changeset 16 3c88a81ff781
parent 14 6aeb7a756187
--- a/browsercore/appfw/Common/PictureFlow.cpp	Thu Sep 23 15:32:11 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1637 +0,0 @@
-  PictureFlow - animated image show widget
-  Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-  Copyright (C) 2008 Ariya Hidayat (
-  Copyright (C) 2007 Ariya Hidayat (
-  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#include "PictureFlow.h"
-// detect Qt version
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000
-#elif QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
-#elif QT_VERSION >= 235
-#error PictureFlow widgets need Qt 2, Qt 3 or Qt 4
-#include <QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent>
-#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
-#include <QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QCache>
-#include <QHash>
-#include <QImage>
-#include <QKeyEvent>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QPixmap>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QVector>
-#include <QWidget>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <qapplication.h>
-#include <qcache.h>
-#include <qimage.h>
-#include <qpainter.h>
-#include <qpixmap.h>
-#include <qdatetime.h>
-#include <qtimer.h>
-#include <qvaluevector.h>
-#include <qwidget.h>
-#define qMax(x,y) ((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)
-#define qMin(x,y) ((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)
-#define QVector QValueVector
-#define toImage convertToImage
-#define contains find
-#define modifiers state
-#define ControlModifier ControlButton
-#include <qapplication.h>
-#include <qarray.h>
-#include <qcache.h>
-#include <qimage.h>
-#include <qintdict.h>
-#include <qpainter.h>
-#include <qpixmap.h>
-#include <qdatetime.h>
-#include <qtimer.h>
-#include <qwidget.h>
-#define qMax(x,y) ((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)
-#define qMin(x,y) ((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)
-#define QVector QArray
-#define toImage convertToImage
-#define contains find
-#define modifiers state
-#define ControlModifier ControlButton
-#define flush flushX
-// for fixed-point arithmetic, we need minimum 32-bit long
-// long long (64-bit) might be useful for multiplication and division
-typedef long PFreal;
-#define PFREAL_SHIFT 10
-#define IANGLE_MAX 1024
-#define IANGLE_MASK 1023
-namespace WRT {
-const int slideRatio1 = 2;
-const int slideRatio2 = 5;
-const int KScrollTimeout = 250;
-inline PFreal fmul(PFreal a, PFreal b)
-  return ((long long)(a))*((long long)(b)) >> PFREAL_SHIFT;
-inline PFreal fdiv(PFreal num, PFreal den)
-  long long p = (long long)(num) << (PFREAL_SHIFT*2);
-  long long q = p / (long long)den;
-  long long r = q >> PFREAL_SHIFT;
-  return r;
-inline PFreal fsin(int iangle)
-  // warning: regenerate the table if IANGLE_MAX and PFREAL_SHIFT are changed!
-  static const PFreal tab[] = {
-     3,    103,    202,    300,    394,    485,    571,    652,
-   726,    793,    853,    904,    947,    980,   1004,   1019,
-  1023,   1018,   1003,    978,    944,    901,    849,    789,
-   721,    647,    566,    479,    388,    294,    196,     97,
-    -4,   -104,   -203,   -301,   -395,   -486,   -572,   -653,
-  -727,   -794,   -854,   -905,   -948,   -981,  -1005,  -1020,
- -1024,  -1019,  -1004,   -979,   -945,   -902,   -850,   -790,
-  -722,   -648,   -567,   -480,   -389,   -295,   -197,    -98,
-  3
-  };
-  while(iangle < 0)
-    iangle += IANGLE_MAX;
-  iangle &= IANGLE_MASK;
-  int i = (iangle >> 4);
-  PFreal p = tab[i];
-  PFreal q = tab[(i+1)];
-  PFreal g = (q - p);
-  return p + g * (iangle-i*16)/16;
-inline PFreal fcos(int iangle)
-  return fsin(iangle + (IANGLE_MAX >> 2));
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------
-PictureFlowState stores the state of all slides, i.e. all the necessary
-information to be able to render them.
-PictureFlowAnimator is responsible to move the slides during the
-transition between slides, to achieve the effect similar to Cover Flow,
-by changing the state.
-PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer (or PictureFlowOpenGLRenderer) is
-the actual 3-d renderer. It should render all slides given the state
-(an instance of PictureFlowState).
-Instances of all the above three classes are stored in
-------------------------------------------------------- */
-struct SlideInfo
-  int slideIndex;
-  int angle;
-  PFreal cx;
-  PFreal cy;
-  int blend;
-class PictureFlowState
-  PictureFlowState();
-  ~PictureFlowState();
-  void reposition();
-  void reset();
-  QRgb backgroundColor;
-  int slideWidth;
-  int slideHeight;
-  ReflectionEffect reflectionEffect;
-  QVector<QImage*> slideImages;
-  int angle;
-  int spacing;
-  PFreal offsetX;
-  PFreal offsetY;
-  SlideInfo centerSlide;
-  QVector<SlideInfo> leftSlides;
-  QVector<SlideInfo> rightSlides;
-  int centerIndex;
-class PictureFlowAnimator
-  PictureFlowAnimator();
-  PictureFlowState* state;
-  void start(int slide);
-  void stop(int slide);
-  void update();
-  int target;
-  int step;
-  int frame;
-  QTimer animateTimer;
-class PictureFlowAbstractRenderer
-  PictureFlowAbstractRenderer(): state(0), dirty(false), widget(0), gWidget(0), gPainter(0) {}
-  virtual ~PictureFlowAbstractRenderer() {}
-  PictureFlowState* state;
-  bool dirty;
-  QWidget* widget;
-  QGraphicsWidget* gWidget;
-  QPainter* gPainter;
-  QRect cRect; // central rect
-  virtual void init() = 0;
-  virtual void paint() = 0;
-class PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer: public PictureFlowAbstractRenderer
-  PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer();
-  ~PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer();
-  virtual void init();
-  virtual void paint();
-  QRect renderSlide(const SlideInfo &slide, int col1 = -1, int col2 = -1);
-  QSize size;
-  QRgb bgcolor;
-  int effect;
-  QImage buffer;
-  QVector<PFreal> rays;
-  QImage* blankSurface;
-  QCache<int,QImage> surfaceCache;
-  QHash<int,QImage*> imageHash;
-  QCache<QImage> surfaceCache;
-  QMap<int,QImage*> imageHash;
-  QCache<QImage> surfaceCache;
-  QIntDict<QImage> imageHash;
-  void render();
-  void renderSlides();
-  QImage* surface(int slideIndex);
-// ------------- PictureFlowState ---------------------------------------
-backgroundColor(0), slideWidth(150), slideHeight(200),
-reflectionEffect(BlurredReflection), centerIndex(0)
-  for(int i = 0; i < (int)slideImages.count(); i++)
-    delete slideImages[i];
-// readjust the settings, call this when slide dimension is changed
-void PictureFlowState::reposition()
-  angle = 60*IANGLE_MAX / 360;
-  offsetX = slideWidth/2 * (PFREAL_ONE-fcos(angle));
-  offsetY = slideWidth/2 * fsin(angle);
-  offsetX += slideWidth * PFREAL_ONE;
-  offsetY += slideWidth * PFREAL_ONE / 4;
-  spacing = 20;
-// adjust slides so that they are in "steady state" position
-void PictureFlowState::reset()
-  centerSlide.angle = 0;
- = 0;
- = 0;
-  centerSlide.slideIndex = centerIndex;
-  centerSlide.blend = 256;
-  leftSlides.resize(6);
-  for(int i = 0; i < (int)leftSlides.count(); i++)
-  {
-    SlideInfo& si = leftSlides[i];
-    si.angle = angle;
- = -(offsetX + spacing*i*PFREAL_ONE);
- = offsetY;
-    si.slideIndex = centerIndex-1-i;
-    si.blend = 256;
-    if(i == (int)leftSlides.count()-2)
-      si.blend = 128;
-    if(i == (int)leftSlides.count()-1)
-      si.blend = 0;
-  }
-  rightSlides.resize(6);
-  for(int i = 0; i < (int)rightSlides.count(); i++)
-  {
-    SlideInfo& si = rightSlides[i];
-    si.angle = -angle;
- = offsetX + spacing*i*PFREAL_ONE;
- = offsetY;
-    si.slideIndex = centerIndex+1+i;
-    si.blend = 256;
-    if(i == (int)rightSlides.count()-2)
-      si.blend = 128;
-    if(i == (int)rightSlides.count()-1)
-      si.blend = 0;
-  }
-// ------------- PictureFlowAnimator  ---------------------------------------
-state(0), target(0), step(0), frame(0)
-void PictureFlowAnimator::start(int slide)
-  target = slide;
-  if(!animateTimer.isActive() && state)
-  {
-    step = (target < state->centerSlide.slideIndex) ? -1 : 1;
-    animateTimer.start(30);
-  }
-void PictureFlowAnimator::stop(int slide)
-  step = 0;
-  target = slide;
-  frame = slide << 16;
-  animateTimer.stop();
-void PictureFlowAnimator::update()
-  if(!animateTimer.isActive())
-    return;
-  if(step == 0)
-    return;
-  if(!state)
-    return;
-  int speed = 16384/4;
-#if 1
-  // deaccelerate when approaching the target
-  // we disabled clicking until the animation is done so this has to be fast enough to not annoy users
-  const int max = 65536 + 16384; // was 65536*2 but that was too slow when we disabled clicks
-  int fi = frame;
-  fi -= (target << 16);
-  if(fi < 0)
-    fi = -fi;
-  fi = qMin(fi, max);
-  int ia = IANGLE_MAX * (fi-max/2) / (max*2);
-  speed = 512 + 16384 * (PFREAL_ONE+fsin(ia))/PFREAL_ONE;
-  frame += speed*step;
-  int index = frame >> 16;
-  int pos = frame & 0xffff;
-  int neg = 65536 - pos;
-  int tick = (step < 0) ? neg : pos;
-  PFreal ftick = (tick * PFREAL_ONE) >> 16;
-  if(step < 0)
-    index++;
-  if(state->centerIndex != index)
-  {
-    state->centerIndex = index;
-    frame = index << 16;
-    state->centerSlide.slideIndex = state->centerIndex;
-    for(int i = 0; i < (int)state->leftSlides.count(); i++)
-      state->leftSlides[i].slideIndex = state->centerIndex-1-i;
-    for(int i = 0; i < (int)state->rightSlides.count(); i++)
-      state->rightSlides[i].slideIndex = state->centerIndex+1+i;
-  }
-  state->centerSlide.angle = (step * tick * state->angle) >> 16;
-  state-> = -step * fmul(state->offsetX, ftick);
-  state-> = fmul(state->offsetY, ftick);
-  if(state->centerIndex == target)
-  {
-    stop(target);
-    state->reset();
-    return;
-  }
-  for(int i = 0; i < (int)state->leftSlides.count(); i++)
-  {
-    SlideInfo& si = state->leftSlides[i];
-    si.angle = state->angle;
- = -(state->offsetX + state->spacing*i*PFREAL_ONE + step*state->spacing*ftick);
- = state->offsetY;
-  }
-  for(int i = 0; i < (int)state->rightSlides.count(); i++)
-  {
-    SlideInfo& si = state->rightSlides[i];
-    si.angle = -state->angle;
- = state->offsetX + state->spacing*i*PFREAL_ONE - step*state->spacing*ftick;
- = state->offsetY;
-  }
-  if(step > 0)
-  {
-    PFreal ftick = (neg * PFREAL_ONE) >> 16;
-    state->rightSlides[0].angle = -(neg * state->angle) >> 16;
-    state->rightSlides[0].cx = fmul(state->offsetX, ftick);
-    state->rightSlides[0].cy = fmul(state->offsetY, ftick);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    PFreal ftick = (pos * PFREAL_ONE) >> 16;
-    state->leftSlides[0].angle = (pos * state->angle) >> 16;
-    state->leftSlides[0].cx = -fmul(state->offsetX, ftick);
-    state->leftSlides[0].cy = fmul(state->offsetY, ftick);
-  }
-  // must change direction ?
-  if(target < index) if(step > 0)
-    step = -1;
-  if(target > index) if(step < 0)
-    step = 1;
-  // the first and last slide must fade in/fade out
-  int nleft = state->leftSlides.count();
-  int nright = state->rightSlides.count();
-  int fade = pos / 256;
-  for(int index = 0; index < nleft; index++)
-  {
-    int blend = 256;
-    if(index == nleft-1)
-      blend = (step > 0) ? 0 : 128-fade/2;
-    if(index == nleft-2)
-      blend = (step > 0) ? 128-fade/2 : 256-fade/2;
-    if(index == nleft-3)
-      blend = (step > 0) ? 256-fade/2 : 256;
-    state->leftSlides[index].blend = blend;
-  }
-  for(int index = 0; index < nright; index++)
-  {
-    int blend = (index < nright-2) ? 256 : 128;
-    if(index == nright-1)
-      blend = (step > 0) ? fade/2 : 0;
-    if(index == nright-2)
-      blend = (step > 0) ? 128+fade/2 : fade/2;
-    if(index == nright-3)
-      blend = (step > 0) ? 256 : 128+fade/2;
-    state->rightSlides[index].blend = blend;
-  }
-// ------------- PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer ---------------------------------------
-PictureFlowAbstractRenderer(), size(0,0), bgcolor(0), effect(-1), blankSurface(0)
-  surfaceCache.setAutoDelete(true);
-  surfaceCache.clear();
-  buffer = QImage();
-  delete blankSurface;
-void PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer::paint()
-  if(!widget && !gWidget)
-    return;
-  if(widget && widget->size() != size)
-    init();
-  else if (gWidget && gWidget->size().toSize() != size)
-    init();
-  if(state->backgroundColor != bgcolor)
-  {
-    bgcolor = state->backgroundColor;
-    surfaceCache.clear();
-  }
-  if((int)(state->reflectionEffect) != effect)
-  {
-    effect = (int)state->reflectionEffect;
-    surfaceCache.clear();
-  }
-  if(dirty)
-    render();
-  if (widget) {
-      QPainter painter(widget);
-      painter.drawImage(QPoint(0,0), buffer);
-  } else if (gWidget && gPainter) {
-      gPainter->drawImage(QPoint(0,0), buffer);
-  }
-void PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer::init()
-  if(!widget && !gWidget)
-    return;
-  surfaceCache.clear();
-  blankSurface = 0;
-  if (widget)
-    size = widget->size();
-  else
-    size = gWidget->size().toSize();
-  int ww = size.width();
-  int wh = size.height();
-  int w = (ww+1)/2;
-  int h = (wh+1)/2;
-  buffer = QImage(ww, wh, QImage::Format_RGB32);
-#if defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT3) || defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT2)
-  buffer.create(ww, wh, 32);
-  buffer.fill(bgcolor);
-  rays.resize(w*2);
-  for(int i = 0; i < w; i++)
-  {
-    PFreal gg = ((PFREAL_ONE >> 1) + i * PFREAL_ONE) / (2*h);
-    rays[w-i-1] = -gg;
-    rays[w+i] = gg;
-  }
-  dirty = true;
-// TODO: optimize this with lookup tables
-static QRgb blendColor(QRgb c1, QRgb c2, int blend)
-  int r = qRed(c1) * blend/256 + qRed(c2)*(256-blend)/256;
-  int g = qGreen(c1) * blend/256 + qGreen(c2)*(256-blend)/256;
-  int b = qBlue(c1) * blend/256 + qBlue(c2)*(256-blend)/256;
-  return qRgb(r, g, b);
-static QImage* prepareSurface(const QImage* slideImage, int w, int h, QRgb bgcolor,
-ReflectionEffect reflectionEffect)
-  Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::SmoothTransformation;
-  QImage img = slideImage->scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, mode);
-#if defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT3) || defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT2)
-  QImage img = slideImage->smoothScale(w, h);
-  // slightly larger, to accomodate for the reflection
-  int hs = h * 2;
-  int hofs = h / 3;
-  // offscreen buffer: black is sweet
-  QImage* result = new QImage(hs, w, QImage::Format_RGB32);
-#if defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT3) || defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT2)
-  QImage* result = new QImage;
-  result->create(hs, w, 32);
-  result->fill(bgcolor);
-  // transpose the image, this is to speed-up the rendering
-  // because we process one column at a time
-  // (and much better and faster to work row-wise, i.e in one scanline)
-  for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
-    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
-      result->setPixel(hofs + y, x, img.pixel(x, y));
-  if(reflectionEffect != NoReflection)
-  {
-    // create the reflection
-    int ht = hs - h - hofs;
-    int hte = ht;
-    for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
-      for(int y = 0; y < ht; y++)
-      {
-        QRgb color = img.pixel(x, img.height()-y-1);
-        result->setPixel(h+hofs+y, x, blendColor(color,bgcolor,128*(hte-y)/hte));
-      }
-    if(reflectionEffect == BlurredReflection)
-    {
-      // blur the reflection everything first
-      // Based on exponential blur algorithm by Jani Huhtanen
-      QRect rect(hs/2, 0, hs/2, w);
-      rect &= result->rect();
-      int r1 =;
-      int r2 = rect.bottom();
-      int c1 = rect.left();
-      int c2 = rect.right();
-      int bpl = result->bytesPerLine();
-      int rgba[4];
-      unsigned char* p;
-      // how many times blur is applied?
-      // for low-end system, limit this to only 1 loop
-      for(int loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++)
-      {
-        for(int col = c1; col <= c2; col++)
-        {
-          p = result->scanLine(r1) + col*4;
-          for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-            rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
-          p += bpl;
-          for(int j = r1; j < r2; j++, p += bpl)
-            for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-              p[i] = (rgba[i] += (((p[i]<<4)-rgba[i])) >> 1) >> 4;
-        }
-        for(int row = r1; row <= r2; row++)
-        {
-          p = result->scanLine(row) + c1*4;
-          for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-            rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
-          p += 4;
-          for(int j = c1; j < c2; j++, p+=4)
-            for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-              p[i] = (rgba[i] += (((p[i]<<4)-rgba[i])) >> 1) >> 4;
-        }
-        for(int col = c1; col <= c2; col++)
-        {
-          p = result->scanLine(r2) + col*4;
-          for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-            rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
-          p -= bpl;
-          for(int j = r1; j < r2; j++, p -= bpl)
-            for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-              p[i] = (rgba[i] += (((p[i]<<4)-rgba[i])) >> 1) >> 4;
-        }
-        for(int row = r1; row <= r2; row++)
-        {
-          p = result->scanLine(row) + c2*4;
-          for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-            rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
-          p -= 4;
-          for(int j = c1; j < c2; j++, p-=4)
-            for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-              p[i] = (rgba[i] += (((p[i]<<4)-rgba[i])) >> 1) >> 4;
-        }
-      }
-      // overdraw to leave only the reflection blurred (but not the actual image)
-      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
-        for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
-          result->setPixel(hofs + y, x, img.pixel(x, y));
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-QImage* PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer::surface(int slideIndex)
-  if(!state)
-    return 0;
-  if(slideIndex < 0)
-    return 0;
-  if(slideIndex >= (int)state->slideImages.count())
-    return 0;
-  int key = slideIndex;
-#if defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT3) || defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT2)
-  QString key = QString::number(slideIndex);
-  QImage* img = state->;
-  bool empty = img ? img->isNull() : true;
-  if(empty)
-  {
-    surfaceCache.remove(key);
-    imageHash.remove(slideIndex);
-    if(!blankSurface)
-    {
-      int sw = state->slideWidth;
-      int sh = state->slideHeight;
-      QImage img = QImage(sw, sh, QImage::Format_RGB32);
-      QPainter painter(&img);
-      QPoint p1(sw*4/10, 0);
-      QPoint p2(sw*6/10, sh);
-      QLinearGradient linearGrad(p1, p2);
-      linearGrad.setColorAt(0, Qt::black);
-      linearGrad.setColorAt(1, Qt::white);
-      painter.setBrush(linearGrad);
-      painter.fillRect(0, 0, sw, sh, QBrush(linearGrad));
-      painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(64,64,64), 4));
-      painter.setBrush(QBrush());
-      painter.drawRect(2, 2, sw-3, sh-3);
-      painter.end();
-#if defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT3) || defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT2)
-      QPixmap pixmap(sw, sh, 32);
-      QPainter painter(&pixmap);
-      painter.fillRect(pixmap.rect(), QColor(192,192,192));
-      painter.fillRect(5, 5, sw-10, sh-10, QColor(64,64,64));
-      painter.end();
-      QImage img = pixmap.convertToImage();
-      blankSurface = prepareSurface(&img, sw, sh, bgcolor, state->reflectionEffect);
-    }
-    return blankSurface;
-  }
-  bool exist = imageHash.contains(slideIndex);
-  if(exist)
-  if(img == imageHash.find(slideIndex).value())
-  bool exist = imageHash.find(slideIndex) != imageHash.end();
-  if(exist)
-  if(img == imageHash.find(slideIndex).data())
-  if(img == imageHash[slideIndex])
-    if(surfaceCache.contains(key))
-        return surfaceCache[key];
-  QImage* sr = prepareSurface(img, state->slideWidth, state->slideHeight, bgcolor, state->reflectionEffect);
-  surfaceCache.insert(key, sr);
-  imageHash.insert(slideIndex, img);
-  return sr;
-// Renders a slide to offscreen buffer. Returns a rect of the rendered area.
-// col1 and col2 limit the column for rendering.
-QRect PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer::renderSlide(const SlideInfo &slide, int col1, int col2)
-  int blend = slide.blend;
-  if(!blend)
-    return QRect();
-  QImage* src = surface(slide.slideIndex);
-  if(!src)
-    return QRect();
-  QRect rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
-  int sw = src->height();
-  int sh = src->width();
-  int h = buffer.height();
-  int w = buffer.width();
-  if(col1 > col2)
-  {
-    int c = col2;
-    col2 = col1;
-    col1 = c;
-  }
-  col1 = (col1 >= 0) ? col1 : 0;
-  col2 = (col2 >= 0) ? col2 : w-1;
-  col1 = qMin(col1, w-1);
-  col2 = qMin(col2, w-1);
-  int zoom = 100;
-  int distance = h * 100 / zoom;
-  PFreal sdx = fcos(slide.angle);
-  PFreal sdy = fsin(slide.angle);
-  PFreal xs = - state->slideWidth * sdx/2;
-  PFreal ys = - state->slideWidth * sdy/2;
-  PFreal dist = distance * PFREAL_ONE;
-  int xi = qMax((PFreal)0, (w*PFREAL_ONE/2) + fdiv(xs*h, dist+ys) >> PFREAL_SHIFT);
-  if(xi >= w)
-    return rect;
-  bool flag = false;
-  rect.setLeft(xi);
-  int centerY = 0;
-  for(int x = qMax(xi, col1); x <= col2; x++)
-  {
-    PFreal hity = 0;
-    PFreal fk = rays[x];
-    if(sdy)
-    {
-      fk = fk - fdiv(sdx,sdy);
-      hity = -fdiv((rays[x]*distance - +*sdx/sdy), fk);
-    }
-    dist = distance*PFREAL_ONE + hity;
-    if(dist < 0)
-      continue;
-    PFreal hitx = fmul(dist, rays[x]);
-    PFreal hitdist = fdiv(hitx -, sdx);
-    int column = sw/2 + (hitdist >> PFREAL_SHIFT);
-    if(column >= sw)
-      break;
-    if(column < 0)
-      continue;
-    rect.setRight(x);
-    if(!flag)
-      rect.setLeft(x);
-    flag = true;
-    int y1 = h/2;
-    int y2 = y1+ 1;
-    centerY = y1;
-    QRgb* pixel1 = (QRgb*)(buffer.scanLine(y1)) + x;
-    QRgb* pixel2 = (QRgb*)(buffer.scanLine(y2)) + x;
-    QRgb pixelstep = pixel2 - pixel1;
-    int center = (sh/2);
-    int dy = dist / h;
-    int p1 = center*PFREAL_ONE - dy/2;
-    int p2 = center*PFREAL_ONE + dy/2;
-    const QRgb *ptr = (const QRgb*)(src->scanLine(column));
-    if(blend == 256)
-      while((y1 >= 0) && (y2 < h) && (p1 >= 0))
-      {
-        *pixel1 = ptr[p1 >> PFREAL_SHIFT];
-        *pixel2 = ptr[p2 >> PFREAL_SHIFT];
-        p1 -= dy;
-        p2 += dy;
-        y1--;
-        y2++;
-        pixel1 -= pixelstep;
-        pixel2 += pixelstep;
-      }
-    else
-      while((y1 >= 0) && (y2 < h) && (p1 >= 0))
-      {
-        QRgb c1 = ptr[p1 >> PFREAL_SHIFT];
-        QRgb c2 = ptr[p2 >> PFREAL_SHIFT];
-        *pixel1 = blendColor(c1, bgcolor, blend);
-        *pixel2 = blendColor(c2, bgcolor, blend);
-        p1 -= dy;
-        p2 += dy;
-        y1--;
-        y2++;
-        pixel1 -= pixelstep;
-        pixel2 += pixelstep;
-     }
-   }
-   int yTop = (3 * centerY - 2 * state->slideHeight) / 3;
-   rect.setTop(yTop);
-   rect.setBottom(state->slideHeight + yTop);
-   return rect;
-void PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer::renderSlides()
-  int nleft = state->leftSlides.count();
-  int nright = state->rightSlides.count();
-  QRect r = renderSlide(state->centerSlide);
-  int c1 = r.left();
-  int c2 = r.right();
-  cRect = r;
-  for(int index = 0; index < nleft; index++)
-  {
-    QRect rs = renderSlide(state->leftSlides[index], 0, c1-1);
-    if(!rs.isEmpty())
-      c1 = rs.left();
-  }
-  for(int index = 0; index < nright; index++)
-  {
-    QRect rs = renderSlide(state->rightSlides[index], c2+1, buffer.width());
-    if(!rs.isEmpty())
-      c2 = rs.right();
-  }
-// Render the slides. Updates only the offscreen buffer.
-void PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer::render()
-  buffer.fill(state->backgroundColor);
-  renderSlides();
-  dirty = false;
-// -----------------------------------------
-class PictureFlowPrivate
-  PictureFlowState* state;
-  PictureFlowAnimator* animator;
-  PictureFlowAbstractRenderer* renderer;
-  QTimer triggerTimer;
-  QTimer scrollTimer;
-PictureFlow::PictureFlow(QWidget* parent): FlowInterface(parent)
-  d = new PictureFlowPrivate;
-  d->state = new PictureFlowState;
-  d->state->reset();
-  d->state->reposition();
-  d->renderer = new PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer;
-  d->renderer->state = d->state;
-  d->renderer->widget = this;
-  d->renderer->init();
-  d->animator = new PictureFlowAnimator;
-  d->animator->state = d->state;
-  QObject::connect(&d->animator->animateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateAnimation()));
-  QObject::connect(&d->triggerTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(render()));
-  QObject::connect(&d->scrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(scroll()));
-  setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents, true);
-  setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true);
-  setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WStaticContents);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WNoAutoErase);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WPaintClever);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WRepaintNoErase);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WResizeNoErase);
-  delete d->renderer;
-  delete d->animator;
-  delete d->state;
-  delete d;
-int PictureFlow::slideCount() const
-  return d->state->slideImages.count();
-QColor PictureFlow::backgroundColor() const
-  return QColor(d->state->backgroundColor);
-void PictureFlow::setBackgroundColor(const QColor& c)
-  d->state->backgroundColor = c.rgb();
-  triggerRender();
-QSize PictureFlow::slideSize() const
-  return QSize(d->state->slideWidth, d->state->slideHeight);
-void PictureFlow::setSlideSize(QSize size)
-  d->state->slideWidth = size.width();
-  d->state->slideHeight = size.height();
-  d->state->reposition();
-  triggerRender();
-ReflectionEffect PictureFlow::reflectionEffect() const
-  return d->state->reflectionEffect;
-void PictureFlow::setReflectionEffect(ReflectionEffect effect)
-  d->state->reflectionEffect = effect;
-  triggerRender();
-QImage PictureFlow::slide(int index) const
-  QImage* i = 0;
-  if((index >= 0) && (index < slideCount()))
-    i = d->state->slideImages[index];
-  return i ? QImage(*i) : QImage();
-void PictureFlow::addSlide(const QImage& image)
-  int c = d->state->slideImages.count();
-  d->state->slideImages.resize(c+1);
-  d->state->slideImages[c] = new QImage(image);
-  triggerRender();
-void PictureFlow::addSlide(const QPixmap& pixmap)
-  addSlide(pixmap.toImage());
-void PictureFlow::setSlide(int index, const QImage& image)
-  if((index >= 0) && (index < slideCount()))
-  {
-    QImage* i = image.isNull() ? 0 : new QImage(image);
-    delete d->state->slideImages[index];
-    d->state->slideImages[index] = i;
-    triggerRender();
-  }
-void PictureFlow::setSlide(int index, const QPixmap& pixmap)
-  setSlide(index, pixmap.toImage());
-int PictureFlow::centerIndex() const
-  return d->state->centerIndex;
-bool PictureFlow::slideAnimationOngoing() const
-    return d->animator->animateTimer.isActive();
-void PictureFlow::setCenterIndex(int index)
-  index = qMin(index, slideCount()-1);
-  index = qMax(index, 0);
-  d->state->centerIndex = index;
-  d->state->reset();
-  d->animator->stop(index);
-  triggerRender();
-void PictureFlow::clear()
-  int c = d->state->slideImages.count();
-  for(int i = 0; i < c; i++)
-    delete d->state->slideImages[i];
-  d->state->slideImages.resize(0);
-  d->state->reset();
-  triggerRender();
-void PictureFlow::render()
-  d->renderer->dirty = true;
-  update();
-void PictureFlow::triggerRender()
-  d->triggerTimer.setSingleShot(true);
-  d->triggerTimer.start(0);
-#if defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT3) || defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT2)
-  d->triggerTimer.start(0, true);
-void PictureFlow::showPrevious()
-  int step = d->animator->step;
-  int center = d->state->centerIndex;
-  if(step > 0)
-    d->animator->start(center);
-  if(step == 0)
-    if(center > 0)
-      d->animator->start(center - 1);
-  if(step < 0)
-    d->animator->target = qMax(0, center - 2);
-void PictureFlow::showNext()
-  int step = d->animator->step;
-  int center = d->state->centerIndex;
-  if(step < 0)
-    d->animator->start(center);
-  if(step == 0)
-    if(center < slideCount()-1)
-      d->animator->start(center + 1);
-  if(step > 0)
-    d->animator->target = qMin(center + 2, slideCount()-1);
-void PictureFlow::showSlide(int index)
-  index = qMax(index, 0);
-  index = qMin(slideCount()-1, index);
-  if(index == d->state->centerSlide.slideIndex)
-    return;
-  d->animator->start(index);
-void PictureFlow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
-    switch (event->key()) {
-        case Qt::Key_Escape:
-            emit cancel();
-            return;
-        case Qt::Key_Enter:
-        case Qt::Key_Return:
-        case Qt::Key_Select:
-            emit ok(centerIndex());
-            return;
-        case Qt::Key_Left:
-            if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
-                showSlide(centerIndex()-10);
-            else
-                showPrevious();
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        case Qt::Key_Right:
-            if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
-                showSlide(centerIndex()+10);
-            else
-                showNext();
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-    }
-    event->ignore();
-void PictureFlow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
-    m_lastMoveEventPos = event->pos();
-    if (d->scrollTimer.isActive())
-        d->scrollTimer.stop();
-	d->scrollTimer.start(KScrollTimeout);
-    scroll();
-void PictureFlow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
-    m_lastMoveEventPos = event->pos();
-void PictureFlow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
-    d->scrollTimer.stop();        
-	if (slideAnimationOngoing()) {
-//		qDebug() << "pf:mouseReleaseEvent slideanimation running, ignoring click";
-		return;
-	}
-    if(event->x() > ((width() * (slideRatio2 - slideRatio1)) / (2 * slideRatio2)) && event->x() < ((width() * (slideRatio2 + slideRatio1)) / (2 * slideRatio2))) {
-        emit ok(centerIndex());
-        return;
-    }
-void PictureFlow::scroll()
-    if(m_lastMoveEventPos.x() < ((width() * (slideRatio2 - slideRatio1)) / (2 * slideRatio2))) {
-        showPrevious();
-    }
-    else if (m_lastMoveEventPos.x() > ((width() * (slideRatio2 + slideRatio1)) / (2 * slideRatio2))) {
-        showNext();
-    }
-void PictureFlow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
-  Q_UNUSED(event);
-  d->renderer->paint();
-void PictureFlow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event)
-    QWidget::resizeEvent(event);
-    QSize s = event->size(); //parentWidget()->rect().size();
-    setSlideSize(QSize((s.width() * slideRatio1) / slideRatio2, (s.height() * slideRatio1) / slideRatio2));
-void PictureFlow::updateAnimation()
-  int old_center = d->state->centerIndex;
-  d->animator->update();
-  triggerRender();
-  if(d->state->centerIndex != old_center)
-    emit centerIndexChanged(d->state->centerIndex);
-void PictureFlow::init()
-    QSize s = size(); //parentWidget()->rect().size();
-    setSlideSize(QSize((s.width() * slideRatio1) / slideRatio2, (s.height() * slideRatio1) / slideRatio2));
-    //resize(s);
-//TODO: Disable refrection ?
-//    setReflectionEffect(PictureFlow::NoReflection); 
-    setBackgroundColor(Qt::black);
-    // ensure that system cursor is an arrow, not a random icon
-    // This is not an issue if the platform does not have a system cursor
-#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
-    setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
-    setFocusPolicy(Qt::WheelFocus);
-    setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason);
-QRect PictureFlow::centralRect() const 
-    if (d->renderer) {
-        /* Render the slide to get the rectangle */
-        SlideInfo s = d->state->centerSlide;
-        QRect r = ((PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer*)d->renderer)->renderSlide(s);
-        return r;
-    }
-    else
-        return QRect();
-// GraphicsPictureFlow class
-GraphicsPictureFlow::GraphicsPictureFlow(QObject* parent): GraphicsFlowInterface(NULL)
-  setParent(parent);
-  d = new PictureFlowPrivate;
-  d->state = new PictureFlowState;
-  d->state->reset();
-  d->state->reposition();
-  d->renderer = new PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer;
-  d->renderer->state = d->state;
-  d->renderer->gWidget = this;
-  d->renderer->init();
-  d->animator = new PictureFlowAnimator;
-  d->animator->state = d->state;
-  QObject::connect(&d->animator->animateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateAnimation()));
-  QObject::connect(&d->triggerTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(render()));
-  QObject::connect(&d->scrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(scroll()));
-  setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents, true);
-  setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true);
-  setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WStaticContents);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WNoAutoErase);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WPaintClever);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WRepaintNoErase);
-  setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WResizeNoErase);
-  delete d->renderer;
-  delete d->animator;
-  delete d->state;
-  delete d;
-int GraphicsPictureFlow::slideCount() const
-  return d->state->slideImages.count();
-QColor GraphicsPictureFlow::backgroundColor() const
-  return QColor(d->state->backgroundColor);
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::setBackgroundColor(const QColor& c)
-  d->state->backgroundColor = c.rgb();
-  triggerRender();
-QSize GraphicsPictureFlow::slideSize() const
-  return QSize(d->state->slideWidth, d->state->slideHeight);
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::setSlideSize(QSize size)
-  d->state->slideWidth = size.width();
-  d->state->slideHeight = size.height();
-  d->state->reposition();
-  triggerRender();
-ReflectionEffect GraphicsPictureFlow::reflectionEffect() const
-  return d->state->reflectionEffect;
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::setReflectionEffect(ReflectionEffect effect)
-  d->state->reflectionEffect = effect;
-  triggerRender();
-QImage GraphicsPictureFlow::slide(int index) const
-  QImage* i = 0;
-  if((index >= 0) && (index < slideCount()))
-    i = d->state->slideImages[index];
-  return i ? QImage(*i) : QImage();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::addSlide(const QImage& image)
-  int c = d->state->slideImages.count();
-  d->state->slideImages.resize(c+1);
-  d->state->slideImages[c] = new QImage(image);
-  triggerRender();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::addSlide(const QPixmap& pixmap)
-  addSlide(pixmap.toImage());
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::setSlide(int index, const QImage& image)
-  if((index >= 0) && (index < slideCount()))
-  {
-    QImage* i = image.isNull() ? 0 : new QImage(image);
-    delete d->state->slideImages[index];
-    d->state->slideImages[index] = i;
-    triggerRender();
-  }
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::setSlide(int index, const QPixmap& pixmap)
-  setSlide(index, pixmap.toImage());
-int GraphicsPictureFlow::centerIndex() const
-  return d->state->centerIndex;
-bool GraphicsPictureFlow::slideAnimationOngoing() const
-    return d->animator->animateTimer.isActive();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::setCenterIndex(int index)
-  index = qMin(index, slideCount()-1);
-  index = qMax(index, 0);
-  d->state->centerIndex = index;
-  d->state->reset();
-  d->animator->stop(index);
-  triggerRender();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::clear()
-  int c = d->state->slideImages.count();
-  for(int i = 0; i < c; i++)
-    delete d->state->slideImages[i];
-  d->state->slideImages.resize(0);
-  d->state->reset();
-  triggerRender();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::render()
-  d->renderer->dirty = true;
-  update();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::triggerRender()
-  d->triggerTimer.setSingleShot(true);
-  d->triggerTimer.start(0);
-#if defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT3) || defined(PICTUREFLOW_QT2)
-  d->triggerTimer.start(0, true);
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::showPrevious()
-  int step = d->animator->step;
-  int center = d->state->centerIndex;
-  if(step > 0)
-    d->animator->start(center);
-  if(step == 0)
-    if(center > 0)
-      d->animator->start(center - 1);
-  if(step < 0)
-    d->animator->target = qMax(0, center - 2);
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::showNext()
-  int step = d->animator->step;
-  int center = d->state->centerIndex;
-  if(step < 0)
-    d->animator->start(center);
-  if(step == 0)
-    if(center < slideCount()-1)
-      d->animator->start(center + 1);
-  if(step > 0)
-    d->animator->target = qMin(center + 2, slideCount()-1);
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::showSlide(int index)
-  index = qMax(index, 0);
-  index = qMin(slideCount()-1, index);
-  if(index == d->state->centerSlide.slideIndex)
-    return;
-  d->animator->start(index);
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
-    switch (event->key()) {
-        case Qt::Key_Escape:
-            emit cancel();
-            return;
-        case Qt::Key_Enter:
-        case Qt::Key_Return:
-        case Qt::Key_Select:
-            emit ok(centerIndex());
-            return;
-        case Qt::Key_Left:
-            if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
-                showSlide(centerIndex()-10);
-            else
-                showPrevious();
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        case Qt::Key_Right:
-            if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
-                showSlide(centerIndex()+10);
-            else
-                showNext();
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-    }
-    event->ignore();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
-    m_lastMoveEventPos = event->pos().toPoint();
-    if (d->scrollTimer.isActive())
-        d->scrollTimer.stop();
-	d->scrollTimer.start(KScrollTimeout);
-    scroll();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
-    m_lastMoveEventPos = event->pos().toPoint();
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
-    d->scrollTimer.stop();        
-	if (slideAnimationOngoing()) {
-//		qDebug() << "pf:mouseReleaseEvent slideanimation running, ignoring click";
-		return;
-	}
-    if(event->pos().x() > ((size().width() * (slideRatio2 - slideRatio1)) / (2 * slideRatio2)) && event->pos().x() < ((size().width() * (slideRatio2 + slideRatio1)) / (2 * slideRatio2))) {
-        emit ok(centerIndex());
-        return;
-    }
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::scroll()
-    if(m_lastMoveEventPos.x() < ((size().width() * (slideRatio2 - slideRatio1)) / (2 * slideRatio2))) {
-        showPrevious();
-    }
-    else if (m_lastMoveEventPos.x() > ((size().width() * (slideRatio2 + slideRatio1)) / (2 * slideRatio2))) {
-        showNext();
-    }
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * option, QWidget * widget)
-    d->renderer->gPainter = painter;
-    d->renderer->paint();
-    d->renderer->gPainter = NULL;
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent* event)
-    QGraphicsWidget::resizeEvent(event);
-    QSize s = event->newSize().toSize();
-    setSlideSize(QSize((s.width() * slideRatio1) / slideRatio2, (s.height() * slideRatio1) / slideRatio2));
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::updateAnimation()
-  int old_center = d->state->centerIndex;
-  d->animator->update();
-  triggerRender();
-  if(d->state->centerIndex != old_center)
-    emit centerIndexChanged(d->state->centerIndex);
-void GraphicsPictureFlow::init()
-    QSize s = size().toSize(); //parentWidget()->rect().size();
-    setSlideSize(QSize((s.width() * slideRatio1) / slideRatio2, (s.height() * slideRatio1) / slideRatio2));
-    //resize(s);
-//TODO: Disable refrection ?
-//    setReflectionEffect(PictureFlow::NoReflection); 
-    setBackgroundColor(Qt::black);
-    // ensure that system cursor is an arrow, not a random icon
-    // This is not an issue if the platform does not have a system cursor
-#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
-    setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
-    setFocusPolicy(Qt::WheelFocus);
-    setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason);
-QRect GraphicsPictureFlow::centralRect() const 
-    if (d->renderer) {
-        /* Render the slide to get the rectangle */
-        SlideInfo s = d->state->centerSlide;
-        QRect r = ((PictureFlowSoftwareRenderer*)d->renderer)->renderSlide(s);
-        return r;
-    }
-    else
-        return QRect();