changeset 0 1450b09d0cfd
child 3 0954f5dd2cd0
child 5 0f2326c2a325
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1450b09d0cfd
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <QtGui>
    20 #include <QWebElement>
    21 #include <QWebFrame>
    22 #include <QWebPage>
    24 #include "ChromeDOM.h"
    25 #include "ChromeRenderer.h"
    26 #include "ChromeSnippet.h"
    27 #include "ChromeWidget.h"
    28 #include "WebChromeSnippet.h"
    29 #include "WebChromeContainerSnippet.h"
    30 #include "GreenChromeSnippet.h"
    31 #include "BlueChromeSnippet.h"
    32 #include "ScrollZoomWidget.h"
    33 #include "ProgressSnippet.h"
    34 #include "TextEditItem.h"
    35 #include "ToolbarChromeItem.h"
    36 #include "ContentToolbarChromeItem.h"
    37 #include "iconsnippet.h"
    38 #include "iconwidget.h"
    39 #include "ActionButton.h"
    40 #include "UrlSearchSnippet.h"
    41 #include "ActionButtonSnippet.h"
    42 #include "mostvisitedpageview.h"
    43 #include "mostvisitedsnippet.h"
    45 #include <QDebug>
    47 //TODO: Replace JS strings with DOM api. Make stateful: i.e. get the doc element from the current page
    49 namespace GVA {
    51   ChromeDOM::ChromeDOM(QWebPage * page, ChromeWidget * chrome)
    52     : m_page(page),
    53       m_chrome(chrome),
    54       m_height(0),
    55       m_bytes(0)
    56   {
    57     m_renderer = m_chrome->renderer();
    58     m_renderer->clearRenderList();
    59   }
    61   ChromeDOM::~ChromeDOM()
    62   {
    63   }
    65   QVariant ChromeDOM::evalInChromeContext(QString js){
    66     return m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(js);
    67   }
    69   QWebElement ChromeDOM::getElementById(const QString &id)
    70   {
    71     return m_page->mainFrame()->documentElement().findFirst("#" + id);
    72   }
    74   QRect ChromeDOM::getElementRect(const QString &id)
    75   {
    76     return getElementById(id).geometry();
    77   }
    79   QSize ChromeDOM::getElementSize(const QString &id)
    80   {
    81     QRect rect = getElementRect(id);
    82     return QSize(rect.width(), rect.height());
    83   }
    85   QString ChromeDOM::getElementAttribute(const QString &id, const QString &attribute)
    86   {
    87     return getElementById(id).attribute(attribute);
    88   }
    90   //Get the cacheable script element. Only one is allowed so get the first one.
    91   /*QString ChromeDOM::getCacheableScript()
    92   {
    93     QWebElement doc = m_page->mainFrame()->documentElement();
    94     return doc.findAll("script.GinebraCacheable").toList()[0].toPlainText();
    95   }
    96   */
    98   //Get a list of cached handlers for a snippet
   100   QList<CachedHandler> ChromeDOM::getCachedHandlers(const QString &elementId, const QRectF & ownerArea)
   101   {
   102     QWebElement snippet = getElementById(elementId);
   103     QList <QWebElement> controls =  snippet.findAll(".GinebraCached").toList();
   104     QList <CachedHandler> handlers;
   105     for(int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++){
   106       QWebElement elem =;
   107       //Element rectangle relative to snippet, so we can handle mouse events relative to snippet
   108       //qDebug() << "====> Owner X: " << ownerArea.x() << " Owner Width: " << ownerArea.width() << " Elem X: " << elem.geometry().x() << " Elem Width: " << elem.geometry().width();
   109       QRectF elemRect(elem.geometry().x() - ownerArea.x(), elem.geometry().y() - ownerArea.y(), elem.geometry().width(), elem.geometry().height()); 
   110       //NB: For now we handle only onclick from cache. Should add at least long-press too.
   111       CachedHandler handler(elem.attribute("id"), elem.attribute("data-GinebraOnClick"), elemRect, m_chrome, elem.attribute("data-GinebraTargetView"));
   112       //qDebug() << "Cached handler" << handler.elementId() << ": "  << handler.script() << ": "  << handler.rect();
   113       handlers.append(handler);
   114     }
   115     return handlers;  
   116   }
   118   ChromeSnippet *ChromeDOM::getSnippet(const QString &docElementId, QGraphicsItem* parent) {
   120     ChromeSnippet * result = 0;
   121     QWebElement doc = m_page->mainFrame()->documentElement();
   122     QWebElement element = doc.findFirst("#" + docElementId);
   123     QRect rect = getElementRect(docElementId);
   124     m_height += rect.height();
   125     //m_bytes += rect.width() * rect.height() * 3; //Calculate total rendered area at 24 bit depth
   126     //qDebug() << "Chrome total rects at 24 bits: " << m_bytes;
   127     //qDebug() << "Snippet: ID: " << docElementId << " Owner Area: " << rect << " Element Rect: " << element.geometry();
   128     if(!rect.isNull()){
   129       QString className = element.attribute("data-GinebraNativeClass", "__NO_CLASS__");
   130       if(className == "__NO_CLASS__")
   131 	if(element.attribute("data-GinebraContainer", "false") == "true" ){
   133           QString type = element.attribute("data-GinebraItemType", "normal");
   134           if (type == "contenttoolbar" ) {
   135             ContentToolbarChromeItem * widget = new ContentToolbarChromeItem();
   136             result = new WebChromeContainerSnippet(docElementId, m_chrome, rect, element, widget);
   137             widget->setSnippet((WebChromeContainerSnippet*)result);
   138           }
   139           else if (type == "toolbar" ) {
   140             ToolbarChromeItem * widget = new ToolbarChromeItem();
   141             result = new WebChromeContainerSnippet(docElementId, m_chrome, rect, element, widget);
   142             widget->setSnippet((WebChromeContainerSnippet*)result);
   143           }
   144           else {
   145             result = new WebChromeContainerSnippet(docElementId, m_chrome, rect, element, new QGraphicsWidget());
   146           }
   147 	}
   148 	else {
   149 	  result = new WebChromeSnippet(docElementId, m_chrome, rect, element);
   150 	  m_renderer->addRenderItem((static_cast<WebChromeSnippet*>(result))->item());
   151         }
   152       else {
   153 	QGraphicsWidget * w = 0; 
   154     if (className == "IconSnippet") {
   155         result = new IconSnippet(docElementId, m_chrome, 0, element);
   156         w = new IconWidget(result);
   157     } else if (className == "MostVisitedPagesWidget") {
   158         result = new MostVisitedSnippet(docElementId,m_chrome,0,element);
   159         MostVisitedPagesWidget* mostVisited;
   160         mostVisited = new MostVisitedPagesWidget(result,m_chrome);
   161         mostVisited->hide();
   162         w = mostVisited;
   163     } else if (className == "ActionButton") {
   164         result = new ActionButtonSnippet(docElementId, m_chrome, 0, element);
   165         w = new ActionButton(result);
   166     } else {
   167 	  //Chrome snippet takes ownership of w
   168 	  result = new ChromeSnippet(docElementId, m_chrome, 0, element);
   169 	  if (className == "ScrollZoomWidget")
   170 	    w = new ScrollZoomWidget(result);
   171           else if (className == "UrlSearchSnippet")
   172 	    w = new UrlSearchSnippet(result, m_chrome);
   173 	  else if (className == "ProgressSnippet")
   174 	    w = new ProgressSnippet(result);
   175 	  else if (className == "TextEditSnippet"){
   176 	    w = new TextEditItem(result);
   177 	  }
   178 	  else { 
   179 	    w= new GreenChromeSnippet();
   180 	  }
   181 	}
   182         result->setWidget(w);
   183         //Have snippet deterimine its own size when in anchor layout
   184         w->resize(rect.width(), rect.height());
   185 	w->setPreferredSize(rect.width(), rect.height());
   186 	w->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred));
   187         //Have snippet determine its own location when NOT in anchor layout
   188         w->setPos(rect.x(), rect.y());	
   189       }
   191       if(element.parent().attribute("class") == "GinebraSnippet") {
   192 	result->setParentId(element.parent().attribute("id"));
   193       }
   194       //Set auto-layout attributes
   195       result->setAnchor(element.attribute("data-GinebraAnchor", "AnchorNone"), false);
   196       result->setAnchorOffset(element.attribute("data-GinebraAnchorOffset", "0").toInt());
   197       result->setInitiallyVisible(element.attribute("data-GinebraVisible", "false") == "true" );
   198       result->setHidesContent( element.attribute("data-GinebraHidesContent", "false") == "true" );      
   199     }
   200     return result;
   201   }
   203   QList <QWebElement> ChromeDOM::getInitialElements()
   204   { 
   205     m_renderer->clearRenderList();
   206     QWebElement test = getElementById("TestTableCell9");
   207     //qDebug() << "TEST ELEMENT:" << test.toPlainText();
   208     m_height = 0;
   209     QWebElement doc = m_page->mainFrame()->documentElement();
   210 #if QT_VERSION < 0x040600 //TBD: Do we care, given that the dom api is not officially supported before 4.6?
   211     return doc.findAll(".GinebraSnippet");
   212 #else
   213     return doc.findAll(".GinebraSnippet").toList();
   214 #endif
   215   } 
   217 } // end of namespace GVA