--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ginebra/chrome/demochrome/s60-chrome.html Tue May 04 12:39:35 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ <head>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/ActionButton.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ // Do any snippet initialization in a handler for the chrome.loadComplete signal.
+ // Note that chrome may not be fully initialized when the html <body onload> event
+ // is invoked, whereas chrome initialization is guaranteed to be complete when
+ // this signal is invoked.
+ function onChromeComplete() {
+ window.snippets.BottomChromeId.setVisibilityAnimator("G_VISIBILITY_SLIDE_ANIMATOR");
+ window.snippets.TopChromeId.setVisibilityAnimator("G_VISIBILITY_FADE_ANIMATOR");
+ // Attach buttons to the underlying QActions.
+ new ActionButton("backButton",
+ "images/backArrow.png",
+ "images/backArrowDown.png",
+ "images/backArrowDisabled.png",
+ window.pageController.actions.back);
+ new ActionButton("forwardButton",
+ "images/forwardArrow.png",
+ "images/forwardArrowDown.png",
+ "images/forwardArrowDisabled.png",
+ window.pageController.actions.forward);
+ new ActionButton("stopButton",
+ "images/stop.png",
+ "images/stopDown.png",
+ "images/stopDisabled.png",
+ window.pageController.actions.stop);
+ new ActionButton("reloadButton",
+ "images/reload.png",
+ "images/reloadDown.png",
+ "images/reloadDisabled.png",
+ window.pageController.actions.reload);
+ new ActionButton("zoomInButton",
+ "images/zoomIn.png",
+ "images/zoomInDown.png",
+ "images/zoomInDisabled.png",
+ window.webView.actions.zoomIn);
+ new ActionButton("zoomOutButton",
+ "images/zoomOut.png",
+ "images/zoomOutDown.png",
+ "images/zoomOutDisabled.png",
+ window.webView.actions.zoomOut);
+ }
+ window.chrome.loadComplete.connect(
+ function(){
+ onChromeComplete();
+ }
+ );
+ // Functions used by the settings pop up chrome snippet
+ function newStyle(style){
+ //alert("New Style: " + style);
+ var styleLink = document.getElementById("CSSLink");
+ //alert (styleLink);
+ styleLink.href = style;
+ window.snippets.SettingsChromeId.toggleVisibility();
+ }
+ function chromeSelect(){
+ var p = document.getElementsByName("ChromeSelection");
+ for(i = 0; i < p.length; i ++){
+ if(p[i].checked == true){
+ return p[i].value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function styleSelect() {
+ var p = document.getElementsByName("StyleSelection");
+ for(i = 0; i < p.length; i ++){
+ if(p[i].checked == true){
+ return p[i].value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Functions used by the page info flip chrome
+ var pageInfoShowing = false;
+ function flipPageInfo() {
+ if(!pageInfoShowing){
+ document.getElementById("pageInfo_UrlId").value = window.pageController.currentDocUrl;
+ document.getElementById("pageInfo_TitleId").value = window.pageController.currentDocTitle;
+ window.chrome.flipFromCurrentView("PageInfoId");
+ pageInfoShowing = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ window.chrome.flipToCurrentView("PageInfoId");
+ pageInfoShowing = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Functions to instantiate views
+ function showGoAnywhere() {
+ window.viewManager.showContent("goAnywhereView");
+ window.viewManager.goAnywhereView.setPosition(40, 40);
+ window.viewManager.goAnywhereView.done.connect(
+ function() {
+ window.viewManager.showContent("webView");
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function showHistory() {
+ window.chrome.alert("handleLoadStart");
+ window.viewManager.showContent("historyView");
+ window.viewManager.historyView.setPosition(40, 40);
+ window.viewManager.historyView.done.connect(
+ function() {
+ window.viewManager.showContent("webView");
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ // This function is for highlighting text in the go to entry
+ function selectAll(el)
+ {
+ el.select();
+ }
+ // Add an extra button in landscape mode
+ function handleOrientation(orientation) {
+ if(orientation == "landscape"){
+ document.getElementById("StarButtonId").style.display = "inline";
+ }
+ else{
+ document.getElementById("StarButtonId").style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ window.chrome.onDisplayModeChanged.connect(
+ function(orientation){
+ // handleOrientation(orientation);
+ }
+ );
+ // Functions to animate the load progress bar
+ window.pageController.loadStarted.connect(
+ function() {
+ window.chrome.alert("handleLoadStart");
+ document.getElementById("PBar").style.width = "0%";
+ }
+ );
+ window.pageController.loadProgress.connect(
+ function(percent) {
+ var parentWidth = document.getElementById("PBarWrapper").offsetWidth;
+ document.getElementById("PBar").style.width = (parentWidth * percent)/100 + "px";
+ }
+ );
+ window.pageController.loadFinished.connect(
+ function(ok) {
+ //window.chrome.alert("handleLoadFinished: " + ok);
+ //onChromeComplete();
+ document.getElementById("PBar").style.width = "0%";
+ }
+ );
+ // Update the url entry box with current url
+ window.pageController.currentPageUrlChanged.connect(
+ function(url){
+ document.getElementById("urlBox").value = url;
+ }
+ );
+ window.pageController.networkRequestError.connect(
+ function(reply) {
+ window.chrome.alert("networkRequestError: " + reply.error());
+ }
+ );
+ window.pageController.titleChanged.connect(
+ function(title) {
+ // TBD
+ }
+ );
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" id = "CSSLink" type="text/css" href="css/chromeStyleBlack.css" />
+ </head>
+ <body onload="window.pageController.currentLoad('file:///C:/data/Others/chrome/demochrome/static.html');">
+ <div class ="InitialChrome">
+ <div class = "GinebraSnippet" id="TopChromeId" data-GinebraVisible="true" data-GinebraAnchor="AnchorTop">
+ <form name = "gotoUrlForm">
+ <span id="PBarWrapper" class="ProgressBarWrapper" style="width: 260px; position: absolute; top: 3px; left:4px; height:20px">
+ <span id="PBar" class="ProgressBar" style="position:absolute; left: 1px; height: 18px;">
+ </span>
+ <input type ="text"
+ class = "Text"
+ id = "urlBox"
+ name = "textBox"
+ style = "position: absolute; width: 260px; height: 18px"
+ value="http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&output=html"
+ onFocus="selectAll(this); return false;"
+ onMouseUp="return false;"/>
+ </span>
+ <span style="position: absolute; left: 270px; display: inline">
+ <input type = "button" class="Button" value="Go" style="display: inline"
+ onclick=" window.pageController.currentLoad(document.gotoUrlForm.textBox.value)"/>
+ <input type = "button" class="Button" value="Min" style="display: inline"
+ onclick = "window.snippets.BottomChromeId.toggleVisibility()"/>
+ </span>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ <div class = "GinebraSnippet" id="BottomChromeId" name="BottomChrome" data-GinebraVisible="true" data-GinebraAnchor="AnchorBottom">
+ <img id="backButton" src="images/backArrow.png" align="center"
+ style="width: 18px" class="ButtonImage"
+ onclick="window.pageController.actions.back.trigger()"/>
+ <img id="forwardButton" src="images/forwardArrow.png" align="center"
+ style="width: 18px" class="ButtonImage"/>
+ <img id="stopButton" src="images/stop.png" align="center"
+ style="width: 18px" class="ButtonImage"/>
+ <img id="reloadButton" src="images/reload.png" align="center"
+ style="width: 20px" class="ButtonImage"/>
+ <img src="./images/history.png" align="center" class="ButtonImage" onclick="showHistory()"/>
+ <img id="zoomInButton" src="images/zoomIn.png" align="center"
+ style="width: 20px" class="ButtonImage"/>
+ <img id="zoomOutButton" src="images/zoomOut.png" align="center"
+ style="width: 20px" class="ButtonImage"/>
+ <img src="./images/info.png" align="center" style="width: 20px" class="ButtonImage" onclick="flipPageInfo()"/>
+ <img src="images/star.png" align="center" style="width: 20px" class="ButtonImage" onclick="showGoAnywhere()"/>
+ <img src="./images/wrench_icon.jpg" align="center" class="ButtonImage" onclick="window.snippets.SettingsChromeId.toggleVisibility()"/>
+ </div>
+ <div class = "GinebraSnippet" id="PageInfoId">
+ <div class = "PageInfoInner">
+ <form>
+ Title: <input id="pageInfo_TitleId" type="text"></br>
+ URL: <input id="pageInfo_UrlId" type="text"></br>
+ Text Language: <input id="language" type="text"></br>
+ </form>
+ <div align="right" style="margin-right: 20px">
+ <input type = "button" class="Button" value="OK" onclick="flipPageInfo()"/>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class = "GinebraSnippet" id="SettingsChromeId" data-GinebraAnchor="AnchorCenter">
+ <h3>Chrome settings</h3>
+ <hr/>
+ Chrome:
+ <br/>
+ Simple
+ <input type ="radio"
+ checked = "checked"
+ name = "ChromeSelection"
+ value="s60-chrome.html"/>
+ <button type="button" class="Button" onclick="window.chrome.loadChrome('file:///C:/data/Others/chrome/' + chromeSelect());">Update</button>
+ <br/>
+ Veggie
+ <input type ="radio"
+ name = "ChromeSelection"
+ value="s60-veggie-chrome.html"/>
+ <hr/>
+ Style:
+ <br/>
+ Simple
+ <input type ="radio"
+ name = "StyleSelection"
+ checked = "checked"
+ value="chromeStyleFlat.css"/>
+ <button type="button" class="Button" onclick="newStyle('css/' + styleSelect());">Update</button>
+ <br/>
+ Curved
+ <input type ="radio"
+ name = "StyleSelection"
+ value="chromeStyleBlack.css"/>
+ <br/>
+ </div>
+ </body>