--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ginebra2/GWebTouchNavigation.cpp Tue May 04 12:39:35 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1321 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "GWebTouchNavigation.h"
+#include "qwebpage.h"
+#include "qwebframe.h"
+#include "qapplication.h"
+#include "qwebelement.h"
+#include "GWebContentViewWidget.h"
+#include "GWebContentView.h"
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <qmath.h>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QGraphicsView>
+#include "webcontentview.h"
+#include "wrtBrowserUtils.h"
+#include "ChromeWidget.h"
+#include <qdebug.h>
+const int KFlickSpeed = 400;
+const qreal PI = 3.1415926535897932;
+const qreal KAngleTolerance = 30;
+const int KAnimationTimeout = 40;
+const qreal KDecelerationFactor = 0.8;
+const int KMilliSecond = 1000;
+const int KThresholdForRightToLeftMotion = 100; // 100 pixels
+const int KThresholdForLeftToRightMotion = -100; // 100 pixels
+const int XAlignVal = 10;
+const int KDecelerationTimer = 125; //Decelerate only if flicked/swiped after KDecelerationTimer milli seconds after last drag event
+const int KDoubleClickTimeOut = 400;
+const QPoint KFocussPoint(5, 50);
+const int KTouchThresholdX = 20;
+const int KTouchThresholdY = 20;
+const int KPanThreshold = 2;
+const int KThreshHoldValForLink = 10;
+const qreal KDeccelaration = 1000.00;
+const int KDefaultViewportWidth = 980;
+const int KDefaultPortraitScaleWidth = 540;
+const int KKineticTimeout = 60;
+static const int KStartPanDistance = 50;
+static const int KWaitForClickTimeoutMS = 200;
+//The amount of pixels to try to pan before pan mode unlocks
+static const int KPanModeChangeDelta = 100;
+namespace GVA {
+ \class WebTouchNavigation
+ \since cwrt 1.0
+ \brief cwrt navigation.
+ \sa WebNavigation, WebHtmlTabIndexedNavigation, WebCursorNavigation, WebDirectionalNavigation
+GWebTouchNavigation::GWebTouchNavigation(QWebPage* webPage,GWebContentViewWidget* view)
+: m_webPage(webPage)
+, m_view(view)
+, m_frame(0)
+, m_doubleClickTimer(0)
+, m_pressEvent(0)
+, m_scrollTimer(0)
+, m_releaseEvent(0)
+, m_focusedBlockPt(-1, -1)
+, m_ishighlighted(false)
+, m_offset(0)
+, m_longPressTimer(0)
+, m_finalzoomfactor(0)
+, m_kineticTimer(0)
+, m_isPanning(false)
+, m_enabled(true)
+, m_isLoading(false)
+ install();
+ connect(m_view, SIGNAL(BlockFocusChanged(QPoint)), this, SLOT(BlockFocusChanged(QPoint)));
+ connect(m_webPage, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(onLoadStarted()));
+ connect(m_webPage, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(onLoadFinished(bool)));
+ disconnect(m_doubleClickTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(doubleClickTimerExpired()));
+ if (m_doubleClickTimer) {
+ m_doubleClickTimer->stop();
+ delete m_doubleClickTimer;
+ }
+ disconnect(m_scrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(pan()));
+ delete m_scrollTimer;
+ disconnect(m_kineticTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(kineticScroll()));
+ delete m_kineticTimer;
+ uninstall();
+void GWebTouchNavigation::install()
+ m_view->installEventFilter(this);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::BlockFocusChanged(QPoint pt)
+ m_focusedBlockPt = pt;
+void GWebTouchNavigation::uninstall()
+ if (m_view)
+ m_view->removeEventFilter(this);
+bool GWebTouchNavigation::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
+ if (object != m_view || !enabled())
+ return false;
+ switch (event->type()) {
+ case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
+ if (static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event)->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
+ mousePressEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event)->pos());
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QEvent::MouseMove:
+ if (static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event)->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
+ QPoint diff = m_touchPosition - static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event)->globalPos();
+ mouseMoveEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event)->pos(), diff);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
+ mouseReleaseEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event)->pos());
+ return true;
+ case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
+ mouseDoubleClickEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event)->pos());
+ return true;
+ case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress:
+ if (static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
+ mousePressEvent(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->pos().toPoint());
+ emit mouseEvent(QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove:
+ if (static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *>(event)->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
+ QPoint diff = static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->lastScenePos().toPoint() - static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->scenePos().toPoint();
+ mouseMoveEvent(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->pos().toPoint(), diff);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease:
+ mouseReleaseEvent(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->pos().toPoint());
+ emit mouseEvent(QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease);
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick:
+ mouseDoubleClickEvent(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->pos().toPoint());
+ emit mouseEvent(QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick);
+ return true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+void GWebTouchNavigation::stopScrolling()
+ if (m_scrollTimer && m_scrollTimer->isActive()) {
+ m_scrollTimer->stop();
+ m_scrollDelta = QPoint(0,0);
+ }
+ if (m_kineticTimer && m_kineticTimer->isActive()) {
+ m_kineticTimer->stop();
+ m_kineticSpeed.setX(0.0);
+ m_kineticSpeed.setY(0.0);
+ }
+void GWebTouchNavigation::pan()
+ if (m_scrollDelta.x() != 0 || m_scrollDelta.y() != 0) {
+ scrollCurrentFrame(-m_scrollDelta.x(), m_scrollDelta.y());
+ m_scrollDelta = QPoint(0,0);
+ }
+#define DECELERATION 0.0002
+void GWebTouchNavigation::kineticScroll()
+ qreal decelX = m_kineticSpeed.x() > 0 ? -DECELERATION : DECELERATION;
+ qreal decelY = m_kineticSpeed.y() > 0 ? -DECELERATION : DECELERATION;
+ qreal dx = 0;
+ qreal dy = 0;
+ qreal vx = 0;
+ qreal vy = 0;
+ m_kineticScrollTime += m_actualTime.elapsed();
+ if (m_kineticSpeed.x()) {
+ vx = m_kineticSpeed.x() + decelX * m_kineticScrollTime;
+ if (vx * m_kineticSpeed.x() < 0) {
+ dx = 0;
+ vx = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ dx = m_kineticScrollTime * m_kineticSpeed.x() +
+ 0.5 * decelX * m_kineticScrollTime * m_kineticScrollTime;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_kineticSpeed.y()) {
+ vy = m_kineticSpeed.y() + decelY * m_kineticScrollTime;
+ if (vy * m_kineticSpeed.y() < 0) {
+ dy = 0;
+ vy = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ dy = m_kineticScrollTime * m_kineticSpeed.y() +
+ 0.5 * decelY * m_kineticScrollTime * m_kineticScrollTime;
+ }
+ }
+ QPoint scrollPos = m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ QPoint distPos = m_initialScrollPos + QPointF(dx, dy).toPoint();
+ if (vx != 0 || vy != 0) {
+ setCurrentFrameScrollPosition(distPos);
+ }
+ if ((vx == 0 && vy == 0) || scrollPos == m_frame->scrollPosition()) {
+ stopScrolling();
+ }
+ Scrolls QWebFrame to the given position
+ \sa QWebFrame::scroll()
+void GWebTouchNavigation::scrollFrame(const QPoint& diff)
+ if (qAbs(diff.x()) < KPanThreshold && qAbs(diff.y()) < KPanThreshold)
+ return;
+ else if(m_dragPoints.size() == 1) {
+ //WebContentWidget* view = qobject_cast<WebContentWidget*>(m_view);
+ m_view->setBlockElement(QWebElement());
+ }
+ if(!m_isPanning) {
+ qreal dy = qAbs(diff.y());
+ qreal dx = qAbs(diff.x());
+ if (dy > KStartPanDistance || dx > KStartPanDistance
+ || m_delayedPressMoment.elapsed() > KWaitForClickTimeoutMS) {
+ //get the scroll direction
+ Direction scrollDir = findDirectionWithAngle(diff);
+ if(scrollDir == UP || scrollDir == DOWN)
+ startPanGesture(VerticalPan);
+ else if(scrollDir == LEFT || scrollDir == RIGHT)
+ startPanGesture(HorizontalPan);
+ else
+ startPanGesture(RandomPan);
+ m_isPanning = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_isPanning) {
+ m_scrolled= false;
+ m_frame = getNextScrollableFrame(diff);
+ QPoint scrollPosition = m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ if (diff.manhattanLength())
+ panBy(diff);
+ m_scrolled = (scrollPosition != m_frame->scrollPosition());
+ }
+void GWebTouchNavigation::startPanGesture(PanDirection directionHint) {
+ emit startingPanGesture((int)directionHint);
+ m_panDirection = directionHint;
+ m_panModeResidue = QPointF(0., 0.);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::panBy(const QPointF& delta) {
+ m_panModeResidue += delta;
+ if (qAbs(m_panModeResidue.x()) > KPanModeChangeDelta)
+ m_panDirection = HorizontalPan;
+ if (qAbs(m_panModeResidue.y()) > KPanModeChangeDelta)
+ m_panDirection = VerticalPan;
+ if(qAbs(m_panModeResidue.x()) > KPanModeChangeDelta
+ && qAbs(m_panModeResidue.y()) > KPanModeChangeDelta)
+ m_panDirection = RandomPan;
+ QPointF p;
+ if(m_panDirection == HorizontalPan)
+ p.setX(delta.x());
+ if(m_panDirection == VerticalPan)
+ p.setY(delta.y());
+ if(m_panDirection == RandomPan) {
+ p.setX(delta.x());
+ p.setY(delta.y());
+ }
+ scrollCurrentFrame(p.x(),p.y());
+void GWebTouchNavigation::highlightableElement(QMouseEvent* ev) {
+ m_anchorElement = getClosestAnchorElement(ev);
+inline int xInRect(const QRect& r, int x)
+ return std::min(std::max(x, r.x()), r.x() + r.width());
+inline int yInRect(const QRect& r, int y)
+ return std::min(std::max(y, r.y()), r.y() + r.height());
+bool GWebTouchNavigation::traverseNextNode(QWebElement parentNode,QWebElement& nextNode)
+ if (!parentNode.firstChild().isNull()) {
+ nextNode = parentNode.firstChild();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!parentNode.nextSibling().isNull()) {
+ nextNode = parentNode.nextSibling();
+ return true;
+ }
+ QWebElement n = parentNode;
+ while (!n.isNull() && n.nextSibling().isNull())
+ n = n.parent ();
+ if (!n.isNull()) {
+ nextNode = n.nextSibling();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+QWebElement GWebTouchNavigation::getClosestAnchorElement(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ QWebElement webElement;
+ QWebHitTestResult htRes = getHitTestResult(ev);
+ QWebElement hitElement = htRes.element();
+ //check whether hit test returns a link element
+ if(!htRes.linkElement().isNull()) {
+ webElement = htRes.linkElement();
+ m_higlightedPos = ev->pos();
+ m_ishighlighted = true;
+ }
+ //get the closet anchor element
+ else {
+ QPoint docPoint = (m_touchPosition + m_frame->scrollPosition());
+ int dist = 99999999;
+ QWebElement result;
+ QWebElement ele = m_webPage->currentFrame()->documentElement();
+ do {
+ if(ele.tagName().compare("a",Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ) {
+ QRect r = ele.geometry();
+ if(r.contains(docPoint)) {
+ dist = 0;
+ result = ele;
+ break;
+ }
+ int x = xInRect(r, docPoint.x());
+ int y = yInRect(r, docPoint.y());
+ int d = (docPoint.x() - x) * (docPoint.x() - x) + (docPoint.y() - y) * (docPoint.y() - y);
+ if (dist > d) {
+ dist = d;
+ result = ele;
+ }
+ }
+ }while(traverseNextNode(ele,ele));
+// WebContentWidget* view = qobject_cast<WebContentWidget*>(m_view);
+ // check if we are close enough and calcualte with zoom factor.
+ if (dist< (KThreshHoldValForLink/m_view->zoomFactor())) {
+ QRect r = result.geometry();
+ r.translate(2,2);
+ r.setWidth(2+2);
+ r.setHeight(2+2);
+ webElement = result;
+ m_higlightedPos = QPoint(xInRect(r, docPoint.x()), yInRect(r, docPoint.y())) - m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ m_ishighlighted = true;
+ QPoint centerpt = webElement.geometry().center();
+ m_offset = (docPoint.x()- centerpt.x())*(docPoint.x()- centerpt.x()) + (docPoint.y()- centerpt.y())*(docPoint.y()- centerpt.y());
+ }
+ }
+ return webElement;
+ Sends a mouse press event to QWebPage
+void GWebTouchNavigation::mousePressEvent(const QPoint& pos)
+ m_delayedPressMoment.start();
+ // stop deceleration and don't send further events to engine if scroll timer is active
+ if(m_scrollTimer && m_scrollTimer->isActive()) {
+ m_prevPoint.setX(0);
+ m_prevPoint.setY(0);
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(0);
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(0);
+ m_lastMoveEventTime.setHMS(0,0,0,0); //H, M, S, mS
+ m_scrolled = false;
+ m_ishighlighted = false;
+ m_higlightedPos = m_touchPosition = pos;
+ m_frame = m_webPage->frameAt(pos);
+ if (!m_frame)
+ m_frame = m_webPage->currentFrame();
+ m_dragPoints.clear();
+ DragPoint dragPoint;
+ dragPoint.iPoint = m_touchPosition;
+ dragPoint.iTime = QTime::currentTime();
+ m_dragPoints.append(dragPoint);
+ m_offset = 0;
+ m_pressEvent = new QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, m_touchPosition, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, getEventModifier(m_touchPosition));
+ m_scrollTimer->stop();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_doubleClickTimer) {
+ // If there is another click event almost on the same region
+ // as the previous click before doubleClick timeout
+ // Consider it as double click.
+ if (m_doubleClickTimer->isActive() && m_pressEvent) {
+ QPoint diff = m_pressEvent->pos() - pos;
+ if (qAbs(diff.x()) < KTouchThresholdX && qAbs(diff.y()) < KTouchThresholdY) {
+ mouseDoubleClickEvent(pos);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ m_doubleClickTimer->stop();
+ } else {
+ m_doubleClickTimer = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(m_doubleClickTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(doubleClickTimerExpired()));
+ }
+ //Clear the previous press and release events.
+ if (m_pressEvent) {
+ delete m_pressEvent;
+ m_pressEvent = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_releaseEvent) {
+ delete m_releaseEvent;
+ m_releaseEvent = NULL;
+ }
+ m_doubleClickTimer->start(KDoubleClickTimeOut);
+ m_pressEvent = new QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, getEventModifier(pos));
+void GWebTouchNavigation::handleMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ m_lastMoveEventTime.setHMS(0,0,0,0); //H, M, S, mS
+ if(!m_longPressTimer){
+ delete m_longPressTimer;
+ m_longPressTimer = 0;
+ }
+ startTimer();
+ m_scrolled = false;
+ m_ishighlighted = false;
+ m_higlightedPos = m_touchPosition = ev->pos();
+ m_frame = m_webPage->frameAt(ev->pos());
+ if (!m_frame)
+ m_frame = m_webPage->currentFrame();
+ m_dragPoints.clear();
+ DragPoint dragPoint;
+ dragPoint.iPoint = m_touchPosition;
+ dragPoint.iTime = QTime::currentTime();
+ m_dragPoints.append(dragPoint);
+ m_offset = 0;
+ highlightableElement(ev);
+ getFocusedElement();
+ //send a mouse press
+ QMouseEvent iev(ev->type(), m_touchPosition, ev->button(), ev->buttons(), getEventModifier(m_higlightedPos));
+ m_webPage->event(&iev);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::doubleClickTimerExpired()
+ handleMousePressEvent(m_pressEvent);
+ delete m_pressEvent;
+ m_pressEvent = NULL;
+ if (m_releaseEvent) {
+ handleMouseReleaseEvent(m_releaseEvent);
+ //clear release event
+ delete m_releaseEvent;
+ m_releaseEvent = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_doubleClickTimer && m_doubleClickTimer->isActive())
+ m_doubleClickTimer->stop();
+bool GWebTouchNavigation::canDehighlight(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ {
+ bool checkDehighlight = false;
+ QPoint pt = ev->pos() + m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ if(m_scrolled && m_ishighlighted) {
+ checkDehighlight = true;
+ }
+ else if(!m_scrolled && m_ishighlighted) {
+ QRect rect = m_anchorElement.geometry();
+ if(m_anchorElement.geometry().contains(pt)) {
+ checkDehighlight = false;
+ }
+ else if(m_offset){
+ QPoint centerpt = m_anchorElement.geometry().center();
+ int newoffset = (pt.x()- centerpt.x())*(pt.x()- centerpt.x()) + (pt.y()- centerpt.y())*(pt.y()- centerpt.y());
+ if(newoffset <= m_offset ) {
+ m_offset = newoffset;
+ checkDehighlight = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_offset =0;
+ checkDehighlight = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ checkDehighlight = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return checkDehighlight;
+ void GWebTouchNavigation::dehighlight(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ m_higlightedPos = QPoint(0,0);
+ m_ishighlighted = false;
+ QMouseEvent iev(QEvent::MouseButtonPress,m_higlightedPos,ev->button(), ev->buttons(), ev->modifiers());
+ m_webPage->event(&iev);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::handleHighlightChange(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ if (!canDehighlight(ev)) return;
+ dehighlight(ev);
+ Scrolls the frame
+ \sa scrollFrame()
+void GWebTouchNavigation::mouseMoveEvent(const QPoint& pos, const QPoint& diff)
+ if (m_pressEvent){
+ QPoint diff2 = m_pressEvent->pos() - pos;
+ if (qAbs(diff2.x()) < KTouchThresholdX && qAbs(diff2.y()) < KTouchThresholdY)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_doubleClickTimer && m_doubleClickTimer->isActive()) {
+ //send mousePressEvent
+ m_doubleClickTimer->stop();
+ handleMousePressEvent(m_pressEvent);
+ delete m_pressEvent;
+ m_pressEvent = NULL;
+ }
+ stopTimer();
+ QMouseEvent tmpEv(QEvent::MouseMove, pos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier);
+ handleHighlightChange(&tmpEv);
+ scrollFrame(diff);
+ //m_touchPosition = pos;
+ DragPoint dragPoint;
+ dragPoint.iPoint = pos;
+ dragPoint.iTime = QTime::currentTime();
+ m_dragPoints.append(dragPoint);
+ QTime now(QTime::currentTime());
+ m_lastMoveEventTime.setHMS(now.hour(),now.minute(), now.second(), now.msec());
+ while (m_dragPoints.size() > 4)
+ m_dragPoints.removeFirst();
+ If WebCanvas or QWebFrame were scrolled starts the deceleration alogrithm
+ Otherwise sends the mouse release event to QWebPage
+ \sa startDeceleration()
+void GWebTouchNavigation::mouseReleaseEvent(const QPoint& pos)
+ if(m_isPanning)
+ m_isPanning = false;
+ if (m_doubleClickTimer && m_doubleClickTimer->isActive()) {
+ m_releaseEvent = new QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier);
+ return;
+ }
+ //mouseReleaseEvent is called in two cases. 1. Double click, 2. Mouse Drag
+ //m_releaseEvent is not null only in Mouse double click
+ //So delete m_releaseEvent only in double click case.
+ //Send release event in mouse move case
+ if (m_releaseEvent) {
+ delete m_releaseEvent ;
+ m_releaseEvent = NULL;
+ } else {
+ QMouseEvent tmpEv(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier);
+ handleMouseReleaseEvent(&tmpEv);
+ }
+Qt::KeyboardModifier GWebTouchNavigation::getEventModifier(const QPoint& pos)
+ QWebFrame *frame = m_webPage->frameAt(pos);
+ if (!frame)
+ frame = m_webPage->currentFrame();
+ QWebHitTestResult htr = frame->hitTestContent(pos);
+ if (htr.element().tagName().toLower().compare("select")==0 && htr.element().hasAttribute("multiple"))
+ return Qt::ControlModifier;
+ return Qt::NoModifier;
+void GWebTouchNavigation::handleMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ m_frame = m_webPage->frameAt(ev->pos());
+ if (!m_frame)
+ m_frame = m_webPage->currentFrame();
+ assert(m_frame);
+ stopTimer();
+ if (m_scrolled) {
+ int msecs = 0;
+ if (!m_lastMoveEventTime.isNull()) {
+ //Start deceleration only if the delta since last drag event is less than threshold
+ QTime now(QTime::currentTime());
+ msecs = m_lastMoveEventTime.msecsTo(now);
+ m_lastMoveEventTime.setHMS(0,0,0,0);
+ }
+ if (msecs < KDecelerationTimer) {
+ if( isFlick()) {
+ updateFlickScrollDistance();
+ }
+ else {
+ QRect enclosingRect = findEnclosingBlock(ev);
+ QPoint blockDocPt(enclosingRect.x(), enclosingRect.y());
+ QPoint blockCanvasPoint(blockDocPt - m_frame->scrollPosition());
+ calculateActualScrollDistance();
+ int thresholdCheckVal = blockCanvasPoint.x() - m_actualScrollDistance.x();
+ setNewScrollDistance(blockCanvasPoint, thresholdCheckVal);
+ }
+ startScrollTimer();
+ }
+ } else {
+ QMouseEvent iev = m_ishighlighted ?
+ QMouseEvent(ev->type(), m_higlightedPos, ev->button(), ev->buttons(), getEventModifier(m_higlightedPos)) :
+ QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, m_touchPosition, ev->button(), ev->buttons(), getEventModifier(m_touchPosition));
+ m_webPage->event(&iev);
+#if defined __SYMBIAN32__
+// FIXME Remove this, it will be fixed Qt 4.6.3 ?
+ if (ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
+ QWebHitTestResult htr = m_frame->hitTestContent(ev->pos());
+ if (htr.isContentEditable()) {
+ QEvent vkbEvent(QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel);
+ QList<QGraphicsView*> views = m_view->scene()->views();
+ QWidget* view = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(views.value(0));
+ if (view)
+ QApplication::sendEvent(view, &vkbEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void GWebTouchNavigation::mouseDoubleClickEvent(const QPoint& pos)
+ if(m_doubleClickTimer && !m_doubleClickTimer->isActive())
+ return;
+ else if(m_doubleClickTimer)
+ m_doubleClickTimer->stop();
+ //If the page is already scrolling(because of a previous doubletap)
+ //we need to stop the timer before we start scrolling the new block again.
+ if (m_scrollTimer && m_scrollTimer->isActive())
+ m_scrollTimer->stop();
+ QMouseEvent tmpEv(QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, pos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier);
+ handleDoubleClickEvent(&tmpEv);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::handleDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ QPoint imageFocusPoint;
+ QWebHitTestResult hitTest = getHitTestResult(ev);
+ QWebElement block = hitTest.element();
+ if (block.tagName() != "IMG" && (block.styleProperty(QString("background-image"),QWebElement::InlineStyle) == ""))
+ block = hitTest.enclosingBlockElement();
+ QWebFrame* frame = m_webPage->frameAt(ev->pos());
+ m_frame = (frame) ? frame : m_webPage->mainFrame();
+ QRect enclosingRect = block.geometry();
+ QPoint blockCanvasPt = QPoint(enclosingRect.topLeft()) - m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ //WebContentWidget* view = qobject_cast<WebContentWidget*>(m_view);
+ m_view->setBlockElement(QWebElement());
+ if(m_focusedBlockPt == blockCanvasPt) {
+ m_focusedBlockPt.setX(-1);
+ m_focusedBlockPt.setY(-1);
+ qreal m_Ratiox = (qreal) blockCanvasPt.x() / block.geometry().width();
+ qreal m_Ratioy = (qreal) blockCanvasPt.y() / block.geometry().height();
+ m_view->setZoomFactor(m_view->initialScale());
+ QPoint m_InfocusBlockPt = QPoint(block.geometry().topLeft()) - m_webPage->mainFrame()->scrollPosition();
+ m_webPage->currentFrame()->scroll(m_InfocusBlockPt.x() - (m_Ratiox * block.geometry().width()),
+ m_InfocusBlockPt.y() - (m_Ratioy * block.geometry().height()));
+ m_finalzoomfactor = 0;
+ }else {
+ if(block.tagName() != "IMG" && (block.styleProperty(QString("background-image"),QWebElement::InlineStyle) == "")) {
+ m_finalzoomfactor = (qreal) (m_webPage->viewportSize().width() - 10) * m_view->zoomFactor();
+ m_finalzoomfactor = (qreal) m_finalzoomfactor / (enclosingRect.width());
+ QString str;
+ str.setNum(m_finalzoomfactor,'f',2);
+ m_finalzoomfactor = str.toDouble();
+ }else {
+ qreal factor;
+ factor = 1/m_view->initialScale();
+ int boundW = block.geometry().width() * factor/m_view->zoomFactor();
+ int boundH = block.geometry().height() * factor/m_view->zoomFactor();
+ qreal factorw = 0.0,factorh = 0.0 ;
+ if( boundW > m_webPage->viewportSize().width())
+ factorw = (qreal)(m_webPage->viewportSize().width()-5)/ block.geometry().width();
+ if(boundH > m_webPage->viewportSize().height())
+ factorh = (qreal)(m_webPage->viewportSize().height()-5)/ block.geometry().height();
+ if( (factorw == 0.0) && (factorh == 0.0))
+ ;
+ else if(factorw == 0.0)
+ factor = factorh * m_view->zoomFactor();
+ else if(factorh == 0.0)
+ factor = factorw * m_view->zoomFactor();
+ else {
+ factor = ((factorh < factorw) ? factorh : factorw) * m_view->zoomFactor();
+ }
+ QString str;
+ str.setNum(factor,'f',2);
+ factor = str.toDouble();
+ if(m_finalzoomfactor != factor)
+ m_finalzoomfactor = factor;
+ }
+ if (m_finalzoomfactor != m_view->zoomFactor()) {
+ m_view->setZoomFactor(m_finalzoomfactor);
+ m_focusedBlockPt = QPoint(block.geometry().topLeft()) - m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ if(block.tagName() != "IMG" && (block.styleProperty(QString("background-image"),QWebElement::InlineStyle) == ""))
+ scrollCurrentFrame(m_focusedBlockPt.x() - KFocussPoint.x() , m_focusedBlockPt.y() - KFocussPoint.y());
+ else {
+ if((m_webPage->viewportSize().width() - block.geometry().width()) > 0)
+ imageFocusPoint.setX((m_webPage->viewportSize().width() - block.geometry().width())/2);
+ else
+ imageFocusPoint.setX(0);
+ if((m_webPage->viewportSize().height() - block.geometry().height()) > 0)
+ imageFocusPoint.setY((m_webPage->viewportSize().height() - block.geometry().height())/2);
+ else
+ imageFocusPoint.setY(0);
+ scrollCurrentFrame(m_focusedBlockPt.x() - imageFocusPoint.x() , m_focusedBlockPt.y() - imageFocusPoint.y());
+ }
+ m_focusedBlockPt = QPoint(block.geometry().topLeft()) - m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ } else {
+ //Get doc size and current bottom right view corner point in document
+ QSize viewSize = m_webPage->viewportSize();
+ QSize contentSize = m_frame->contentsSize();
+ QPoint documentViewPoint = QPoint(viewSize.width(),viewSize.height()) + m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ QPoint docFocusPoint;
+ if(block.tagName() != "IMG" && (block.styleProperty(QString("background-image"),QWebElement::InlineStyle) == ""))
+ docFocusPoint = KFocussPoint + m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ else {
+ if((m_webPage->viewportSize().width() - block.geometry().width()) > 0)
+ imageFocusPoint.setX((m_webPage->viewportSize().width() - block.geometry().width())/2);
+ else
+ imageFocusPoint.setX(0);
+ if((m_webPage->viewportSize().height() - block.geometry().height()) > 0)
+ imageFocusPoint.setY((m_webPage->viewportSize().height()- block.geometry().height())/2);
+ else
+ imageFocusPoint.setY(0);
+ docFocusPoint = imageFocusPoint + m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ }
+ m_focusedBlockPt = QPoint(block.geometry().x(), block.geometry().y());
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(m_focusedBlockPt.x() - docFocusPoint.x());
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(m_focusedBlockPt.y() - docFocusPoint.y());
+ QPoint scrollableDistance(0, 0);
+ QPoint viewStartPoint = QPoint(0,0) + m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ if(m_scrollDistance.x() < 0)
+ scrollableDistance.setX(viewStartPoint.x());
+ else
+ scrollableDistance.setX(contentSize.width() - documentViewPoint.x());
+ if(m_scrollDistance.y() < 0)
+ scrollableDistance.setY(viewStartPoint.y());
+ else
+ scrollableDistance.setY(contentSize.height() - documentViewPoint.y());
+ if(abs(m_scrollDistance.x()) > abs(scrollableDistance.x())){
+ //m_scrollDistance.x() >= 0 means scroll from right to left
+ if(m_scrollDistance.x() >= 0)
+ m_focusedBlockPt.setX(m_focusedBlockPt.x() - abs(scrollableDistance.x()));
+ //m_scrollDistance.x() < 0 means scroll from left to right
+ else
+ m_focusedBlockPt.setX(m_focusedBlockPt.x() + abs(scrollableDistance.x()));
+ } else
+ m_focusedBlockPt.setX(docFocusPoint.x());
+ if (abs(m_scrollDistance.y()) > abs(scrollableDistance.y())){
+ if(m_scrollDistance.y() >= 0)
+ m_focusedBlockPt.setY(m_focusedBlockPt.y() - abs(scrollableDistance.y()));
+ else
+ m_focusedBlockPt.setY(m_focusedBlockPt.y() + abs(scrollableDistance.y()));
+ }
+ else
+ m_focusedBlockPt.setY(docFocusPoint.y());
+ m_focusedBlockPt = m_focusedBlockPt - m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ startScrollTimer();
+ }
+ m_view->setBlockElement(block);
+ }
+ Returns the next scrollable frame in the frame tree give the x,y position
+QWebFrame* GWebTouchNavigation::getNextScrollableFrame(const QPoint& pos)
+ QWebFrame* frame = m_frame;
+ while (frame) {
+ if (pos.x() > 0) {
+ if (frame->scrollBarValue(Qt::Horizontal) < frame->scrollBarMaximum(Qt::Horizontal))
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (pos.x() < 0) {
+ if (frame->scrollBarValue(Qt::Horizontal) > frame->scrollBarMinimum(Qt::Horizontal))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pos.y() > 0) {
+ if (frame->scrollBarValue(Qt::Vertical) < frame->scrollBarMaximum(Qt::Vertical))
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (pos.y() < 0) {
+ if (frame->scrollBarValue(Qt::Vertical) > frame->scrollBarMinimum(Qt::Vertical))
+ break;
+ }
+ frame = frame->parentFrame();
+ }
+ return (frame)?frame:m_webPage->mainFrame();
+Starts the timer for scrolling smoothly to the destination location .
+The timer will do the decelaration while scrolling
+void GWebTouchNavigation::startScrollTimer()
+ if(!m_scrollTimer) {
+ m_scrollTimer = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(m_scrollTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(scrollToEdge()));
+ }
+ m_scrollTimer->stop();
+ m_scrollTimer->start(KAnimationTimeout);
+Update the scroll distance for flick gesture. Update the scroll distance upto the edge of the page
+void GWebTouchNavigation::updateFlickScrollDistance()
+ m_initialSpeed = speed();
+ m_initialSpeed.setX(qAbs(m_initialSpeed.x()));
+ m_initialSpeed.setY(qAbs(m_initialSpeed.y()));
+ m_flickDirection = findDirectionWithAngle(m_dragPoints.first().iPoint - m_dragPoints.last().iPoint);
+ m_scrollDistance.setX((m_initialSpeed.x() * m_initialSpeed.x())/( 2 * KDeccelaration));
+ m_scrollDistance.setY((m_initialSpeed.y() * m_initialSpeed.y())/( 2 * KDeccelaration));
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(m_view->zoomFactor() * m_scrollDistance.x() / m_view->initialScale());
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(m_view->zoomFactor() * m_scrollDistance.y() / m_view->initialScale());
+ QSize viewSize = m_webPage->viewportSize();
+ QSize contentSize = m_frame->contentsSize();
+ QPoint documentViewPoint = QPoint(viewSize.width(),viewSize.height()) + m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ QPoint documentTouchPoint = m_touchPosition + m_frame->scrollPosition();;
+ switch(m_flickDirection)
+ {
+ case DOWN :
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(0);
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(-(m_scrollDistance.y()));
+ if(m_scrollDistance.y() < -(documentTouchPoint.y() - m_touchPosition.y()))
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(-(documentTouchPoint.y() - m_touchPosition.y()));
+ break;
+ case UP :
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(0);
+ if(m_scrollDistance.y() > (contentSize.height() - documentViewPoint.y()))
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(contentSize.height() - documentViewPoint.y());
+ break;
+ case RIGHT:
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(-(m_scrollDistance.x()));
+ if(m_scrollDistance.x() < -(documentTouchPoint.x() - m_touchPosition.x()))
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(-(documentTouchPoint.x() - m_touchPosition.x()));
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(0);
+ break;
+ case LEFT:
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(0);
+ if(m_scrollDistance.x() > (contentSize.width() - documentViewPoint.x()))
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(contentSize.width() - documentViewPoint.x());
+ break;
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(-(m_scrollDistance.x()));
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(-(m_scrollDistance.y()));
+ if(m_scrollDistance.x() < -(documentTouchPoint.x()-m_touchPosition.x()))
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(-(documentTouchPoint.x()-m_touchPosition.x()));
+ if(m_scrollDistance.y() < -((documentTouchPoint.y()-m_touchPosition.y())/2))
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(-((documentTouchPoint.y()-m_touchPosition.y())/2));
+ break;
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(-(m_scrollDistance.y()));
+ if(m_scrollDistance.x() > contentSize.width()-documentViewPoint.x())
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(contentSize.width()-documentViewPoint.x());
+ if(m_scrollDistance.y() < (-((documentTouchPoint.y()-m_touchPosition.y())/2)))
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(-((documentTouchPoint.y()-m_touchPosition.y())/2));
+ break;
+ case TOPLEFT:
+ if(m_scrollDistance.x() > (contentSize.width()-documentViewPoint.x()))
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(contentSize.width()-documentViewPoint.x());
+ if(m_scrollDistance.y() > ((contentSize.height()-documentViewPoint.y())/2))
+ m_scrollDistance.setY((contentSize.height()-documentViewPoint.y())/2);
+ break;
+ case TOPRIGHT:
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(-(m_scrollDistance.x()));
+ if(m_scrollDistance.x() < (-(documentTouchPoint.x()-m_touchPosition.x())))
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(-(documentTouchPoint.x()-m_touchPosition.x()));
+ if(m_scrollDistance.y() > ((contentSize.height()-documentViewPoint.y())/2))
+ m_scrollDistance.setY((contentSize.height()-documentViewPoint.y())/2);
+ break;
+ }
+Distinguishes b/w swipe and flick
+bool GWebTouchNavigation::isFlick()
+ bool flick = false;
+ QPoint moveSpeed = speed();
+ int xSpeed = moveSpeed.x();
+ int ySpeed = moveSpeed.y();
+ flick = (qAbs(xSpeed) > KFlickSpeed ||
+ qAbs(ySpeed) > KFlickSpeed);
+ return flick;
+Calculates the speed of te scroll along x-axis and y-axis
+QPoint GWebTouchNavigation::speed()
+ // Speed is only evaluated at the end of the swipe
+ QPoint dragSpeed(0,0);
+ qreal time = dragTime() / KMilliSecond;
+ if (time > 0) {
+ QPoint distance = currentPos() - previousPos();
+ dragSpeed.setX((distance.x()) / time);
+ dragSpeed.setY((distance.y()) / time);
+ }
+ return dragSpeed;
+Returns the last point in the m_dragPoints list
+QPoint GWebTouchNavigation::currentPos()
+ return m_dragPoints[m_dragPoints.size()-1].iPoint;
+Returns the first point in the m_dragPoints list
+QPoint GWebTouchNavigation::previousPos()
+ return m_dragPoints[0].iPoint;
+Finds the time difference b/w the first and last dragpoint
+qreal GWebTouchNavigation::dragTime() const
+ if(m_dragPoints.isEmpty())
+ return 0.0;
+ else
+ return m_dragPoints[0].iTime.msecsTo(m_dragPoints[m_dragPoints.size()-1].iTime);
+Find the flick direction with respect to angle of flick
+Direction GWebTouchNavigation::findDirectionWithAngle(const QPoint& diff)
+ Direction direction;
+ int xDelta = -diff.x();
+ int yDelta = -diff.y();
+ qreal angle = findAngle(xDelta, yDelta);
+ if(isNear(angle, 60.0, 120.0)) {
+ direction = DOWN;
+ }
+ else if(isNear(angle, 150.0, 210.0)) {
+ direction = LEFT;
+ }
+ else if(isNear(angle, 240.0, 300.0)) {
+ direction = UP;
+ }
+ else if(360.0 - KAngleTolerance <= angle || angle <= KAngleTolerance) {
+ direction = RIGHT;
+ }
+ else if(isNear(angle, 30.0, 60.0)) {
+ direction = BOTTOMRIGHT;
+ }
+ else if(isNear(angle, 120.0, 150.0)) {
+ direction = BOTTOMLEFT;
+ }
+ else if(isNear(angle, 210.0, 240.0)) {
+ direction = TOPLEFT;
+ }
+ else if(isNear(angle, 300.0, 330.0)) {
+ direction = TOPRIGHT;
+ }
+ return direction;
+Check the angle is in the range of aMinAngle and aMaxAngle
+bool GWebTouchNavigation::isNear(qreal angleUnderTest, qreal minAngle, qreal maxAngle)
+ return (minAngle < angleUnderTest) && (angleUnderTest <= maxAngle);
+Find the angle from x and y displacement
+qreal GWebTouchNavigation::findAngle(const int& xDelta,const int& yDelta)
+ qreal angle = 0;
+ qreal hypotenuse = qSqrt(xDelta*xDelta + yDelta*yDelta);
+ if(hypotenuse != 0) {
+ angle = qAcos(xDelta / hypotenuse);
+ if(yDelta < 0) {
+ angle = (2 * PI) - angle;
+ }
+ }
+ return (angle * 180) / PI;
+int GWebTouchNavigation::roundOff(qreal num)
+ return (num + 0.5);
+Finds out the enclosing block
+QRect GWebTouchNavigation::findEnclosingBlock(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ QWebHitTestResult htr = getHitTestResult(ev);
+ QRect rect = htr.enclosingBlockElement().geometry();
+ return rect;
+Gets the hitTestResult for a particular event
+QWebHitTestResult GWebTouchNavigation::getHitTestResult(QMouseEvent* ev)
+ QPoint pt = ev->pos();
+ QWebFrame* frame = m_webPage->frameAt(pt);
+ frame = (frame) ? frame : m_webPage->mainFrame();
+ QWebHitTestResult htr = frame->hitTestContent(pt);
+ return htr;
+Finds out the scroll distance associated with a swipe
+void GWebTouchNavigation::calculateActualScrollDistance()
+ m_actualScrollDistance.setX(0);
+ m_actualScrollDistance.setY(0);
+ if (!m_dragPoints.isEmpty()) {
+ QPoint distance = previousPos() - currentPos();
+ if (qAbs(distance.x()) > 0 || qAbs(distance.y()) > 0) {
+ m_actualScrollDistance = distance / m_dragPoints.size() * 2;
+ }
+ }
+In the case of slow swipe, if the destination location lies within the threshold area, then
+we need to align the block to te left edge of the mobile screen. This method finds out the
+new scroll distance
+void GWebTouchNavigation::setNewScrollDistance(QPoint blockCanvasPoint, int thresholdCheckVal)
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(m_actualScrollDistance.x());
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(m_actualScrollDistance.y());
+ if(blockCanvasPoint.x() > 0) {
+ //Checks whether the block falls within the threshold after right to left swipe
+ if( (thresholdCheckVal < KThresholdForRightToLeftMotion) && (thresholdCheckVal > 0)) {
+ //if the block is within the threshold range already and the user tries
+ //to swipe from left to right , then let it move to right. Dont try to
+ //snap to the left edge .
+ if(m_actualScrollDistance.x() > 0) {
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(blockCanvasPoint.x() - XAlignVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //Checks whether the block falls within the threshold after left to right swipe
+ if( (thresholdCheckVal > KThresholdForLeftToRightMotion) && (thresholdCheckVal < 0)) {
+ //if the block is within the threshold range already and the user tries
+ //to swipe from right to left , then let it move to left. Dont try to
+ //snap to the left edge .
+ if (m_actualScrollDistance.x() < 0) {
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(blockCanvasPoint.x() - XAlignVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SLOT associated with the timer to adjust the scroll to the edge
+void GWebTouchNavigation::scrollToEdge()
+ m_prevPoint.setX(m_scrollDistance.x());
+ m_prevPoint.setY(m_scrollDistance.y());
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(m_scrollDistance.x() * KDecelerationFactor);
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(m_scrollDistance.y() * KDecelerationFactor);
+ //round off the values
+ m_scrollDistance.setX(roundOff(m_scrollDistance.x()));
+ m_scrollDistance.setY(roundOff(m_scrollDistance.y()));
+ int diffX = m_prevPoint.x() - m_scrollDistance.x();
+ int diffY = m_prevPoint.y() - m_scrollDistance.y();
+ if (((m_scrollDistance.x() == 0) && (m_scrollDistance.y() == 0))
+ || ((diffX == 0) && (diffY == 0))) {
+ scrollCurrentFrame(m_prevPoint.x(), m_prevPoint.y());
+ m_scrollTimer->stop();
+ return;
+ }
+ scrollCurrentFrame(diffX, diffY);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::timerControl()
+ stopTimer();// stop timer as soon as timeout
+ emit longPressEvent();
+void GWebTouchNavigation::startTimer()
+ m_longPressTimer = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(m_longPressTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(timerControl()));
+ m_longPressTimer->start(LONG_PRESS_DURATION);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::stopTimer()
+ if(m_longPressTimer){
+ m_longPressTimer->stop();
+ delete m_longPressTimer;
+ m_longPressTimer = 0;
+ }
+void GWebTouchNavigation::getFocusedElement()
+ QWebHitTestResult htRes = m_frame->hitTestContent(m_touchPosition);
+ wrtBrowserDefs::BrowserElementType elType = wrtBrowserUtils::getTypeFromElement(htRes);
+ emit focusElementChanged(elType);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::scrollCurrentFrame (int dx, int dy)
+ QPoint scrollPosition = m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ if (m_frame == m_webPage->mainFrame() &&
+ //scrollPosition.y() < m_chrome->getSnippetRect("UrlSearchChromeId").height()) {
+ scrollPosition.y() <=0 &&
+ !m_isLoading &&
+ !m_view->view()->currentPageIsSuperPage()) {
+ qreal slide = m_chrome->slideView(-dy);
+ dy+=slide;
+ }
+ m_frame->scroll(dx, dy);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::setCurrentFrameScrollPosition (QPoint& pos)
+ QPoint scrollPosition = m_frame->scrollPosition();
+ QPoint finalPos = pos;
+ /* emit pageScrollPositionZero singal if it's mainFrame scrolling or scroll to top*/
+ if (m_frame == m_webPage->mainFrame() &&
+ //scrollPosition.y() < m_chrome->getSnippetRect("UrlSearchChromeId").height()) {
+ scrollPosition.y() <=0 &&
+ !m_isLoading &&
+ !m_view->view()->currentPageIsSuperPage()) {
+ int dy = scrollPosition.y() - pos.y();
+ qreal slide = m_chrome->slideView(-dy);
+ dy+=slide;
+ finalPos.setY(scrollPosition.y() - dy);
+ }
+ m_frame->setScrollPosition(finalPos);
+void GWebTouchNavigation::onLoadStarted()
+ m_isLoading = true;
+void GWebTouchNavigation::onLoadFinished(bool ok)
+ m_isLoading = false;
+void GWebTouchNavigation::setPage( QWebPage * page)
+ disconnect(m_webPage, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(onLoadStarted()));
+ disconnect(m_webPage, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(onLoadFinished(bool)));
+ m_webPage = page ;
+ connect(m_webPage, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(onLoadStarted()));
+ connect(m_webPage, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(onLoadFinished(bool)));