changeset 16 3c88a81ff781
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ginebra2/emulator/browsermaemo.cpp	Fri Oct 15 17:30:59 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+* along with this program.  If not,
+* see "".
+* Description:
+#include "browser.h"
+#include "WebGestureHelper.h"
+#include "../ChromeLayout.h"
+#include "../ChromeWidget.h"
+#include "../ChromeDOM.h"
+#include "../Application.h"
+#include "HistoryFlowView.h"
+#include "WindowFlowView.h"
+#include "webpagecontroller.h"
+#include "bedrockprovisioning.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+#include "mostvisitedpagestore.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QWebInspector>
+#include <QWebSettings>
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+// Uncomment the next line to enable the javascript console dialog.
+//#define CHROME_CONSOLE 1
+#include "ChromeConsole.h"
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+#include "../ContentViews/WindowsView.h"
+#include "../ContentViews/BrowserWindow.h"
+GinebraBrowser::GinebraBrowser(QObject * parent, QString *url)
+  : QObject(parent)
+  , m_scene(new QGraphicsScene())
+  , m_app(0)
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+  , m_mainWindow(0)
+  , m_menu(new QMenu(tr("Menu")))
+  , m_splashScreenM5(0)
+  , m_splashScreen(0)
+  // Create the chrome widget
+  m_chrome = new GVA::ChromeWidget();
+  platformSpecificInit();
+  // The initial url to go to when the browser is called from another app
+  if (url != 0) {
+      m_initialUrl = *url;
+  }
+  QString startUpChrome(BEDROCK_PROVISIONING::BedrockProvisioning::createBedrockProvisioning()->valueAsString("StartUpChrome"));
+  m_install = BEDROCK_PROVISIONING::BedrockProvisioning::createBedrockProvisioning()->valueAsString("ChromeBaseDirectory")
+      + startUpChrome.section('/', 0, -2) + "/";
+  m_chromeUrl = startUpChrome.section('/', -1);
+  m_contentUrl = BEDROCK_PROVISIONING::BedrockProvisioning::createBedrockProvisioning()->valueAsString("StartPage");
+  setApplicationNameVersion();
+  m_app = new GVA::GinebraApplication();
+  // Instantiate Most Visited Page store.
+  MostVisitedPageStoreSingleton::Instance();
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+  safe_connect(m_app, SIGNAL(addMenuBarActionRequest(QAction *)),
+	       this, SLOT(addMenuBarAction(QAction *)));
+  safe_connect(m_app, SIGNAL(setMenuBarEnabledRequest(bool)),
+	       this, SLOT(setMenuBarEnabled(bool)));
+  m_chrome->setApp(m_app);
+  QWebSettings * s = m_chrome->page()->settings();
+  s->setAttribute(QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, true );
+  QWebInspector *inspector = new QWebInspector;
+  inspector->setPage(m_chrome->page());
+  inspector->resize(400,600);
+  inspector->show();
+  connect(m_chrome->page(), SIGNAL(webInspectorTriggered(QWebElement)), inspector, SLOT(show()));
+#ifndef Q_WS_MAEMO_5 //In maemo5 views, gesture handling are per window
+  //Create a view onto the chrome
+  m_view = new GVA::ChromeView(m_scene, m_chrome);
+  WebGestureHelper* gh = new WebGestureHelper(m_view);
+  browserApp->setGestureHelper(gh);
+  browserApp->setMainWindow(m_view);
+  m_view->grabGesture(QStm_Gesture::assignedType());
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+  m_view->showFullScreen();
+  m_view->setGeometry(0,0,360,640);
+#endif //End non-Maemo5 initialization
+  showSplashScreen();
+#ifndef __gva_no_chrome__
+  QObject::connect(m_chrome, SIGNAL(internalChromeComplete()), this, SLOT(onChromeComplete()));
+   //Load the chrome
+  m_chrome->setChromeBaseDirectory(m_install);
+  m_chrome->setChromeFile(m_chromeUrl);
+  // Show the javascript console.
+  ChromeConsole *console = new ChromeConsole(m_chrome);
+  console->show();
+  //console->move(m_view->geometry().topLeft() + QPoint(m_view->width()+6, 0));
+  onChromeComplete();
+  // Handle openUrl signals
+  connect(this, SIGNAL(openUrlRequested(QString)), this, SLOT(openUrl(QString)));
+  delete m_chrome;
+  delete WebPageController::getSingleton();
+  //delete m_view;
+  destroySplashScreen();
+  delete m_scene;
+  delete m_app;
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+  delete m_windows; 
+  WebGestureHelper* gh = browserApp->gestureHelper();
+  delete gh;
+void GinebraBrowser::platformSpecificInit() {
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+  m_windows = new GVA::WindowsView(m_chrome);
+  m_windows->setMenu(m_menu);
+  m_windows->handlePageEvents(true);
+  // Add initialization code for other platforms here...
+void GinebraBrowser::show()
+  //m_view->show();
+void GinebraBrowser::onChromeComplete()
+#ifndef __gva_no_chrome__
+#ifndef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+  ControllableViewBase *windowView = WRT::WindowFlowView::createNew(m_chrome->layout());
+  windowView->setObjectName("WindowView");
+  m_chrome->addView(windowView);
+  ControllableViewBase *historyView = WRT::HistoryFlowView::createNew(m_chrome->layout());
+  historyView->setObjectName("HistoryView");
+  m_chrome->addView(historyView);
+  //Create a content window and add it to the chrome
+  GVA::GWebContentView *content = new GVA::GWebContentView(m_chrome, 0, "WebView");
+  m_chrome->addView(content);
+#ifndef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+  safe_connect(content, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString &)),
+               this, SLOT(onTitleChanged(const QString &)));
+  QString chromeBaseDir = BEDROCK_PROVISIONING::BedrockProvisioning::createBedrockProvisioning()->valueAsString("LocalPagesBaseDirectory");
+  QString startPage = chromeBaseDir + m_contentUrl;
+  bool enabled = (bool) BEDROCK_PROVISIONING::BedrockProvisioning::createBedrockProvisioning()->valueAsInt("SaveSession");
+  // If the browser was launched by some other app calling QDesktopServices.openUrl, go to that url
+  if (!m_initialUrl.isEmpty()) {
+      openUrl(m_initialUrl);
+  }
+  // Otherwise, load the previous page from history (if that option is enabled)
+  else if (enabled && m_initialUrl.isEmpty()) {
+    WebPageController::getSingleton()->loadFromHistory();
+  }
+  // Otherwise, load the start page
+  else {
+    content->loadUrlToCurrentPage(startPage);
+  }
+  m_chrome->showView("WebView");
+  destroySplashScreen();
+ }
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+void GinebraBrowser::addMenuBarAction(QAction *action) {
+    m_menu->addAction(action);
+/// Hack to hide the menu bar arrow when the menu is disabled.
+void GinebraBrowser::fixupWindowTitle() {
+  /*    QString title = m_mainWindow->windowTitle();
+    title = title.trimmed();
+    if(m_menu && !m_menu->isEnabled()) {
+        // The menu is disabled, add some spaces to the title to push the down arrow out of view.
+        title += QString(60, ' ');
+    }
+    m_mainWindow->setWindowTitle(title);*/
+void GinebraBrowser::setMenuBarEnabled(bool value) {
+  // m_menu->setEnabled(value);
+  m_windows->setMenuEnabled(value);
+  fixupWindowTitle();
+void GinebraBrowser::onTitleChanged(const QString &title) {
+    // Update the title in the Maemo status bar.
+    if(m_mainWindow) {
+        if(title.isEmpty()) {
+            m_mainWindow->setWindowTitle(QApplication::applicationName());
+        }
+        else {
+            m_mainWindow->setWindowTitle(title);
+        }
+        fixupWindowTitle();
+    }
+void GinebraBrowser::queueOpenUrl(QString url)
+    emit openUrlRequested(url);
+void GinebraBrowser::openUrl(QString url)
+#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+    // Handle the url as per the old standard at
+    //
+    QChar urlType =;
+    // Bookmark (by uid) - not handled
+    if (urlType == '1') {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Saved deck (by uid) - not handled
+    else if (urlType == '2') {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Start page - not handled
+    else if (urlType == '5') {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Bookmark folder (by uid) - not handled
+    else if (urlType == '6') {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Url or Url + space + access point
+    else if (urlType == '4') {
+        url = url.mid(2); // Get the real url
+        if (url.contains(' ')) { // Chop off the access point if there is one because it's not currently handled
+            url = url.left(url.indexOf(' '));
+        }
+    }
+    // If no number then it's just a plain url
+#endif /* Q_OS_SYMBIAN */
+    // Bring the browser to the front (QDesktopServices openurl is supposed to do this but doesn't)
+    //if (m_view) {
+    //    m_view->activateWindow();
+    //    m_view->raise();
+    //}
+    m_contentUrl = url;
+    WebPageController::getSingleton()->loadInitialUrlFromOtherApp(url);
+//    GVA::GWebContentView *webView = (GVA::GWebContentView *)m_chrome->getView("WebView");
+//    if (webView != 0) {
+//        m_contentUrl = url;
+//        webView->loadUrlToCurrentPage(url);
+//    }
+void GinebraBrowser::showSplashScreen() {
+  QString splashImage = BEDROCK_PROVISIONING::BedrockProvisioning::createBedrockProvisioning()->valueAsString("SplashImage");
+  QString baseDir = BEDROCK_PROVISIONING::BedrockProvisioning::createBedrockProvisioning()->valueAsString("ChromeBaseDirectory");
+  QString imagePath =   baseDir + splashImage;
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+  m_splashScreenM5 = new QSplashScreen(m_mainWindow, QPixmap(imagePath));
+  m_splashScreenM5->show();
+  if (!imagePath.isNull()) {
+    m_splashScreen = new QLabel(NULL);
+    m_splashScreen->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
+    m_splashScreen->setStyleSheet("background-color: #FFF");
+    m_splashScreen->setPixmap(QPixmap(imagePath));
+    if (m_splashScreen->pixmap()->isNull()) {
+        ;//qDebug() << "ChromeView::chromeLoaded: ERROR splashscreen creation failed. " << imagePath;
+    }
+    else {
+#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+        m_splashScreen->showFullScreen();
+        m_view->showFullScreen();
+        m_splashScreen->setGeometry(0,0,360,640);
+        m_splashScreen->show();
+    }
+  }
+void GinebraBrowser::destroySplashScreen()
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
+    if(m_splashScreenM5) {
+        delete m_splashScreenM5;
+        m_splashScreenM5 = 0;
+    }
+    if (m_splashScreen) {
+        delete m_splashScreen;
+        m_splashScreen = NULL;
+    }
+void GinebraBrowser::setApplicationNameVersion()
+  QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(BEDROCK_APPLICATION_NAME);
+  QString browserAppVersion = BEDROCK_PROVISIONING::BedrockProvisioning::createBedrockProvisioning()->valueAsString("BedrockVersion");
+  QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(browserAppVersion);