changeset 8 2e16851ffecd
parent 2 bf4420e9fa4d
parent 6 1c3b8676e58c
--- a/ginebra/chrome/bedrockchrome/toolbar2.snippet/toolbar.js	Fri Jun 11 16:23:26 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-var tbCb;
-/* create all functions with toolbar.* */
-// INIT the webView Toolbar
-/* Fade functions - modified the 3rdparty solution*/
-var FadeAnim = {
-    fade : function (id) {
-        opacity = 96;
-        this.fadeLoop(id, opacity);
-    },
-    fadeLoop : function (id, opacity) {
-        var o = document.getElementById(id);
-        if (opacity >= 5) {
-            FadeAnim.setOpacity(o, opacity);
-            opacity -= 4;
-            window.setTimeout("FadeAnim.fadeLoop('" + id + "', " + opacity + ")", 50);
-        } else {
-//               = "none";
-   = 'hidden';
-            //"Menu is " +;
-            tbCb("hideCplt");
-        }
-    },
-    setOpacity : function (o, opacity) {
- = "alpha(style=0,opacity:" + opacity + ")";      // IE
- = opacity / 100;                           // Konqueror
- = opacity / 100;                                     // Mozilla (old)
- = opacity / 100;                                        // Mozilla (new)
-    },
-    show : function (id) {
-        opacity = 4;
-        this.showLoop(id, opacity);
-    },
-    showLoop : function (id, opacity) {
-        var o = document.getElementById(id);
-        if (opacity <= 100) {
-            FadeAnim.setOpacity(o, opacity);
-            opacity += 4;
-            window.setTimeout("FadeAnim.showLoop('" + id + "', " + opacity + ")", 50);
-        }
-        else {
-            tbCb("showCplt");
-        }
-    }
-/* Utility functions */
-function Util() {
-    /* Utility function to strip off the given string
-     */
-    function convertToValue(num, str) {
-        var i = num.indexOf(str);
-        var value = 0;
-        if (i > -1) {
-            value = num.slice(0, i);
-        }
-        return Number(value);
-    }
-    /* Get the first button if of the toolbar specified by 'view' */
-    function firstBtn(tbId) {
-        var rowid = getRowId(tbId);
-        return (document.getElementById(rowid);
-    }
-    /* Get the last button if of the toolbar specified by 'view' */
-    function lastBtn(tbId) {
-        var rowid = getRowId(tbId);
-        return (document.getElementById(rowid);
-    }
-    /* Get the row id of the toolbar specified by 'view' */
-    function getRowId(tbId) {
-       var id;
-        switch( tbId) {
-            case  "WebViewToolbarId":
-                id = "webViewRow";
-                break;
-            case  "WebViewMiniToolbarId":
-                id = "webViewMiniRow";
-                break;
-            case  "HistoryViewToolbarId":
-                id = "historyRow";
-                break;
-            case  "BookmarkViewToolbarId":
-                id = "bookmarkRow";
-                break;
-            case  "BookmarkHistoryViewToolbarId":
-                id = "bookmarkHistoryRow";
-                break;
-            case  "WindowViewToolbarId":
-                id = "windowRow";
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        return id;
-    }
-    /* This function calculates the margin-right needed */
-    this.setMarginRight = function(tbId) {
-        /* Get the total number of images in the toolbar */
-        var firstIcon = firstBtn(tbId);
-        var el = document.getElementById(getRowId(tbId));
-        Icons = el.getElementsByTagName("img");
-        numIcons = Icons.length;
-        /* Get total width and total width od all icons */
-        var  iconW = document.getElementById(firstIcon).offsetWidth;
-        var  totalW =  document.getElementById(tbId).offsetWidth;
-        var totalIconW= (iconW * numIcons);
-        var firstobj = document.getElementById(firstIcon);
-        var lastObj = document.getElementById(lastBtn(tbId));
-        switch (numIcons) {
-            case 1:
-                /* Only one icon */
-                var leftMarginStr=document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(firstobj, '').getPropertyValue("margin-left");
-                var leftMargin = convertToValue(leftMarginStr, "px");
-                var marginRight = totalW - totalIconW - leftMargin;
-                Icons[0].style.marginRight = marginRight + "px";
-                break;
-        default:
-            /* More than two buttons */
-            var leftMarginStr=document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(firstobj, '').getPropertyValue("margin-left");
-            var rightmarginStr=document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(lastObj, '').getPropertyValue("margin-right");
-            var leftMargin = convertToValue(leftMarginStr, "px");
-            var rightMargin = convertToValue(rightmarginStr, "px");
-            var totalMargin = rightMargin + leftMargin ;
-            /* Now determine remaining space */
-            var marginRight = (totalW - totalIconW - totalMargin)/(numIcons - 1);
-            for (var i = 0; i < numIcons; i++ ) {
-                if (i !== (numIcons-1)  ){
-                    Icons[i].style.marginRight = marginRight + "px";
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-/* create all functions with toolbar.* */
-// INIT the webView Toolbar
-function WebViewToolbar()
-    var utils = new Util();
-    var menuTimeoutCb = _hideToolbar;
-    var menuTimeoutId = 0;
-    tbCb = _handleToolbarMenuCb;
-    //Private methods
-    //write webview toolbar HTML code to document
-    function _writeWebViewToolbar() {
-    var html = ''+
-        '<span id="webViewRow" style="width:100%">'+
-        '<img class="toolBarBtn firstButton" id="backButton" >'+
-        '<span id="menu" >'+
-        '<img class="toolBarBtn" id="zoomIn"   >'+
-        '<img class="toolBarBtn" id="zoomOut" >'+
-        '<img class="toolBarBtn" id="winButton" >'+
-        '<img class="toolBarBtn" id="contextMenuButton" >'+
-        '</span>'+
-        '<img class="toolBarBtn lastButton" id="mvButton">'+
-        '</span>';
-        document.write(html);
-        // We can immediately set up the simple buttons
-        // ActionButtons have to wait until the page is loaded
-        var index = window.pageController.pageCount();
-        var base = "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/windows" + index;
-        new SimpleButton("winButton",
-                         base + ".png",
-                         base + "_pushed.png",
-                         base + ".png",
-                         _goToWindowView);
-       new SimpleButton("mvButton",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/mostVisited.png",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/mostVisited_pushed.png",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/mostVisited.png",
-                         _activateMostVisited);
-        new SimpleButton("contextMenuButton",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/menu.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/menu_pushed.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/menu.png",
-                          _contextMenuF);
-//       document.getElementById("menu").style.visibility = 'hidden';
-       utils.setMarginRight("WebViewToolbarId");
-   }
-    /* Adds the back action button  using ActionButton from ../../js/ActionButton.js */
-    function _setActions () {
-        new ActionButton("backButton",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back_pushed.png",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back_disabled.png",
-                     window.pageController.actions.back);
-        new ActionButton("zoomIn",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/zoom+.png",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/zoom+_pushed.png",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/zoom+_disabled.png",
-                     window.webView.actions.zoomIn);
-        new ActionButton("zoomOut",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/zoom-.png",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/zoom-_pushed.png",
-                     "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/zoom-_disabled.png",
-                     window.webView.actions.zoomOut);
-        /* Add 'addWindow' action */
-        new ActionButton("addWindow",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/addwindow.png",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/addwindow_pushed.png",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/addwindow_disabled.png",
-                         window.viewManager.WindowView.actions.addWindow);
-    }
-    var timeoutId = 0;
-    function _contextMenuF ()
-    {
-    	  var hideFlag = 0;
-    	  hideFlag = window.snippets.ContextMenuId.getContextMenuFlag();
-    	  if(hideFlag == 1)
-    	  {
-    	     	 window.snippets.ContextMenuBgId.hide();
-    	     	 window.snippets.ContextMenuId.hide();
-    	       return;
-    	  }
-        clearTimeout(timeoutId);
-        window.snippets.ContextMenuBgId.setPosition(0,20);
-        window.snippets.ContextMenuBgId.zValue = 1;
-        window.snippets.ContextMenuId.repaint();
-        if (window.snippets.ContextMenuId.getDisplayMode() == "portrait")
-            window.snippets.ContextMenuId.setPosition(83,270);
-        else //landscape
-            window.snippets.ContextMenuId.setPosition(223,130);
-        window.snippets.ContextMenuId.zValue = 10;
-        timeoutId = setTimeout ( 'window.snippets.ContextMenuId.hide(); window.snippets.ContextMenuBgId.hide()', 6000 ); // close the menu after 6 secs
-//        _showToolbar();
-    }
-    /* Update the windows icon based on the number of windows open */
-    function _changeWindowIcon () {
-        var index = window.pageController.pageCount();
-        var base = "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/windows" + index;
-        document.getElementById('winButton').button.updateImages(base + ".png",
-                                                                 base + "_pushed.png",
-                                                                 base + ".png");
-        //window.snippets.repaint("WebViewToolbarId");
-    }
-    function _goToWindowView () {        
-        window.viewStack.switchView("WindowView", "webView");
-    }
-    function _goToGoAnywhereView () {
-        /* Change to history view */
-        window.viewStack.switchView("goAnywhereView", "webView");
-    }
-    function _goToBookmarkView () {
-        /* Change to Bookmark view */
-        window.viewStack.switchView("bookmarkTreeView", "webView");
-    }
-    function _goToRecentUrlView () {
-         window.viewStack.switchView("bookmarkHistoryView", "webView");
-    }
-    function _activateMostVisited () {
-    }
-    function _chromeLoadComplete () {
-        _setActions();
-        _changeWindowIcon();
-        /* Connect to pageCreated signal */
-        window.pageController.pageCreated.connect(_changeWindowIcon);
-        /*
-        window.pageController.loadStarted.connect(_showToolbar);
-        window.pageController.loadFinished.connect(startMenuHideTimer);
-        window.pageController.pageScrollRequested.connect(_showToolbar);
-        */
-    }
-    function _showToolbar()  {
-        var el = document.getElementById("menu");
-        //"show Toolbar " +;
-        if ( != 'visible') {
-            document.getElementById("menu").style.visibility = 'visible';
-  "menu");
-        }
-    }
-    function startMenuHideTimer() {
-        //"startMenuHideTimer");
-        var el = document.getElementById("menu");
-        if ( == 'visible' && (!menuTimeoutId) ) {
-            //"startMenuHideTimer: started timer");
-            //menuTimeoutId = setTimeout ('_hideToolbar()', 1000);
-            menuTimeoutId = setTimeout (menuTimeoutCb, 3000);
-        }
-    }
-    function _hideToolbar()  {
-        //"hideToolbar " +  document.getElementById("menu").style.visibility);
-        var el = document.getElementById("menu");
-        clearTimeout(menuTimeoutId);
-        menuTimeoutId = 0;
-        if ( != 'hidden' ) {
-            FadeAnim.fade("menu");
-            //"hide Toolbar " +  document.getElementById("menu").style.visibility);
-        }
-    }
-    function _handleToolbarMenuCb(x) {
-        if (x == "showCplt" ) {
-            startMenuHideTimer();
-        }
-        else if (x == "hideCplt"){
-        }
-    }
-    function _activateBookmark () {
-    }
-    function _deActivateBookmark () {
-    }
-    function _activateHistory () {
-    }
-    function _deActivateHistory () {
-    }
-    function _activateBookMarkHistory () {
-    }
-    function _deActivateBookMarkHistory () {
-    }
-    function _activateWebView () {
-    }
-    function _deActivateWebView () {
-    }
-    function _activateWindowView () {
-        /* Show the window count snippet */
-        document.getElementById('WindowCountBarId').wcChrome.wcUpdateWindowHtml();
-    }
-    function _deActivateWindowView () {
-        /* Set the windows icon based on the number of windows */
-        _changeWindowIcon();
-    }
-    function _pageChanged() {
-        _changeWindowIcon();
-        document.getElementById('WindowCountBarId').wcChrome.wcUpdateWindowHtml();
-    }
-    function _updateToolbar() {
-       utils.setMarginRight("WebViewToolbarId");
-    }
-    _writeWebViewToolbar();
-    window.viewStack.activateBookmark.connect(_activateBookmark);
-    window.viewStack.deActivateBookmark.connect(_deActivateBookmark);
-    window.viewStack.activateHistory.connect(_activateHistory);
-    window.viewStack.deActivateHistory.connect(_deActivateHistory);
-    window.viewStack.activateBookMarkHistory.connect(_activateBookMarkHistory);
-    window.viewStack.deActivateBookMarkHistory.connect(_deActivateBookMarkHistory);
-    window.viewStack.activateWebView.connect(_activateWebView);
-    window.viewStack.deActivateWebView.connect(_deActivateWebView);
-    window.viewStack.activateWindowView.connect(_activateWindowView);
-    window.viewStack.deActivateWindowView.connect(_deActivateWindowView);
-    window.viewStack.pageChanged.connect(_pageChanged);
-} //end of class webViewToolbar
-// INIT the History View Toolbar
-function HistoryViewToolbar()
-    //Private methods
-    //write historyview toolbar HTML code to document
-    function _writeHistoryViewToolbar() {
-        var tbhtml = ''+
-        //'<span id="historyRow" style="width:100%">'+
-        //'<img class="toolBarBtn firstButton" id="goBacktoWebViewHist">'+
-        //'</span>';
-        '<table class="toolBarTable">' +
-        '<tr>' +
-        '<td class="toolBarBtnCell" style="width=100%;"><img class="toolBarBtn" id="goBacktoWebViewHist"></td>'+
-        '</tr>' +
-        '</table>';
-         document.write(tbhtml);
-         /* add back button as a simple button */
-         new SimpleButton("goBacktoWebViewHist",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back_pushed.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                          _goBackFromGoAnywhereView);
-    }
-    _goBackFromGoAnywhereView = function() {
-        window.viewStack.switchView("webView", "goAnywhereView");
-    }
-    _writeHistoryViewToolbar();
-} //end of class HistoryViewToolbar
-// INIT the bookmark View Toolbar
-function BookmarkViewToolbar()
-    //Private methods
-    //write webview toolbar HTML code to document
-    function _writeBookmarkViewToolbar() {
-        var tbhtml = ''+
-        //'<span id="bookmarkRow" style="width:100%">'+
-        //'<img class="toolBarBtn firstButton" id="goBacktoWebViewBM">'+
-        //'<img class="toolBarBtn lastButton"  id="addToBookMark">'+
-        //'</span>';
-        '<table class="toolBarTable">' +
-            '<tr>' +
-            '<td class="toolBarBtnCell" style="width=50%;"><img class="toolBarBtn" id="goBacktoWebViewBM"></td>'+
-            '<td class="toolBarBtnCell" style="width=50%;"><img class="toolBarBtn" id="addToBookMark"></td>'+
-            '</tr>'+
-            '</table>';
-         document.write(tbhtml);
-         /* add back button as a simple button */
-         new SimpleButton("goBacktoWebViewBM",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back_pushed.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                          _goBackFromBookmarkView);
-         /* add bookmark button as a simple button */
-         new SimpleButton("addToBookMark",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/addwindow.png",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/addwindow_pushed.png",
-                         "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/addwindow.png",
-                         _addCurrentPageToBookMark);
-    }
-    function _goBackFromBookmarkView () {
-        window.viewStack.switchView("webView", "bookmarkTreeView");
-    }
-    function _addCurrentPageToBookMark () {
-        /* Change to history view */
-    }
-    _writeBookmarkViewToolbar();
-// INIT the Bookmark History View Toolbar
-function BookmarkHistoryViewToolbar()
-    /* BookmarkHist View Toolbar */
-    function _writeBookmarkHistoryViewToolbar() {
-        var tbhtml = ''+
-        //'<span id="bookmarkHistoryRow" style="width:100%">'+
-        //'<img class="toolBarBtn firstButton" id="goBacktoWebViewBMH">'+
-        //'</span>';
-        '<table class="toolBarTable">' +
-            '<tr>' +
-            '<td class="toolBarBtnCell" style="width=100%;"><img class="toolBarBtn" id="goBacktoWebViewBMH"></td>'+
-            '</tr>'+
-            '</table>';
-         document.write(tbhtml);
-         /* add back button as a simple button */
-         new SimpleButton("goBacktoWebViewBMH",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back_pushed.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                          _goBackFromRecentUrlView);
-    }
-    /* This function changes the view to webView and updates the layout correspondingly */
-    _goBackFromRecentUrlView = function()
-    {
-        window.viewStack.switchView("webView", "bookmarkHistoryView");
-    }
-    _writeBookmarkHistoryViewToolbar();
-// INIT the Window View Toolbar
-function WindowViewToolbar()
-    /* Window View Toolbar */
-    function _writeWindowToolbar() {
-        var tbhtml = ''+
-            //    '<span id="windowRow" style="width:100%">'+
-            //    '<img class="toolBarBtn firstButton" id="goBacktoWebViewWin">'+
-            //    '<img class="toolBarBtn" id="addWindow">'+
-            //    '</span>';
-            '<table class="toolBarTable">' +
-            '<tr>' +
-            '<td class="toolBarBtnCell" style="width=50%;"><img class="toolBarBtn" id="goBacktoWebViewWin"></td>'+
-            '<td class="toolBarBtnCell" style="width=50%;"><img class="toolBarBtn" id="addWindow"></td>'+
-            '</tr>'+
-            '</table>';
-         document.write(tbhtml);
-         /* add back as simple button, add window is an action button */
-         new SimpleButton("goBacktoWebViewWin",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back_pushed.png",
-                          "toolbar2.snippet/fjicons/back.png",
-                          _goBackFromWindowView);
-       }
-    _goBackFromWindowView = function() {
-        window.viewStack.switchView("webView", "WindowView");
-    }
-    _writeWindowToolbar();