1 <html> |
2 <head> |
3 <title>Bedrock Browser Welcome Page</title> |
4 <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, height = device-height, initial-scale = 1.0, user-scalable = no"> |
5 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="startpage.css"/> |
6 </head> |
7 <script type="text/javascript"> |
8 function pressed (num) { |
9 butt1 = document.getElementById('search_button'); |
10 butt2 = document.getElementById('relnote_button'); |
11 butt3 = document.getElementById('reportbug_button'); |
12 butt4 = document.getElementById('survey_button'); |
13 |
14 switch (num) |
15 { |
16 case 1: // user pressed search button |
17 butt1.setAttribute('class', 'button_p'); |
18 break; |
19 case 2: // user pressed relnotes button |
20 butt2.setAttribute('class', 'button_p'); |
21 break; |
22 case 3: // user pressed bug report button |
23 butt3.setAttribute('class', 'button_p'); |
24 break; |
25 case 4: // user pressed survey button |
26 butt4.setAttribute('class', 'button_p'); |
27 break; |
28 case 9: // reset on refocus |
29 butt1.setAttribute('class', 'button'); |
30 butt2.setAttribute('class', 'button'); |
31 butt3.setAttribute('class', 'button'); |
32 butt4.setAttribute('class', 'button'); |
33 break; |
34 } |
35 |
36 } |
37 |
38 </script> |
39 <body onFocus="pressed(9)" > |
40 <img id="bgimage" src="grad_tall.jpg" /> |
41 <div id="content"> |
42 <div id="row1_logos"> |
43 <img id="nokia_logo" src="nokia_logo.png" /> |
44 <img id="bedrock_logo" src="bedrock.png" /> |
45 <div id="browser_version"> |
46 <div id="release_version"> |
47 ALPHA <span id="roman_num">III</span> |
48 </div> |
49 <script type="text/javascript"> |
50 var UAString = navigator.userAgent; |
51 var brNameVer = "unknown"; |
52 var UALen = 1; |
53 var nameStart = 1; |
54 |
55 UALen = UAString.length; |
56 // NOTE: if UA String changes browser name from Bedrock to |
57 // something else we'll need to change the following line! |
58 nameStart = UAString.indexOf("Bedrock"); |
59 // test to see if "Bedrock" is in the UA String at all |
60 if (nameStart < 0) |
61 brNameVer = "NOT a Bedrock Browser"; |
62 else |
63 { |
64 // crop string starting at "Bedrock" |
65 brNameVer = UAString.substring(nameStart, UALen); |
66 // limit substring to "Bedrock" and version only |
67 brNameVer = brNameVer.substr(0, brNameVer.indexOf(" ")); |
68 // clean up string for presentation |
69 brNameVer = brNameVer.replace("/", " v"); |
70 } |
71 // document.write(brNameVer); |
72 document.write ("<br/>"); |
73 </script> |
74 </div> |
75 <div id="buttons"> |
76 <a href="http://www.google.com/" onMouseDown="pressed(1)"><img id="search_button" class="button" src="button_search_google.png" /></a> |
77 <a href="relnotes.html" onMouseDown="pressed(2)"><img id="relnote_button" class="button" src="button_rel_notes.png" /></a> |
78 <a href="http://www.browser-nokia.com/bug_report.html" onMouseDown="pressed(3)"><img id="reportbug_button" class="button" src="button_report_bug.png" /></a> |
79 <a href="http://www.browser-nokia.com/survey.html" onMouseDown="pressed(4)"><img id="survey_button" class="button" src="button_survey.png" /></a> |
80 </div> |
81 <div id="bottom_pad"> |
82 </div> |
83 </div> |
84 </body> |
85 </html> |
86 |