author hgs
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 17:30:59 -0400
changeset 16 3c88a81ff781
permissions -rw-r--r--

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * This file is part of Qt Web Runtime.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

 * This file is part of the Symbian application wrapper of the Qt Toolkit.
 * The memory allocator is backported from Symbian OS, and can eventually
 * be removed from Qt once it is built in to all supported OS versions.
 * The allocator is a composite of three allocators:
 *  - A page allocator, for large allocations
 *  - A slab allocator, for small allocations
 *  - Doug Lea's allocator, for medium size allocations


class RNewAllocator : public RAllocator
    enum{EAllocCellSize = 8};

    virtual TAny* Alloc(TInt aSize);
    virtual void Free(TAny* aPtr);
    virtual TAny* ReAlloc(TAny* aPtr, TInt aSize, TInt aMode=0);
    virtual TInt AllocLen(const TAny* aCell) const;
    virtual TInt Compress();
    virtual void Reset();
    virtual TInt AllocSize(TInt& aTotalAllocSize) const;
    virtual TInt Available(TInt& aBiggestBlock) const;
    virtual TInt DebugFunction(TInt aFunc, TAny* a1=NULL, TAny* a2=NULL);
    virtual TInt Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny*& a0, TAny* a1);

    TInt Size() const
    { return iChunkSize; }

    inline TInt MaxLength() const;
    inline TUint8* Base() const;
    inline TInt Align(TInt a) const;
    inline const TAny* Align(const TAny* a) const;
    inline void Lock() const;
    inline void Unlock() const;
    inline TInt ChunkHandle() const;

    struct _s_align {char c; double d;};

    The structure of a heap cell header for a heap cell on the free list.
    struct SCell {
                 The length of the cell, which includes the length of
                 this header.
                 TInt len;

                 A pointer to the next cell in the free list.
                 SCell* next;

    The default cell alignment.
    enum {ECellAlignment = sizeof(_s_align)-sizeof(double)};

    Size of a free cell header.
    enum {EFreeCellSize = sizeof(SCell)};

    enum TDefaultShrinkRatios {EShrinkRatio1=256, EShrinkRatioDflt=512};

    RNewAllocator(TInt aMaxLength, TInt aAlign=0, TBool aSingleThread=ETrue);
    RNewAllocator(TInt aChunkHandle, TInt aOffset, TInt aMinLength, TInt aMaxLength, TInt aGrowBy, TInt aAlign=0, TBool aSingleThread=EFalse);
    inline RNewAllocator();

    TAny* operator new(TUint aSize, TAny* aBase) __NO_THROW;
    inline void operator delete(TAny*, TAny*);

    SCell* GetAddress(const TAny* aCell) const;

    TInt iMinLength;
    TInt iMaxLength;            // maximum bytes used by the allocator in total
    TInt iOffset;                   // offset of RNewAllocator object from chunk base
    TInt iGrowBy;

    TInt iChunkHandle;          // handle of chunk
    RFastLock iLock;
    TUint8* iBase;              // bottom of DL memory, i.e. this+sizeof(RNewAllocator)
    TUint8* iTop;                   // top of DL memory (page aligned)
    TInt iAlign;
    TInt iMinCell;
    TInt iPageSize;
    SCell iFree;
    TInt iNestingLevel;
    TInt iAllocCount;
    TAllocFail iFailType;
    TInt iFailRate;
    TBool iFailed;
    TInt iFailAllocCount;
    TInt iRand;
    TAny* iTestData;
    TInt iChunkSize;                // currently allocated bytes in the chunk (== chunk.Size())
    malloc_state iGlobalMallocState;
    malloc_params mparams;
    TInt iHighWaterMark;
    void Init(TInt aBitmapSlab, TInt aPagePower, size_t aTrimThreshold);/*Init internal data structures*/
    inline int init_mparams(size_t aTrimThreshold /*= DEFAULT_TRIM_THRESHOLD*/);
    void init_bins(mstate m);
    void init_top(mstate m, mchunkptr p, size_t psize);
    void* sys_alloc(mstate m, size_t nb);
    msegmentptr segment_holding(mstate m, TUint8* addr);
    void add_segment(mstate m, TUint8* tbase, size_t tsize, flag_t mmapped);
    int sys_trim(mstate m, size_t pad);
    int has_segment_link(mstate m, msegmentptr ss);
    size_t release_unused_segments(mstate m);
    void* mmap_alloc(mstate m, size_t nb);/*Need to check this function*/
    void* prepend_alloc(mstate m, TUint8* newbase, TUint8* oldbase, size_t nb);
    void* tmalloc_large(mstate m, size_t nb);
    void* tmalloc_small(mstate m, size_t nb);
    /*MACROS converted functions*/
    static inline void unlink_first_small_chunk(mstate M,mchunkptr B,mchunkptr P,bindex_t& I);
    static inline void insert_small_chunk(mstate M,mchunkptr P, size_t S);
    static inline void insert_chunk(mstate M,mchunkptr P,size_t S,size_t NPAGES);
    static inline void unlink_large_chunk(mstate M,tchunkptr X);
    static inline void unlink_small_chunk(mstate M, mchunkptr P,size_t S);
    static inline void unlink_chunk(mstate M, mchunkptr P, size_t S);
    static inline void compute_tree_index(size_t S, bindex_t& I);
    static inline void insert_large_chunk(mstate M,tchunkptr X,size_t S,size_t NPAGES);
    static inline void replace_dv(mstate M, mchunkptr P, size_t S);
    static inline void compute_bit2idx(binmap_t X,bindex_t& I);
    /*MACROS converted functions*/
    TAny* SetBrk(TInt32 aDelta);
    void* internal_realloc(mstate m, void* oldmem, size_t bytes);
    void  internal_malloc_stats(mstate m);
    int change_mparam(int param_number, int value);
        mallinfo internal_mallinfo(mstate m);
    void Init_Dlmalloc(size_t capacity, int locked, size_t aTrimThreshold);
    void* dlmalloc(size_t);
    void  dlfree(void*);
    void* dlrealloc(void*, size_t);
    int dlmallopt(int, int);
    size_t dlmalloc_footprint(void);
    size_t dlmalloc_max_footprint(void);
    #if !NO_MALLINFO
        struct mallinfo dlmallinfo(void);
    int  dlmalloc_trim(size_t);
    size_t dlmalloc_usable_size(void*);
    void  dlmalloc_stats(void);
    inline  mchunkptr mmap_resize(mstate m, mchunkptr oldp, size_t nb);

        /****************************Code Added For DL heap**********************/
    friend TInt _symbian_SetupThreadHeap(TBool aNotFirst, SStdEpocThreadCreateInfo& aInfo);
    unsigned short slab_threshold;
    unsigned short page_threshold;      // 2^n is smallest cell size allocated in paged allocator
    unsigned slab_init_threshold;
    unsigned slab_config_bits;
    slab* partial_page;// partial-use page tree
    page* spare_page;                   // single empty page cached
    unsigned char sizemap[(maxslabsize>>2)+1];  // index of slabset based on size class
    static void tree_remove(slab* s);
    static void tree_insert(slab* s,slab** r);
    enum {okbits = (1<<(maxslabsize>>2))-1};
    void slab_init(unsigned slabbitmap);
    void slab_config(unsigned slabbitmap);
    void* slab_allocate(slabset& allocator);
    void slab_free(void* p);
    void* allocnewslab(slabset& allocator);
    void* allocnewpage(slabset& allocator);
    void* initnewslab(slabset& allocator, slab* s);
    void freeslab(slab* s);
    void freepage(page* p);
    void* map(void* p,unsigned sz);
    void* remap(void* p,unsigned oldsz,unsigned sz);
    void unmap(void* p,unsigned sz);
    /**I think we need to move this functions to slab allocator class***/
    static inline unsigned header_free(unsigned h)
    {return (h&0x000000ff);}
    static inline unsigned header_pagemap(unsigned h)
    {return (h&0x00000f00)>>8;}
    static inline unsigned header_size(unsigned h)
    {return (h&0x0003f000)>>12;}
    static inline unsigned header_usedm4(unsigned h)
    {return (h&0x0ffc0000)>>18;}
    /***paged allocator code***/
    void paged_init(unsigned pagepower);
    void* paged_allocate(unsigned size);
    void paged_free(void* p);
    void* paged_reallocate(void* p, unsigned size);
    pagecell* paged_descriptor(const void* p) const ;

    /* Dl heap log dump functions*/
    void dump_heap_logs(size_t fail_size);
    void dump_dl_free_chunks();
    void dump_large_chunk(mstate m, tchunkptr t);
    size_t iUnmappedChunkSize;
     /* Dubug checks for chunk page support*/
#define do_chunk_page_release_check(p, psize, fm, mem_released) debug_chunk_page_release_check(p, psize, fm, mem_released)
#define do_check_large_chunk_access(p, psize) debug_check_large_chunk_access(p, psize)
#define do_check_small_chunk_access(p, psize) debug_check_small_chunk_access(p, psize)
#define do_check_any_chunk_access(p, psize) debug_check_any_chunk_access(p, psize)
    void debug_check_large_chunk_access(tchunkptr p, size_t psize);
    void debug_check_small_chunk_access(mchunkptr p, size_t psize);
    void debug_check_any_chunk_access(mchunkptr p, size_t psize);
    void debug_chunk_page_release_check(mchunkptr p, size_t psize, mstate fm, int mem_released);
#define do_chunk_page_release_check(p, psize, fm, mem_released)
#define do_check_large_chunk_access(p, psize)
#define do_check_small_chunk_access(p, psize)
#define do_check_any_chunk_access(p, psize)

    /* Chunk page release mechanism support */
    TInt map_chunk_pages(tchunkptr p, size_t psize);
    TInt unmap_chunk_pages(tchunkptr p, size_t psize, size_t prev_npages);
    TInt map_chunk_pages_partial(tchunkptr tp, size_t psize, tchunkptr r, size_t rsize);
    TInt sys_trim_partial(mstate m, mchunkptr prev, size_t psize, size_t prev_npages);
    size_t free_chunk_threshold;

    // paged allocator structures
    enum {npagecells=4};
    pagecell pagelist[npagecells];      // descriptors for page-aligned large allocations
    inline void TraceReAlloc(TAny* aPtr, TInt aSize, TAny* aNewPtr, TInt aZone);
    inline void TraceCallStack();
    // to track maximum used
    //TInt iHighWaterMark;

    static RNewAllocator* FixedHeap(TAny* aBase, TInt aMaxLength, TInt aAlign, TBool aSingleThread);
    static RNewAllocator* ChunkHeap(const TDesC* aName, TInt aMinLength, TInt aMaxLength, TInt aGrowBy, TInt aAlign, TBool aSingleThread);
    static RNewAllocator* ChunkHeap(RChunk aChunk, TInt aMinLength, TInt aGrowBy, TInt aMaxLength, TInt aAlign, TBool aSingleThread, TUint32 aMode);
    static RNewAllocator* OffsetChunkHeap(RChunk aChunk, TInt aMinLength, TInt aOffset, TInt aGrowBy, TInt aMaxLength, TInt aAlign, TBool aSingleThread, TUint32 aMode);
    static TInt CreateThreadHeap(SStdEpocThreadCreateInfo& aInfo, RNewAllocator*& aHeap, TInt aAlign = 0, TBool aSingleThread = EFalse);

     *always keep this variable at the bottom of the class as its used as
     * array of more than 1 objest though it declared a single.
     *  TODO: dynamic sizing of heap object based on slab configuration.
     *             Just allocate maximum number of slabsets for now
     * */
    slabset slaballoc[maxslabsize>>2];


inline RNewAllocator::RNewAllocator()

@return The maximum length to which the heap can grow.

inline TInt RNewAllocator::MaxLength() const
    {return iMaxLength;}

inline void RNewAllocator::operator delete(TAny*, TAny*)
Called if constructor issued by operator new(TUint aSize, TAny* aBase) throws exception.
This is dummy as corresponding new operator does not allocate memory.

inline TUint8* RNewAllocator::Base() const
Gets a pointer to the start of the heap.

Note that because of the small space overhead incurred by all allocated cells,
no cell will have the same address as that returned by this function.

@return A pointer to the base of the heap.
    {return iBase;}

inline TInt RNewAllocator::Align(TInt a) const
    {return _ALIGN_UP(a, iAlign);}

inline const TAny* RNewAllocator::Align(const TAny* a) const
    {return (const TAny*)_ALIGN_UP((TLinAddr)a, iAlign);}

inline void RNewAllocator::Lock() const

inline void RNewAllocator::Unlock() const

inline TInt RNewAllocator::ChunkHandle() const
    return iChunkHandle;