changeset 0 db1bf15cefff
child 1 f8e7eccf5f96
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarwidgetplugin/inc/contentlayouthandler.h	Tue Jul 06 11:55:49 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Homescreen calendar widget's content layout handler.
+// System includes
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+  \class AgendaUtil
+  \brief Interface to the calendar database.
+  \details It is used by ContentLayoutHandler to retrieve the list of calendar entries in the next seven days.\n\n
+  <b>QList<AgendaEntry> AgendaUtil::fetchEntriesInRange(
+            QDateTime rangeStart, QDateTime rangeEnd,
+            AgendaUtil::FilterFlags filter = AgendaUtil::IncludeAll)</b>
+  is the function used to retrieve the list of calendar entries in range. It returns a list of calendar events.
+  @param rangeStart is the range date start. In calendar widget is always today.
+  @param rangeEnd is the range date end. In calendar widget is always one week after today.
+  @param filter is the type of event we want to include in the list. Calendar widget includes only All-Day and timed events.
+// Forward declarations
+class AgendaEntry;
+class AgendaUtil;
+class HbDocumentLoader;
+class HbFrameDrawer;
+class HbFrameItem;
+class HbLabel;
+class HbWidget;
+class QGraphicsLayout;
+class QPointF;
+class QTimer;
+class XQServiceRequest;
+class XQSettingsManager;
+class XQSettingsKey;
+class TestContentLayoutHandler;
+class QDateTime;
+class QRectF;
+//from DateIconLayoutHandler
+class DateTimeObserver;
+  \class ContentLayoutHandler
+  \brief Decorates the content layout.
+// Class declaration
+class ContentLayoutHandler: public QObject, public QGraphicsLinearLayout
+    Q_PROPERTY(int testID READ testId WRITE setTestId)
+    Q_PROPERTY(int testResult READ testResult WRITE setTestResult)
+    /*! 
+        \fn ContentLayoutHandler::ContentLayoutHandler()
+        Constructor of the ContentLayoutHandler class.
+     */
+    ContentLayoutHandler();
+    /*! 
+        \fn ContentLayoutHandler::~ContentLayoutHandler()
+        Destructor of the ContentLayoutHandler class.
+     */
+    ~ContentLayoutHandler();
+    //Test property functions
+    /*! 
+        \fn int ContentLayoutHandler::testId()
+        Used to check which test needs to run.
+        @return Test id
+     */
+    int testId();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::setTestId(int testID)
+        Used to set which test it needs to run.
+     */
+    void setTestId(int testID);
+    /*! 
+        \fn int ContentLayoutHandler::testResult()
+        Used to check whether the calendar has been launched correctly or not.
+     */
+    int testResult();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::setTestResult(int testResult)
+        Used to set the test property.
+     */
+    void setTestResult(int testResult);
+     /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::requestComplete()
+        Emitted in case the calendar has been launched correctly.
+     */
+    void requestComplete();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::requestError()
+        Emitted in case the calendar launch didn't succeed.
+     */
+    void requestError();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::currentDate(QDateTime& date)
+        Emits the current date during layout decoration.
+        @param date Current date
+     */    
+    void currentDate(QDateTime& date);
+    //from DateIconLayoutHandler
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::dateChanged()
+        Emitted when the date has changed.
+     */        
+    void dateChanged();
+public slots:
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::eventTimerExpired()
+        Connected to the timer signal timeout. The timer is needed in order to calculate the time that divides
+        the current moment from the expiration of the next upcoming event. This slot is called when the timer expires,
+        thus, its purpose is to decorate the layout with the next upcoming event and start the timer again.
+    */
+    void eventTimerExpired();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::calendarChanged(const XQSettingsKey& key, const QVariant& value)
+        Calendar P&S listener. Its purpose is to listen to the calendar P&S in order to be notified of any calendar
+        event modifications. Whenever it receives any notifications from the calendar, it will decorate the layout.
+        @param key The key to listen to
+        @param value Key value
+    */
+    void calendarChanged(const XQSettingsKey& key, const QVariant& value);
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::initializeLayout(const HbDocumentLoader &layoutLoader, QObject *owner)
+        Initializes the layout using the document loader. Connected to CalendarWidget.
+        @param layoutLoader Document loader that contains the DOCML needed to load the layout
+        @param owner Parent
+    */
+    void initializeLayout(const HbDocumentLoader &layoutLoader, QObject *owner);
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::updateLayout()
+        Decorates the layout content.
+    */
+    void updateLayout();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::onThemeChange()
+        Connected to CalendarWidget. Called when a theme change events occurs. Its purpose is to load the new
+        theme graphics into the widget.
+    */
+    void onThemeChange();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::handleOk(const QVariant& var)
+        Connected to XQSettingsManager valueChanged signal. Called if the calendar has been launched correctly.
+        @param var operation returning value
+    */
+    void handleOk(const QVariant& var);
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::handleError(int err, const QString& str)
+        Connected to XQSettingsManager valueChanged signal. Called if the calendar has not been launched correctly.
+        @param err Error code
+        @param str Explanation of the error
+    */
+    void handleError(int err, const QString& str);
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::highlightOn(QPointF& point)
+        Highlights the layout, if the point is inside the correct area.
+        @param point The (scene) position of the highlighting event
+    */
+    void highlightOn(QPointF &point);
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::highlightOff()
+        Removes highlighting from the layout. 
+    */
+    void highlightOff();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::hideLabels()
+        Called when the widget is initialized to hide all the labels in the layout. 
+    */
+    void hideLabels();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::setLabelsColor()
+        Called when the widget is initialized and when a theme change occurs to change the labels text color.
+    */
+    void setLabelsColor();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::removePassedEvents()
+        Filters out the already passed events from the list of events that comes from the calendar database.
+    */
+    void removePassedEvents();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::createAgendaUtilsInstance()
+        Initializes the agenda utils instance.
+    */
+    void createAgendaUtilsInstance();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::removeTodosFrom()
+        Filters out the todo events from the list of events that comes from the calendar database.
+        Also filters out other type of events that should be ignored by the calendar widget.
+    */
+    void removeTodosFrom();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::todayHasValidEvents()
+        Returns true if in the list of events there are upcoming events to be shown today.
+        Returns false otherwise.
+    */
+    bool todayHasValidEvents();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::sortList()
+        Sorts the list of events according to the starting time.
+    */
+    void sortList();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::showNoEventsNextWeek()
+        If there are no events the next seven days, decorates the layout with that information. 
+    */
+    void showNoEventsNextWeek();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::showNextEvent()
+        Decorates the layout with the information about today's next upcoming event.
+    */
+    void showNextEvent();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::showOverlappingEvents(int when, int numOverlappingEvents, int aEndEventIndex)
+        Decorates the layout with the information about how many upcoming overlapping events there are,
+        starting time and end time.
+        @param when 1 = today, >1 = upcoming day
+        @param numOverlappingEvents Number of overlapping events
+        @param aEndEventIndex The index in the list of events of the last event that overlaps the one
+        with index 0.
+    */
+    void showOverlappingEvents(int when, int numOverlappingEvents, int aEndEventIndex);
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::showNextDaysEvent()
+        Decorates the layout with the information about the next days first upcoming event.
+    */
+    void showNextDaysEvent();
+    /*! 
+        \fn int ContentLayoutHandler::checkOverlappingEvents(ulong id, int& aEndEventIndex)
+        Calculates the number of events overlapping event with id \em id.
+        @param id The id of the event we want to find overlapping events to
+        @param aEndEventIndex The index of the last event that is overlapping the event id
+        @return Number of overlapping events. 
+    */
+    int checkOverlappingEvents(ulong id, int& aEndEventIndex);
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::updateList()
+        Asks calendar database to provide an updated list of events in range now, now + 7 days.
+    */
+    void updateList();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::decorateContent()
+        Contains the layout decoration logic. Called whenever an update is needed and upon widget initialization.
+    */
+    void decorateContent();
+    /*! 
+        \fn QString ContentLayoutHandler::currentDateFormat()
+        Checks whether the current date format is english, american or 
+        japanese and formats the date string accordingly.
+        @return The date string formatted with the current date format
+    */
+    QString currentDateFormat();
+    /*! 
+        \fn QString ContentLayoutHandler::currentTimeFormat()
+        Checks whether the current time format is 12 hours or 24 hours and formats the date string accordingly.
+        @return The time string formatted with the current time format
+    */
+    QString currentTimeFormat();
+    /*! 
+        \fn int ContentLayoutHandler::timeToNextCheck()
+        Calculates the time that needs to pass before we need to check whether a layout decoration is needed or not.
+        @return Number of milliseconds to the next check
+    */
+    int timeToNextCheck();
+    /*! 
+        \fn int ContentLayoutHandler::initializeTimer()
+        Initializes the timer and calculates the time to the first check.
+    */
+    void initializeTimer();
+    /*! 
+        \fn QString ContentLayoutHandler::calculateEndTime(int& aEndEventIndex)
+        Calculates when the overlapping situation ends by checking the end 
+        time of all the involved events and choose the biggest one.
+        @param aEndEventIndex The index of the last overlapping event in the list of events
+        @return The end time as a string
+    */
+    QString calculateEndTime(int& aEndEventIndex);
+    /*! 
+        \fn int ContentLayoutHandler::firstEntryIndex()
+        Calculates the index of the first timed event in the list of events.
+        @return The index of the first timed event
+    */
+    int firstEntryIndex();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::setTimerForNextUpdate()
+        Checks whether there are events in the list and timeToNextCheck is not zero and then sets the timer to 
+        timeToNextCheck values.
+    */
+    void setTimerForNextUpdate();
+    /*! 
+        \fn QDateTime ContentLayoutHandler::currentDateTime()
+        Get current date, either real device date or fake date during testing.
+        @return Date
+    */
+    QDateTime currentDateTime();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::setLabelText(HbLabel* label, QString text)
+        Sets the label text. Checks whether the label pointer is valid or not.
+        @param label The label to set the text to
+        @param text The text to be set
+    */
+    void setLabelText(HbLabel* label, QString text);
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::setLabelVisible(HbLabel* label, bool visible)
+        Sets visible or invisible a specified label. It checks whether the label pointer is valid or not.
+        @param label The label to set the text to
+        @param visible Label visible, true or false
+    */
+    void setLabelVisible(HbLabel* label, bool visible);
+    /*! 
+        \fn bool ContentLayoutHandler::isAllDayEvent(AgendaEntry entry)
+        Checks whether a specific entry is an all day event or not.
+        @param entry Entry to check
+        @return True, if entry is an all day event, otherwise false
+    */
+    bool isAllDayEvent(AgendaEntry entry);
+    /*! 
+        \fn bool ContentLayoutHandler::isOneDayAllDayEvent(AgendaEntry entry)
+        Checks whether the entry is an all day event with the duration of one day.
+        @param entry Entry to check
+        @return True, if entry is an one day all day event, otherwise false
+    */
+    bool isOneDayAllDayEvent(AgendaEntry entry);
+    //from DateIconLayoutHandler
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::setCalendarIconContent()
+        Updates date number label and month label texts.
+    */    
+    void setCalendarIconContent();
+    /*! 
+        \fn void ContentLayoutHandler::setLowerLabelOverlapping(int numberOfEvents)
+        Sets the lower label text to indicate overlapping events.
+        @param numberOfEvents Number of overlapping events to insert in the localized text
+    */
+    void setLowerLabelOverlapping(int numberOfEvents);
+private: // data
+    Q_DISABLE_COPY(ContentLayoutHandler)
+    HbWidget* mContainer;
+    HbLabel* mReminderLabel;
+    HbLabel* mUpperLabelShort;
+    HbLabel* mUpperLabelLong;
+    HbLabel* mMiddleLabel;
+    HbLabel* mLowerLabel;
+    //From DateIconLayoutHandler
+    // Containers
+    HbWidget* mIconContainer;
+    // Labels (not owned)
+    HbLabel* mIconLabel;
+    HbLabel* mNumberLabel;
+    HbLabel* mMonthLabel;
+    HbLabel* mHighlightLabel;
+    // Background drawer (not owned)
+    HbFrameDrawer* mDateIconFrameDrawer;
+    // Owned
+    DateTimeObserver* mDateObserver;
+    //From MainLayoutHandler
+    HbWidget* mWidget;
+    // Background label
+    HbLabel* mBgLabel;
+    // Separator
+    HbLabel* mSeparatorLabel;
+    //to paint icon and widget background
+    HbFrameItem* mIconLayoutItem;
+    HbFrameItem* mBackgroundLayoutItem;
+    HbFrameItem* mSeparatorLayoutItem;
+    //END
+    // Frame drawer for reminder icon (not owned)
+    HbFrameDrawer* mReminderDrawer;
+    //timer used to know when the current shown event disappears
+    QTimer* mEventTimer;
+    //Agenda Utils
+    AgendaUtil* mAgendaUtil;
+    QList<AgendaEntry> mAgendaEntryList;
+    XQSettingsManager* mCalendarKeyManager;
+    // State variables
+    bool mDateHighlightActive;
+    bool mContentHighlightActive;
+    //test variables
+    int mTestID;
+    int mTestResult;
+    friend class TestContentLayoutHandler;