changeset 3 0954f5dd2cd0
parent 0 1450b09d0cfd
child 12 afcd8e6d025b
--- a/ginebra2/chrome/bedrockchrome/networkstatus.snippet/networkstatus.js	Fri May 14 15:40:36 2010 +0300
+++ b/ginebra2/chrome/bedrockchrome/networkstatus.snippet/networkstatus.js	Tue Jun 29 00:46:29 2010 -0400
@@ -1,76 +1,130 @@
-  \file networkstatus.js This module contains the NetworkStatus class.
+  \file networkstatus.js This module contains the NetworkStatusDialog class which
+  displays network/http errors.
-function NetworkStatus()
-	   // attach internal funcs
-    this.setup = setupPage;
+function NetworkStatusDialog() {
+    var onChromeComplete = function()
+    {
+        // Get external mouse events.
+        snippets.NetworkStatusChromeId.externalMouseEvent.connect(this.handleExternalMouseEvent.bind(this));
-    // do setup
-    this.setup();
-    function onChromeComplete() 
+        // Watch for page load errors.
+        window.pageController.pageLoadFailed.connect(
+          function() {
+             if (!window.pageController.loadCanceled ) {
+                if (window.pageController.errorUrlMatches) {
+                   update();
+                   showNetworkStatus();
+                }
+             }
+          }
+        );        
+    }
+    //! Add text to the given DOM element, truncate it at the given width (in pixels).
+    //! Returns the remainder of the string.
+    function truncateTextToWidth(element, text, width)
-        window.pageController.pageLoadFinished.connect(
-        function(ok) {
-        	processLoadStatus(ok); 
-        	var networkTimeoutId; 
-	        if (!ok && !window.pageController.loadCanceled ) {         	
-        		showNetworkStatus();   
-        		networkTimeoutId = setTimeout ( 'hideNetworkStatus()', 2000 ); 
- 	        }  	        
-        }                
-        );
-    } //End of onChromeComplete handler
+       element.innerHTML = '<span style="white-space:nowrap;">' + text + '</span>';
+       if(element.offsetWidth > width)
+       {
+          var i = 1;
+          element.innerHTML = '';
+          while(element.offsetWidth < (width) && i < text.length)
+          {
+             element.innerHTML = text.substr(0,i);
+             i++;
+          }
+          return text.substr(i-1);
+       }
+       return "";
+    } 
+    //! Update text elements with error info.
+    var update = function()
+    {
+        // Set URL.  Two lines of it are displayed, the first wraps to the second and the second
+        // is truncated with an ellipsis appended by CSS.
+        var parentWidth = document.getElementById("networkStatusTextUrlParent").offsetWidth;
+        var restOfUrl = truncateTextToWidth(document.getElementById("networkStatusTextUrl1Id"), '"' + pageController.networkErrorUrl + '"', parentWidth);
+        document.getElementById("networkStatusTextUrl2Id").innerHTML = restOfUrl;
-// "Private" methods
-function processLoadStatus(ok) {
-    var htmlText = "Page load ok"; 
-    if (!ok) 
-        htmlText = window.localeDelegate.translateText("page_load_failed"); 
-        var ele = document.getElementById("NetworkStatusTextId");
-	if (ele) {
-            ele.innerHTML = htmlText; 
-	}  
-	else {
-	  	document.write(htmlText); 
-	}
+        // Set error message.
+        if(pageController.networkErrorMsg != undefined && pageController.networkErrorMsg != "") {
+            document.getElementById("networkStatusTextMsgId").innerHTML = pageController.networkErrorMsg;
+        }
+        else {
+            document.getElementById("networkStatusTextMsgId").innerHTML = window.localeDelegate.translateText("txt_browser_error_generic_error_msg");
+        }
+    }
+    //! Handles external mouse events - dismisses status dialog.
+    /*!
+      \param type the type of event
+      \param name the name of event
+      \param description event description
+    */
+    this.handleExternalMouseEvent = function(type, name, description)
+    {
+        if (name == "QGraphicsSceneMousePressEvent") {
+            this.hideNetworkStatus();
+        }
+    }
+    //! Show the network status dialog and shaded overlay.
+    var showNetworkStatus = function(){
+        var snippet = snippets.NetworkStatusChromeId;
+        snippet.updateOwnerArea();
+        snippet.zValue = 1;
+        snippet.repaint();
+        //networkTimeoutId = setTimeout(hideNetworkStatus, 2000);
+    }
+    //! Hide the network status dialog and shaded overlay.
+    this.hideNetworkStatus = function(){
+        snippets.NetworkStatusChromeId.hide();
+    }
-// "Private" methods
-function setupPage() {
-//	  var image = 'networkstatus.snippet/icons/network_status_icon.png';
-    var html =
-        '<div class="networkStatusBox">' +
-              '<table><tr>' +
-//                '<td class="networkStatusIcon">' +
-//                    '<img src="' + image + '" alt="">' +
-//                '</td>' +
-                '<td class="networkStatusText" id="NetworkStatusTextId">' +
-                    'Replace with localized message text' +
-                '</td>' +
-            '</tr></table>' +
-        '</div>';
-  document.write(html);
+    //! Create the DOM elements for the dialog.
+    this.setupPage = function(){    
+        var html =
+            '<div class="networkStatusBox">' +
+                '<ul>' +
+                    '<li>' +
+                        '<img src="networkstatus.snippet/icons/icon_dialog_error.png"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;' +
+                        '<span class="networkStatusText">' +
+                            window.localeDelegate.translateText("txt_browser_error_page_load_failed") +
+                        '</span>' +
+                    '</li>' +
+                    '<li id="networkStatusTextUrlParent">' +
+                        '<span class="networkStatusText" id="networkStatusTextUrl1Id"></span><br/>' +
+                        '<div class="networkStatusText2" id="networkStatusTextUrl2Id"></div>' +
+                    '</li>' +
+                    '<li>' +
+                        '<span class="networkStatusText" id="networkStatusTextMsgId"/>' +
+                    '</li>' +
+                    '<li>' +
+                        '<center><img id="networkStatus_okId" class="networkStatusOkButton"/></center>' +
+                    '</li>' +
+                '</ul>' +
+            '</div>';
+        document.write(html);
+        new SimpleButton("networkStatus_okId",
+                         "networkstatus.snippet/icons/button_dialog_ok_wait.png",
+                         "networkstatus.snippet/icons/button_dialog_ok_press.png",
+                         "",
+                         this.onOkPressed.bind(this));
+    }
+    this.onOkPressed = function() {
+        this.hideNetworkStatus();
+    }
+    this.setupPage();
+    chrome.chromeComplete.connect(onChromeComplete.bind(this));
-// "Private" method
-function showNetworkStatus() {
-    window.snippets.NetworkStatusChromeId.setPosition(10,80); 
- 	  window.snippets.NetworkStatusChromeId.repaint();
-// "private" method 
-function hideNetworkStatus() {
-    window.snippets.NetworkStatusChromeId.setPosition(10,80); 
- 	  window.snippets.NetworkStatusChromeId.hide();
- 	  window.snippets.NetworkStatusChromeId.repaint(); 	        	