changeset 3 0954f5dd2cd0
parent 1 b0dd75e285d2
child 4 d5cdb6bc139d
--- a/ginebra2/chrome/bedrockchrome/urlsearch.snippet/urlsearch.js	Fri May 14 15:40:36 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-  \file urlsearch.js This module contains the UrlSearch class.
-var enumObj = new Object();
-enumObj.state = {Loading:0, Editing:1, Reloadable:2}
-function UrlSearch(lastUrl)
-    function onChromeComplete() 
-    {
-        // When restoring session we're already loading when chrome complete signal is sent
-        // So update button and progress to reflect the loading state
-        switch (window.pageController.loadState) {
-        case enumObj.state.Loading:
-            urlBarButton.setButton();
-            urlBarProgressBar.setProgress("5%");
-            break;
-        default:
-            urlBarProgressBar.setProgress("0%");
-            break;
-        }
-        //window.snippets.FaviconSnippet.anchorTo("UrlSearchChromeId", 1,5);
-        //window.snippets.FaviconSnippet.connectToWebpageController();
-        window.pageController.pageUrlChanged.connect(
-        function(url) {
-            //;
-            //url is coming from loadContoller. So need not set it back
-            urlBarTextBox.setTextBoxValue(url);
-        }
-        );
-        window.pageController.pageLoadStarted.connect(
-        function() {
-            //"Load start");
-            //"Load start" + window.pageController.currentRequestedUrl);
-  ;
-            urlBarProgressBar.setProgress("5%");
-            urlBarButton.setButton();
-            urlBarTextBox.setTextBoxValue(window.pageController.currentRequestedUrl); 
-        }
-        );
-        window.pageController.pageLoadProgress.connect(
-        function(percent) {
-            urlBarProgressBar.handlePageLoadProgress(percent);
-        }
-        );
-        window.pageController.pageLoadFinished.connect(
-        function(ok) {
-        //"pageLoadFinished: ");
-        // If the load was finished normally and not due to user stopping it,
-        // simulate progress completion
-        if(!window.pageController.loadCanceled) {
-            urlBarProgressBar.setProgress("99%");
-        }
-        setTimeout("urlsearch.clearPBar()", 500);
-        __blockDeselect = false;
-        urlBarTextBox.setFocus(false);
-        urlBarButton.setButton();
-        if (window.views.current().type == "webView") {
-            if (window.snippets.UrlSearchChromeId && window.pageController.contentsYPos > 0) {
-      ;
-            }
-        }
-        }
-        );
-		    window.pageController.pageCreated.connect(
-		    function() {
-		    	}
-		    );
-    window.pageController.pageChanged.connect(
-    function() {
-        //"Page  changed");
-        // Set the values of the new page 
-        setUrlSearchValues();
-    }
-    );
-    // Connect View Manager current view changed signal to slot.
-    window.views.currentViewChanged.connect(
-        function() {
-            if (window.views.current().type ==  "webView") {
-                /*"currentViewChanged  window.views.current().type =" + window.views.current().type + "Pos " + window.pageController.contentsYPos == 0  + "Loading still: " + pageController.isPageLoading);*/
-                // When we change back to content view, show the urlsearch bar if either we are
-                // at the top or we are still loading the page (in this case, we will hide the urlsearch bar
-                // if needed on getting loadFinished
-                if (!window.views.WebView.currentPageIsSuperPage() && 
-                    (window.pageController.contentsYPos <= 0 || pageController.isPageLoading) ){
-                    // show url bar with no animation
-                    //showUrlBar();
-          ;
-                }
-                else {
-       ;
-                } 
-                //set the correct values based on the window 
-                //"currentViewChanged " + window.pageController.loadText);
-                setUrlSearchValues();
-                // place focus in urlsearch bar when returning from adding a new window in windows view
-                if (!window.views.WebView.currentPageIsSuperPage() &&
-                    (window.pageController.loadText == "")) {
-                    __blockDeselect = false;
-                    window.snippets.UrlSearchChromeId.grabFocus();
-                    document.getElementById("urlBox").focus();
-                    return;
-                 }
-             } else {
-                 //Save url text box value
-                 window.pageController.urlTextChanged(urlBarTextBox.getTextBoxValue());
-                 // Remove progress bar and url text field value so that 
-                 // incorrect values are not seen before we can update when we come back 
-                 urlBarTextBox.setTextBoxValue("");
-                 urlBarProgressBar.setProgress("0%");
-                 //hideUrlBar();
-       ;
-             }
-        }
-    );
-        function() {
-            if (window.views.current().type ==  "webView") {
-                /*"currentViewChanged  window.views.current().type =" + window.views.current().type + "Pos " + window.pageController.contentsYPos == 0  + "Loading still: " + pageController.isPageLoading);*/
-                // When we change back to content view, show the urlsearch bar if either we are
-                // at the top or we are still loading the page (in this case, we will hide the urlsearch bar
-                // if needed on getting loadFinished
-                if (!window.views.WebView.currentPageIsSuperPage() && 
-                    (window.pageController.contentsYPos <= 0 || pageController.isPageLoading) ){
-                    // show url bar with no animation
-                    //showUrlBar();
-          ;                    
-                }
-                else {
-       ;                	
-                } 
-                //set the correct values based on the window 
-                //"currentViewChanged " + window.pageController.loadText);
-                setUrlSearchValues();
-                // place focus in urlsearch bar when returning from adding a new window in windows view
-                if (window.pageController.loadText == "") {
-                    __blockDeselect = false;
-                    window.snippets.UrlSearchChromeId.grabFocus();
-                    document.getElementById("urlBox").focus();
-                    return;
-                 }
-             } else {
-                 //Save url text box value
-                 window.pageController.urlTextChanged(urlBarTextBox.getTextBoxValue());
-                 // Remove progress bar and url text field value so that 
-                 // incorrect values are not seen before we can update when we come back 
-                 urlBarTextBox.setTextBoxValue("");
-                 urlBarProgressBar.setProgress("0%");
-                 //hideUrlBar();
-       ;
-             }
-        }
-    );
-    // Connect snippets CR signal to slot.
-        function() {
-            if (urlBarTextBox.hasFocus()) {
-                // When we get load started, the button will be changed
-                loadToMainWindow(urlBarTextBox.getTextBoxValue());
-            }
-        }
-    );
-    } //End of onChromeComplete handler
-    /*!
-      Class to handle displaying and updating the URL text box.
-    */
-    function UrlTextBox()
-    {
-    }
-    //! UrlTextBox Public Methods
-    UrlTextBox.prototype.getTextBoxValue = function()
-    {
-        return document.gotoUrlForm.textBox.value;
-    }
-    UrlTextBox.prototype.setTextBoxValue = function(text)
-    {
-        //"setTextBoxValue" + text);
-        document.gotoUrlForm.textBox.value = text;
-    }
-    // Unused Method
-    UrlTextBox.prototype.textBoxFocus = function()
-    {
-        document.gotoUrlForm.textBox.focus();
-    }
-    UrlTextBox.prototype.hasFocus = function()
-    {
-        return document.getElementById("urlBox").hasFocus;
-    }
-    UrlTextBox.prototype.setFocus = function(hasFocus)
-    {
-        document.getElementById("urlBox").hasFocus = hasFocus;
-    }
-    /*!
-      Class to handle displaying and updating the URL tri-state button.
-    */
-    function UrlTriStateButton()
-    {
-    }
-    //! UrlTriStateButton Public Methods
-    UrlTriStateButton.prototype.setButton = function()
-    {
-        //"setButton ");
-        btnDom = document.getElementById("tristateBtn").button;
-        switch (window.pageController.loadState) {
-        case enumObj.state.Loading:
-            btnDom.updateImages("urlsearch.snippet/icons/stop_btn.png",
-                                    "urlsearch.snippet/icons/stop_btn_pressed.png",
-                                    "urlsearch.snippet/icons/stop_btn.png");
-            break;
-        case enumObj.state.Editing:
-            btnDom.updateImages("urlsearch.snippet/icons/go_btn.png",
-                                "urlsearch.snippet/icons/go_btn_pressed.png",
-                                "urlsearch.snippet/icons/go_btn.png");
-            break;
-         case enumObj.state.Reloadable:
-            btnDom.updateImages("urlsearch.snippet/icons/refresh_btn.png",
-                                    "urlsearch.snippet/icons/refresh_btn_pressed.png",
-                                    "urlsearch.snippet/icons/refresh_btn.png");
-            break;
-         default:
-            window.App.debug("Incorrect state");
-            break;
-        }
-        document.getElementById("tristateBtn").button.updateButton();
-        // Don't need repaint anymore?
-        //if (window.snippets.UrlSearchChromeId) {
-        //    window.snippets.UrlSearchChromeId.repaint();
-        //}
-    }
-    // Unused Method
-    UrlTriStateButton.prototype.changeTriState = function(a)
-    {
-       if (this.getValue() != a) {
-            this.setValue(a);
-            /* Shouln't have to do this check. This function should be 
-             * called only after chrome has completed loading which 
-             * means that all snippets have also been created.
-             */
-            if (window.snippets.UrlSearchChromeId) {
-                window.snippets.UrlSearchChromeId.repaint();
-            } 
-       }
-    }
-    /*!
-      Class to handle displaying and updating the URL progress bar.
-    */
-    function UrlProgressBar()
-    {
-        this.oldpercent = 0;
-    }
-    //! UrlProgressBar Public Methods
-    UrlProgressBar.prototype.setProgress = function(widthStr)
-    {
-        document.getElementById("PBar").style.width = widthStr;
-    }
-    UrlProgressBar.prototype.handlePageLoadProgress = function(percent)
-    {
-        this.updateProgress(percent);
-    }
-    UrlProgressBar.prototype.updateProgress = function(percent)
-    {
-        if (percent != 100) {
-            //"Load prog "+percent);
-            var parentWidth = document.getElementById("textEntryCell").offsetWidth;
-            this.setProgress((parentWidth * percent)/100 + "px");
-        } else {
-            //clearProgressBar();
-            this.setProgress("0%");
-            oldpercent = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    // UrlSearch Private Member Variables
-    var animator;
-    var animating = false;
-    var defaultPos;
-    var defaultHeight;
-    var animateDuration = 500;
-    var __blockDeselect = false;
-    var urlBarTextBox = new UrlTextBox();
-    var urlBarButton = new UrlTriStateButton();
-    var urlBarProgressBar = new UrlProgressBar();
-    // UrlSearch Private Methods
-    function _urlsearch_write(lastUrl) {
-        var html = '' +
-            '<div id="urlsearchSnippet">' +
-                    '<div class = "tableMain" id="mainLayoutTable">' +
-                        '<div class = "tableRow" id="mainLayoutRow">' +
-                                    '<div class = "tableCell mainLayoutCell" id = "inputboxl"></div>' +
-                            '<div class = "mainLayoutCell" id = "inputboxc">' +
-                                '<form name = "gotoUrlForm">' +
-                                '<div class = "tableRow">' +
-                                    '<div class = "tableCell" id = "textEntryCell">' +
-                                    '<input type ="text" id = "urlBox" name = "textBox" value="' + lastUrl + '" '  +
-                                    'maxlength="256" '+
-                                    		'OnFocus="urlsearch.focusElement(this,event)" '+
-                                    		'OnMouseUp="return urlsearch.mouseUpElement(this,event)" '+
-                                    		'OnMouseDown="urlsearch.mouseDownElement(this,event)" '+
-                                    		'OnBlur="urlsearch.mouseOutElement(this,event)" '+
-                                    		'OnKeyUp="urlsearch.resetTriState();"/>' +
-                                      	'<div id="PBar"></div>' +
-                                      '</div>' +
-                                    '<div class = "tableCell" id = "tristateBtnCell">' +
-                                    '<img id="tristateBtn">' +
-                                        '</div>' +
-                                '</div>' +
-                                '</form>' +
-                            '</div>' +
-                        '<div class = "tableCell" id = "inputboxr"></div>' +
-                        '</div>' +
-                    '</div>' +
-                        '</div>';
-        document.write(html);
-    }
-    function loadToMainWindow(gotourl){
-        var gotourl = window.pageController.guessUrlFromString(gotourl);
-        urlBarTextBox.setTextBoxValue(gotourl);
-        window.pageController.currentLoad(gotourl);
-        window.pageController.urlTextChanged(gotourl);
-    }
-    function setUrlSearchValues()
-    {
-          //"seturlsearchvalues")
-        urlBarTextBox.setTextBoxValue(window.pageController.loadText);
-        urlBarButton.setButton();
-        //"setProgress " + "New: " +  window.pageController.loadProgressValue +  " Old Value: " + oldpercent );
-        var percent = window.pageController.loadProgressValue;
-        urlBarProgressBar.updateProgress(percent);
-        if (percent == 100) {
-            __blockDeselect = false;
-            urlBarTextBox.setFocus(false);
-        }
-        //window.snippets.UrlSearchChromeId.repaint();
-    }
-    function chromeAlert(){
-"chrome Alert!");
-    }
-    // Public Methods
-    this.focusElement = function(el, event)
-    {
-        __blockDeselect = true;
-        document.getElementById("urlBox").scrollLeft = 1000;
-        urlBarTextBox.setFocus(true);
-    }
-		this.mouseOutElement = function(el, event)
-    {
-        __blockDeselect = false;
-        el.scrollRight = 0;
-        urlBarTextBox.setFocus(false); 
-    }
-    this.mouseDownElement = function(el, event)
-    {
-        // Clear __justSelected in case the element gained focus through some non-mouse event
-        // and still has focus.
-         __blockDeselect = false;
-    }
-    this.mouseUpElement = function(el, event)
-    {
-        // Return false to prevent Qt from deselecting the text if we've just selected it
-        // in focusElement(), return true otherwise.
-        var result = !__blockDeselect;
-        __blockDeselect = false;
-        return result;
-    }
-    this.clearPBar = function()
-    {
-        urlBarProgressBar.setProgress("0%");
-    }
-    this.pushTriState = function()
-    {
-        //"pushTriState ");
-        switch (window.pageController.loadState) {
-        case enumObj.state.Loading:
-            //"In loading state, stop loading");
-            window.pageController.currentStop();
-            setTimeout("urlsearch.clearPBar()", 50);
-            break;
-        case enumObj.state.Editing:
-            //"In editing state, start loading");
-            loadToMainWindow(urlBarTextBox.getTextBoxValue());
-            break;
-        case enumObj.state.Reloadable:
-            //"In reloadable state, start reloading");
-            window.pageController.currentReload();
-            break;
-        default:
-  "Incorrect state");
-            break;
-        }
-        urlBarButton.setButton();
-    }
-    this.resetTriState = function()
-    {
-        //"resetTriState");
-        if(window.pageController.loadState == enumObj.state.Reloadable) {
-            urlBarTextBox.setFocus(true);
-            //"Change to editing");
-            window.pageController.setLoadState(enumObj.state.Editing);
-            urlBarButton.setButton();
-        }
-    }
-    this.updateSuggests = function()
-    {
-       var text = urlBarTextBox.getTextBoxValue();
-       if (text.length == 0) {  // hide the suggests if no text
-           searchSuggests.hideSuggests();
-           return;
-       }
-       if (text.length >= 8) { // only for demo
-           searchSuggests.hideSuggests();
-           return
-       }
-       searchSuggests.removeAllItems();
-       searchSuggests.addItem(text);
-       var i = 0;
-       var n = 100;
-       for (i = text.length; i < 8; i += 1, n += 100)
-           searchSuggests.addItem(text + n);
-       searchSuggests.showSuggests();
-    }
-    // UrlSearch Constructor
-    // do setup
-    _urlsearch_write(lastUrl);
-    // Init the button
-    new SimpleButton("tristateBtn",
-                     "urlsearch.snippet/icons/goto.png",
-                     "urlsearch.snippet/icons/goto_pushed.png",
-                     "urlsearch.snippet/icons/goto.png",
-                     this.pushTriState);