changeset 0 1450b09d0cfd
child 3 0954f5dd2cd0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ginebra2/DeviceDelegate.cpp	Tue May 04 12:39:35 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <QList>
+#include <QString>
+#include "DeviceDelegate.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+namespace GVA {
+//! DeviceDelegate default constructor.
+    : m_batteryCharging(false), m_updating(false)
+    // this will be the name javascript uses to access properties and signals 
+    // from this class
+    setObjectName("deviceDelegate");
+    // create Qt Mobility API objects for device info
+    m_deviceInfo = new QSystemDeviceInfo(this);
+    m_networkInfo = new QSystemNetworkInfo(this);
+    m_networkConfigManager = new QNetworkConfigurationManager(this);
+    // Guess the network mode currently used for browser - 
+    // a guess is really the best we can do right now.
+    m_currentMode = getInternetConfigurationMode();
+    // need the configuration manager to update its configuration list, when it
+    // is done it will send us a signal
+    safe_connect(m_networkConfigManager, SIGNAL(updateCompleted()), 
+        this, SLOT(handleUpdateComplete()));
+    // tell configuration manager to update its configuration list
+    m_updating = true;
+    m_networkConfigManager->updateConfigurations();
+    // set up handlers for other network configuration manager signals
+    safe_connect(m_networkConfigManager, SIGNAL(configurationAdded(const QNetworkConfiguration&)),
+            this, SLOT(configurationAdded(const QNetworkConfiguration&)));
+    safe_connect(m_networkConfigManager, SIGNAL(configurationRemoved(const QNetworkConfiguration&)),
+            this, SLOT(configurationRemoved(const QNetworkConfiguration&)));
+    safe_connect(m_networkConfigManager, SIGNAL(configurationChanged(const QNetworkConfiguration&)),
+            this, SLOT(configurationChanged(const QNetworkConfiguration)));
+    // When the m_deviceInfo signals battery level changed, 
+    // DeviceDelegate emits batteryLevelChanged
+    safe_connect(m_deviceInfo, SIGNAL(batteryLevelChanged(int)), 
+        this, SIGNAL(batteryLevelChanged(int)));
+    // set current charging state then keep it up to date with signal handler
+    m_batteryCharging = (m_deviceInfo->currentPowerState() == 
+        QSystemDeviceInfo::WallPowerChargingBattery) ? true : false;
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: charging state = " << m_deviceInfo->currentPowerState();
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: charging = " << m_batteryCharging;
+    safe_connect(m_deviceInfo, SIGNAL(powerStateChanged(QSystemDeviceInfo::PowerState)), 
+        this, SLOT(handlePowerStateChanged(QSystemDeviceInfo::PowerState)));
+    // set up handlers for system network info signals
+    safe_connect(m_networkInfo, SIGNAL(networkSignalStrengthChanged(
+        QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode, int)), this, 
+        SLOT(handleNetworkSignalStrengthChanged(QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode, int)));
+    safe_connect(m_networkInfo, SIGNAL(networkNameChanged(
+        QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode, const QString&)), this, 
+        SLOT(handleNetworkNameChanged(QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode, const QString&)));
+//! DeviceDelegate destructor.
+    // clean up
+    delete m_deviceInfo;
+    delete m_networkInfo;
+    delete m_networkConfigManager;
+//! Converts bearer name string to network mode enumerator.
+//! The network configuration uses strings to represent the same info that
+//! the system network info uses an enumeration to represent
+  \param name bearer name to convert
+QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode DeviceDelegate::bearerNameToMode(QString name) const
+    QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::UnknownMode;
+    if (name == "Unknown")
+        mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::UnknownMode;
+    else if (name == "Ethernet")
+        mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::EthernetMode;
+    else if (name == "WLAN")
+        mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::WlanMode;
+    else if (name == "2G") {
+        // there currently isn't a 2G in the enumeration but by trial and 
+        // error I found that it corresponds to either GSM or WCDMA mode
+        // You can tell which mode to choose be getting the signal strength;  
+        // if you have the wrong mode it returns -1.
+        if (m_networkInfo->networkSignalStrength(QSystemNetworkInfo::GsmMode) >= 0)
+            mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::GsmMode; // T-Mobile uses this mode
+        else
+            mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::WcdmaMode; // AT&T uses this mode
+        //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: 2G";
+    } else if (name == "CDMA2000")
+        mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::CdmaMode;
+    else if (name == "WCDMA")
+        mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::WcdmaMode;
+    else if (name == "HSPA")
+        // HSPA isn't currently in the enumeration
+        mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::UnknownMode;
+    else if (name == "Bluetooth")
+        mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::BluetoothMode;
+    else if (name == "WiMAX")
+        mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::WimaxMode;
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Mode " << mode;
+    return (mode);
+//! Gets the current battery level.
+int DeviceDelegate::getBatteryLevel() const
+    return (m_deviceInfo->batteryLevel());
+    return (100); // can't get real level, return full
+//! Returns true if the battery is charging.
+bool DeviceDelegate::isBatteryCharging() const
+    return (m_batteryCharging);
+//! Gets the network signal strength for the current network mode.
+int DeviceDelegate::getNetworkSignalStrength() const
+    int strength = m_networkInfo->networkSignalStrength(m_currentMode);
+    // Strength in WLAN mode is reported as -1 by QtMobility
+    if ((strength == -1) && (m_currentMode == QSystemNetworkInfo::WlanMode)) {
+        strength = 100;
+    }
+    return (strength);
+    return (100); // can't get real level, return full
+//! Gets the network name for the current network mode.
+QString DeviceDelegate::getNetworkName() const
+    QString netName = m_networkInfo->networkName(m_currentMode);
+    // if WLAN SSID name is unknown show "WiFi"
+    if ((m_currentMode == QSystemNetworkInfo::WlanMode) &&
+        (netName == "")) {
+        netName = "WiFi";
+    }
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: network name " << netName;
+    return (netName);
+    return (""); // can't get real name
+//! Emits a signal for the specified signal strength.
+  \param strength new signal strength
+void DeviceDelegate::updateSignalStrength(int strength)
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Signal Strength " << strength;
+    // currently getting a -1 signal strength for WLAN, change to 100.
+    if (strength == -1) {
+        if (m_currentMode == QSystemNetworkInfo::WlanMode) {
+            //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: In WLAN mode so use strength 100.";
+            strength = 100;
+        } //else if (m_currentMode != QSystemNetworkInfo::UnknownMode) {
+        //    qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Neg str in mode " << m_currentMode;
+        //}
+    }
+    emit networkSignalStrengthChanged(strength);
+//! Search for an active internet access point and return the network mode.
+//! Returns the network mode used by the browser (best guess anyway)
+//! My best guess is that the first active internet access point is the one 
+//! used by the browser.
+QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode DeviceDelegate::getInternetConfigurationMode()
+    // function return value
+    QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode mode = QSystemNetworkInfo::UnknownMode;
+    QString bearerName; // network configuration bearer name
+    bool found = false; // flag set when configuration found
+    // active network configurations
+    QList<QNetworkConfiguration> activeConfigurations = 
+        m_networkConfigManager->allConfigurations(QNetworkConfiguration::Active);
+    // check each active configuration until we find one that fits the bill
+    while (!found && !activeConfigurations.isEmpty()) {
+        QNetworkConfiguration config = activeConfigurations.takeFirst();
+        //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Have Active Config - type " << config.type();
+        // service networks contain children configurations which need to be explored
+        if (config.type() == QNetworkConfiguration::ServiceNetwork) {
+            //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Found a ServiceNetwork!";
+            foreach (const QNetworkConfiguration &child, config.children()) {
+                if ((child.type() == QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint) &&
+                    (child.state() == QNetworkConfiguration::Active)) {
+                    found = true;
+                    m_currentConfigIdentifier = child.identifier();
+                    bearerName = child.bearerName();
+                    //qDebug() << "   Found InternetAccessPoint - " << bearerName;
+                    //qDebug() << "   identifier: " << child.identifier();
+                    break; // exit foreach loop
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (config.type() == QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint) {
+            found = true;
+            m_currentConfigIdentifier = config.identifier();
+            bearerName = config.bearerName();
+            //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Found an InternetAccessPoint - " << bearerName;
+            //qDebug() << "   identifier: " << config.identifier();
+        }
+    }
+    // get the mode of the found network configuration
+    if (found) {
+        //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate::getInternetConfigurationMode: use bearer " << bearerName;
+        mode = bearerNameToMode(bearerName);
+    } else {
+        //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Failed to find an active internet access point.";
+        m_currentConfigIdentifier = "";
+    }
+    return (mode);
+//! Handles the updateCompleted signal from the configuration manager.
+void DeviceDelegate::handleUpdateComplete()
+    // search for appropriate network configuration mode again
+    QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode mode = getInternetConfigurationMode();
+    // if the mode has changed we need to update the signal strength and network name
+    if (mode != m_currentMode) {
+        m_currentMode = mode;
+        updateSignalStrength(m_networkInfo->networkSignalStrength(m_currentMode));
+        emit networkNameChanged(getNetworkName());
+    }
+    m_updating = false;
+//! Handles the configurationAdded signal from the configuration manager.
+  \param config added network configuration
+void DeviceDelegate::configurationAdded(const QNetworkConfiguration &config)
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Configuration Added.";
+    if (!m_updating && (m_currentMode == QSystemNetworkInfo::UnknownMode) &&
+        (config.state() == QNetworkConfiguration::Active) && 
+        (config.type() == QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint)) {
+        // use this new configuration's mode, update the signal strength and network name
+        //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Use new configuration with bearer " << config.bearerName();
+        m_currentConfigIdentifier = config.identifier();
+        m_currentMode = bearerNameToMode(config.bearerName());
+        updateSignalStrength(m_networkInfo->networkSignalStrength(m_currentMode));
+        emit networkNameChanged(getNetworkName());
+    }
+//! Handles the configurationRemoved signal from the configuration manager.
+  \param config removed network configuration
+void DeviceDelegate::configurationRemoved(const QNetworkConfiguration &config)
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Configuration Removed.";
+    if ((!m_updating) && (config.identifier() == m_currentConfigIdentifier)) {
+        //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Find new Configuration.";
+        // search for appropriate network configuration mode again
+        m_currentMode = getInternetConfigurationMode();
+        updateSignalStrength(m_networkInfo->networkSignalStrength(m_currentMode));
+        emit networkNameChanged(getNetworkName());
+    }
+//! Handles the configurationChanged signal from the configuration manager.
+  \param config changed network configuration
+void DeviceDelegate::configurationChanged(const QNetworkConfiguration &config)
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Configuration Changed.";
+    if (!m_updating) {
+        // if network mode currently unknown maybe this change will allow us to
+        // identify the netork mode
+        if (m_currentMode == QSystemNetworkInfo::UnknownMode) {
+            // can we now identify the network mode?
+            if ((config.state() == QNetworkConfiguration::Active) && 
+                (config.type() == QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint)) {
+                //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Use new configuration with bearer " << config.bearerName();
+                m_currentConfigIdentifier = config.identifier();
+                m_currentMode = bearerNameToMode(config.bearerName());
+                updateSignalStrength(m_networkInfo->networkSignalStrength(m_currentMode));
+                emit networkNameChanged(getNetworkName());
+            }
+        // Did the configuration currently being used change in a notable way?
+        } else if ((config.identifier() == m_currentConfigIdentifier) && 
+            ((config.state() != QNetworkConfiguration::Active) || 
+             (config.type() != QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint))) {
+            //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: Change configuration.";
+            // search for appropriate network configuration mode again
+            m_currentMode = getInternetConfigurationMode();
+            updateSignalStrength(m_networkInfo->networkSignalStrength(m_currentMode));
+            emit networkNameChanged(getNetworkName());
+        }
+    }
+//! Handles the networkSignalStrengthChanged signal from system network info.
+  \param mode network mode of connection that changed
+  \param strength new signal strength
+void DeviceDelegate::handleNetworkSignalStrengthChanged(
+    QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode mode, int strength)
+    // Only send signal strength changes for current mode.
+    if (mode == m_currentMode)
+        updateSignalStrength(strength);
+//! Handles the networkNameChanged signal from system network info.
+  \param mode network mode of connection that changed
+  \param name new network name
+void DeviceDelegate::handleNetworkNameChanged(
+        QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkMode mode, const QString& name)
+    // Only send network name changes for current mode.
+    if (mode == m_currentMode)
+        emit networkNameChanged(name);
+//! Handles the powerStateChanged signal from system device info.
+  \param state new power state
+void DeviceDelegate::handlePowerStateChanged(QSystemDeviceInfo::PowerState state)
+    bool batteryCharging = 
+        (state == QSystemDeviceInfo::WallPowerChargingBattery) ? true : false;
+    //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: new charging state = " << state;
+    if (batteryCharging != m_batteryCharging) {
+        m_batteryCharging = batteryCharging;
+        //qDebug() << "DeviceDelegate: new charging = " << m_batteryCharging;
+        // emit battery level - subscriber will get charging state if desired
+        emit batteryLevelChanged(m_deviceInfo->batteryLevel());
+    }
+} // GVA