changeset 0 1450b09d0cfd
child 3 0954f5dd2cd0
child 5 0f2326c2a325
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ginebra2/chrome/bedrockchrome/statusbar.snippet/statusbar.js	Tue May 04 12:39:35 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+  \file statusbar.js This module contains the StatusBar class.
+  Class to handle displaying and updating the status bar. Only 1 status bar 
+  should be created for the browser. This class is not designed to be code
+  space efficient for creating multiple status bar objects.
+function StatusBar()
+    // Private Classes
+    /*!
+      Class to handle updating the status bar title. Only 1 title should be
+      created for the browser status bar. This class is not designed to be code
+      space efficient for creating multiple title objects.
+    */
+    function Title()
+    {
+        // Private Methods
+        //! Changes the current title to the specified title.
+        /*!
+          \param title new title to display
+          \param doRepaint force immediate repaint if true
+        */
+        function setTitle(title, doRepaint)
+        {
+            document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = title;
+            if (doRepaint)
+                window.snippets.StatusBarChromeId.repaint();
+        }
+        // Public Methods
+        //! Handles title change signal.
+        /*!
+          \param title new title
+        */
+        this.handleTitleChange = function(title)
+        {
+             if ((!window.views.WebView.currentPageIsSuperPage()) && 
+                 window.views.current().type == "webView") {
+                if (title != "")
+                    setTitle(title, true);
+            }
+        }
+        //! Handles title partial URL change signal.
+        /*!
+          \param partialUrl new title
+        */
+        this.handlePartialUrlChange = function(partialUrl)
+        {
+            if ((!window.views.WebView.currentPageIsSuperPage()) && 
+                 window.views.current().type == "webView") {
+                setTitle(partialUrl, true);
+            }
+        }
+        //! Handles title update in response to current view change signal.
+        this.handleCurrentViewChange = function()
+        {
+        	if(window.views.WebView.currentPageIsSuperPage()) {
+        	 	   //alert(window.views.WebView.currentSuperPageName());
+        	     if (window.views.WebView.currentSuperPageName() == "BookmarkTreeView") {
+                    setTitle(window.localeDelegate.translateText("content_view_menu_bookmarks"), false);
+                  }
+                else if (window.views.WebView.currentSuperPageName() == "BookmarkHistoryView") {
+                	     setTitle(window.localeDelegate.translateText("content_view_menu_history"), false);
+                	   }
+                else if (window.views.WebView.currentSuperPageName() == "SettingsView") {
+                	     setTitle(window.localeDelegate.translateText("settings_settings"), false);
+                }
+           }
+           else {        	
+        	     if (window.views.current().type == "webView")  {
+	                  /* For new windows, show title as 'New Window' */
+	                if ((window.pageController.currentDocTitle == "") &&
+	                    (window.pageController.currentDocUrl == "")) {
+	                    setTitle(window.localeDelegate.translateText("windows_new_window"), false);
+	                 }
+	                else if (window.pageController.currentDocTitle == "") {
+	                    setTitle(window.pageController.currentPartialUrl, false);
+	                  }
+	                else {
+	                    setTitle(window.pageController.currentDocTitle, false);
+	                   }
+	             }
+	            else {
+	                if (window.views.current().type == "WindowView")
+	                    setTitle(window.localeDelegate.translateText("windows_windows"), false);
+	            }
+          	}
+         }
+    }
+    /*!
+      Class to handle updating the lock status (show/remove lock icon). Only 1
+      LockStatus object should be created for the browser status bar. This class
+      is not designed to be code space efficient for creating multiple objects.
+    */
+    function LockStatus()
+    {
+        // Private Member Variables
+        var secureIconSrc = "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/lock.png\">";
+        var noIconSrc =  "&nbsp;";
+        // Public Methods
+        //! Shows lock icon in status bar if in webView.
+        this.showLockIcon = function()
+        {
+            if (window.views.current().type == "webView") {
+                document.getElementById('lock').innerHTML = "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/lock.png\">";
+                //window.snippets.StatusBarChromeId.repaint();
+            }
+        }
+        //! Removes lock icon from status bar.
+        this.removeLockIcon = function()
+        {
+             document.getElementById('lock').innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
+          }
+        //! Handles lock status update in response to current view change signal.
+        this.handleCurrentViewChange = function()
+        {
+        	  if(window.views.WebView.currentPageIsSuperPage()) {
+        	  	this.removeLockIcon();
+        	  }
+        	  else{
+		            if (window.views.current().type == "webView")  {
+		                /* Secure icon */
+		                if (window.pageController.secureState)
+		                    this.showLockIcon();
+		                else {
+		                    this.removeLockIcon();
+		                }
+		            }
+		            else {
+		                this.removeLockIcon();
+		            }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*!
+      Class to handle updating the clock time. Only 1 Clock object should be
+      created for the browser status bar. This class is not designed to be code
+      space efficient for creating multiple objects.
+    */
+    function Clock()
+    {
+        // Public Methods
+        //! Updates the time displayed on the status bar.
+ = function()
+        {
+            var now = new Date();
+            var hours = now.getHours();
+            var minutes = now.getMinutes();
+            var timeValue = "" + ((hours > 12) ? hours - 12 : hours);
+            timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes;
+            timeValue += (hours >=12) ? " pm": " am";
+            document.getElementById('clock').innerHTML = timeValue;
+        }
+    }
+    /*!
+      Class to handle updating the network status. Only 1 NetworkStatus object 
+      should be created for the browser status bar. This class is not designed 
+      to be code space efficient for creating multiple objects.
+    */
+    function NetworkStatus()
+    {
+        // Private Member Variables
+        var networkIconSrc = new Array(
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/signal/signal0.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/signal/signal0.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/signal/signal25.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/signal/signal50.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/signal/signal75.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/signal/signal100.png\" alt=\"\">");
+        var enumNetworkStrengths = new Object();
+        var currentState; // last known signal state - see enumNetworkStrengths
+        enumNetworkStrengths.state = {Offline:0, NoSignal:1, Signal1:2, 
+            Signal2:3, Signal3:4, Signal4:5}
+        currentState = enumNetworkStrengths.state.Offline;
+        //! Encodes the specified string for display in HTML format.
+        /*!
+          \param str string to encode
+        */
+        // Note: this function doesn't handle partial or double encoding.
+        function htmlEncode(str)
+        {
+            var s; // function return
+            // Encode special HTML characters (&, ", <, >, and ').
+            s = str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
+            s = s.replace(/\"/g, '&quot;');
+            s = s.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
+            s = s.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
+            s = s.replace(/'/g, '&apos;');
+            return (s);
+        }
+        //! Updates the field width for the network provider name.
+        /*!
+          \param s network provider name
+        */
+        function updateFieldWidth(s)
+        {
+            if (document.getElementById) {
+                var rulerSpan = document.getElementById('sbruler');
+                var fieldWidth;
+                rulerSpan.innerHTML = s;
+                fieldWidth = rulerSpan.offsetWidth + 10; // add 10 pixel padding
+                document.getElementById('provider').width = fieldWidth + "px";
+            }
+        }
+        //! Converts the specified strength using a scale of -1 to 100 to the 
+        //! appropriate signal level state.
+        /*!
+          \param strength signal strength to convert
+        */
+        function convertStrengthToState(strength)
+        {
+            var state;
+            if (strength < 0) // unknown network mode or error
+                state = enumNetworkStrengths.state.Offline;
+            else if (strength == 0) // no signal
+                state = enumNetworkStrengths.state.NoSignal;
+            else if (strength < 40) // less than 40/100
+                state = enumNetworkStrengths.state.Signal1;
+            else if (strength < 65) // less than 65/100
+                state = enumNetworkStrengths.state.Signal2;
+            else if (strength < 90) // less than 90/100
+                state = enumNetworkStrengths.state.Signal3;
+            else // 90/100 or higher - full signal
+                state = enumNetworkStrengths.state.Signal4;
+            return (state);
+        }
+        //! Changes the displayed network provider name.
+        /*!
+          \param networkName New network provider name to display
+        */
+        function changeName(networkName)
+        {
+            // truncate name if it's too long
+            if (networkName.length > NetworkStatus.MAX_NAME_LEN)
+                networkName = networkName.substring(0, NetworkStatus.MAX_NAME_LEN);
+            // set field width to the appropriate width and change the name
+            updateFieldWidth(htmlEncode(networkName));
+            document.getElementById('provider').innerHTML = htmlEncode(networkName);
+            // repaint if status bar exists (first call to this function, it doesn't)
+            if (window.snippets.StatusBarChromeId)
+                window.snippets.StatusBarChromeId.repaint();
+        }
+        //! Gets the appropriate image tag HTML string for the current network 
+        //! signal strength.
+        this.getInitialStrengthImgTag = function()
+        {
+            var strength = window.deviceDelegate.networkSignalStrength;
+            currentState = convertStrengthToState(strength);
+            return (networkIconSrc[currentState]);
+        }
+        //! Displays the initial network name.
+        this.showInitialNetworkName = function()
+        {
+            // if we went offline, set the provider name to "offline"
+            if (currentState == enumNetworkStrengths.state.Offline)
+                changeName(window.localeDelegate.translateText("offline"));
+            else
+                changeName(window.deviceDelegate.networkName);
+        }
+        //! Handles the signal strength change signal.
+        /*!
+          \param strength new signal strength
+        */
+        this.handleSignalStrengthChange = function(strength)
+        {
+            var state = convertStrengthToState(strength);
+            // only interested in state changes
+            if (currentState != state) {
+                lastState = currentState; // save former state
+                // update current state and network icon
+                currentState = state;
+                document.getElementById('strength').innerHTML = 
+                    networkIconSrc[currentState];
+                window.snippets.StatusBarChromeId.repaint();
+                // if we went offline, change the provider name to "offline"
+                if (currentState == enumNetworkStrengths.state.Offline)
+                    changeName(window.localeDelegate.translateText("offline"));
+                // if we just came online, get and update provider name
+                else if (lastState == enumNetworkStrengths.state.Offline)
+                    changeName(window.deviceDelegate.networkName);
+            }
+        }
+        //! Handles the network name change signal.
+        /*!
+          \param networkName new network name
+        */
+        this.handleNameChange = function(networkName)
+        {
+            // Offline network name is hard coded.
+            if (currentState != enumNetworkStrengths.state.Offline)
+                changeName(networkName);
+        }
+    }
+    // class property (i.e. property of the class constructor function)
+    NetworkStatus.MAX_NAME_LEN = 20; // max length of provider name
+    /*!
+      Class to handle updating the battery level. Only 1 BatteryStatus object 
+      should be created for the browser status bar. This class is not designed 
+      to be code space efficient for creating multiple objects.
+    */
+    function BatteryStatus()
+    {
+        // Private Member Variables
+        var batteryIconSrc = new Array(
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt10.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt20.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt30.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt40.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt50.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt60.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt70.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt80.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt90.png\" alt=\"\">", 
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt100.png\" alt=\"\">",
+            "<img src=\"statusbar.snippet/icons/battery/batt100_charging.png\" alt=\"\">");
+        var enumBatteryLevels = new Object();
+        enumBatteryLevels.state = {Level10:0, Level20:1, Level30:2, Level40:3, 
+            Level50:4, Level60:5, Level70:6, Level80:7, Level90:8, Level100:9, 
+            LevelCharging:10}
+        //! Converts the specified battery level (1 to 100) to a battery state.
+        /*!
+          \param level battery level (1 to 100)
+        */
+        function convertLevelToState(level)
+        {
+            var state;
+            // Don't report battery level as being any higher than it actually is.
+            // Unless it is under 10% in which case user story specifies one bar be displayed.
+            if (window.deviceDelegate.batteryCharging)
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.LevelCharging;
+            else if (level < 20) // less than 20% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level10;
+            else if (level < 30) // less than 30% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level20;
+            else if (level < 40) // less than 40% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level30;
+            else if (level < 50) // less than 50% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level40;
+            else if (level < 60) // less than 60% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level50;
+            else if (level < 70) // less than 70% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level60;
+            else if (level < 80) // less than 80% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level70;
+            else if (level < 90) // less than 90% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level80;
+            else if (level < 100) // less than 100% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level90;
+            else // 100% full
+                state = enumBatteryLevels.state.Level100;
+            return (state);
+        }
+        //! Gets the initial battery level image tag HTML string.
+        this.getInitialLevelImgTag = function()
+        {
+            return (batteryIconSrc[convertLevelToState(
+                window.deviceDelegate.batteryLevel)]);
+        }
+        //! Handles battery level change signal.
+        /*!
+          \param level new battery level
+        */
+        this.handleLevelChange = function(level)
+        {
+            document.getElementById('battery').innerHTML = 
+                batteryIconSrc[convertLevelToState(level)];
+            window.snippets.StatusBarChromeId.repaint();
+        }
+    }
+    /*!
+      Class to handle updating the download indicator.
+    */
+    function DownloadStatus()
+    {
+        function _enableDownloadIndicator()
+        {
+            var src = 'statusbar.snippet/icons/download_statusbar_icon.png';
+            var tag = '<img id="downloadImage" src="' + src + '" alt="">';
+            document.getElementById('download').innerHTML = tag;
+            window.snippets.StatusBarChromeId.repaint();
+        }
+        function _disableDownloadIndicator()
+        {
+            document.getElementById('download').innerHTML = "";
+            window.snippets.StatusBarChromeId.repaint();
+        }
+        function _connectDownloadSignals()
+        {
+            window.downloads.downloadCreated.connect(_enableDownloadIndicator);
+            window.downloads.downloadsCleared.connect(_disableDownloadIndicator);
+        }
+        if (window.downloads != null) {
+  ;
+        }
+    }
+    // Private Member Variables
+    var sbTitle = new Title(); //!< status bar title
+    var sbLockStatus = new LockStatus(); //!< status bar lock status
+    var sbClock = new Clock(); //!< status bar clock
+    var sbNetworkStatus = new NetworkStatus(); //!< status bar network status
+    var sbBatteryStatus = new BatteryStatus(); //!< status bar battery status
+    var sbDownloadStatus = new DownloadStatus(); //!< status bar download status
+    // Private Methods
+    //! Write status bar HTML code to document.
+    function _statusbar_write()
+    {
+        var downloadHTML = '';
+        if (window.downloads != null) {
+            downloadHTML = '<td class="rightalign" id="download"></td>';
+        }
+        var html = ''+
+            '<table>'+
+              '<tr>'+
+              '<td class="leftalign" id="strength">' + sbNetworkStatus.getInitialStrengthImgTag() + '</td>'+
+              '<td class="centeralign" id="provider">&nbsp;</td>'+
+              '<td class="leftalign"><div id="title">Bedrock Browser</div></td>'+
+              '<td class="rightalign" id ="lock">&nbsp;</td>'+
+              downloadHTML +
+              '<td class="centeralign" id="clock">time: &nbsp;</td>' +
+              '<td class="rightalign" id="battery">' + sbBatteryStatus.getInitialLevelImgTag() + '</td>'+
+            '</tr>'+
+            '</table>'+
+            // ruler span used for getting the width of network name
+            // style included here because style sheet not applied early 
+            // enough for sbNetworkStatus.showInitialNetworkName call below 
+            // which needs text width which depends on font
+            '<span id="sbruler" style="font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;visibility:hidden;"></span>';
+        document.write(html);
+        sbNetworkStatus.showInitialNetworkName();
+    }
+    // StatusBar Constructor
+    _statusbar_write(); // write status bar HTML code to document
+; // display current time on status bar
+    // Update displayed time every 30 seconds.
+    setInterval(function() {;}, 30000);
+    // Note that in the slots below the "this" object is never used directly.
+    // This is because they don't have access to "this" as they are invoked 
+    // as functions rather than as methods.
+    // Connect page controller signals to slots.
+    window.pageController.titleChanged.connect(
+        function(title) {sbTitle.handleTitleChange(title);});
+    window.pageController.partialUrlChanged.connect(
+        function(partialUrl) {sbTitle.handlePartialUrlChange(partialUrl);});
+    window.pageController.hideSecureIcon.connect(
+        function() {sbLockStatus.removeLockIcon();});
+    window.pageController.showSecureIcon.connect(
+        function() {sbLockStatus.showLockIcon();});
+    // Connect view manager signals to slots.
+    window.views.currentViewChanged.connect(
+        function() {
+            sbTitle.handleCurrentViewChange();
+            sbLockStatus.handleCurrentViewChange();
+        }
+    );
+    window.ViewStack.currentViewChanged.connect(
+        function() {
+            sbTitle.handleCurrentViewChange();
+            sbLockStatus.handleCurrentViewChange();
+        }
+    );
+    // Connect device delegate signals to slots.
+    window.deviceDelegate.batteryLevelChanged.connect(
+        function(level) {sbBatteryStatus.handleLevelChange(level);});
+    window.deviceDelegate.networkSignalStrengthChanged.connect(
+        function(strength) {sbNetworkStatus.handleSignalStrengthChange(strength);});
+    window.deviceDelegate.networkNameChanged.connect(
+        function(networkName) {sbNetworkStatus.handleNameChange(networkName);});