changeset 0 1450b09d0cfd
child 3 0954f5dd2cd0
child 5 0f2326c2a325
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ginebra2/ContentViews/GWebContentView.cpp	Tue May 04 12:39:35 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "GWebContentView.h"
+#include "GWebContentViewWidget.h"
+#include "GWebContentViewJSObject.h"
+#include "ChromeWidget.h"
+#include "WebViewEventContext.h"
+#include "browserpagefactory.h"
+#include "wrtbrowsercontainer.h"
+#include "webpagecontroller.h"
+#include "qstmgestureevent.h"
+#include <QGraphicsWebView>
+#include <QWebHistory>
+#include <QWebPage>
+#include <QWebFrame>
+#include <QTimeLine>
+#include <QDebug>
+#define safe_connect(src, srcSig, target, targetSlot) \
+  { int res = connect(src, srcSig, target, targetSlot); assert(res); }
+namespace GVA {
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------
+  const qreal KZoomInStep = 1.05;
+  const qreal KZoomOutStep = 0.95238;
+  GWebContentView::GWebContentView(ChromeWidget *chrome, QObject * parent, const QString &objectName)
+    : ControllableViewBase(parent),
+      m_networkMgr(0),
+      m_chrome(chrome),
+      m_timeLine(0),
+      m_zoomIn(false),
+      m_backEnabled(false),
+      m_forwardEnabled(false),
+      m_currentSuperPage(m_superPages.begin()),
+      m_currentPageIsSuperPage(false),
+      m_timer(NULL)
+  {
+      setObjectName(objectName);
+      qDebug() << "GWebContentView::GWebContentView: this=" << this;
+      QWebPage* page = BrowserPageFactory::openBrowserPage();
+      setZoomActions();
+      m_widget = new GWebContentViewWidget(parent, this, page);
+#ifndef __gva_no_chrome__
+      m_jsObject = new GWebContentViewJSObject(this, m_chrome->page()->mainFrame(), objectName);
+      m_networkMgr = webWidget()->page()->networkAccessManager();
+      webWidget()->page()->currentFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+      webWidget()->page()->currentFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+      m_touchNavigation = new GWebTouchNavigation(page, m_widget);
+      m_touchNavigation->setChromeWidget(m_chrome);
+      connect(m_touchNavigation, SIGNAL(mouseEvent(QEvent::Type)) , this, SIGNAL(contentViewMouseEvent(QEvent::Type)));
+      WRT::WrtBrowserContainer * wrtPage = static_cast<WRT::WrtBrowserContainer *>(page);
+      if(wrtPage) {
+          wrtPage->setWebWidget(webWidget());
+          pageCreated(wrtPage);
+      }
+      connectAll();
+  }
+  GWebContentView::~GWebContentView() {
+      disconnect(m_jsObject);
+      disconnect(webWidget());
+      delete m_touchNavigation;
+      delete m_actionZoomIn;
+      delete m_actionZoomOut;
+      delete m_widget;
+      foreach(GWebPage *page, m_superPages) {
+          delete page;
+      }
+  }
+void GWebContentView::bitmapZoomStop()
+    if (m_timer) {
+        m_timer->stop();
+        disconnect(m_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()));
+        delete m_timer;
+        m_timer = NULL;	
+    }
+    qreal zoomFactor = m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor();
+    ((zoomFactor+0.001) >= webWidget()->maximumScale() )? webWidget()->setZoomFactor(webWidget()->maximumScale()):webWidget()->setZoomFactor(zoomFactor);
+    webWidget()->bitmapZoomCleanup();
+void GWebContentView::zoomP()
+    if ((m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor()) >  webWidget()->maximumScale()) {
+        if (m_timer && m_timer->isActive())
+            bitmapZoomStop();
+    }else {
+        if (m_timer->isSingleShot()) {
+            m_timer->setSingleShot(false);
+            m_timer->start(1);
+        }
+        webWidget()->setBitmapZoom(m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor());
+        m_value *= KZoomInStep;
+    }
+void GWebContentView::zoomN()
+    if ((m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor()) <  webWidget()->minimumScale()){
+        if (m_timer && m_timer->isActive())
+            bitmapZoomStop();	
+    }else {
+        if (m_timer->isSingleShot()) {
+            m_timer->setSingleShot(false);
+            m_timer->start(1);
+        }
+        webWidget()->setBitmapZoom(m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor());
+        m_value *= KZoomOutStep;
+    }
+void GWebContentView::zoomIn(qreal deltaPercent)	
+    Q_UNUSED(deltaPercent)
+    if (webWidget() && webWidget()->isUserScalable()) {
+        if (m_timer && m_timer->isActive()) {
+            if (!m_timer->isSingleShot())
+                m_value /= KZoomInStep;
+            bitmapZoomStop();
+	        return;
+        }else if (!m_timer)
+            m_timer = new QTimer(this);
+        m_value = KZoomInStep;
+        if ((m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor()) <  webWidget()->maximumScale()) {
+            webWidget()->createPageSnapShot();
+            connect(m_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(zoomP()));
+            zoomP();
+            m_timer->setSingleShot(true);
+            m_timer->start(500);
+        }else {
+            delete m_timer;
+            m_timer = NULL;
+            webWidget()->setZoomFactor(m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor());
+        }
+    }   
+void GWebContentView::zoomOut(qreal deltaPercent)	
+    Q_UNUSED(deltaPercent)
+    if (webWidget() && webWidget()->isUserScalable()) {
+        if (m_timer && m_timer->isActive()) {
+            if (!m_timer->isSingleShot())
+                m_value /= KZoomOutStep;
+            bitmapZoomStop();
+            return;
+        }else if (!m_timer)
+            m_timer = new QTimer(this);
+        m_value = KZoomOutStep;
+        if ((m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor()) >  webWidget()->minimumScale()) {
+            webWidget()->createPageSnapShot();
+            connect(m_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(zoomN()));
+            zoomN();
+            m_timer->setSingleShot(true);
+            m_timer->start(500);
+        }else {
+            delete m_timer;
+            m_timer = NULL;
+            webWidget()->setZoomFactor(m_value * webWidget()->zoomFactor());
+        }
+    }
+  void GWebContentView::connectAll() {
+    //qDebug() << "GWebContentView::connectAll: " << widget();
+#ifndef __gva_no_chrome__
+    safe_connect(widget(), SIGNAL(contextEvent(::WebViewEventContext *)),
+                 m_jsObject, SLOT(onContextEvent(::WebViewEventContext *)));
+    QObject::connect(webWidget(), SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString &)), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString &)));
+    QObject::connect(webWidget(), SIGNAL(loadStarted()), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(loadStarted()));
+    QObject::connect(webWidget(), SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)));
+    QObject::connect(webWidget(), SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(onLoadStarted()));
+    QObject::connect(webWidget(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(onLoadFinished(bool)));
+    QObject::connect(webWidget(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QUrl&)), this, SLOT(onUrlChanged(const QUrl&)));
+#ifndef __gva_no_chrome__
+    QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QString&)), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QString&)));
+    QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(backEnabled(bool)), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(backEnabled(bool)));
+    QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(forwardEnabled(bool)), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(forwardEnabled(bool)));
+    QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+    QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(secureConnection(bool)), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(secureConnection(bool)));
+    connect(m_touchNavigation, SIGNAL(startingPanGesture(int)), m_jsObject, SIGNAL(startingPanGesture(int)));
+    connect(WebPageController::getSingleton(), SIGNAL(pageCreated(WRT::WrtBrowserContainer*)),
+            this, SLOT(pageCreated(WRT::WrtBrowserContainer*)));
+    connect(WebPageController::getSingleton(), SIGNAL(pageChanged(WRT::WrtBrowserContainer*, WRT::WrtBrowserContainer*)),
+            this, SLOT(pageChanged(WRT::WrtBrowserContainer*, WRT::WrtBrowserContainer*)));    
+  }
+  QVariant GWebContentView::getContentWindowObject() {
+    try {
+        return webWidget()->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window");
+    }
+    catch(...) {
+        qDebug() << "GWebContentView::getContentWindowObject: caught expection";
+        return QVariant();
+    }
+  }
+  QGraphicsWidget* GWebContentView::widget() const {
+    return static_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(m_widget);
+  }
+  GWebContentViewWidget *GWebContentView::webWidget() const {
+    return m_widget;
+  }
+  QString GWebContentView::title() const {
+    return webWidget()->title();
+  }
+  QUrl GWebContentView::url() {
+    return webWidget()->url();
+  }
+  QWebPage* GWebContentView::wrtPage() {
+    return m_widget->wrtPage();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::setZoomActions(){
+      // Create zoomIn and zoomOut actions */
+      m_actionZoomIn = new QAction("zoomIn", this);
+      m_actionZoomIn->setObjectName("zoomIn");
+      m_actionZoomOut = new QAction("zoomOut", this);
+      m_actionZoomOut->setObjectName("zoomOut");
+      /* Disable zoomOut action initially as we are the the minimum scale */
+      /* Revisit this to determine whether we can use the change signal to
+       * set the zoomOut button image initially as well
+       */
+      m_actionZoomOut->setEnabled(false);
+      connect(m_actionZoomIn, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(zoomIn()));
+      connect(m_actionZoomOut, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(zoomOut()));
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::triggerAction(const QString & action)
+  {
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::triggerAction: " << action;
+    QWebPage::WebAction webAction;
+    if(action=="Stop")
+      webAction = QWebPage::Stop;
+    else if (action=="Back")
+      webAction = QWebPage::Back;
+    else if(action=="Reload")
+      webAction = QWebPage::Reload;
+    else if (action=="Forward")
+      webAction = QWebPage::Forward;
+    else
+      return;
+    webWidget()->triggerPageAction(webAction);
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::deactivateZoomActions()
+  {
+    m_actionZoomOut->setEnabled(false);
+    m_actionZoomIn->setEnabled(false);
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::changeZoomAction(qreal zoom){
+    if(!webWidget()) return;
+    if(!(webWidget()->isUserScalable() ) ){
+        deactivateZoomActions();
+    }
+    else {
+      if (zoom <= webWidget()->minimumScale() ) {
+         m_actionZoomOut->setEnabled(false);
+      }
+      else {
+         m_actionZoomOut->setEnabled(true);
+      }
+      if (zoom >= webWidget()->maximumScale()  ){
+         m_actionZoomIn->setEnabled(false);
+      }
+      else {
+         m_actionZoomIn->setEnabled(true);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::setZoomFactor(qreal factor){
+    if(webWidget())
+        webWidget()->setZoomFactor(factor);
+  }
+  qreal GWebContentView::getZoomFactor() const {
+    return webWidgetConst() ? webWidgetConst()->zoomFactor() : 0.0;
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::activate() {
+      qDebug() << "GWebContentView::activate";
+      ControllableViewBase::activate();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::deactivate() {
+      qDebug() << "GWebContentView::deactivate";
+      ControllableViewBase::deactivate();
+  }
+//  static void appendAction(QWebPage* page, QList<QAction*> &list, enum QWebPage::WebAction webAction, const QString &name) {
+//      QAction *action = page->action(webAction);
+//      if(action) {
+//          action->setObjectName(name);
+//          list.append(action);
+//      }
+//  }
+  /*!
+    Return the list of public QActions most relevant to the view's current context.
+    @return  List of public actions
+  */
+  QList<QAction *> GWebContentView::getContext()
+  {
+      // Get some of the actions from the page (there are many more available) and build a list
+      // list of them.
+      QList<QAction*> actions;
+      /* Add zoomIn and zoomOut actions created earlier*/
+      if(m_actionZoomIn) actions.append(m_actionZoomIn);
+      if(m_actionZoomOut) actions.append(m_actionZoomOut);
+      return actions;
+  }
+  QAction * GWebContentView::getAction(const QString & action)
+  {
+    if(action == "zoomIn")
+      return m_actionZoomIn;
+    if(action == "zoomOut")
+      return m_actionZoomOut;
+    QWebPage::WebAction webAction;
+    if(action == "Back")
+      webAction = QWebPage::Back;
+    else if(action == "Forward")
+      webAction = QWebPage::Forward;
+    else if(action == "Stop")
+      webAction = QWebPage::Stop;
+    else if(action == "Reload")
+      webAction = QWebPage::Reload;
+    else return 0;
+    return webWidget()->pageAction(webAction);
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::scrollViewBy(int dx, int dy)
+  {
+      wrtPage()->mainFrame()->scroll(dx, dy);
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::scrollViewTo(int x, int y)
+  {
+      wrtPage()->mainFrame()->setScrollPosition(QPoint(x, y));
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::showMessageBox(WRT::MessageBoxProxy* proxy)
+  {
+  /*
+      QMessageBox msgBox(this);
+      msgBox.setText(proxy->m_text);
+      msgBox.setInformativeText(proxy->m_informativeText);
+      msgBox.setDetailedText(proxy->m_detailedText);
+      msgBox.setStandardButtons(proxy->m_buttons);
+      msgBox.setDefaultButton(proxy->m_defaultButton);
+      msgBox.setIcon(proxy->m_icon);
+      int ret = msgBox.exec();
+      */
+      QString displayText = proxy->m_text + QLatin1String("\n") + QLatin1String("\n")+ proxy->m_detailedText + QLatin1String("\n") + QLatin1String("\n") + proxy->m_informativeText;
+      int ret = QMessageBox::warning(0/* TODO: find appropriate widget if required or just remove this widget()*/,
+                                     proxy->m_text, displayText, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);
+      proxy->onMessageBoxResponse(ret);
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::loadUrlToCurrentPage(const QString & url)
+  {
+      WRT::WrtBrowserContainer * activePage = WebPageController::getSingleton()->currentPage();
+      if(activePage) {
+        activePage->mainFrame()->load(url);
+      }
+  }
+  QWebPage *GWebContentView::currentPage() {
+      WRT::WrtBrowserContainer * activePage = WebPageController::getSingleton()->currentPage();
+      return activePage;
+  }
+  int GWebContentView::contentWidth()
+  {
+    return currentPage()->mainFrame()->contentsSize().width();
+  }
+  int GWebContentView::contentHeight()
+  {
+    return currentPage()->mainFrame()->contentsSize().height();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::stop()
+  {
+    webWidget()->stop();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::back()
+  {
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::back";
+    webWidget()->back();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::forward()
+  {
+    webWidget()->forward();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::reload()
+  {
+    webWidget()->reload();
+  }
+  int GWebContentView::scrollX()
+  {
+    return currentPage()->mainFrame()->scrollPosition().x();
+  }
+  int GWebContentView::scrollY()
+  {
+    return currentPage()->mainFrame()->scrollPosition().y();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::zoom(bool in)
+  {
+    m_zoomIn = in;
+    if(!m_timeLine) {
+      m_timeLine = new QTimeLine();
+      connect(m_timeLine, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)),
+        this, SLOT(updateZoom(qreal)));
+    }
+    else {
+      m_timeLine->stop();
+    }
+    m_timeLine->start();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::toggleZoom(){
+    zoom(!m_zoomIn);
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::stopZoom() {
+    m_timeLine->stop();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::updateZoom(qreal delta){
+    Q_UNUSED(delta)
+    if(m_zoomIn)
+      zoomBy(0.1);
+    else
+      zoomBy(-0.1);
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::onUrlChanged(const QUrl& url)
+  {
+    emit urlChanged(url.toString());
+    //NB: Brief hack
+    if(url.scheme()=="https")
+      emit secureConnection(true);
+    else
+      emit secureConnection(false);
+  }
+  GWebPage *GWebContentView::createSuperPage(const QString &name) {
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::createSuperPage: " << name;
+    GWebPage *page = 0;
+    PageMap::iterator it = m_superPages.find(name);
+    if(it == m_superPages.end()) {
+      // Doesn't exist.  Create a new one.
+      page = new GSuperWebPage(0, chrome());
+      page->setParent(jsObject());
+      page->setObjectName(name);
+      // Add it to the superpage list.
+      m_superPages[name] = page;
+      if(m_superPages.count() == 1) {
+        // This is the only superpage, make it current.
+        m_currentSuperPage = m_superPages.find(name);
+      }
+      //NB: Here's how to set default webview backgound color
+      page->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+      page->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+      QPalette viewPalette = widget()->palette();
+      viewPalette.setBrush(QPalette::Base, Qt::white);
+      //viewPalette.setColor(QPalette::Window, Qt::transparent);
+      page->page()->setPalette(viewPalette);
+      //m_view->setPalette(viewPalette);
+    }
+    else {
+      qDebug() << "GWebContentView::createPage: page already exists: " << name;
+    }
+    return page;
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::destroySuperPage(const QString &name) {
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::destroySuperPage: " << name;
+    if(!m_superPages.contains(name)) return;
+    GWebPage *page = m_superPages.take(name);
+    if(page) {
+      delete page;
+    }
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::setCurrentSuperPage(const QString &name) {
+    PageMap::iterator it = m_superPages.find(name);
+    if(it != m_superPages.end()) {
+      m_currentSuperPage = it;
+    }
+    else {
+      qDebug() << "GWebContentView::setCurrentSuperPage: not found: " << name;
+    }
+  }
+  bool GWebContentView::isSuperPage(const QString &name){
+      PageMap::iterator it = m_superPages.find(name);
+        if(it != m_superPages.end()) {
+          return true;
+        }
+        qDebug() << "GWebContentView::superPage: not found: " << name;
+        return false;
+ }
+  GWebPage * GWebContentView::superPage(const QString &name) {
+    PageMap::iterator it = m_superPages.find(name);
+    if(it != m_superPages.end()) {
+      return it.value();
+    }
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::superPage: not found: " << name;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::showSuperPage(const QString &name) {
+    setCurrentSuperPage(name);
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::showSuperPage: " << currentSuperPage();
+    m_currentPageIsSuperPage = true;
+    webWidget()->setPage(currentSuperPage()->page());
+    m_touchNavigation->setPage(webWidget()->page());
+    webWidget()->page()->setPreferredContentsSize(webWidget()->size().toSize());
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::showNormalPage() {
+    if(webWidget()) {
+      webWidget()->showNormalPage();
+      webWidget()->setViewportSize();
+      m_touchNavigation->setPage(currentPage());
+      m_currentPageIsSuperPage =false;
+    }
+  }
+  QObjectList GWebContentView::getSuperPages() {
+    QObjectList *result = new QObjectList;
+    foreach(GVA::GWebPage *page, m_superPages) {
+      result->append(page);
+    }
+    // TO DO: Need to add result to JS engine so it can be cleaned up.
+    return *result;
+  }
+  bool GWebContentView::currentPageIsSuperPage() const {
+    //qDebug() << "GWebContentView::currentPageIsSuperPage: " << webWidget()->page();
+    return m_currentPageIsSuperPage;
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::onLoadStarted()
+  {
+    //qDebug() << "GWebContentView::onLoadStarted: " << QTime::currentTime();
+#if defined(__gva_no_chrome__) || defined(NO_RESIZE_ON_LOAD)      
+      m_widget->onLoadStarted();
+    emit loadStarted();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::onLoadFinished(bool ok)
+  {
+    //qDebug() << "GWebContentView::onLoadFinished: " << QTime::currentTime();
+    emit loadFinished(ok);
+    //NB: page manager functions really
+    if(!m_backEnabled && currentPage()->history()->canGoBack()){
+      m_backEnabled = true;
+      emit backEnabled(true);
+    }
+    else if (m_backEnabled && !currentPage()->history()->canGoBack()){
+      m_backEnabled = false;
+      emit backEnabled(false);
+    }
+    if(!m_forwardEnabled && currentPage()->history()->canGoForward()){
+      m_forwardEnabled = true;
+      emit forwardEnabled(true);
+    }
+    else if (m_forwardEnabled && !currentPage()->history()->canGoForward()){
+      m_forwardEnabled = false;
+      emit forwardEnabled(false);
+    }
+    // Set focus to the Web View so that text boxes have the focus (BR-994)
+    m_widget->setFocus();
+#if defined(__gva_no_chrome__) || defined(NO_RESIZE_ON_LOAD)
+    m_widget->onLoadFinished();
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::dump() {
+    qDebug() << "-------------";
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::dump: " << this;
+    qDebug() << "\tcurrent page=: " << currentPage() << " title=" << currentPage()->mainFrame()->title();
+    qDebug() << "\tcurrent superpage=: " << currentSuperPage();
+    qDebug() << "\tsuperpage count=: " << m_superPages.count();
+    foreach(GVA::GWebPage *page, m_superPages) {
+      page->dump();
+    }
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::dump: finished";
+    qDebug() << "-------------";
+  }
+//  ControllableView* GWebContentView::createNew(QWidget *parent)
+//  {
+//      QWebPage* page = BrowserPageFactory::openBrowserPage();
+//      return new GWebContentView(page, parent);
+//  }
+  void GWebContentView::pageCreated(WRT::WrtBrowserContainer* newPage) {
+      qDebug() << "GWebContentView::pageCreated";
+      /* save the page snapshot before changing the current page to the new page*/
+      WRT::WrtBrowserContainer * currPage = WebPageController::getSingleton()->currentPage();
+      if(currPage) {
+          QWebHistoryItem item = currPage->history()->currentItem();
+          currPage->savePageDataToHistoryItem(currPage->mainFrame(), &item);
+      }
+      // When new windows are created from window view, as the content is empty, we should disable
+      // zoom actions. Set the user-scalable to false and also init the other zoom params
+      // so that even if we change to windows view again without loading a page we are safe.
+      // In the code-driven window usecase, this will be overwritten when the page is loaded and setViewportSize is invoked
+      newPage->setPageZoomMetaData(webWidget()->defaultZoomData());
+      /* Set the new page as the current page */
+      WebPageController::getSingleton()->setCurrentPage(newPage);
+      /* Set the web widget- this one is responsible for webnavigation etc */
+      newPage->setWebWidget(webWidget());
+      //connect new page main frame's initialLayoutCompleted with WebContentWidget' setViewportSize SLOT
+      connect(newPage->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(initialLayoutCompleted()), webWidget(), SLOT(setViewportSize()));
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::updateWebPage(WRT::WrtBrowserContainer* pg)
+  {
+      GWebContentViewWidget* w = webWidget();
+      w->setPage(pg);
+      if(pg)
+      {
+          pg->setWebWidget(w);
+          // Change navigation also to the current page
+          m_touchNavigation->setPage(pg);
+      }
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::pageChanged(WRT::WrtBrowserContainer* oldPage, WRT::WrtBrowserContainer* newPage) {
+    qDebug() << "GWebContentView::pageChanged";
+      Q_UNUSED(oldPage)
+      updateWebPage(newPage);
+      // Set new page zoom info
+      changeContentViewZoomInfo(newPage);
+  }
+  void GWebContentView::changeContentViewZoomInfo(WRT::WrtBrowserContainer* newPage){
+     // Copy the new page zoom info into cv
+     webWidget()->setPageZoomMetaData(newPage->pageZoomMetaData());
+     if (webWidget()->isUserScalable()) {
+         webWidget()->setZoomFactor(newPage->mainFrame()->zoomFactor());
+     }
+     else {
+         // Need to call setPageZoomFactor instead of setZoomFactor because setZoomFactor
+         // will not do anything if user-scalable is false. But we need to
+         // ensure that the correct zoom factor is applied as there is a possibility
+         // that we might have been on another page earlier
+         webWidget()->setPageZoomFactor(newPage->mainFrame()->zoomFactor());
+      }
+  }
+} // end of namespace GVA