1 <html> |
2 <head> |
3 <script type="text/javascript" class="GinebraCacheable"> |
4 |
5 function showObj(obj) |
6 { |
7 window.app.debug("---showObj " + obj + "---"); |
8 for(i in obj){ |
9 window.app.debug(" " + i + ": " + obj[i]); |
10 } |
11 window.app.debug("---showObj " + "done---"); |
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13 </script> |
14 |
15 <script type="text/javascript"> |
16 |
17 function showExplorerPage() |
18 { |
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20 // Display the explorer superpage. |
21 |
22 if(window.views.WebView.SpecialPage == undefined) { |
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27 //window.views.WebView.SuperPage.load("./chrome/ChromeExplorer/Explorer.html"); |
28 |
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30 window.views.WebView.showSuperPage("SuperPage"); |
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37 |
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39 |
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47 |
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49 { |
50 onTitleChanged(docTitle); |
51 } |
52 |
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54 //document.getElementById("ProgressBar").style.width = p + "%"; |
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56 |
57 function onLoadFinished(ok){ |
58 window.app.debug("onLoadFinished: " + ok); |
59 //window.snippets.NavSnippet.setVisible(false); |
60 window.snippets.ProgressSnippet.setVisible(false); |
61 document.getElementById("StopButton").innerHTML="<img src='Blank.png' class='GinebraCached' data-GinebraOnClick='Stop()'>"; |
62 //document.getElementById("ProgressBar").style.width= "0%"; |
63 anchorIcon(); |
64 } |
65 |
66 function onLoadStarted() { |
67 //Don't animate this transition since the animation will tend to stall when loading a slow page. |
68 //This should be better when threaded rendering is available from WebKit |
69 //window.snippets.NavSnippet.setVisible(true); |
70 window.snippets.ProgressSnippet.setVisible(true); |
71 document.getElementById("StopButton").innerHTML="<img src='Stop.png' class='GinebraCached' data-GinebraOnClick='Stop()'>"; |
72 //document.getElementById("ProgressBar").style.width= "0%"; |
73 } |
74 |
75 function onUrlChanged(url) { |
76 document.getElementById("urlBox").value=url; |
77 } |
78 |
79 function onSecureConnection(secure) { |
80 if(secure) |
81 document.getElementById("Icons").innerHTML="<img src='Key.png'>"; |
82 else |
83 document.getElementById("Icons").innerHTML="<img src='Blank.png'>"; |
84 } |
85 |
86 |
87 function onSymbianCR() |
88 { |
89 //alert("Symbian CR"); |
90 //if(document.getElementById("urlBox").hasFocus){ |
91 window.views.WebView.loadUrltoCurrentPage(document.getElementById("urlBox").value); |
92 //} |
93 } |
94 |
95 var backEnabled = false; |
96 |
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98 { |
99 backEnabled = enabled; |
100 if(backEnabled) |
101 window.snippets.BackSnippet.setEffect("Shadow"); |
102 else |
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105 |
106 var forwardEnabled = false; |
107 |
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109 { |
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112 window.snippets.ForwardSnippet.setEffect("Shadow"); |
113 else |
114 window.snippets.ForwardSnippet.setEffect("Blur"); |
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116 |
117 function anchorIcon(){ |
118 var pos = window.snippets.StatusBar.childGeometry("TitleCell"); |
119 window.snippets.IconSnippet.anchorTo("StatusBar", pos.x, pos.y + 10); |
120 window.snippets.IconSnippet.setVisible("true"); |
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122 |
123 function onContextMenu(x,y) |
124 { |
125 window.snippets.ContextMenu.toggleVisibility(); |
126 } |
127 |
128 function onChromeComplete(){ |
129 window.views.WebView.titleChanged.connect(onTitleChanged); |
130 //window.views.WebView.loadProgress.connect(onProgress); |
131 window.views.WebView.loadStarted.connect(onLoadStarted); |
132 window.views.WebView.loadFinished.connect(onLoadFinished); |
133 window.views.WebView.urlChanged.connect(onUrlChanged); |
134 window.views.WebView.secureConnection.connect(onSecureConnection); |
135 window.views.WebView.backEnabled.connect(onBackEnabled); |
136 window.views.WebView.forwardEnabled.connect(onForwardEnabled); |
137 window.chrome.aspectChanged.connect(onAspectChanged); |
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139 window.snippets.NavSnippet.anchorToView("top"); |
140 window.snippets.ProgressSnippet.anchorTo("NavSnippet",5,22) |
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142 //window.snippets.ButtonContainer.setEffect("Shadow"); |
143 window.snippets.ZoomSnippet.setEffect("Shadow"); |
144 window.snippets.BackSnippet.setEffect("Blur"); |
145 window.snippets.ForwardSnippet.setEffect("Blur"); |
146 window.snippets.HandSnippet.setEffect("Shadow"); |
147 window.snippets.HideSnippet.setEffect("Shadow"); |
148 window.chrome.symbianCarriageReturn.connect(onSymbianCR); |
149 window.snippets.HandSnippet.contextMenuEvent.connect(onContextMenu); |
150 window.snippets.ContextMenu.setEffect("Shadow"); |
151 //window.snippets.ScrollerSnippet.setEffect("Blur"); |
152 //window.chrome.chromeInitialized(); |
153 } |
154 |
155 function onSubmitUrl(){ |
156 window.views.WebView.loadUrltoCurrentPage(document.getElementById("urlBox").value); |
157 return false; //Disable default submit action |
158 } |
159 |
160 var statusBarOffset=0; |
161 |
162 function toggleStatusBarOffset() |
163 { |
164 if(statusBarOffset==0) |
165 statusBarOffset=20; |
166 else |
167 statusBarOffset=0; |
168 |
169 window.snippets.StatusBar.setAnchorOffset(statusBarOffset); |
170 |
171 } |
172 |
173 window.chrome.chromeComplete.connect(onChromeComplete) |
174 |
175 </script> |
176 <style type="text/css"> |
177 /* Make chrome items appear to be non-selectable */ |
178 ::selection { |
179 background: transparent; |
180 color: inherit; |
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182 </style> |
183 |
184 </head> |
185 <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" onload="window.app.debug('body onload')"> |
186 |
187 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="StatusBar" data-GinebraVisible="true" data-GinebraAnchor="AnchorTop" style="width:100%; height: 42px; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#977), to(#232), color-stop(0.1, #232), color-stop(0.9, #766)); color: White"> |
188 <table width="100%"> |
189 <tr> |
190 <td align="left" valign="center"> |
191 <img id="ExplorerButton" src="Home.png" height="32px" width="32px" onClick="showExplorerPage()"/> |
192 </td> |
193 <td id="Icons" align="left" valign="center" style="width:100px"> |
194 <img src="Key.png"> |
195 </td> |
196 <td id="IconCell" align="center" valign="center"> |
197 </td> |
198 <td id="TitleCell" align="center" valign="center" style="color:White"> |
199 <span id="TitleText" style="font-size: 130%"> |
200 </span> |
201 </td> |
202 <td align="right" valign="center"> |
203 <!--img id="ExitButton" src="Exit.png" class="GinebraCached" data-GinebraOnClick="App.quit()"/--> |
204 <img id="ExitButton" src="OnOff.png" onClick="window.app.quit()"/> |
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206 </tr> |
207 </table> |
208 </div> |
209 |
210 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="IconSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="false" data-GinebraNativeClass="GreenChromeSnippet" style="width:20px; height:20px"> |
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212 |
213 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="NavSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="true" style="width: 100%; height: 42px; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#977), to(#232), color-stop(0.1, #232), color-stop(0.9, #766))"> |
214 |
215 <form onSubmit="return onSubmitUrl();"> |
216 <table style="width:100%"> |
217 <tr> |
218 <td style="width:90%" valign="center"> |
219 <span style="position:relative;"> |
220 <input type="text" |
221 class="Text" |
222 id="urlBox" |
223 name="textBox" |
224 style="width:100%; height:32px; background-color: yellow; border-style:none" |
225 value="http://www.google.com/" |
226 onMouseUp="return false;"/> |
227 </span> |
228 </td> |
229 <td id="GoButton"> |
230 <img src="Go.png" onClick="onSubmitUrl()"> |
231 </td> |
232 <td id="StopButton"> |
233 <img src="Stop.png" class="GinebraCached" data-GinebraOnClick="Stop"> |
234 </td> |
235 </tr> |
236 </table> |
237 </form> |
238 </div> |
239 |
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241 <table style="width:100%"> |
242 <tr> |
243 <td style="width:15%" align="left" valign="center"> |
244 <img src="Home.png" id="HomeButton" onmousedown="views.WebView.toggleZoom()" onmouseup="views.WebView.stopZoom()"> |
245 </td> |
246 <td style="width:35%" align="center" valign="center"> |
247 <img src="Back.png" class="GinebraCached" id="BackButton" data-GinebraOnClick="views.WebView.back()"> |
248 </td> |
249 <td style="width:35%" align="center" valign="center"> |
250 <img src="Hand.png" class="GinebraCached" id="UrlButton" data-GinebraOnClick="snippets.NavSnippet.toggleVisibility();snippets.NavSnippet.grabFocus();"> |
251 </td> |
252 <td style="width:15%" align="right" valign="center"> |
253 <img src="Minimize.png" class="GinebraCached" id="HideButton" data-GinebraOnClick="snippets.MaximizeSnippet.setOpacity(0.5);snippets.MaximizeSnippet.toggleVisibility();snippets.ActionSnippet.toggleVisibility(); snippets.StatusBar.toggleVisibility()"> |
254 </td> |
255 </tr> |
256 </table> |
257 </div--> |
258 |
259 <div class = "GinebraSnippet" id="MaximizeSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="false" data-GinebraHidesContent="true" data-GinebraAnchor="AnchorBottomRight" style="width: 42px; height: 42px; background-color: gray;"> |
260 <img src="Maximize.png" style="position:relative;top:4px;left:4px" id="HideButton" onclick="snippets.MaximizeSnippet.toggleVisibility();snippets.ButtonContainer.toggleVisibility(); snippets.StatusBar.toggleVisibility()"> |
261 </div> |
262 |
263 <!--ProgressBar snippet is a native snippet that updates based on the content loading progress. Position on top of the URL entry bar --> |
264 |
265 <div class = "GinebraSnippet" id="ProgressSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="true" data-GinebraHidesContent="true" data-GinebraNativeClass="ProgressSnippet" style="width:80%; height:10px; color:red; opacity:0.5"> |
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267 |
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269 Snippet C |
270 </div> |
271 |
272 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="ButtonContainer" data-GinebraVisible="false" data-GinebraHidesContent="true" data-GinebraAnchor="AnchorBottom" data-GinebraContainer="true" style="width:100%;height:50px"> |
273 |
274 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="ZoomSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="true" style="width:45px; height: 45px; background-color:transparent"> |
275 <img src="ZoomButtonW.png" id="ZoomButton" onmousedown="views.WebView.toggleZoom();window.snippets.ZoomSnippet.setEffect('Glow')" onmouseup="views.WebView.stopZoom();window.snippets.ZoomSnippet.setEffect('Shadow')"/> |
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277 |
278 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="BackSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="true" style="width:45px; height: 45px; background-color:transparent"> |
279 <img src="BackButtonW.png" class="GinebraCached" id="BackButton" data-GinebraOnClick="Back" onmousedown="if(backEnabled) window.snippets.BackSnippet.setEffect('Glow')" onmouseup="onBackEnabled(backEnabled)"/> |
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281 |
282 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="ForwardSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="true" style="width:45px; height: 45px; background-color:transparent"> |
283 <img src="ForwardButtonW.png" class="GinebraCached" id="ForwardButton" data-GinebraOnClick="Forward" onmousedown="if(forwardEnabled) window.snippets.ForwardSnippet.setEffect('Glow')" onmouseup="onForwardEnabled(forwardEnabled)"/> |
284 </div> |
285 |
286 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="HandSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="true" style="width:45px; height: 45px"> |
287 <!--img src="HandButton.png" class="GinebraCached" id="UrlButton" data-GinebraOnClick="snippets.NavSnippet.toggleVisibility();snippets.ProgressSnippet.toggleVisibility();snippets.NavSnippet.grabFocus();"/--> |
288 <img src="HandButtonW.png" id="UrlButton" onmousedown="window.snippets.HandSnippet.setEffect('Glow'); window.chrome." onmouseup="window.snippets.HandSnippet.setEffect('Shadow');toggleStatusBarOffset();"/> |
289 </div> |
290 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="HideSnippet" data-GinebraVisible="true" style="width:45px; height: 45px"> |
291 <!--img src="HideButton.png" class="GinebraCached" id="HideButton" data-GinebraOnClick="snippets.MaximizeSnippet.setOpacity(0.5);snippets.MaximizeSnippet.toggleVisibility();snippets.ButtonContainer.toggleVisibility(); snippets.StatusBar.toggleVisibility(); snippets.ProgressSnippet.moveBy(0,-42)"/--> |
292 <img src="HideButtonW.png" id="HideButton" onClick="snippets.MaximizeSnippet.setOpacity(0.5);snippets.MaximizeSnippet.toggleVisibility();snippets.ButtonContainer.toggleVisibility(); snippets.StatusBar.toggleVisibility();"/> |
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294 </div> |
295 |
296 |
297 <div class = "GinebraSnippet" id="TextEditor" data-GinebraVisible="true" data-GinebraHidesContent="true" data-GinebraAnchor="AnchorCenter" data-GinebraNativeClass="TextEditSnippet" style="width:80%; height:40px; color:slateblue; background-color:cornflowerblue; padding:5px; border:1px solid transparent;"> |
298 </div> |
299 |
300 <div class="GinebraSnippet" id="ContextMenu" data-GinebraVisible="false" data-GinebraAnchor="AnchorCenter" style="background-color:CornflowerBlue;width:100px; height:200px"> |
301 A context menu. |
302 </div> |
303 |
304 </body> |
305 </html> |
306 |