changeset 16 3c88a81ff781
equal deleted inserted replaced
14:6aeb7a756187 16:3c88a81ff781
     1 /**
     2    This file is part of CWRT package **
     4    Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). **
     6    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     7    it under the terms of the GNU (Lesser) General Public License as 
     8    published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License. 
     9    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    10    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
    12    (Lesser) General Public License for more details. You should have 
    13    received a copy of the GNU (Lesser) General Public License along 
    14    with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    15 */
    17 #include "omadownloadbackend.h"
    18 #include "omaddparser.h"
    19 #include "downloadmanager.h"
    20 #include "clientdownload.h"
    21 #include "downloadcore.h"
    22 #include "downloadevent.h"
    23 #include <QCoreApplication>
    24 #include <QFileInfo>
    26 #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
    27   #include <sys/statvfs.h>
    28 #endif
    30 #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX 
    31 static double freeSpace(const char *path)
    32 #else
    33 static double freeSpace(const char* /*path*/)
    34 #endif
    35 {
    36 #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX   
    37     struct statvfs fiData;
    38     if ((statvfs(path,&fiData)) < 0 ) 
    39         return 0;
    40     else {
    41         int blockSize = fiData.f_bsize/1024;
    42         double freeSize = (fiData.f_bavail)*blockSize;
    43         freeSize = freeSize/1024;
    44         return freeSize;
    45     }
    46 #endif
    47     return 0;
    48 }
    50 // private implementation
    51 class OMADownloadBackendPrivate {
    52     DM_DECLARE_PUBLIC(OMADownloadBackend);
    53 public:
    54     OMADownloadBackendPrivate();
    55     ~OMADownloadBackendPrivate();
    57     DownloadCore *m_downloadCore;
    58     ClientDownload *m_download;
    59     OMADownloadDescParser *m_parser; // for parsing oma descriptor
    60     OMADownloadDescriptor *m_downloadDesc;
    61     bool m_isMediaDownload; // flag to indicate if media download is happening
    62     ClientDownload *m_mediaDownload; // not owned
    63     bool m_isUserCancelled;
    64 };
    66 OMADownloadBackendPrivate::OMADownloadBackendPrivate()
    67 {
    68     m_downloadCore = 0;
    69     m_download = 0;
    70     m_parser = 0;
    71     m_downloadDesc = 0;
    72     m_isMediaDownload = false;
    73     m_mediaDownload = 0;
    74     m_isUserCancelled = false;
    75 }
    77 OMADownloadBackendPrivate::~OMADownloadBackendPrivate()
    78 {
    79     if (m_parser) {
    80         delete m_parser;
    81         m_parser = 0;
    82         m_downloadDesc = 0;
    83     }
    84     if (m_mediaDownload) {
    85         delete m_mediaDownload;
    86         m_mediaDownload = NULL;
    87     }
    88 }
    90 OMADownloadBackend::OMADownloadBackend(DownloadCore *dlCore, ClientDownload *dl)
    91     :DownloadBackend(dlCore, dl)
    92 {
    93     DM_INITIALIZE(OMADownloadBackend);
    94     priv->m_downloadCore = dlCore;
    95     priv->m_download = dl;
    96 }
    98 OMADownloadBackend::~OMADownloadBackend()
    99 {
   100      DM_UNINITIALIZE(OMADownloadBackend);
   101 }
   103 int OMADownloadBackend::pause()
   104 {
   105     DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend);
   106     if (priv->m_isMediaDownload) {
   107         priv->m_mediaDownload->pause();
   108         setDownloadState(DlPaused);
   109     }
   110     return 0;
   111 }
   113 int OMADownloadBackend::resume()
   114 {
   115     DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend);
   116     priv->m_isUserCancelled = false;
   117     if (priv->m_isMediaDownload)
   118         return (priv->m_mediaDownload->resume());
   120     // Ready to download after the descriptor is parsed
   121     // capability check on the descriptor information
   122     if (checkDownloadDescriptor()) {
   123          // create download for media object
   124         priv->m_mediaDownload = new ClientDownload(priv->m_download->downloadManager(), 
   125                 priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescObjectURI).toString(), priv->m_download->id()); 
   127         if (!priv->m_mediaDownload) {
   128             deleteInfo(); 
   129             return -1;               
   130         }
   131         priv->m_mediaDownload->setAttribute(DlFileName, priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescName));
   132         priv->m_mediaDownload->registerEventReceiver(this);
   133         priv->m_mediaDownload->start();
   134         priv->m_isMediaDownload = true; 
   135         deleteInfo(); 
   136         return 0;         
   137     }
   138     return -1;
   139 }
   141 int OMADownloadBackend::cancel()
   142 {
   143     DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend);
   144     priv->m_isUserCancelled = true;
   145     if (priv->m_isMediaDownload)
   146         priv->m_mediaDownload->cancel();
   147     else
   148         DownloadBackend::cancel();
   149     return 0;
   150 }
   152 QVariant OMADownloadBackend::getAttribute(DownloadAttribute attr)
   153 {
   154     DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend);
   155     switch(attr) {
   156     case OMADownloadDescriptorName:
   157         return priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescName);
   158     case OMADownloadDescriptorVersion:
   159         return priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescVersion);
   160     case OMADownloadDescriptorType:
   161         return priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescType);
   162     case OMADownloadDescriptorSize:
   163         return priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescSize);
   164     case OMADownloadDescriptorVendor:
   165         return priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescVendor);
   166     case OMADownloadDescriptorDescription:
   167         return priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescDescription);
   169     case DlFileName:
   170     {
   171         if (!priv->m_isMediaDownload) {
   172             QString url = priv->m_downloadCore->url();
   173             QFileInfo fileUrl(url);
   174             return QVariant(fileUrl.fileName());
   175         } else
   176             return priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescName);
   177     }
   178     case DlContentType:
   179     {
   180         if (!priv->m_isMediaDownload)
   181             return DownloadBackend::getAttribute(DlContentType);
   183         else
   184             return priv->m_mediaDownload->getAttribute(DlContentType);
   185     }
   186     default:
   187         return DownloadBackend::getAttribute(attr);
   188     }    
   189     return QVariant();
   190 }
   192 int OMADownloadBackend::setAttribute(DownloadAttribute attr, const QVariant& value)
   193 {
   194     return DownloadBackend::setAttribute(attr, value);
   195 }
   197 // stores the data in storage
   198 void OMADownloadBackend::store(QByteArray /*data*/, bool /*lastChunk=false*/)
   199 {
   200     return;
   201 }
   203 // deletes the storage
   204 void OMADownloadBackend::deleteStore()
   205 {
   206     return;
   207 }
   209 // returns the size of stored data
   210 qint64 OMADownloadBackend::storedDataSize()
   211 {
   212     return 0;
   213 }
   215 void OMADownloadBackend::bytesRecieved(qint64 /*bytesRecieved*/, qint64 /*bytesTotal*/)
   216 {
   217      //Do nothing. This is here to avoid this signal to reach to base class' slot.
   218      return;
   219 }
   221 void OMADownloadBackend::bytesUploaded(qint64 bytesUploaded, qint64 bytesTotal)
   222 {
   223     DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend); 
   224     // once data is uploaded, cancel the transaction
   225     if (bytesUploaded == bytesTotal)
   226         priv->m_downloadCore->abort() ;
   227 }
   229 void OMADownloadBackend::handleFinished()
   230 {
   231      DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend);
   232      QString contentType = priv->m_downloadCore->contentType();
   233      if (contentType == OMA_CONTENT_TYPE) {
   234          bool bSucceeded = parseDownloadDescriptor();
   235          if (bSucceeded) {
   236              priv->m_downloadDesc = priv->m_parser->downloadDescriptor();
   238              QString objectURI = priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescObjectURI).toString();
   239              if (objectURI.isEmpty()) {
   240                  priv->m_downloadCore->post(priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescInstallNotifyURI).toString(), QByteArray("905 Attribute Mismatch"));
   241                  priv->m_downloadCore->setLastError(QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError);
   242                  priv->m_downloadCore->setLastErrorString(tr("No ObjectURI"));
   243                  setDownloadState(DlFailed);
   244                  postEvent(Error, NULL);
   245                  return;
   246              }
   247              setDownloadState(DlPaused);
   248              postEvent(OMADownloadDescriptorReady, NULL);
   249          } else {
   250              priv->m_downloadDesc = priv->m_parser->downloadDescriptor();
   251              priv->m_downloadCore->post(priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescInstallNotifyURI).toString(), QByteArray("906 Invalid descriptor"));
   252              priv->m_downloadCore->setLastError(QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError);
   253              priv->m_downloadCore->setLastErrorString(tr("Invalid Descriptor"));
   254              setDownloadState(DlFailed);
   255              postEvent(Error, NULL);
   256          }
   257      }
   258 }
   260 bool OMADownloadBackend::parseDownloadDescriptor()
   261 {
   262     DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend);
   263     priv->m_parser = new OMADownloadDescParser();
   264     QXmlInputSource source(priv->m_downloadCore->reply());
   265     QXmlSimpleReader reader;
   266     reader.setContentHandler(priv->m_parser);
   267     reader.setErrorHandler(priv->m_parser);
   268     return reader.parse(source);
   269 }
   271 // capability check on the descriptor
   272 bool OMADownloadBackend::checkDownloadDescriptor()
   273 {
   274     DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend);
   276     QString version = priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescVersion).toString();
   277     if (! version.isEmpty() && (version != OMA_VERSION_1)) {
   278         priv->m_downloadCore->post(priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescInstallNotifyURI).toString(), QByteArray("951 Invalid DDVersion"));
   279         priv->m_downloadCore->setLastError(QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError);
   280         priv->m_downloadCore->setLastErrorString(tr("951 Invalid DDVersion"));
   281         setDownloadState(DlFailed); 
   282         postEvent(Error, NULL);
   283         return false; 
   284     } 
   286 #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
   287     // "Size" check needs to be done
   288     double fileSize =  priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescSize).toDouble();
   289     double mbFactor = 1024*1024;
   290     fileSize = fileSize/mbFactor; //fileSize in MB
   291     double spaceLeft = freeSpace(ROOT_PATH); //spaze left in MB
   293     if (fileSize > spaceLeft) {
   294         priv->m_downloadCore->post(priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescInstallNotifyURI).toString(), QByteArray("901 Insufficient memory"));
   295         priv->m_downloadCore->setLastError(QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError);
   296         priv->m_downloadCore->setLastErrorString(tr("901 Insufficient Memory"));
   297         setDownloadState(DlFailed);
   298         postEvent(Error, NULL);
   299         return false;       
   300     } 
   301 #endif
   302     return true;
   303 }
   305 bool OMADownloadBackend::event(QEvent *event)
   306 {
   307     DM_PRIVATE(OMADownloadBackend);
   308     DEventType type = (DEventType)event->type();
   309     switch(type) {
   310     case Started:
   311         break;
   312     case HeaderReceived:
   313     {
   314         // handling the events from media object downloads
   315         // Check the mismatch in total size returned by server with the size given in the descriptor.
   316         //This piece of code is commented as-of-now. when needed in future , will be uncommented
   317         /*int totalSize = dl->getAttribute(DlTotalSize).toInt();
   318         if (priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescSize).toInt() != totalSize)
   319         {
   320             priv->m_downloadCore->post(priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescInstallNotifyURI).toString(), QByteArray("905 Attribute Mismatch"));
   322             if (dl)
   323             {
   324                 dl->setError("905 Attribute Mismatch");
   325                 dl->cancel();
   326                 dl->setDownloadState(DlFailed);
   327                 dl->postEvent(Error, NULL);
   328             } 
   329             return true;
   330         }*/
   331         // Check the mismatch in content type returned by server with the content type given in the descriptor.
   332         QString contentType = priv->m_mediaDownload->getAttribute(DlContentType).toString();
   333         if (priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescType).toString() != contentType) {
   334             // media object download cannot be proceeded
   335             if (priv->m_mediaDownload) {
   336                 priv->m_mediaDownload->setError("905 Attribute Mismatch");
   337                 priv->m_mediaDownload->cancel();
   338                 priv->m_mediaDownload->setDownloadState(DlFailed);
   339                 priv->m_mediaDownload->postEvent(Error, NULL);
   340             } 
   341             break;
   342         } 
   343     }
   344     case Progress:
   345     {
   346         QVariant tSize = priv->m_mediaDownload->getAttribute(DlTotalSize);
   347         setTotalSize(tSize.toInt());
   348         QVariant curDlsize = priv->m_mediaDownload->getAttribute(DlDownloadedSize);
   349         setDownloadedDataSize(curDlsize.toInt());
   350         setDownloadState(DlInprogress);
   351         postEvent(Progress, NULL);
   352         break;
   353     }
   354     case NetworkLoss:
   355     {
   356         postEvent(NetworkLoss, NULL);
   357         break;
   358     }
   359     case Cancelled:
   360     {
   361         if (priv->m_isUserCancelled)
   362             priv->m_downloadCore->post(priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescInstallNotifyURI).toString(), QByteArray("902 User Cancelled"));
   363         setDownloadState(DlCancelled);
   364         postEvent(Cancelled, NULL);
   365         break;
   366     }
   367     case Completed:
   368     {
   369         priv->m_downloadCore->post(priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescInstallNotifyURI).toString(), QByteArray("900 Success "));
   370         setDownloadState(DlCompleted);
   371         postEvent(Completed, NULL); 
   372         break;
   373     }
   374     case Error:
   375     {
   376         priv->m_downloadCore->post(priv->m_downloadDesc->getAttribute(OMADownloadDescInstallNotifyURI).toString(), QByteArray("905 Attribute Mismatch"));
   377         priv->m_downloadCore->setLastError(QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError);
   378         priv->m_downloadCore->setLastErrorString(tr("905 Attribute Mismatch"));
   379         setDownloadState(DlFailed);
   380         postEvent(Error, NULL);
   381         break;
   382     } 
   383     default:
   384         break;
   385     }
   386     return true;
   387 }