCommand( TSsyReferenceMsg( ChannelId(), ESsyReferenceOpenChannel ) );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::OpenChannel() - return" ) ) );
+ return err;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::HandleOpenChannelResp
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannel::HandleOpenChannelRespL( const TInt aError )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::HandleOpenChannelResp()" ) ) );
+ // Open channel asynhronously and complete request with MSsyCallback::ChannelOpened() when
+ // channel is opened.
+ // Create instance of the data provider of this channel
+ iChannelDataProvider = CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::NewL( *this );
+ // Create instance of the property provider of this channel
+ iChannelPropertyProvider = CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::NewL( *this );
+ TInt error( aError );
+ // If channel opening succeeds, update state to Open
+ if ( KErrNone == aError )
+ {
+ // Update state to Open
+ UpdateState( ESsyReferenceChannelOpen );
+ // Get channel properties
+ TRAP( error, iSsyControl.SsyConfig().GetChannelPropertiesL( ChannelId(), iProperties ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Channel opening failed, back to idle
+ UpdateState( ESsyReferenceChannelIdle );
+ }
+ // Complete transaction
+ iSsyControl.SsyCallback().ChannelOpened( ChannelId(),
+ error,
+ iChannelDataProvider,
+ iChannelPropertyProvider );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::HandleOpenChannelResp() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::CloseChannel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceChannel::CloseChannel()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::CloseChannel()" ) ) );
+ TInt err( KErrNotFound );
+ // Check that this channel is open
+ if ( ESsyReferenceChannelOpen == iState )
+ {
+ // Update state and issue request. Will continue in HandleCloseChannelResp
+ UpdateState( ESsyReferenceChannelClosing );
+ // Create message with function spesific information
+ // and pass it to command handler
+ err = iCmdHandler->ProcessCommand( TSsyReferenceMsg( ChannelId(), ESsyReferenceCloseChannel ) );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::CloseChannel() - return" ) ) );
+ return err;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannel::HandleCloseChannelResp
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannel::HandleCloseChannelResp()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::HandleCloseChannelResp()" ) ) );
+ // Close channel and complete request with MSsyCallback::ChannelClosed() when
+ // channel is closed.
+ // Delete providers
+ delete iChannelDataProvider;
+ iChannelDataProvider = NULL;
+ delete iChannelPropertyProvider;
+ iChannelPropertyProvider = NULL;
+ // Update state to idle
+ UpdateState( ESsyReferenceChannelIdle );
+ // Reset properties
+ iProperties.Reset();
+ // Complete transaction
+ iSsyControl.SsyCallback().ChannelClosed( ChannelId() );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannel::HandleCloseChannelResp() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// End of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/src/ssyreferencechanneldataprovider.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference implementation of SSY Channel Data Provider interface
+#include "ssyreferencechanneldataprovider.h"
+#include "ssyreferencetrace.h"
+#include "ssyreferencechannel.h"
+#include "ssyreferencecontrol.h"
+#include "ssyreferencecmdhandler.h"
+#include "ssycallback.h"
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider C++ constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider( CSsyReferenceChannel& aChannel ) :
+ iChannel( aChannel )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ConstructL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ConstructL()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ConstructL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider* CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::NewL( CSsyReferenceChannel& aChannel )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::NewL()" ) ) );
+ CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider* self = new ( ELeave ) CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider( aChannel );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::NewL() - return" ) ) );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::~CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::~CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::StartChannelDataL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::StartChannelDataL(
+ const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
+ TUint8* aBuffer,
+ TInt aCount )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::StartChannelDataL()" ) ) );
+ if ( iChannel.ChannelId() != aChannelId )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ // Store buffer pointer
+ iDataBuffer = aBuffer;
+ iMaxCount = aCount;
+ iDataCount = 0;
+ // Udpate channel state
+ iChannel.UpdateState( CSsyReferenceChannel::ESsyReferenceChannelReceiving );
+ // Start receiving
+ iChannel.CommandHandler().ProcessCommand( TSsyReferenceMsg( aChannelId, ESsyReferenceStartChannelData ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::StartChannelDataL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::StopChannelDataL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::StopChannelDataL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::StopChannelDataL()" ) ) );
+ // Leave if wrong channel
+ if ( iChannel.ChannelId() != aChannelId )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ // Udpate channel state
+ iChannel.UpdateState( CSsyReferenceChannel::ESsyReferenceChannelOpen );
+ // Stop receiving
+ iChannel.CommandHandler().ProcessCommand( TSsyReferenceMsg( aChannelId, ESsyReferenceStopChannelData ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::StopChannelDataL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ForceBufferFilledL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ForceBufferFilledL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ForceBufferFilledL()" ) ) );
+ // Leave if wrong channel
+ if ( iChannel.ChannelId() != aChannelId )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ // Send current buffer. Channel keeps receiveing
+ SendBufferFilled();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ForceBufferFilledL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSensrvTestCases::GetChannelDataProviderInterfaceL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::GetChannelDataProviderInterfaceL( TUid aInterfaceUid,
+ TAny*& aInterface )
+ {
+ aInterface = NULL;
+ if ( aInterfaceUid.iUid == KSsyChannelDataProviderInterface1.iUid )
+ {
+ aInterface = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(
+ static_cast<MSsyChannelDataProvider*>( this ) );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ChannelDataReceived
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ChannelDataReceivedL( TSsyReferenceMsg* aMessage )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ChannelDataReceived()" ) ) );
+ // Get base class from message
+ TSsyRefChannelDataBase* dataItemBase = aMessage->DataItem();
+ if ( !dataItemBase )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ // get size of the object
+ TInt size( dataItemBase->Size() );
+ // First, resolve data item type
+ switch ( dataItemBase->ChannelDataType() )
+ {
+ case TSsyRefChannelDataBase::ESsyRefChannelTypeTapping:
+ {
+ // Cast data item base to tapping data item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataTapping* tappingData = static_cast<TSsyRefChannelDataTapping*>( dataItemBase );
+ TSensrvTappingData senSrvTapping;
+ senSrvTapping.iTimeStamp = tappingData->Timestamp();
+ senSrvTapping.iDirection = tappingData->Direction();
+ // Add mapped data item into buffer
+ AddDataToBuffer( reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &senSrvTapping ), size );
+ break;
+ }
+ case TSsyRefChannelDataBase::ESsyRefChannelTypeAxis:
+ {
+ // Cast data item base to Axis data item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataAxis* axisData = static_cast<TSsyRefChannelDataAxis*>( dataItemBase );
+ TSensrvAccelerometerAxisData senSrvAxis;
+ senSrvAxis.iTimeStamp = axisData->Timestamp();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisX = axisData->XAxis();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisY = axisData->YAxis();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisZ = axisData->ZAxis();
+ // Add data to buffer
+ AddDataToBuffer( reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &senSrvAxis ), size );
+ break;
+ }
+ case TSsyRefChannelDataBase::ESsyRefChannelTypeProximity:
+ {
+ // Cast data item base to tapping data item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataProximity* proximityData = static_cast<TSsyRefChannelDataProximity*>( dataItemBase );
+ TSensrvProximityData senSrvProximity;
+ senSrvProximity.iProximityState = ( TSensrvProximityData::TProximityState ) proximityData->ProximityState();
+ // Add mapped data item into buffer
+ AddDataToBuffer( reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &senSrvProximity ), size );
+ break;
+ }
+ case TSsyRefChannelDataBase::ESsyRefChannelTypeAmbientLight:
+ {
+ // Cast data item base to tapping data item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight* ambientLightData = static_cast<TSsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight*>( dataItemBase );
+ TSensrvAmbientLightData senSrvAmbientLight;
+ senSrvAmbientLight.iAmbientLight = ambientLightData->AmbientLightState();
+ // Add mapped data item into buffer
+ AddDataToBuffer( reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &senSrvAmbientLight ), size );
+ break;
+ }
+ case TSsyRefChannelDataBase::ESsyRefChannelTypeMagneticAxis:
+ {
+ // Cast data item base to Axis data item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis* axisData = static_cast<TSsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis*>( dataItemBase );
+ TSensrvMagnetometerAxisData senSrvAxis;
+ senSrvAxis.iTimeStamp = axisData->Timestamp();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisXRaw = axisData->XAxis();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisYRaw = axisData->YAxis();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisZRaw = axisData->ZAxis();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisXCalibrated = axisData->XAxisCalib();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisYCalibrated = axisData->YAxisCalib();
+ senSrvAxis.iAxisZCalibrated = axisData->ZAxisCalib();
+ // Add data to buffer
+ AddDataToBuffer( reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &senSrvAxis ), size );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Unknown data item -> Leave
+ User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
+ }
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::ChannelDataReceived() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::AddDataToBuffer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::AddDataToBuffer( TUint8* aData, const TInt aSize )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::AddDataToBuffer()" ) ) );
+ // Write data to buffer. If buffer is full, send notification to SensorServer
+ // Write data bytes one by one to buffer pointer. The actual buffer is in Sensor Server
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < aSize; i++ )
+ {
+ *iDataBuffer++ = *aData++;
+ }
+ // Increase number of items count
+ iDataCount++;
+ // Check is maximum data count received
+ if ( iDataCount == iMaxCount )
+ {
+ // Send BufferFilled notification to Sensor server
+ SendBufferFilled();
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::AddDataToBuffer() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::SendBufferFilled
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::SendBufferFilled()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::SendBufferFilled()" ) ) );
+ // Send BufferFilled notification to Sensor server
+ iChannel.SsyControl().SsyCallback().BufferFilled( iChannel.ChannelId(), iDataCount, iDataBuffer, iMaxCount );
+ iDataCount = 0;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceChannelDataProvider::SendBufferFilled() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// End of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/src/ssyreferencecmdhandler.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Command handler for SSY <--> Sensor messages
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include "ssyreferencecmdhandler.h"
+#include "ssyreferencecontrol.h"
+#include "ssyreferencechannel.h"
+#include "ssyreferencetrace.h"
+// ======== CONSTANTS ========
+const TInt KSsyRefShortDelay = 100;
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler C++ constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::CSsyReferenceCmdHandler( CSsyReferenceChannel& aSsyChannel ) :
+ CActive( EPriorityNormal ),
+ iSsyChannel( aSsyChannel )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::CSsyReferenceCmdHandler()" ) ) );
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::CSsyReferenceCmdHandler() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ConstructL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ConstructL()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ConstructL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceCmdHandler* CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL( CSsyReferenceChannel& aSsyChannel )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL()" ) ) );
+ CSsyReferenceCmdHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CSsyReferenceCmdHandler( aSsyChannel );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::NewL() - return" ) ) );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::~CSsyReferenceCmdHandler()" ) ) );
+ if ( iMessage )
+ {
+ // Send ProcessResponse
+ iMessage->SetError( KErrCancel );
+ iSsyChannel.ProcessResponse( iMessage );
+ delete iMessage;
+ iMessage = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iTimer )
+ {
+ iTimer->Cancel();
+ delete iTimer;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::~CSsyReferenceCmdHandler() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand( TSsyReferenceMsg aMessage )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand()" ) ) );
+ TInt err( KErrAlreadyExists );
+ // Special case, when channel is reciving, iMessage is not deleted after ProcessCommand
+ if ( aMessage.Function() == ESsyReferenceStopChannelData )
+ {
+ // Stop 'receiving'. No need to handle this asynchronously
+ if ( iTimer )
+ {
+ iTimer->Cancel();
+ delete iTimer;
+ iTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ iDataItemArray.Reset();
+ iDataItemPtr = 0;
+ err = KErrNone;
+ // No need to send ProcessResponse either
+ delete iMessage;
+ iMessage = NULL;
+ }
+ else if ( !iMessage )
+ {
+ TRAP(err, iMessage = new ( ELeave ) TSsyReferenceMsg( aMessage ));
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand() - error %d creatig TSsyReferenceMsg" ), err ) );
+ switch( aMessage.Function() )
+ {
+ case ESsyReferenceStartChannelData:
+ {
+ // Get channel data items and start 'receiving'
+ IssueRequest();
+ err = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESsyReferenceOpenChannel:
+ {
+ // Open channel specific handling here
+ IssueRequest();
+ err = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESsyReferenceCloseChannel:
+ {
+ // Close channel specific handling here
+ IssueRequest();
+ err = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand() - Unknown function" ) ) );
+ err = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = KErrUnknown;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand() - return" ) ) );
+ return err;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::IssueRequest
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::IssueRequest( TInt aError )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::IssueRequest()" ) ) );
+ // Provides synchronous function calls to be handled as asynchronous
+ if ( !IsActive() )
+ {
+ TRequestStatus *s = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete( s, aError );
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::IssueRequest() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendResponse
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendResponse( TInt aError )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendResponse()" ) ) );
+ // Send response to channel
+ if ( iMessage )
+ {
+ iMessage->SetError( aError );
+ iSsyChannel.ProcessResponse( iMessage );
+ delete iMessage;
+ iMessage = NULL;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::SendResponse() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunL() - %i" ), iStatus.Int() ) );
+ TInt err( iStatus.Int() );
+ if ( iMessage )
+ {
+ switch( iMessage->Function() )
+ {
+ case ESsyReferenceStartChannelData:
+ {
+ TInt startInterval( 0 );
+ // Get all Channel data information from config file
+ iSsyChannel.SsyControl().SsyConfig().
+ GetChannelDataInformationL( iMessage->ChannelId(), iDataItemArray, startInterval );
+ // Check that channel data items were found
+ if ( iDataItemArray.Count() )
+ {
+ // If interval is zero, set small interval
+ if ( startInterval == 0 )
+ {
+ startInterval = KSsyRefShortDelay;
+ }
+ // wait that interval
+ if ( iTimer )
+ {
+ iTimer->Cancel();
+ delete iTimer;
+ iTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ // Reset pointer
+ iDataItemPtr = 0;
+ // Start timer and continue processing in callback function
+ iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
+ iTimer->Start( startInterval * 1000, 0, TCallBack( DataItemCallback, this ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESsyReferenceOpenChannel:
+ {
+ // Open channel response specific handling here
+ iMessage->SetFunction( ESsyReferenceOpenChannelResp );
+ SendResponse();
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESsyReferenceCloseChannel:
+ {
+ // Close channel response specific handling here
+ iMessage->SetFunction( ESsyReferenceCloseChannelResp );
+ SendResponse();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::ProcessCommand() - Unknown function" ) ) );
+ err = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DoCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DoCancel()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DoCancel()" ) ) );
+ // Handle cancel for this channel. Cancel any ongoing requests
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DoCancel() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunError
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunError()" ) ) );
+ // Handle possible errors here and return KErrNone to prevent SSY from panic
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::RunError() - return" ) ) );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DataItemCallback
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DataItemCallback( TAny* aThis )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::DataItemCallback()" ) ) );
+ return static_cast<CSsyReferenceCmdHandler*>( aThis )->GenerateChannelDataItem();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelDataItem
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelDataItem()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelDataItem()" ) ) );
+ // Get next item from list and set pointer to next item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataBase dataItem = iDataItemArray[iDataItemPtr++];
+ // Get next item interval from data item
+ TInt nextInterval( dataItem.Interval() );
+ // Set timestamp to data item
+ TTime time;
+ time.HomeTime();
+ dataItem.SetTimestamp( time );
+ // If interval is zero, set small interval
+ if ( nextInterval == 0 )
+ {
+ nextInterval = KSsyRefShortDelay;
+ }
+ // Add data item to message
+ iMessage->SetDataItem( &dataItem );
+ // If in last data item, set pointer back to first item
+ if ( iDataItemArray.Count() == iDataItemPtr )
+ {
+ iDataItemPtr = 0;
+ }
+ // Send response and start new timer
+ iMessage->SetFunction( ESsyReferenceDataItemReceived );
+ iSsyChannel.ProcessResponse( iMessage );
+ if ( iTimer )
+ {
+ delete iTimer;
+ iTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
+ iTimer->Start( nextInterval * 1000, 0, TCallBack( DataItemCallback, this ) ); )
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceCmdHandler::GenerateChannelDataItem() - return" ) ) );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// End of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/src/ssyreferenceconfig.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Configuration implementation of this SSY
+#include <sensrvsensorchannels.h>
+#include <sensrvchanneldatatypes.h>
+#include <sensrvtypes.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <gmxmldocument.h>
+#include <gmxmlelement.h>
+#include "ssyreferencecontrol.h"
+#include "ssyreferenceconfig.h"
+#include "ssyreferencetrace.h"
+// ======== CONSTANTS =======
+_LIT( KSsyReferenceCfgFileOrig, "Z:\\private\\1020507E\\reference\\SsyReferenceConfig.xml" );
+_LIT( KSsyReferenceCfgFileExt, "C:\\ssyreference\\SsyReferenceConfig.xml" );
+// Config file definitions
+// Maximum attribute lenghth
+const TInt KSsyRefMaxAttribLength = 20;
+_LIT( KSsyRefRootTag, "SsyReferenceConfig" ); // Ssy general information tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefGeneralInfoTag, "SsyGeneralInformation" ); // Ssy general information tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefChannelInfoGroupTag, "ChannelInformationGroup" ); // Channel information group tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefChannelItemTag, "ChannelItem" ); // Channel item tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefChannelDataTag, "ChannelData" ); // Channel data tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefChannelDataItemTag, "ChannelDataItem" ); // Channel data item tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefProperties, "Properties" ); // Properties tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefPropertyItem, "PropertyItem" ); // PropertyItem tag
+// Data item definitions
+_LIT( KSsyRefAxisDataItemTag, "SsyRefChannelDataAxis" ); // SsyRefChannelDataAxis data item tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefXAxis, "XAxis" ); // XAxis from SsyRefChannelDataAxis
+_LIT( KSsyRefYAxis, "YAxis" ); // YAxis from SsyRefChannelDataAxis
+_LIT( KSsyRefZAxis, "ZAxis" ); // ZAxis from SsyRefChannelDataAxis
+_LIT( KSsyRefTappingDataItemTag, "SsyRefChannelDataTapping" ); // SsyRefChannelDataTapping data item tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefDirection, "Direction" ); // Direction from SsyRefChannelDataTapping
+_LIT( KSsyRefProximityDataItemTag, "SsyRefChannelDataProximity" ); // SsyRefChannelDataProximity data item tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefProximityState, "ProximityState" ); // ProximityStatus from SsyRefChannelDataProximity
+_LIT( KSsyRefAmbientLightDataItemTag, "SsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight" ); // SsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight data item tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefAmbientLightState, "AmbientLightState" ); // AmbientLightStatus from SsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight
+_LIT( KSsyRefMagneticAxisDataItemTag, "SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis" ); // SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis data item tag
+_LIT( KSsyRefXAxisCalib, "XAxisCalib" ); // XAxis from SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis
+_LIT( KSsyRefYAxisCalib, "YAxisCalib" ); // YAxis from SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis
+_LIT( KSsyRefZAxisCalib, "ZAxisCalib" ); // ZAxis from SsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis
+_LIT( KSsyRefChannelCount, "ChannelCount" ); // Channel count from ChannelInformationGroup
+_LIT( KSsyRefChannelId, "ChannelId" ); // Channel ID from ChannelItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefContextType, "ContextType" ); // Context type from ChannelItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefQuantity, "Quantity" ); // Quantity from ChannelItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefChannelType, "ChannelType" ); // ChannelType from ChannelItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefLocation, "Location" ); // Location from ChannelItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefVendorId, "Vendor" ); // Vendor from ChannelItem
+// Channel data item specific attribute definitions
+_LIT( KSsyRefStartInterval, "StartIntervalMs" ); // StartInterval from ChannelData
+_LIT( KSsyRefDataItemCount, "count" ); // count from ChannelDataItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefDataTypeID, "DataTypeId" ); // DataTypeId from ChannelDataItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefInterval, "IntervalMs" ); // IntervalMs from ChannelDataItem
+// Property spesific attributes
+_LIT( KSsyRefPropertyId, "PropertyId" ); // PropertyId from PropertyItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefArrayIndex, "ArrayIndex" ); // ArrayIndex from PropertyItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefItemIndex, "ItemIndex" ); // ItemIndex from PropertyItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefPropertyValue, "PropertyValue" ); // PropertyValue from PorpertyItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefPropertyType, "PropertyType" ); // PropertyType from PropertyItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefMaxValue, "MaxValue" ); // MaxValue from PropertyItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefMinValue, "MinValue" ); // MinValue from PorpertyItem
+_LIT( KSsyRefReadOnly, "ReadOnly" ); // ReadOnly from PropertyItem
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig C++ constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceConfig::CSsyReferenceConfig() :
+ CActive( EPriorityMuchLess )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::CSsyReferenceConfig()" ) ) );
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::CSsyReferenceConfig() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::ConstructL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ConstructL()" ) ) );
+ // Create config file parser
+ iConfigParser = CMDXMLParser::NewL( this );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ConstructL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceConfig* CSsyReferenceConfig::NewL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::NewL()" ) ) );
+ CSsyReferenceConfig* self = new ( ELeave ) CSsyReferenceConfig();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::NewL() - return" ) ) );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::~CSsyReferenceConfig()" ) ) );
+ if ( iConfigParser )
+ {
+ delete iConfigParser;
+ iConfigParser = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iGenralInfoElement )
+ {
+ delete iGenralInfoElement;
+ iGenralInfoElement = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iChannelGroupElement )
+ {
+ delete iChannelGroupElement;
+ iChannelGroupElement = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iSsyReferenceConfig )
+ {
+ delete iSsyReferenceConfig;
+ iSsyReferenceConfig = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iConfigFile )
+ {
+ delete iConfigFile;
+ iConfigFile = NULL;
+ }
+ iChannelPairArray.Reset();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::~CSsyReferenceConfig() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::InitConfig
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::InitConfigL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::InitConfig()" ) ) );
+ // Open config file
+ RFs fileSession;
+ User::LeaveIfError( fileSession.Connect() );
+ // Locate extrenal file...
+ RFile file;
+ TInt err( file.Open( fileSession, KSsyReferenceCfgFileExt, EFileRead ) );
+ file.Close();
+ // Check is external file found
+ if ( KErrNone == err )
+ {
+ // Use SSY with external configuration
+ iConfigParser->ParseFile( fileSession, KSsyReferenceCfgFileExt );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Use SSY with original configuration
+ // Start parsing file and wait notification to ParseFileCompleteL
+ // XML Parser takes ownership of the RFs and closes it when file is parsed
+ iConfigParser->ParseFile( fileSession, KSsyReferenceCfgFileOrig );
+ }
+ iConfigFileParsed = EFalse;
+ // This active object has very low priority since XML parser uses Active objects also,
+ // so it is mandatory to let XML parser to complete sooner than this active object
+ IssueRequest();
+ iSchedulerWait.Start(); // Blocks until file is parsed
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::InitConfig() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::IssueRequest
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::IssueRequest( TInt aError )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::IssueRequest()" ) ) );
+ // Provides synchronous function calls to be handled as asynchronous
+ if ( !IsActive() )
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ TRequestStatus *s = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete( s, aError );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::IssueRequest() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::RunL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::RunL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::RunL() - %i" ), iStatus.Int() ) );
+ if ( iConfigFileParsed )
+ {
+ // Stop blocking
+ iSchedulerWait.AsyncStop();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Continue RunL loop
+ IssueRequest();
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::RunL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::DoCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::DoCancel()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::DoCancel()" ) ) );
+ // Stop blocking
+ iSchedulerWait.AsyncStop();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::DoCancel() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::RunError
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceConfig::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::RunError()" ) ) );
+ // Handle possible errors here and return KErrNone to prevent SSY from panic
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::RunError() - return" ) ) );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::ParseFileCompleteL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::ParseFileCompleteL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ParseFileCompleteL()" ) ) );
+ ERROR_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ParseFileCompleteL(): parse error=%d", iConfigParser->Error() ) ) );
+ // if the parser fails with KErrNoMemory, increase the default heap size for SSY's (key 3) in the repository 1020507E.txt exported by this component
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iConfigParser->ErrorSeverity() != EXMLFatal, User::Invariant() ); // OK to continue if not a fatal error
+ // First get document
+ iConfigFile = iConfigParser->DetachXMLDoc();
+ // Then get document element
+ CMDXMLElement* documentElement = iConfigFile->DocumentElement();
+ // Get root element, 'SsyReferenceConfig'
+ iSsyReferenceConfig = documentElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefRootTag );
+ // Get gereral information element
+ iGenralInfoElement = iSsyReferenceConfig->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefGeneralInfoTag );
+ // Get channel information group element
+ iChannelGroupElement = iSsyReferenceConfig->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefChannelInfoGroupTag );
+ // Get channel count
+ iChannelCount = GetAttributeIntValue( *iChannelGroupElement, KSsyRefChannelCount );
+ // No need to delete documentElement, it is owned by iConfigFile.
+ documentElement = NULL;
+ iConfigFileParsed = ETrue;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ParseFileCompleteL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeIntValue
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeIntValue( CMDXMLElement& aElement, const TDesC& aAttrib )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeIntValue()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " Element: %s", aElement.NodeName() ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " Attribute: %s", aAttrib ) ) );
+ TInt intValue( 0 );
+ // Check availability
+ if ( aElement.IsAttributeSpecified( aAttrib ) )
+ {
+ // Buffer to where to read value
+ TBufC<KSsyRefMaxAttribLength> buffer( KNullDesC );
+ TPtrC ptr( buffer );
+ // Read attribute value
+ aElement.GetAttribute( aAttrib, ptr );
+ // Cast literal value into TInt
+ TLex lexValue( ptr );
+ lexValue.Val( intValue );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " IntValue: %i", intValue ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeIntValue() - return" ) ) );
+ return intValue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeStrValue
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeStrValue( CMDXMLElement& aElement, const TDesC& aAttrib, TDes8& aTarget )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeStrValue()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " Element: %s", aElement.NodeName() ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " Attribute: %s", aAttrib ) ) );
+ // Check availability
+ if ( aElement.IsAttributeSpecified( aAttrib ) )
+ {
+ // Buffer to where to read value
+ TBufC<KSsyRefMaxAttribLength> buffer( KNullDesC );
+ TPtrC ptr( buffer );
+ // Read attribute value
+ aElement.GetAttribute( aAttrib, ptr );
+ // Copy string from 16-bit descriptor to 8-bit descriptor
+ aTarget.Copy( ptr );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeStrValue() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeHexValue
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeHexValue( CMDXMLElement& aElement, const TDesC& aAttrib )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeHexValue()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " Element: %s", aElement.NodeName() ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " Attribute: %s", aAttrib ) ) );
+ TUint32 hexValue( 0 );
+ // Check availability
+ if ( aElement.IsAttributeSpecified( aAttrib ) )
+ {
+ // Buffer to where to read value
+ TBufC<KSsyRefMaxAttribLength> buffer( KNullDesC );
+ TPtrC ptr( buffer );
+ // Read attribute value
+ aElement.GetAttribute( aAttrib, ptr );
+ // Get bounded value and cast it into TUint32 (hex)
+ TRadix radix( EHex );
+ TUint limit( 0xFFFFFFFF );
+ // Append string into Lex and skip first two characters, 0x
+ TLex lexValue( ptr );
+ lexValue.Inc( 2 );
+ // Read value
+ lexValue.BoundedVal( hexValue, radix, limit );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " HexValue: %x", hexValue ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeHexValue() - return" ) ) );
+ return hexValue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeRealValue
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TReal CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeRealValue( CMDXMLElement& aElement, const TDesC& aAttrib )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeRealValue()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " Element: %s", aElement.NodeName() ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " Attribute: %s", aAttrib ) ) );
+ TReal realValue( 0 );
+ // Check availability
+ if ( aElement.IsAttributeSpecified( aAttrib ) )
+ {
+ // Buffer to where to read value
+ TBufC<KSsyRefMaxAttribLength> buffer( KNullDesC );
+ TPtrC ptr( buffer );
+ // Read attribute value
+ aElement.GetAttribute( aAttrib, ptr );
+ // Cast literal value into TReal
+ TLex lexValue( ptr );
+ lexValue.Val( realValue );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( " IntValue: %i", realValue ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetAttributeRealValue() - return" ) ) );
+ return realValue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::ChannelCount
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceConfig::ChannelCount()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ChannelCount() - %i" ), iChannelCount ) );
+ return iChannelCount;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GenerateChannels
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::GenerateChannels( RSensrvChannelInfoList& aChannelList )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GenerateChannels()" ) ) );
+ // Initialize channel pair array
+ TSsyRefChannelIdArray tempArray( iChannelCount );
+ iChannelPairArray = tempArray;
+ // Go through Channel group element and get all information
+ TSensrvChannelInfo channelInfo;
+ CMDXMLElement* channelElement = iChannelGroupElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefChannelItemTag );
+ while( channelElement )
+ {
+ // check is element correct type of node
+ if ( channelElement->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
+ {
+ // read channel identifier
+ iChannelPairArray.Append( TSsyRefChannelIdPair( GetAttributeIntValue( *channelElement, KSsyRefChannelId ) ) );
+ // Read attributes
+ channelInfo.iContextType = ( TSensrvContextType ) GetAttributeIntValue( *channelElement, KSsyRefContextType );
+ channelInfo.iQuantity = ( TSensrvQuantity ) GetAttributeIntValue( *channelElement, KSsyRefQuantity );
+ channelInfo.iChannelType = ( TSensrvChannelTypeId ) GetAttributeHexValue( *channelElement, KSsyRefChannelType );
+ GetAttributeStrValue( *channelElement, KSsyRefLocation, channelInfo.iLocation );
+ GetAttributeStrValue( *channelElement, KSsyRefVendorId, channelInfo.iVendorId );
+ channelInfo.iChannelDataTypeId = ( TSensrvChannelDataTypeId ) GetAttributeHexValue( *channelElement, KSsyRefDataTypeID );
+ // Calculate data item size based on channel type
+ switch ( channelInfo.iChannelType )
+ {
+ case KSensrvChannelTypeIdAccelerometerXYZAxisData:
+ {
+ channelInfo.iDataItemSize = KSsyRefAxisDataItemSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KSensrvChannelTypeIdProximityMonitor:
+ {
+ channelInfo.iDataItemSize = KSsyRefProximityDataItemSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KSensrvChannelTypeIdAmbientLightData:
+ {
+ channelInfo.iDataItemSize = KSsyRefAmbientLightDataItemSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KSensrvChannelTypeIdAccelerometerWakeupData:
+ case KSensrvChannelTypeIdAccelerometerDoubleTappingData:
+ {
+ channelInfo.iDataItemSize = KSsyRefTappingDataItemSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KSensrvChannelTypeIdMagnetometerXYZAxisData:
+ {
+ channelInfo.iDataItemSize = KSsyRefMagneticAxisDataItemSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ channelInfo.iDataItemSize = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Append channel info to list
+ aChannelList.Append( channelInfo );
+ }
+ channelElement = static_cast<CMDXMLElement*>( channelElement->NextSibling() );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GenerateChannels() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GetChannelDataInformation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::GetChannelDataInformationL(
+ const TInt aSrvChannelId,
+ TSsyRefDataItemArray& aDataItemList,
+ TInt& aStartInterval )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetChannelDataInformation()" ) ) );
+ // First, get correct config channel element corresponding to aSrvChannelId
+ CMDXMLElement* channelElement = ChannelElement( aSrvChannelId );
+ if ( channelElement )
+ {
+ // Channel element found, get channel data group element
+ CMDXMLElement* groupElement = channelElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefChannelDataTag );
+ if ( groupElement )
+ {
+ // Get start interval
+ aStartInterval = GetAttributeIntValue( *groupElement, KSsyRefStartInterval );
+ // First, loop channel data items to get total count
+ CMDXMLElement* dataItemElement = groupElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefChannelDataItemTag );
+ // Take channel data item type at this point. One channel can produce only one type of
+ // channel data item
+ TUint channelType( GetAttributeHexValue( *dataItemElement, KSsyRefDataTypeID ) );
+ TInt channelItemCount( 0 ); // Total number of data items
+ TInt definitionCount( 0 ); // Total number of different definitions
+ // Go through elements and get counters
+ while ( dataItemElement )
+ {
+ definitionCount++;
+ channelItemCount = channelItemCount + GetAttributeIntValue( *dataItemElement, KSsyRefDataItemCount );
+ // This will return NULL if no next sibling found
+ dataItemElement = static_cast<CMDXMLElement*>( dataItemElement->NextSibling() );
+ }
+ // Now, start all over to get item information
+ dataItemElement = groupElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefChannelDataItemTag );
+ // Create temp array now that we know the data item count
+ TSsyRefDataItemArray tempArray( channelItemCount );
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < definitionCount; i++ )
+ {
+ // Check element type
+ if ( dataItemElement->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
+ {
+ // First we get interval and count from channel item
+ TInt interval( GetAttributeIntValue( *dataItemElement, KSsyRefInterval ) );
+ TInt countOfType( GetAttributeIntValue( *dataItemElement, KSsyRefDataItemCount ) );
+ // Read next child values to corresponding data type class
+ switch ( channelType )
+ {
+ case TSensrvAccelerometerAxisData::KDataTypeId:
+ {
+ CMDXMLElement* axisDataElement = dataItemElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefAxisDataItemTag );
+ TInt axisX( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefXAxis ) );
+ TInt axisY( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefYAxis ) );
+ TInt axisZ( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefZAxis ) );
+ // Create channel data type item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataAxis channelData( axisX, axisY, axisZ, interval );
+ // add items into array
+ for ( TInt k = 0; k < countOfType; k++ )
+ {
+ tempArray.Append( channelData );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case TSensrvTappingData::KDataTypeId:
+ {
+ CMDXMLElement* tappingDataElement = dataItemElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefTappingDataItemTag );
+ TInt direction( GetAttributeHexValue( *tappingDataElement, KSsyRefDirection ) );
+ // Create channel data type item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataTapping channelData( direction, interval );
+ // add items into array
+ for ( TInt k = 0; k < countOfType; k++ )
+ {
+ tempArray.Append( channelData );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case TSensrvProximityData::KDataTypeId:
+ {
+ CMDXMLElement* proximityDataElement = dataItemElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefProximityDataItemTag );
+ TInt state( GetAttributeIntValue( *proximityDataElement, KSsyRefProximityState ) );
+ // Create channel data type item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataProximity channelData( state, interval );
+ // add items into array
+ for ( TInt k = 0; k < countOfType; k++ )
+ {
+ tempArray.Append( channelData );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case TSensrvAmbientLightData::KDataTypeId:
+ {
+ CMDXMLElement* ambientLightDataElement = dataItemElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefAmbientLightDataItemTag );
+ TInt state( GetAttributeIntValue( *ambientLightDataElement, KSsyRefAmbientLightState ) );
+ // Create channel data type item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataAmbientLight channelData( state, interval );
+ // add items into array
+ for ( TInt k = 0; k < countOfType; k++ )
+ {
+ tempArray.Append( channelData );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case TSensrvMagnetometerAxisData::KDataTypeId:
+ {
+ CMDXMLElement* axisDataElement = dataItemElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefMagneticAxisDataItemTag );
+ TInt axisX( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefXAxis ) );
+ TInt axisY( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefYAxis ) );
+ TInt axisZ( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefZAxis ) );
+ TInt axisXCalib( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefXAxisCalib ) );
+ TInt axisYCalib( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefYAxisCalib ) );
+ TInt axisZCalib( GetAttributeIntValue( *axisDataElement, KSsyRefZAxisCalib ) );
+ // Create channel data type item
+ TSsyRefChannelDataMagneticAxis channelData( axisX, axisY, axisZ,
+ axisXCalib, axisYCalib, axisZCalib, interval );
+ // add items into array
+ for ( TInt k = 0; k < countOfType; k++ )
+ {
+ tempArray.Append( channelData );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Other data items are not supported
+ User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get next channel data item element
+ dataItemElement = static_cast<CMDXMLElement*>( dataItemElement->NextSibling() );
+ }
+ // Compress temp array in case there were comments
+ tempArray.Compress();
+ // copy information to param array
+ aDataItemList = tempArray;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetChannelDataInformation() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GetElementPropertiesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::GetElementPropertiesL(
+ CMDXMLElement& aElement,
+ RSensrvPropertyList& aPropertyList )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetElementPropertiesL()" ) ) );
+ // First we need 'Properties' element
+ CMDXMLElement* properties = aElement.FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefProperties );
+ if ( !properties )
+ {
+ // Wrong element... or properties are not defined
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ // Get first property get started
+ CMDXMLElement* propertyItem = properties->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefPropertyItem );
+ TInt propertyCount( 0 );
+ // Loop properties to get count of properties
+ while ( propertyItem )
+ {
+ propertyCount++;
+ propertyItem = static_cast<CMDXMLElement*>( propertyItem->NextSibling() ); // returns NULL if next not found
+ }
+ if ( !propertyCount )
+ {
+ // Check that there are properties
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ // Temporary property list now that we know the property count
+ RSensrvPropertyList tempList( propertyCount );
+ // Start loop again from the start and read each property
+ propertyItem = properties->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefPropertyItem );
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++ )
+ {
+ // Check element type
+ if ( propertyItem->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
+ {
+ // Read property values
+ const TSensrvPropertyId propertyId( ( TSensrvPropertyId )GetAttributeHexValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefPropertyId ) );
+ const TInt itemIndex( GetAttributeIntValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefItemIndex ) );
+ const TBool readOnly( ( TBool )GetAttributeIntValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefReadOnly ) );
+ const TSensrvPropertyType propertyType( ( TSensrvPropertyType ) GetAttributeIntValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefPropertyType ) );
+ // Array index must be handled in different way as it is not mandatory. Little modification is needed as it may not exist in XML file
+ TInt arrayIndex( ESensrvSingleProperty );
+ // Extra check is needed, otherwise this value is always '0' when it should be 'ESensrvSingleProperty' by default
+ if ( propertyItem->IsAttributeSpecified( KSsyRefArrayIndex ) )
+ {
+ // Attribute exists, now we can read the value
+ arrayIndex = GetAttributeIntValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefArrayIndex );
+ }
+ // Resolve type, get correct type value and append property into list
+ switch ( propertyType )
+ {
+ case ESensrvIntProperty:
+ {
+ const TInt intValue( GetAttributeIntValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefPropertyValue ) );
+ const TInt maxValue( GetAttributeIntValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefMaxValue ) );
+ const TInt minValue( GetAttributeIntValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefMinValue ) );
+ TSensrvProperty property( propertyId, itemIndex, intValue, maxValue, minValue, readOnly, propertyType );
+ property.SetArrayIndex( arrayIndex );
+ tempList.Append( property );
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESensrvRealProperty:
+ {
+ const TReal intValue( GetAttributeRealValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefPropertyValue ) );
+ const TReal maxValue( GetAttributeRealValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefMaxValue ) );
+ const TReal minValue( GetAttributeRealValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefMinValue ) );
+ TSensrvProperty property( propertyId, itemIndex, intValue, maxValue, minValue, readOnly, propertyType );
+ property.SetArrayIndex( arrayIndex );
+ tempList.Append( property );
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESensrvBufferProperty:
+ {
+ TBuf8<KSensrvPropertyTextBufferSize> desValue;
+ GetAttributeStrValue( *propertyItem, KSsyRefPropertyValue, desValue );
+ TSensrvProperty property( propertyId, itemIndex, desValue, readOnly, propertyType );
+ property.SetArrayIndex( arrayIndex );
+ tempList.Append( property );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Unknown property type -> leave
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Next property
+ propertyItem = static_cast<CMDXMLElement*>( propertyItem->NextSibling() ); // returns NULL if next not found
+ }
+ // Compress temp list in case there were comment nodes
+ tempList.Compress();
+ // copy temp list to parameter list
+ aPropertyList = tempList;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetElementPropertiesL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::ChannelElement
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMDXMLElement* CSsyReferenceConfig::ChannelElement( const TInt aSrvChannelId )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ChannelElement()" ) ) );
+ const TInt configId( ConfigChannelId( aSrvChannelId ) );
+ TBool channelFound( EFalse );
+ // Loop channel group and match configId for the channel ID in element
+ CMDXMLElement* channelItemElement = iChannelGroupElement->FirstChildOfType( KSsyRefChannelItemTag );
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iChannelCount || !channelFound; i++ )
+ {
+ TInt channelId( GetAttributeIntValue( *channelItemElement, KSsyRefChannelId ) );
+ if ( configId == channelId )
+ {
+ // Channel found, no need to loop
+ channelFound = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Take next channel
+ channelItemElement = static_cast<CMDXMLElement*>( channelItemElement->NextSibling() );
+ }
+ }
+ // If not found, return NULL
+ if ( !channelFound )
+ {
+ channelItemElement = NULL;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ChannelElement() - return" ) ) );
+ return channelItemElement;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::UpdateChannelIds
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::UpdateChannelIds( RSensrvChannelInfoList aChannelList )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::UpdateChannelIds()" ) ) );
+ if ( ChannelCount() == aChannelList.Count() )
+ {
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < aChannelList.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ iChannelPairArray[i].SetServerId( aChannelList[i].iChannelId );
+ }
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::UpdateChannelIds() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::ConfigChannelId
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSsyReferenceConfig::ConfigChannelId( const TInt aSrvChannelId ) const
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ConfigChannelId()" ) ) );
+ TInt returnValue( 0 );
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iChannelPairArray.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ if ( iChannelPairArray[i].ServerId() == aSrvChannelId )
+ {
+ returnValue = iChannelPairArray[i].ConfigId();
+ }
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::ConfigChannelId() - return" ) ) );
+ return returnValue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GetSensorPropertiesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::GetSensorPropertiesL( RSensrvPropertyList& aPropertyList )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetSensorPropertiesL()" ) ) );
+ // We already have SsyGeneralInformation element, read properties from that
+ GetElementPropertiesL( *iGenralInfoElement, aPropertyList );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetSensorPropertiesL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceConfig::GetChannelPropertiesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceConfig::GetChannelPropertiesL(
+ const TInt aSrvChannelId,
+ RSensrvPropertyList& aPropertyList )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetChannelPropertiesL()" ) ) );
+ // Get channel element first
+ CMDXMLElement* channelElement = ChannelElement( aSrvChannelId );
+ if ( !channelElement )
+ {
+ // Leave, channel element is not found
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ // Get properties of this channel element
+ GetElementPropertiesL( *channelElement, aPropertyList );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceConfig::GetChannelPropertiesL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// End of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/src/ssyreferencecontrol.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference implementation of SSY Control
+#include <ssycallback.h> // MSsyCallback
+#include "ssyreferencecontrol.h"
+#include "ssyreferencetrace.h"
+#include "ssyreferencechannel.h"
+#include "ssyreferencecmdhandler.h"
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl C++ constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceControl::CSsyReferenceControl( MSsyCallback& aSsyCallback ) :
+ iSsyCallback( aSsyCallback )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::CSsyReferenceControl()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::CSsyReferenceControl() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceControl::ConstructL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::ConstructL()" ) ) );
+ // Create configurator and start config file parsing
+ iConfigFile = CSsyReferenceConfig::NewL();
+ TRAPD( err, iConfigFile->InitConfigL() ); // This will block until config is ready
+ if ( KErrNone != err )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::ConstructL() - Init config failed: %i" ), err ) );
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Store channel count for later use
+ const TInt channelCount( iConfigFile->ChannelCount() );
+ // Instantiate channel info list
+ RSensrvChannelInfoList channelInfoList( channelCount );
+ CleanupClosePushL( channelInfoList );
+ // Fills channel info list with generated channel info objects
+ iConfigFile->GenerateChannels( channelInfoList );
+ // Register channels. Sensor Server generates unique ID for each channel
+ iSsyCallback.RegisterChannelsL( channelInfoList );
+ // Update channel IDs to ConfigFile
+ iConfigFile->UpdateChannelIds( channelInfoList );
+ // Create channels
+ iChannelArray = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CSsyReferenceChannel>( channelCount );
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < channelCount; i++ )
+ {
+ CSsyReferenceChannel* channel = CSsyReferenceChannel::NewL( *this, channelInfoList[i] );
+ iChannelArray->AppendL( channel );
+ }
+ // Clean up
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &channelInfoList );
+ // Get properties of this SSY. Leaves with KErrNotFound if not found. These properties are
+ // not mandatory, so we can ignore that leave
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iConfigFile->GetSensorPropertiesL( iProperties ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::ConstructL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceControl* CSsyReferenceControl::NewL( MSsyCallback& aSsyCallback )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::NewL()" ) ) );
+ CSsyReferenceControl* self = new ( ELeave ) CSsyReferenceControl( aSsyCallback );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::NewL() - return" ) ) );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::~CSsyReferenceControl()" ) ) );
+ if ( iChannelArray )
+ {
+ if ( iChannelArray->Count() )
+ {
+ iChannelArray->ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+ delete iChannelArray;
+ }
+ if ( iConfigFile )
+ {
+ delete iConfigFile;
+ iConfigFile = NULL;
+ }
+ iProperties.Reset();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::~CSsyReferenceControl() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::SsyCallback
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MSsyCallback& CSsyReferenceControl::SsyCallback() const
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::SsyCallback()" ) ) );
+ return iSsyCallback;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::SsyConfig
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceConfig& CSsyReferenceControl::SsyConfig() const
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::SsyConfig()" ) ) );
+ return *iConfigFile;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::FindPropertyL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceControl::FindPropertyL(
+ const TSensrvPropertyId aPropertyId,
+ const TInt aArrayIndex,
+ TSensrvProperty& aProperty )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::FindPropertyL()" ) ) );
+ TSensrvProperty* property = NULL;
+ TBool propertyFound( EFalse );
+ // Search property
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iProperties.Count() && !propertyFound; i++ )
+ {
+ property = static_cast<TSensrvProperty*>( &iProperties[i] );
+ // Compare property IDs
+ if ( property->GetPropertyId() == aPropertyId )
+ {
+ // Correct property ID is found, now check is it array type of property.
+ // Either array indexes must match or propertys array index has to be array info
+ if ( ( property->GetArrayIndex() == aArrayIndex ) ||
+ ( ( property->GetArrayIndex() == ESensrvArrayPropertyInfo ) &&
+ ( ESensrvSingleProperty == aArrayIndex ) ) )
+ {
+ // Correct array index found
+ propertyFound = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Leave if not found
+ if ( !propertyFound )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ aProperty = *property;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::FindPropertyL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::FindChannel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferenceChannel* CSsyReferenceControl::FindChannelL( TSensrvChannelId aChannelID )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::FindChannel()" ) ) );
+ if ( !iChannelArray )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ const TInt channelCount( iChannelArray->Count() );
+ CSsyReferenceChannel* channel = NULL;
+ // Check that there are channels
+ if ( channelCount )
+ {
+ // Loop channels until correct channel is found
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < channelCount; i++ )
+ {
+ channel = iChannelArray->At( i );
+ // Compare channel id
+ if ( channel->ChannelId() == aChannelID )
+ {
+ // Channel found, no need to loop rest
+ i = channelCount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Leave if channel is not found
+ if ( !channel )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::FindChannel() - return" ) ) );
+ return channel;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::OpenChannelL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceControl::OpenChannelL( TSensrvChannelId aChannelID )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::OpenChannelL()" ) ) );
+ // Find and open channel
+ User::LeaveIfError( FindChannelL( aChannelID )->OpenChannel() );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::OpenChannelL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::CloseChannelL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceControl::CloseChannelL( TSensrvChannelId aChannelID )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::CloseChannelL()" ) ) );
+ // Find and close channel
+ User::LeaveIfError( FindChannelL( aChannelID )->CloseChannel() );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::CloseChannelL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferenceControl::ProcessResponse
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferenceControl::ProcessResponse( TSsyReferenceMsg* /*aMessage*/ )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::ProcessResponse()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferenceControl::ProcessResponse() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// End of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/ssyreference/src/ssyreferencepropertyprovider.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Reference implementation of SSY Property Provider interface
+#include "ssyreferencepropertyprovider.h"
+#include "ssyreferencetrace.h"
+#include "ssyreferencechannel.h"
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferencePropertyProvider C++ constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::CSsyReferencePropertyProvider( CSsyReferenceChannel& aChannel ) :
+ iChannel( aChannel )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::CSsyReferencePropertyProvider()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::CSsyReferencePropertyProvider() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::ConstructL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::ConstructL()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::ConstructL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSsyReferencePropertyProvider* CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::NewL( CSsyReferenceChannel& aChannel )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::NewL()" ) ) );
+ CSsyReferencePropertyProvider* self = new ( ELeave ) CSsyReferencePropertyProvider( aChannel );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::NewL() - return" ) ) );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::~CSsyReferencePropertyProvider()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::~CSsyReferencePropertyProvider() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::CheckPropertyDependenciesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::CheckPropertyDependenciesL(
+ const TSensrvChannelId /*aChannelId*/,
+ const TSensrvProperty& /*aProperty*/,
+ RSensrvChannelList& /*aAffectedChannels*/ )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::CheckPropertyDependenciesL()" ) ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::CheckPropertyDependenciesL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::SetPropertyL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::SetPropertyL(
+ const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
+ const TSensrvProperty& aProperty )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::SetPropertyL()" ) ) );
+ if ( iChannel.ChannelId() != aChannelId )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ // Search property. Leaves with KErrNotFound if property is not found.
+ // Leaves with KErrAccessDenied if found property is Read only
+ iChannel.FindAndUpdatePropertyL( aProperty );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::SetPropertyL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetPropertyL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetPropertyL(
+ const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
+ TSensrvProperty& aProperty )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetPropertyL()" ) ) );
+ if ( iChannel.ChannelId() != aChannelId && aChannelId != 0 )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Search property. Leaves with KErrNotFound if property is not found
+ aProperty = iChannel.FindPropertyL(
+ aProperty.GetPropertyId(),
+ aProperty.PropertyItemIndex(),
+ aProperty.GetArrayIndex() );
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetPropertyL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetAllPropertiesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetAllPropertiesL(
+ const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
+ RSensrvPropertyList& aChannelPropertyList )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetAllPropertiesL()" ) ) );
+ if ( iChannel.ChannelId() != aChannelId )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ iChannel.GetProperties( aChannelPropertyList );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "SSY Reference Plugin - CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetAllPropertiesL() - return" ) ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetPropertyProviderInterfaceL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSsyReferencePropertyProvider::GetPropertyProviderInterfaceL( TUid aInterfaceUid,
+ TAny*& aInterface )
+ {
+ aInterface = NULL;
+ if ( aInterfaceUid.iUid == KSsyPropertyProviderInterface1.iUid )
+ {
+ aInterface = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(
+ static_cast<MSsyPropertyProvider*>( this ) );
+ }
+ }
+// End of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/bwins/tiltcompensationu.def Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ ?Compensate@@YAHABVTTiltCompensationInput@@AAVTTiltCompensationOutput@@F@Z @ 1 NONAME ; int Compensate(class TTiltCompensationInput const &, class TTiltCompensationOutput &, short)
+ ?Compensate@@YAHABVTTiltCompensationInput@@AAVTTiltCompensationOutput@@FABV?$RArray@N@@@Z @ 2 NONAME ; int Compensate(class TTiltCompensationInput const &, class TTiltCompensationOutput &, short, class RArray<double> const &)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/eabi/tiltcompensationu.def Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ _Z10CompensateRK22TTiltCompensationInputR23TTiltCompensationOutputs @ 1 NONAME
+ _Z10CompensateRK22TTiltCompensationInputR23TTiltCompensationOutputsRK6RArrayIdE @ 2 NONAME
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/group/bld.inf Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Build information file for project Tilt Compensation SSY.
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/group/tiltcompensationstub.mmp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Project definition file for project Tilt Compensation
+* algorithm.
+#include <platform_paths.hrh>
+TARGET tiltcompensation.dll
+UID 0x1000008d 0x2000B5F7
+SOURCE tiltcompensation.cpp
+LIBRARY euser.lib
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/inc/common.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Common definitions.
+#ifndef COMMON_H
+#define COMMON_H
+#include <e32std.h>
+/** Panic codes */
+enum TPanicReason
+ {
+ EInvalidState,
+ EAlreadyServingTransaction,
+ ENotActive,
+ ENullPointer,
+ EInvalidTransactionId,
+ EInvalidEventId,
+ EIncorrectStateCount,
+ EAccelerometerChannelNotCreated,
+ EMagnetometerChannelNotCreated
+ };
+#endif // COMMON_H
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/inc/common/common.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Common definitions.
+#ifndef COMMON_H
+#define COMMON_H
+#include <e32std.h>
+/** Panic codes */
+enum TPanicReason
+ {
+ EInvalidState,
+ EAlreadyServingTransaction,
+ ENotActive,
+ ENullPointer,
+ EInvalidTransactionId,
+ EInvalidEventId,
+ EIncorrectStateCount,
+ EAccelerometerChannelNotCreated,
+ EMagnetometerChannelNotCreated
+ };
+#endif // COMMON_H
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/inc/common/trace.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef TRACE_H
+#define TRACE_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "traceconfiguration.hrh"
+#include <flogger.h> // RFileLogger
+#include <e32debug.h> // RDebug
+// Constants
+* Panic category.
+_LIT( KPanicCat, "TILTSSY" );
+* Prefix trace macro to complete tracing with component name.
+* Returns TDesC which can be used directly with RDebug or RFileLogger.
+#define _PREFIX_TRACE( aMsg ) TPtrC( (const TText*)L"[TILT SSY]: " L##aMsg )
+* Prefix error trace
+#define _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ) _PREFIX_TRACE( "[ERROR: %d]: " L##aMsg )
+* Prefix info trace.
+#define _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) _PREFIX_TRACE( "[INFO]: " L##aMsg )
+* Prefix macro for strings
+#define _PREFIX_CHAR( aMsg ) (const char*)"[TILT SSY]: " ##aMsg
+* Define needed directories if TRACE_INTO_FILE macro in use
+ _LIT( KDir, "TILT_SSY" );
+ _LIT( KFile, "TILT_SSY.log" );
+ _LIT( KFullPath, "c:\\logs\\TILT_SSY\\" );
+// Assert trace macros
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define ASSERT_DEBUG_TRACE( aCond, aReason )\
+ {\
+ if( !( aCond ) )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Printf( "[TILT SSY]: ASSERT in file: %s, function: %s, line: %u, reason: %d",\
+ __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, aReason );\
+ }\
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( aCond, User::Panic( KPanicCat, aReason ) );\
+ }
+ #define ASSERT_DEBUG_TRACE( aCond, aReason )
+// Error trace macros
+ /**
+ * Error trace definitions.
+ */
+ #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined
+ #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_GEN( aMsg ) ERROR( KErrGeneral, aMsg )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_1( aMsg, aP1 ) ERROR_1( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 ) ERROR_2( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 ) ERROR_3( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
+#else//ERROR_TRACE not defined
+ #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )
+ #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )
+ #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
+ #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN( aMsg )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_1( aMsg, aP1 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
+// Info trace macros
+#ifdef INFO_TRACE
+ /**
+ * Info log message definitions.
+ */
+ #define INFO( aMsg )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::Write( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1 );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2 );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
+ }
+ #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined
+ #define INFO( aMsg )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1 );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2 );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
+ }
+#else//INFO_TRACE not defined
+ #define INFO( aMsg )
+ #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )
+ #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
+ #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
+// Trace current client thread name and process id
+ #define CLIENT( aMessage )\
+ {\
+ RThread thread;\
+ TInt err = aMessage.Client( thread );\
+ if( err == KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RProcess process;\
+ err = thread.Process( process );\
+ if( err == KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ TPtrC thredName( thread.Name() );\
+ TUid processUid( process.SecureId() );\
+ INFO_2( "Current client process UID: [%x], thread name: [%S]",\
+ processUid,\
+ &thredName );\
+ }\
+ process.Close();\
+ }\
+ thread.Close();\
+ }
+ #define CLIENT( aMessage )
+// Function trace macros
+#ifdef FUNC_TRACE
+ /**
+ * Function logging definitions.
+ */
+ #define FUNC( aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ TPtrC8 trace( _S8( aMsg ) );\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, trace, aP1 );\
+ }\
+ #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined
+ #define FUNC( aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Printf( aMsg, aP1 );\
+ }\
+ /**
+ * Function trace helper class.
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ * LC -methods cannot be trapped. Therefore if LC -method leaves
+ * END trace is used instead of LEAVE trace.
+ * If you have an idea how to round this problem please tell.
+ */
+ _LIT8( KFuncNameTerminator, "(" );
+ _LIT8( KFuncLeavePatternL, "L" );
+ class TFuncLog
+ {
+ public:
+ static void Cleanup( TAny* aPtr )
+ {
+ TFuncLog* self = static_cast< TFuncLog* >( aPtr );
+ self->iLeft = ETrue;
+ FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-LEAVE"), &self->iFunc ); // Leave detected
+ }
+ inline TFuncLog( const char* aFunc ) :
+ iFunc( aFunc ? _S8( aFunc ) : _S8("") ),
+ iLeft( EFalse ),
+ iCleanupItem( Cleanup, this ),
+ iCanLeave( EFalse )
+ {
+ TInt pos( iFunc.Find( KFuncNameTerminator ) );
+ if( pos != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ iFunc.Set( iFunc.Left( pos ) );
+ iCanLeave = !iFunc.Right( KFuncLeavePatternL().Length() ).Compare( KFuncLeavePatternL );
+ if ( iCanLeave )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL( iCleanupItem ); // Ignore warnings
+ }
+ }
+ FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-START"), &iFunc );
+ }
+ inline ~TFuncLog()
+ {
+ if ( !iLeft )
+ {
+ if ( iCanLeave )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::Pop( this ); // Pop the cleanup item
+ }
+ FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-END"), &iFunc ); // Normally finished
+ }
+ }
+ private: // Data
+ TPtrC8 iFunc;
+ TBool iLeft;
+ TCleanupItem iCleanupItem;
+ TBool iCanLeave;
+ };
+ #define FUNC_LOG TFuncLog _fl( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
+#else//FUNC_TRACE not defined
+ #define FUNC_LOG
+// Timestamp trace macros
+ #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )\
+ {\
+ TTime t;\
+ t.HomeTime();\
+ TDateTime dt = t.DateTime();\
+ _LIT( KCaption, aCaption );\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend,\
+ _PREFIX_TRACE("[TIMESTAMP] %S %d:%02d:%02d.%d us"),\
+ &KCaption, dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second(), dt.MicroSecond() );\
+ }
+ #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined
+ #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )\
+ {\
+ TTime t;\
+ t.HomeTime();\
+ TDateTime dt = t.DateTime();\
+ _LIT( KCaption, aCaption );\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_TRACE("[TIMESTAMP] %S %d:%02d:%02d.%d us"),\
+ &KCaption, dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second(), dt.MicroSecond() );\
+ }
+#else//TIMESTAMP_TRACE not defined
+ #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/inc/common/traceconfiguration.hrh Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+// Trace definitions
+* Error trace enabled
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define ERROR_TRACE
+ #undef ERROR_TRACE
+* Info trace enabled
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define INFO_TRACE
+ #undef INFO_TRACE
+* Function trace enabled
+#undef FUNC_TRACE
+* Timestamp tracing on
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+* Tracing current client process and thread
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define CLIENT_TRACE
+* Tracing into file enabled, default RDebug
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/inc/trace.h Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef TRACE_H
+#define TRACE_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "traceconfiguration.hrh"
+#include <flogger.h> // RFileLogger
+#include <e32debug.h> // RDebug
+// Constants
+* Panic category.
+_LIT( KPanicCat, "TILTSSY" );
+* Prefix trace macro to complete tracing with component name.
+* Returns TDesC which can be used directly with RDebug or RFileLogger.
+#define _PREFIX_TRACE( aMsg ) TPtrC( (const TText*)L"[TILT SSY]: " L##aMsg )
+* Prefix error trace
+#define _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ) _PREFIX_TRACE( "[ERROR: %d]: " L##aMsg )
+* Prefix info trace.
+#define _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) _PREFIX_TRACE( "[INFO]: " L##aMsg )
+* Prefix macro for strings
+#define _PREFIX_CHAR( aMsg ) (const char*)"[TILT SSY]: " ##aMsg
+* Define needed directories if TRACE_INTO_FILE macro in use
+ _LIT( KDir, "TILT_SSY" );
+ _LIT( KFile, "TILT_SSY.log" );
+ _LIT( KFullPath, "c:\\logs\\TILT_SSY\\" );
+// Assert trace macros
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define ASSERT_DEBUG_TRACE( aCond, aReason )\
+ {\
+ if( !( aCond ) )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Printf( "[TILT SSY]: ASSERT in file: %s, function: %s, line: %u, reason: %d",\
+ __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, aReason );\
+ }\
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( aCond, User::Panic( KPanicCat, aReason ) );\
+ }
+ #define ASSERT_DEBUG_TRACE( aCond, aReason )
+// Error trace macros
+ /**
+ * Error trace definitions.
+ */
+ #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined
+ #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
+ {\
+ if( aErr < KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define ERROR_GEN( aMsg ) ERROR( KErrGeneral, aMsg )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_1( aMsg, aP1 ) ERROR_1( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 ) ERROR_2( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 ) ERROR_3( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
+#else//ERROR_TRACE not defined
+ #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )
+ #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )
+ #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
+ #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN( aMsg )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_1( aMsg, aP1 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
+ #define ERROR_GEN_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
+// Info trace macros
+#ifdef INFO_TRACE
+ /**
+ * Info log message definitions.
+ */
+ #define INFO( aMsg )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::Write( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1 );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2 );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
+ {\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
+ }
+ #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined
+ #define INFO( aMsg )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1 );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2 );\
+ }
+ #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
+ }
+#else//INFO_TRACE not defined
+ #define INFO( aMsg )
+ #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )
+ #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
+ #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
+// Trace current client thread name and process id
+ #define CLIENT( aMessage )\
+ {\
+ RThread thread;\
+ TInt err = aMessage.Client( thread );\
+ if( err == KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ RProcess process;\
+ err = thread.Process( process );\
+ if( err == KErrNone )\
+ {\
+ TPtrC thredName( thread.Name() );\
+ TUid processUid( process.SecureId() );\
+ INFO_2( "Current client process UID: [%x], thread name: [%S]",\
+ processUid,\
+ &thredName );\
+ }\
+ process.Close();\
+ }\
+ thread.Close();\
+ }
+ #define CLIENT( aMessage )
+// Function trace macros
+#ifdef FUNC_TRACE
+ /**
+ * Function logging definitions.
+ */
+ #define FUNC( aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ TPtrC8 trace( _S8( aMsg ) );\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, trace, aP1 );\
+ }\
+ #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined
+ #define FUNC( aMsg, aP1 )\
+ {\
+ RDebug::Printf( aMsg, aP1 );\
+ }\
+ /**
+ * Function trace helper class.
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ * LC -methods cannot be trapped. Therefore if LC -method leaves
+ * END trace is used instead of LEAVE trace.
+ * If you have an idea how to round this problem please tell.
+ */
+ _LIT8( KFuncNameTerminator, "(" );
+ _LIT8( KFuncLeavePatternL, "L" );
+ class TFuncLog
+ {
+ public:
+ static void Cleanup( TAny* aPtr )
+ {
+ TFuncLog* self = static_cast< TFuncLog* >( aPtr );
+ self->iLeft = ETrue;
+ FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-LEAVE"), &self->iFunc ); // Leave detected
+ }
+ inline TFuncLog( const char* aFunc ) :
+ iFunc( aFunc ? _S8( aFunc ) : _S8("") ),
+ iLeft( EFalse ),
+ iCleanupItem( Cleanup, this ),
+ iCanLeave( EFalse )
+ {
+ TInt pos( iFunc.Find( KFuncNameTerminator ) );
+ if( pos != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ iFunc.Set( iFunc.Left( pos ) );
+ iCanLeave = !iFunc.Right( KFuncLeavePatternL().Length() ).Compare( KFuncLeavePatternL );
+ if ( iCanLeave )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL( iCleanupItem ); // Ignore warnings
+ }
+ }
+ FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-START"), &iFunc );
+ }
+ inline ~TFuncLog()
+ {
+ if ( !iLeft )
+ {
+ if ( iCanLeave )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::Pop( this ); // Pop the cleanup item
+ }
+ FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-END"), &iFunc ); // Normally finished
+ }
+ }
+ private: // Data
+ TPtrC8 iFunc;
+ TBool iLeft;
+ TCleanupItem iCleanupItem;
+ TBool iCanLeave;
+ };
+ #define FUNC_LOG TFuncLog _fl( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
+#else//FUNC_TRACE not defined
+ #define FUNC_LOG
+// Timestamp trace macros
+ #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )\
+ {\
+ TTime t;\
+ t.HomeTime();\
+ TDateTime dt = t.DateTime();\
+ _LIT( KCaption, aCaption );\
+ RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend,\
+ _PREFIX_TRACE("[TIMESTAMP] %S %d:%02d:%02d.%d us"),\
+ &KCaption, dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second(), dt.MicroSecond() );\
+ }
+ #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined
+ #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )\
+ {\
+ TTime t;\
+ t.HomeTime();\
+ TDateTime dt = t.DateTime();\
+ _LIT( KCaption, aCaption );\
+ RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_TRACE("[TIMESTAMP] %S %d:%02d:%02d.%d us"),\
+ &KCaption, dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second(), dt.MicroSecond() );\
+ }
+#else//TIMESTAMP_TRACE not defined
+ #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/inc/traceconfiguration.hrh Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+// Trace definitions
+* Error trace enabled
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define ERROR_TRACE
+ #undef ERROR_TRACE
+* Info trace enabled
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define INFO_TRACE
+ #undef INFO_TRACE
+* Function trace enabled
+#undef FUNC_TRACE
+* Timestamp tracing on
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+* Tracing current client process and thread
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #define CLIENT_TRACE
+* Tracing into file enabled, default RDebug
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/rom/tiltcompensation.iby Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Stub
+file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\tiltcompensation.dll SHARED_LIB_DIR\tiltcompensation.dll
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/src/tiltcompensation.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Compensate function definition.
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <tiltcompensation.h>
+#include <e32debug.h>
+// Direction6D
+EXPORT_C TInt Compensate(
+ const TTiltCompensationInput& aInput,
+ TTiltCompensationOutput& aOutput,
+ const TInt16 aPreviousTheta
+ )
+ {
+ TReal target;
+ TReal source( 0 );
+ TReal inputY( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY );
+ TReal inputZ( aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ );
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 0 - 90 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputY / inputZ;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 90 - 180 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputZ / inputY * -1;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 180 - 270 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputY / inputZ;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 270 - 360 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputZ / inputY * -1;
+ }
+ Math::ATan( target, source );
+ TInt16 declination( ( target * 180 ) / 3.14 );
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 0 - 90 degrees
+ {
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 90 - 180 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 90;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 180 - 270 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 180;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 270 - 360 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 270;
+ }
+ if( inputY == 0 && inputZ > 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 0;
+ }
+ if( inputY > 0 && inputZ == 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 90;
+ }
+ if( inputY == 0 && inputZ < 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 180;
+ }
+ if( inputY < 0 && inputZ == 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 270;
+ }
+ if( ( aPreviousTheta < ( aOutput.iTheta + 5 ) ) && ( aPreviousTheta > ( aOutput.iTheta - 5 ) ) )
+ {
+ aOutput.iTheta = aPreviousTheta;
+ }
+ aOutput.iTheta = declination;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Direction6D
+EXPORT_C TInt Compensate(
+ const TTiltCompensationInput& aInput,
+ TTiltCompensationOutput& aOutput,
+ const TInt16 aPreviousTheta,
+ const RParamsArray& aParamsArray )
+ {
+ TReal target;
+ TReal source( 0 );
+ TReal inputY( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY );
+ TReal inputX( aInput.iMagneticVector.iX );
+ // Get parameters
+ for( TInt i = 0; i != aParamsArray.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ TInt parameter = aParamsArray[ i ];
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iX > 0 )
+ // 0 - 90 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputX / inputY;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iX < 0 )
+ // 90 - 180 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputX / inputY * -1;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iX < 0 )
+ // 180 - 270 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputY / inputX;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iX > 0 )
+ // 270 - 360 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputX / inputY * -1;
+ }
+ Math::ATan( target, source );
+ TInt16 declination( ( target * 180 ) / 3.14 );
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iX > 0 )
+ // 0 - 90 degrees
+ {
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iX < 0 )
+ // 90 - 180 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 90;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iX < 0 )
+ // 180 - 270 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 180;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iX > 0 )
+ // 270 - 360 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 270;
+ }
+ if( inputY == 0 && inputX > 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 0;
+ }
+ if( inputY > 0 && inputX == 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 90;
+ }
+ if( inputY == 0 && inputX < 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 180;
+ }
+ if( inputY < 0 && inputX == 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 270;
+ }
+ if( ( aPreviousTheta < ( aOutput.iTheta + 5 ) ) && ( aPreviousTheta > ( aOutput.iTheta - 5 ) ) )
+ {
+ aOutput.iTheta = aPreviousTheta;
+ }
+ // Filter data...
+ // For testing purposes change angle with fixed values from input parameters
+ aOutput.iTheta = declination;
+ const TInt KAngleChange = 30;
+ aOutput.iTheta += ( aParamsArray[ 0 ] * KAngleChange );
+ aOutput.iTheta += ( aParamsArray[ 1 ] * KAngleChange );
+ aOutput.iTheta += ( aParamsArray[ 2 ] * KAngleChange );
+ aOutput.iTheta += ( aParamsArray[ 3 ] * KAngleChange );
+ aOutput.iTheta %= 360; // take modulo to avoid angle larger than 360
+ // ... end for testing purposes
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// End of File
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/src/tiltcompensation/tiltcompensation.cpp Fri Jan 29 14:58:20 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Compensate function definition.
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include "tiltcompensation.h"
+// Direction6D
+EXPORT_C TInt Compensate(
+ const TTiltCompensationInput& aInput,
+ TTiltCompensationOutput& aOutput,
+ )
+ {
+ TReal target;
+ TReal source( 0 );
+ TReal inputY( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY );
+ TReal inputZ( aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ );
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 0 - 90 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputY / inputZ;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 90 - 180 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputZ / inputY * -1;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 180 - 270 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputY / inputZ;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 270 - 360 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputZ / inputY * -1;
+ }
+ Math::ATan( target, source );
+ TInt16 declination( ( target * 180 ) / 3.14 );
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 0 - 90 degrees
+ {
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 90 - 180 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 90;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 180 - 270 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 180;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 270 - 360 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 270;
+ }
+ if( inputY == 0 && inputZ > 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 0;
+ }
+ if( inputY > 0 && inputZ == 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 90;
+ }
+ if( inputY == 0 && inputZ < 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 180;
+ }
+ if( inputY < 0 && inputZ == 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 270;
+ }
+ aOutput.iTheta = declination;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Direction6D
+EXPORT_C TInt Compensate(
+ const TTiltCompensationInput& aInput,
+ TTiltCompensationOutput& aOutput,
+ const RParamsArray& aParamsArray )
+ {
+ TReal target;
+ TReal source( 0 );
+ TReal inputY( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY );
+ TReal inputZ( aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ );
+ // Get parameters
+ for( TInt i = 0; i != aParamsArray.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ TInt parameter = aParamsArray[ i ];
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 0 - 90 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputY / inputZ;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 90 - 180 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputZ / inputY * -1;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 180 - 270 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputY / inputZ;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 270 - 360 degrees
+ {
+ source = inputZ / inputY * -1;
+ }
+ Math::ATan( target, source );
+ TInt16 declination( ( target * 180 ) / 3.14 );
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 0 - 90 degrees
+ {
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY > 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 90 - 180 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 90;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ < 0 )
+ // 180 - 270 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 180;
+ }
+ if( aInput.iMagneticVector.iY < 0 && aInput.iMagneticVector.iZ > 0 )
+ // 270 - 360 degrees
+ {
+ declination = declination + 270;
+ }
+ if( inputY == 0 && inputZ > 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 0;
+ }
+ if( inputY > 0 && inputZ == 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 90;
+ }
+ if( inputY == 0 && inputZ < 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 180;
+ }
+ if( inputY < 0 && inputZ == 0 )
+ {
+ declination = 270;
+ }
+ aOutput.iTheta = declination;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// End of File