changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
equal deleted inserted replaced
50:f54ad444594d 53:61bc0f252b2b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Class to model the contents of the burst post-capture view*
    15 */
    20 #include <fbs.h>     
    21 #include <barsread.h>
    22 #include <eikenv.h>
    24 #include <cameraapp.rsg>
    25 #include <vgacamsettings.rsg>
    26 #include <StringLoader.h>
    27 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    30 #include "CamBurstThumbnailGridModel.h"
    31 #include "CamBurstThumbnailGrid.h"
    32 #include "CamBurstCaptureArray.h"
    33 #include "camlogging.h"
    34 #include "CamPanic.h"
    36 // Uncommenting the define below will allow wrapping of the grid from the first
    37 // element of the grid to the very last, and vice-versa.
    38 #define ALLOW_GRID_WRAPPING
    41 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
    44 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    46 CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel() 
    47     {
    48     }
    51 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 // CCamBurstCaptureItem::NewL
    53 // Two-phased constructor.
    54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 //
    56 CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel* CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NewL()
    57     {
    58     CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel* self = new( ELeave ) CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel();
    59     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    60     self->ConstructL();
    61     CleanupStack::Pop();
    62     return self;
    63     }
    65 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ConstructL
    67 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    68 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 //
    70 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ConstructL()
    71     {
    72     iThumbSize.iWidth = 0;
    73     iThumbSize.iHeight = 0;
    75     iGridSizer = CCamThumbnailGridSizer::NewL( this, iThumbSize );        
    76     iTopLeftIndex = 0;
    77     }
    80 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::GridItem
    82 // Returns pointer to the requested item, or NULL if index is invalid
    83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 CThumbnailGridItem* CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::GridItem( TInt aIndex )
    86     {
    87     if ( aIndex >= iValidThumbGrid.Count() )
    88         {
    89         return NULL;
    90         }
    91     else 
    92         {
    93         return iValidThumbGrid[ aIndex ];
    94         }
    95     }
    97 // Note: Returns ONLY non-deleted cells
    98 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::Snapshot
   100 // Returns pointer to the requested item, or NULL if index is invalid
   101 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 //
   103 const CFbsBitmap* CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::Snapshot( TInt aIndex )
   104     {
   105     if ( aIndex >= iValidThumbGrid.Count() )
   106         {
   107         return NULL;
   108         }
   109     else 
   110         {        
   111         TInt ind = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( aIndex );
   112         if ( ind != KErrNotFound )
   113             {
   114             return iBurstArray->Snapshot( ind );
   115             }
   116         else 
   117             {
   118             return NULL;
   119             }
   120         }
   121     }
   123 // Destructor
   124 CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::~CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel()
   125   {
   126   PRINT( _L("Camera => ~CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel") );
   128   if ( iGridSizer )
   129       {
   130       iGridSizer->Cancel();
   131       }
   132   delete iGridSizer;
   134   // Delete the array and the objects pointed to
   135   iAllThumbGrid.ResetAndDestroy();
   137   // Note: As this points to the same thing as the array above, just 
   138   // delete the array, not the objects
   139   iValidThumbGrid.Reset();
   141   // Do NOT destroy the objects pointed to, just the list.
   142   iThumbObserver.Reset();     
   143   iHighlightObserver.Reset();
   144   iDeleteObserver.Reset();
   145   PRINT( _L("Camera <= ~CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel") );
   146   }
   148 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::AddCellL
   150 // Adds the cell to the internal structures.  Takes ownership of the cell.
   151 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 //
   153 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::AddCellL( CThumbnailGridItem* aCell )
   154     {
   155     // Add to the master list of grid items
   156     User::LeaveIfError( iAllThumbGrid.Append( aCell ) );
   158     // Add to the list of VALID (non deleted) grid items
   159     User::LeaveIfError( iValidThumbGrid.Append( aCell ) );
   160     }
   162 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   163 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::StartThumbnailL
   164 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 //
   166 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::StartThumbnailL( TInt aIndex )
   167     {        
   168     // Burst array may be released by the app when swicthing
   169     // views so do a check that it is still valid
   170     if ( iBurstArray )
   171         {
   172         const CFbsBitmap* source = iBurstArray->Snapshot( aIndex );
   173         if ( source )
   174             {
   175             iGridSizer->StartScaleL( *source, iThumbSize, aIndex );
   176             }
   177         }
   178     }
   180 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::CancelThumbnails
   182 // Cancels any outstanding thumbnail generation operation
   183 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 //
   185 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::CancelThumbnails()
   186     {
   187     if ( iGridSizer->IsActive() )
   188         {
   189         iGridSizer->Cancel();
   190         }
   191     }    
   193 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ImageFilesDeletedL
   195 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 //
   197 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ImageFilesDeleted()
   198     {
   200     TBool highlightDeleted = EFalse;
   202     TInt highlightIndex = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( iCurrHighlight );
   204     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iBurstArray->Count(); i++ )
   205         {
   206         if ( iBurstArray->IsDeleted( i ) )
   207             {
   208             if ( highlightIndex == i )
   209                 {
   210                 highlightDeleted = ETrue;
   211                 }
   213             TRAPD( error, DeleteItemL( i ) );
   215             // DeleteItemL() leaves only when file can't be deleted and that should never
   216             // happen here as the files are already deleted
   217             __ASSERT_DEBUG( error == KErrNone, CamPanic( ECamPanicUi ) );
   218             error++; // remove compile warnings
   219             }
   220         }
   222     DoPostDeleteGridCheck( highlightDeleted );
   223     }
   225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 // CCamThumbnailGridSizer::SetThumbnailSize
   227 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 //
   229 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetThumbnailSize( const TSize aThumbSize )
   230     {
   232     if ( aThumbSize != iThumbSize )
   233         {
   234         iThumbSize = aThumbSize;
   235 		iGridSizer->SetSize( iThumbSize );
   236         // delete all thumbs because size has changed and they need to be regenerated
   237         TInt imagesRemaining = iBurstArray->ImagesRemaining();
   238         for ( TInt i = 0; i < imagesRemaining; i++ )
   239             {
   240             // delete display thumbnail
   241             delete iValidThumbGrid[i]->iDisplayThumb;
   242             iValidThumbGrid[i]->iDisplayThumb = NULL;   
   243             }
   245         // recalculate needed thumbs
   246         RecalculateThumbs();
   248         }
   249     }
   253 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::BitmapScaleCompleteL
   255 // Callback called when a bitmap scaling operation has completed.
   256 // We take ownership of the 'aBitmap' object
   257 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 //
   259 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::BitmapScaleCompleteL( TInt aErr, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TInt32 aInfo )
   260     {
   261     if ( aErr == KErrNone )
   262         {       
   263         // Update internal structure
   264         CThumbnailGridItem* item = iAllThumbGrid[aInfo];
   265         item->iDisplayThumb = aBitmap;
   267         // Inform observer(s) to ensure the screen is updated     
   268         NotifyModelObserver( EModelEventThumb );
   269         }    
   270     }      
   272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::RecalculateThumbs
   274 // Called to check which thumbnails need creating, and start the procedure
   275 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   276 //
   277 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::RecalculateThumbs()
   278     {        
   279     // If in the grid below, items 3-8 were visible in the screen grid, 
   280     // items 0-2 and 9-11 would also have thumbnails generated to attempt
   281     // to reduce visible artifacts from calculating on the fly.
   282     //    [ 0 ][ 1 ][ 2 ]   <= Row above (not visible)
   283     //    [ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]   <= First visible row
   284     //    [ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ]   <= Second visible row
   285     //    [ 9 ][ 10][ 11]   <= Row below (not visible)
   286     //
   288     // If we get to recalculate thumbnails, we need to cancel any outstanding 
   289     // rescale operation
   290     CancelThumbnails();
   292     // Work out the top left index. This is the top-left cell of the VIEWABLE
   293     // grid, less one row (which serves as a thumbnail cache)        
   294     TInt topLeftIndex = iTopLeftIndex - KGridWidth;
   295     if ( topLeftIndex < 0 )
   296         {
   297         topLeftIndex = 0;
   298         }
   300     // Work out the bottom right index. This is the bottom-right cell of the 
   301     // VIEWABLE grid, plus one row (which serves as a thumbnail cache)
   302     TInt botRightIndex = iTopLeftIndex + ( KGridWidth * iGridHeight ) - 1 + KGridWidth;
   303     if ( botRightIndex > iValidThumbGrid.Count() - 1 )
   304         {
   305         botRightIndex = iValidThumbGrid.Count() - 1;
   306         }
   308     // Delete the thumbnails for cells that are not immediately visible, and are
   309     // not in the next or last row.
   310     TInt i;
   311     TInt imagesRemaining = iBurstArray->ImagesRemaining();
   312     for ( i = 0; i < imagesRemaining; i++ )
   313         {
   314         if ( ( i < topLeftIndex || i > botRightIndex ) &&
   315             iValidThumbGrid[i]->iDisplayThumb ) 
   316             {
   317             // delete display thumbnail
   318             delete iValidThumbGrid[i]->iDisplayThumb;
   319             iValidThumbGrid[i]->iDisplayThumb = NULL;   
   320             }
   321         }
   323     // Queue up the thumbnails that need to be resized
   324     TRAPD( ignore, QueueThumbnailsL() );
   325     if ( ignore )
   326         { 
   327         // Do nothing ( removes build warning )
   328         }                   
   329     }
   332 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::QueueThumbnailsL
   334 // Queues the thumbnails to be resized as needed
   335 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   336 //
   337 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::QueueThumbnailsL()
   338     {
   339     //    [ 0 ][ 1 ][ 2 ]   <= Row above (not visible)
   340     //    [ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]   <= First visible row
   341     //    [ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ]   <= Second visible row
   342     //    [ 9 ][ 10][ 11]   <= Row below (not visible)
   343     //    
   344     TInt start = iTopLeftIndex;
   345     TInt index = KErrNotFound; 
   346     TInt max = iTopLeftIndex + KGridSize;
   347     if ( max > iValidThumbGrid.Count() )
   348         {
   349         max = iValidThumbGrid.Count();
   350         }
   352     // Top priority is the set of thumbs visible AT THIS MOMENT
   353     TInt i;
   354     for ( i = start; i < max ; i++ )
   355         {
   356         if ( !iValidThumbGrid[i]->iDisplayThumb )
   357             {
   358             // If we get here, then 'i' is the index to the VALID set of items.
   359             // Need to convert this to the index in the GLOBAL set of items
   360             index = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( i );
   361             StartThumbnailL( index );
   362             }
   363         }
   365     // SECOND top priority is the set of thumbs BELOW the visible set
   366     if ( iValidThumbGrid.Count() >= iTopLeftIndex + KGridSize ) 
   367         {
   368         start = iTopLeftIndex+KGridSize;
   369         max = i + KGridWidth;
   370         if ( max > iValidThumbGrid.Count() )
   371             {
   372             max = iValidThumbGrid.Count();
   373             }
   375         // If we have got here, we can cache the row *below* the 2nd visible row
   376         for ( i = start; i < max; i++ )
   377             {
   378             if ( !iValidThumbGrid[i]->iDisplayThumb )
   379                 {
   380                 // If we get here, then 'i' is the index to the VALID set of items.
   381                 // Need to convert this to the index in the GLOBAL set of items
   382                 index = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( i );
   383                 StartThumbnailL( index );
   384                 }
   385             }
   386         }
   388     // THIRD priority is the set of thumbs ABOVE the visible set
   389     if ( iTopLeftIndex >= KGridWidth ) // ONLY if there IS a previous row
   390         {
   391         start = iTopLeftIndex - KGridWidth;
   392         max = iTopLeftIndex;
   393         // If we have got here, we can cache the row *above* this one.
   394         for ( i = start; i < max; i++ )
   395             {
   396             if ( !iValidThumbGrid[i]->iDisplayThumb )
   397                 {
   398                 // If we get here, then 'i' is the index to the VALID set of items.
   399                 // Need to convert this to the index in the GLOBAL set of items
   400                 index = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( i );
   401                 StartThumbnailL( index );
   402                 }
   403             }
   404         }
   405     }
   407 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   408 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex
   409 // Converts from a valid-index (non-deleted only) to global (del & non-del) index
   410 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   411 //
   412 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( TInt aValidIndex )   
   413     {       
   414     if ( aValidIndex < iValidThumbGrid.Count() )
   415         {
   416         CThumbnailGridItem* item = iValidThumbGrid[aValidIndex];
   417         return iAllThumbGrid.Find( item );    
   418         }
   419     else
   420         {
   421         return KErrNotFound;
   422         }
   423     }      
   425 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   426 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetBurstArrayL
   427 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 //
   429 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetBurstArrayL( CCamBurstCaptureArray* aArray )
   430     {
   431     PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetBurstArrayL") );
   433     // If we've not been initialised yet, and have no data, then use the array
   434     // just passed in.  
   435     if ( iAllThumbGrid.Count() == 0 )
   436         {
   437         iBurstArray = aArray;
   439         // Build up model to match burst array
   440         if ( iBurstArray )
   441             {
   442             TInt i;
   443             TInt count = iBurstArray->Count();
   444             PRINT1( _L("Camera <> got %d thumbnails"), count );
   446             // Create a set of items to match the number in the burst array
   447             for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   448                 {
   449                 CThumbnailGridItem* item = new ( ELeave ) CThumbnailGridItem();
   451                 CleanupStack::PushL( item );
   452                 item->iDisplayThumb = NULL;
   453                 item->iMarked = EFalse;
   454                 AddCellL( item );
   455                 CleanupStack::Pop( item );
   457                 if ( !iBurstArray->Snapshot( i ) )
   458                     {
   459                     DeleteItemL( i );
   460                     }
   461                 }
   463             // Setup the base grid height based on the number of items
   464             if ( NoOfValidCells() <= KSmallGridCellCount )
   465                 {
   466                 iGridHeight = KSmallGridHeight;
   467                 }
   468             else 
   469                 {
   470                 iGridHeight = KLargeGridHeight;
   471                 }
   473             // Start the generation of thumbnails
   474             RecalculateThumbs();
   475             }
   476         }
   477     PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetBurstArrayL") );
   478     }
   482 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   483 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::AddModelObserverL
   484 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   485 //
   486 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::AddModelObserverL( MThumbModelObserver* aObserver, TInt aMask )
   487     {
   488     if ( aMask & EModelEventHighlight )
   489         {
   490         User::LeaveIfError( iHighlightObserver.Append( aObserver ) );
   491         }
   493     if ( aMask & EModelEventDeleted )
   494         {
   495         User::LeaveIfError( iDeleteObserver.Append( aObserver ) );
   496         }
   498     if ( aMask & EModelEventThumb )
   499         {
   500         User::LeaveIfError( iThumbObserver.Append( aObserver ) );
   501         }   
   502     }
   504 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   505 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::RemoveModelObserver
   506 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   507 //
   508 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::RemoveModelObserver( MThumbModelObserver* aObserver, TInt aMask )
   509     {
   510     TInt pos;
   511     if ( aMask & EModelEventHighlight )
   512         {
   513         pos = iHighlightObserver.Find( aObserver );
   514         if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
   515             {
   516             iHighlightObserver.Remove( pos );
   517             }
   518         }
   519     if ( aMask & EModelEventDeleted )
   520         {
   521         pos = iDeleteObserver.Find( aObserver );
   522         if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
   523             {
   524             iDeleteObserver.Remove( pos );
   525             }
   526         }
   527     if ( aMask & EModelEventThumb )
   528         {
   529         pos = iThumbObserver.Find( aObserver );
   530         if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
   531             {
   532             iThumbObserver.Remove( pos );
   533             }
   534         }
   535     }
   537 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NotifyModelObserver
   539 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   540 //
   541 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NotifyModelObserver( TModelEvent aEvent, TInt /*aParam*/ )
   542     {
   543     TInt i;
   544     TInt count; 
   546     switch ( aEvent )        
   547         {        
   548         case EModelEventHighlight:
   549             {
   550             count = iHighlightObserver.Count();
   551             for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )  
   552                 {
   553                 iHighlightObserver[i]->HighlightChanged();
   554                 }
   555             break;
   556             }
   558         case EModelEventDeleted:
   559             {
   560             count = iDeleteObserver.Count();
   561             for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )  
   562                 {
   563                 iDeleteObserver[i]->ImagesDeleted();
   564                 }    
   565             break;
   566             }
   568         case EModelEventThumb:
   569             {
   570             count = iThumbObserver.Count();
   571             for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )  
   572                 {
   573                 iThumbObserver[i]->ThumbnailGenerated();
   574                 }
   575             break;
   576             }
   577         default:
   578             break;  
   579         }
   580     }
   582 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   583 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NoOfValidCells
   584 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   585 //
   586 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NoOfValidCells()
   587     {
   588     //return iBurstArray->ImagesRemaining();
   589     return iValidThumbGrid.Count();
   590     }
   592 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   593 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::MoveHighlight
   594 // Tries to move the selection.  If no change is made, returns EFalse.
   595 // If change is made, returns ETrue (to inform of a redraw)
   596 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   597 //
   598 TBool CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::MoveHighlight( TMoveSelect aDir )
   599     {
   600     TInt oldTopLeft = iTopLeftIndex;
   601     TInt oldHighlight = iCurrHighlight;
   603     // cellX and cellY store the cell position in the X and Y axis as seen on 
   604     // the screen
   605     TInt cellX = ( iCurrHighlight - iTopLeftIndex ) % KGridWidth; // 0 - 2
   606     TInt cellY = ( iCurrHighlight - iTopLeftIndex ) / KGridWidth; // 0 - 1
   608     switch ( aDir )
   609         {
   610         case EMoveSelectLeft:
   611             {
   612             if ( iCurrHighlight > 0 )
   613                 {
   614                 iCurrHighlight --;
   616                 if ( cellX == 0 && cellY == 0 ) // At top left entry
   617                     {
   618                     iTopLeftIndex -= KGridWidth;
   619                     }
   620                 }
   622             else 
   623                 {
   624                 TInt cells = iValidThumbGrid.Count();
   625                 TInt bottomX = ( cells ) % KGridWidth;
   626                 TInt bottomY = ( cells ) / KGridWidth;
   627                 // If over the allowed number of rows, and bottom row is full
   628                 if ( bottomY >= iGridHeight && bottomX == 0 )  
   629                     {
   630                     iTopLeftIndex = ( bottomY - iGridHeight ) * KGridWidth;    // 
   631                     }
   632                 else if ( bottomY >= ( iGridHeight - 1 ) ) // Over 1 row, 
   633                     {
   634                     iTopLeftIndex = ( bottomY - ( iGridHeight - 1 ) ) * KGridWidth;    
   635                     }
   636                 else // Only one (incomplete) row
   637                     { 
   638                     iTopLeftIndex = ( bottomY  ) * KGridWidth;    
   639                     }
   641                 iCurrHighlight = cells - 1; // Last entry
   642                 }
   643 #endif // ALLOW_GRID_WRAPPING
   644             break;
   645             }
   647         case EMoveSelectRight:
   648             {
   649             if ( iCurrHighlight < ( iBurstArray->ImagesRemaining() - 1 ) )
   650                 {
   651                 iCurrHighlight ++;
   653                 if ( cellX == ( KGridWidth - 1 ) && cellY == ( iGridHeight - 1 ) ) 
   654                     {
   655                     iTopLeftIndex += KGridWidth;
   656                     }
   657                 }
   659             else 
   660                 {
   661                 iCurrHighlight = 0; // Top left entry
   662                 iTopLeftIndex = 0;
   663                 }
   664 #endif // ALLOW_GRID_WRAPPING
   666             break;
   667             }
   669         case EMoveSelectUp:
   670             {
   671             if ( iCurrHighlight >= KGridWidth )
   672                 {
   673                 iCurrHighlight -= KGridWidth;
   675                 // if in TOP row, and we CAN move up, shift viewpoint up
   676                 if ( cellY == 0 ) 
   677                     {
   678                     iTopLeftIndex -= KGridWidth;
   679                     }
   680                 }
   682             else // Then we need to wrap to the bottom of the previous grid
   683                 {
   684                 TInt cells = iValidThumbGrid.Count();
   686                 // startX holds the "x" value of initial selection
   687                 TInt startX = ( iCurrHighlight ) % KGridWidth; 
   688                 TInt bottomY = ( cells ) / KGridWidth; 
   690                 // If not in left-most grid, we'll be moving left and to bottom
   691                 if ( startX > 0 )
   692                     {
   693                     startX --;                    
   694                     }
   695                 else // Else in left most grid, so "jump" to right most.
   696                     {
   697                     if ( cells < KGridWidth )
   698                         {
   699                         startX = cells - 1;
   700                         }
   701                     else
   702                         {
   703                         startX = KGridWidth - 1;
   704                         }                    
   705                     }
   707                 // If all rows are full (so modulus is 0) bottomY division will
   708                 // be one too great, so compensate
   709                 if ( cells % KGridWidth == 0 )
   710                     { 
   711                     bottomY -- ;
   712                     }
   713                 iCurrHighlight = ( bottomY * KGridWidth ) + startX;
   715                 // Check this item is filled in, if not, move "up" a row
   716                 if ( iCurrHighlight >= cells )
   717                     { 
   718                     // If more than one rows worth of items, can move to second to last row
   719                     if ( cells > KGridWidth )
   720                         {
   721                         bottomY --;
   722                         }
   723                     else // If only one row (or less)
   724                         {
   725                         startX = cells % KGridWidth;
   726                         }                    
   728                     // Will need to recalculate curr highlight following changes
   729                     iCurrHighlight = ( bottomY * KGridWidth ) + startX;
   730                     }
   731                 UpdateViewableGrid( EFalse );
   732                 }
   733 #endif // ALLOW_GRID_WRAPPING
   734             break;
   735             }
   737         case EMoveSelectDown:
   738             {
   739             if ( ( iCurrHighlight + KGridWidth ) <= ( iBurstArray->ImagesRemaining() - 1 ) )
   740                 {
   741                 iCurrHighlight += KGridWidth;
   743                 if ( cellY == ( iGridHeight-1 ) ) // if in BOTTOM row, and we CAN move down, shift viewpoint down
   744                     {
   745                     iTopLeftIndex += KGridWidth;
   746                     }
   747                 }
   749             else // Then we need to wrap to the top of the next grid
   750                 {
   751                 TInt startX = ( iCurrHighlight ) % KGridWidth; 
   752                 TInt cells = iValidThumbGrid.Count();
   753                 TInt rightMostGrid;
   755                 if ( cells < KGridWidth )
   756                     {
   757                     rightMostGrid = cells;
   758                     }
   759                 else
   760                     {
   761                     rightMostGrid = KGridWidth;
   762                     }
   764                 // If not in left-most grid, we'll be moving left and to bottom
   765                 if ( startX < ( rightMostGrid - 1 )  )
   766                     {                    
   767                     // Check we don't have less-than-a-row of cells left
   768                     if ( startX < ( cells - 1 ) )
   769                         {
   770                         startX ++;                    
   771                         }
   772                     else // If that is the case, move to the last one.
   773                         {
   774                         startX = cells - 1;
   775                         }
   777                     }
   778                 else // Else in left most grid, so "jump" to right most.
   779                     {
   780                     startX = 0;
   781                     }                
   783                 // Calculate new highlight poisition.
   784                 iCurrHighlight = startX;
   786                 UpdateViewableGrid( ETrue );
   787                 }
   788 #endif // ALLOW_GRID_WRAPPING
   789             break;
   790             }
   791         }
   793     // Work out if the viewed items has changed.  If so, check whether we need 
   794     // to calculate any new thumbnails for display.
   795     if ( oldTopLeft != iTopLeftIndex )
   796         {
   797         RecalculateThumbs();
   798         }
   800     // Notify observers of the change
   801     NotifyModelObserver( EModelEventHighlight );    
   803     if ( iCurrHighlight != oldHighlight )
   804         {
   805         return ETrue;   // Highlight HAS changed
   806         }
   807     else 
   808         {
   809         return EFalse;  // No change
   810         }    
   811     }
   813 // Sets the higlighted burst item
   814 // informs model observer about the change
   815 // returns ETrue if highlight changed
   816 // returns EFalse if highlight was not changed
   817 TBool CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetHighlight( TInt aIndex )
   818 	{
   819 	PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetHighlight( %d )"), aIndex );
   821 	TInt oldHighlight = iCurrHighlight;
   822 	iCurrHighlight = aIndex;  
   824     PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetHighlight()") );
   826     if ( iCurrHighlight != oldHighlight )
   827         {
   828         return ETrue;   // Highlight HAS changed
   829         }
   830     else 
   831         {
   832         return EFalse;  // No change
   833         }  
   835 	}
   837 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   838 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::UpdateViewableGrid
   839 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   840 //
   841 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::UpdateViewableGrid( TBool aMovingUp )
   842     {          
   843     if ( NoOfValidCells() <= KBurstGridMaxVisibleThumbnails )
   844         {
   845         // no need to update if there are less cells than fit to screen at once
   846         return;
   847         }
   849     TInt posY = iCurrHighlight / KGridWidth; 
   851     // If moving up, when adjust the viewable area, the highlighted grid is 
   852     // in the top-most row.
   853     if ( aMovingUp )
   854         {        
   855         if ( posY >= ( iGridHeight - 1 ) )
   856             {
   857             iTopLeftIndex = ( posY - ( iGridHeight - 1 ) ) * KGridWidth;    
   858             }
   859         else // Only one (incomplete) row
   860             { 
   861             iTopLeftIndex = ( posY ) * KGridWidth;    
   862             }
   863         }
   864     // If moving down, when adjust the viewable area, the highlighted grid item
   865     // is in the bottom-most row
   866     else
   867         {   
   868         if ( posY >= ( iGridHeight - 1 ) )
   869             {
   870             iTopLeftIndex = ( posY - ( iGridHeight - 1 ) ) * KGridWidth;    
   871             }
   872         else // Only one (incomplete) row
   873             { 
   874             iTopLeftIndex = ( posY ) * KGridWidth;    
   875             }
   876         }
   877     }
   879 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   880 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::HighlightedGridIndex
   881 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   882 //
   883 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::HighlightedGridIndex()
   884     {
   885     return iCurrHighlight;
   886     }
   889 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   890 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::TopLeftGridIndex
   891 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   892 //
   893 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::TopLeftGridIndex()
   894     {   
   895     return iTopLeftIndex;
   896     }  
   898 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   899 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::HighlightedBurstIndex
   900 // As used for getting the index in the CONTROLLER's array, which contains
   901 // both non-deleted AND DELETED items in the array.
   902 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   903 //
   904 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::HighlightedBurstIndex()
   905     {
   906     TInt index = -1;
   907     if ( iCurrHighlight != KErrNotFound )
   908         {
   909         // The "Current Highlight" is the index to the VALID array (non-deleted only)
   910         // Need to find the equivalent index in the GLOBAL array (del and non-del)
   911         index = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( iCurrHighlight );
   912         }    
   914     return index;
   915     }
   917 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   918 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::HighlightedImageName
   919 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   920 //
   921 TPtrC CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::HighlightedImageName()
   922     {
   923     if ( iCurrHighlight != KErrNotFound )
   924         {
   925         // The "Current Highlight" is the index to the VALID array (non-deleted only)
   926         // Need to find the equivalent index in the GLOBAL array (del and non-del)
   927         TInt index = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( iCurrHighlight );
   928         if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   929             {
   930             return iBurstArray->ImageName( index );
   931             }
   932         }    
   933     return TPtrC();
   934     }
   936 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   937 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ImageName
   938 // Returns the image name (no path or extension) of an item.
   939 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   940 //
   941 TPtrC CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ImageName( TInt aIndex )
   942     {
   943     // The "Current Highlight" is the index to the VALID array (non-deleted only)
   944     // Need to find the equivalent index in the GLOBAL array (del and non-del)
   945     TInt index = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( aIndex );
   946     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   947         {
   948         return iBurstArray->ImageName( index );
   949         }
   950     return TPtrC();
   951     }
   953 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   954 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ImageFullName
   955 // Returns the image name (with path and extension) of an item.
   956 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   957 //
   958 TPtrC CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ImageFileName( TInt aIndex ) const
   959     {
   960     return iBurstArray->FileName( aIndex );
   961     }
   963 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   964 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::RefreshL
   965 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   966 //
   967 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::RefreshL()
   968     {
   969     // If this function is called, it is to check whether the currently 
   970     // highlighted image has not been deleted yet.  This may occur if it has
   971     // been viewed and deleted in the post-capture view.
   973     // Get the global index for the highlighted item
   974     TInt index = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( iCurrHighlight );
   976     // Check it's deleted state
   977     TBool deleted = iBurstArray->IsDeleted( index );
   979     // If the item has been deleted from the BurstArray, we need to update
   980     // our state, so run the delete highlight code for the GridModel
   981     if ( deleted )
   982         {
   983         // Update internal state accordingly
   984         DeleteHighlightL();
   985         }
   986     }
   989 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   990 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetCurrentMark
   991 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   992 //
   993 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::SetCurrentMark( TBool aSet )
   994     {    
   995     if ( aSet ) // Setting the mark ON
   996         {
   997         iValidThumbGrid[iCurrHighlight]->iMarked = ETrue;
   998         iImagesMarked++;
   999         }    
  1000     else    // Setting the mark OFF
  1001         {
  1002         iValidThumbGrid[iCurrHighlight]->iMarked = EFalse;
  1003         iImagesMarked--;
  1004         }
  1005     NotifyModelObserver( EModelEventThumb );   // Force thumbnail redraw
  1006     }
  1009 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1010 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::MarkAll
  1011 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1012 //
  1013 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::MarkAll( TBool aMark )
  1014     {
  1015     TInt count = iValidThumbGrid.Count();
  1016     TInt i;
  1018     // Go through each valid (non-deleted) item
  1019     for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
  1020         {
  1021         // If it's not already in the required state (marked or unmarked)
  1022         if ( !( iValidThumbGrid[i]->iMarked == aMark ) )
  1023             {
  1024             // ...change the state of the item
  1025             iValidThumbGrid[i]->iMarked = aMark;
  1027             // ...and update the internal count
  1028             if ( aMark )
  1029                 {
  1030                 iImagesMarked++;
  1031                 }
  1032             else
  1033                 {
  1034                 iImagesMarked--;
  1035                 }
  1036             }
  1037         }
  1038     NotifyModelObserver( EModelEventThumb );   // Force thumbnail redraw
  1039     }
  1041 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1042 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NoOfMarkedImages
  1043 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1044 //
  1045 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NoOfMarkedImages() const
  1046     {
  1047     return iImagesMarked;
  1048     }
  1050 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1051 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NoOfImages
  1052 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1053 //
  1054 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::NoOfImages() const
  1055     {
  1056     return iAllThumbGrid.Count();
  1057     }
  1059 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1060 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::IsMarkedL
  1061 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1062 //
  1063 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::IsMarkedL( TInt aIndex )
  1064     {
  1065     if ( aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= iValidThumbGrid.Count() )
  1066         {
  1067         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1068         }
  1069     return iValidThumbGrid[aIndex]->iMarked;
  1070     }
  1074 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1075 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteMarkedL
  1076 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1077 //
  1078 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteMarkedL()
  1079     {
  1080     // Keep track of if we've just deleted the highlighted item.  
  1081     // If so, we'll need to inform the view, later.
  1082     TBool highlightDeleted =  iValidThumbGrid[iCurrHighlight]->iMarked ;        
  1084     TInt i;
  1085     TInt count = iAllThumbGrid.Count();
  1086     TInt error = KErrNone;
  1087     for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
  1088         {
  1089         if ( iAllThumbGrid[i]->iMarked )
  1090             {    
  1091             TRAP( error, DeleteItemL( i ) );
  1092             if ( error )
  1093                 {
  1094                 break;
  1095                 }
  1096             }
  1097         }
  1099     // Do the recalculation required to adjust the positioning of items and
  1100     // the hightlight
  1101     DoPostDeleteGridCheck( highlightDeleted );
  1103     if ( error && error != KErrInUse )
  1104         {
  1105         User::Leave( error );
  1106        }
  1107     }
  1110 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1111 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteHighlightL
  1112 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1113 //
  1114 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteHighlightL()
  1115     {
  1116     // Gets the global index of the currently highlighted item
  1117     TInt globalIndex = ConvertFromValidToGlobalIndex( iCurrHighlight );
  1119     // Delete that item
  1121     TRAPD( error, DeleteItemL( globalIndex ) );
  1124     // Check the internal state for any adjustments of visible items, new
  1125     // highlight position etc.
  1126     DoPostDeleteGridCheck( ETrue );
  1128     if ( error && error != KErrInUse )
  1129         {
  1130         User::Leave( error );
  1131         }
  1132     }
  1134 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1135 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteItemL
  1136 // Internal function for deleting a particular item
  1137 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1138 //
  1139 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteItemL( TInt aGlobalIndex )
  1140     {
  1141     PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteItemL") );
  1142     // If this item was marked, clear the mark and adjust internal state
  1143     TInt err = KErrNone;
  1144     if ( !iBurstArray->IsDeleted( aGlobalIndex ) )
  1145         {
  1146         PRINT( _L("Camera <> iBurstArray->IsDeleted" ))
  1147         err = iBurstArray->SetDeleted( aGlobalIndex, ETrue );
  1148         PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteItemL: First SetDelete returned %d"), err );
  1149         }
  1150     if ( err )
  1151         { 
  1152         err = iBurstArray->SetDeleted( aGlobalIndex, ETrue );
  1153         PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteItemL: Second SetDelete returned %d"), err );
  1154         if ( err )
  1155             {
  1156             if ( err == KErrInUse )
  1157                 {
  1158                 // set error note text
  1159                 const TDesC& fullPath = iBurstArray->FileName( aGlobalIndex );
  1160                 TInt pos = fullPath.LocateReverse( '\\' );
  1161                 TPtrC fileName = fullPath.Right( fullPath.Length() - pos - 1 );
  1162                 HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_FLDR_CANT_DELETE_FILE_OPEN, fileName );
  1163                 // show error note
  1164                 CAknInformationNote* dlg = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote(ETrue);
  1165                 dlg->ExecuteLD(text->Des());
  1166                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
  1167                 }
  1168             User::Leave( err );
  1169             //return;
  1170             }
  1171         }
  1172     if ( iAllThumbGrid[aGlobalIndex]->iMarked )
  1173         {            
  1174         iAllThumbGrid[aGlobalIndex]->iMarked = EFalse;
  1175         iImagesMarked--;    // No of marked items
  1176         }
  1178     // Delete the display thumbnail
  1179     delete iAllThumbGrid[aGlobalIndex]->iDisplayThumb;
  1180     iAllThumbGrid[aGlobalIndex]->iDisplayThumb = NULL;                
  1182     // Remove from VALID thumb list.            
  1183     CThumbnailGridItem* item = iAllThumbGrid[aGlobalIndex];
  1184     TInt index = iValidThumbGrid.Find( item );    
  1186     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
  1187         {
  1188         iValidThumbGrid.Remove( index );
  1189         }
  1190     PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DeleteItem") );
  1191     }
  1193 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1194 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DoPostDeleteGridCheck
  1195 // Internal function called after an item has been deleted, to ensure the 
  1196 // correct items are visible, the highlight is valid etc.
  1197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1198 //
  1199 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::DoPostDeleteGridCheck( TBool /*aHighlightDeleted*/ )
  1200     {   
  1201     // Check the "highlighted" item.  If it's now out of range, move the 
  1202     // index to be the last valid entry.
  1203     if ( iCurrHighlight >= iValidThumbGrid.Count() )
  1204         { 
  1205         iCurrHighlight = iValidThumbGrid.Count() - 1;
  1207         // Required to update the title pane with a new filename
  1208         NotifyModelObserver( EModelEventHighlight );
  1209         }
  1211     // Else the highlight after a delete is still within range, so
  1212     // just inform the observers, so they can update the title pane with the
  1213     // correct filename
  1214     else 
  1215         {
  1216         NotifyModelObserver( EModelEventHighlight );
  1217         }
  1220     TInt imagesRemaining = iBurstArray->ImagesRemaining();
  1221     // Check whether the highlighted item is now visible... it may not be.
  1222     if ( iTopLeftIndex >= imagesRemaining ||
  1223          imagesRemaining <= KGridWidth * iGridHeight )
  1224         {
  1225         // If this has happened it's because the highlighted cell was one of 
  1226         // a large number of cells that has been deleted.  The "top left" 
  1227         // visible cell therefore needs to be updated to be the row above the 
  1229         // If over a screens worth of items remaining, move "top left" to show 
  1230         // the bottom two rows
  1231         if ( imagesRemaining > ( KGridWidth * iGridHeight ) )
  1232             {
  1233             //            =     [ Total number of rows available   ] - [ two rows ]    * [Width]
  1234             iTopLeftIndex = ( ( ( iCurrHighlight + 1 ) / KGridWidth ) - iGridHeight ) * KGridWidth;            
  1235             }
  1236         else // Less than a screen's worth of items left, so set the first row as top left
  1237             {
  1238             iTopLeftIndex = 0;
  1239             }
  1240         }
  1242     // Notify observers of a deletion.
  1243     NotifyModelObserver( EModelEventDeleted );
  1245     // Check the thumbnails to see if any need remaking
  1246     RecalculateThumbs();
  1247     }
  1249 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1250 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ScrollGrid( TBool aScrollDown )
  1251 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1252 //
  1253 void CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ScrollGrid( TBool aScrollDown, TInt aNewScrollPos )
  1254     {
  1256     // scrollPosition tells where the scroll is (new starting row?)
  1258     // calculate the new iTopLeftIndex
  1260     iTopLeftIndex = aNewScrollPos * KGridWidth;
  1262     PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::ScrollGrid - new postition %d"), iTopLeftIndex );
  1265     }
  1269 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1270 // CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::GridHeight
  1271 // Returns the height of the visible grid, typically 2 or 3 cells high.
  1272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273 //
  1274 TInt CCamBurstThumbnailGridModel::GridHeight()
  1275     {
  1276     return iGridHeight;
  1277     }
  1278 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1279 // MThumbModelObserver::HighlightChanged
  1280 // Default implementation of the function
  1281 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1282 //
  1283 void MThumbModelObserver::HighlightChanged() 
  1284     {
  1285     // intentionally doing nothing
  1286     }
  1288 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1289 // MThumbModelObserver::ImagesDeleted
  1290 // Default implementation of the function
  1291 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1292 //
  1293 void MThumbModelObserver::ImagesDeleted() 
  1294     {
  1295     // intentionally doing nothing
  1296     }
  1298 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1299 // MThumbModelObserver::ThumbnailGenerated
  1300 // Default implementation of the function; does nothing.
  1301 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1302 //
  1303 void MThumbModelObserver::ThumbnailGenerated()
  1304     {
  1305     // intentionally doing nothing
  1306     }
  1308 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1309 // CThumbnailGridItem::CThumbnailGridItem
  1310 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1311 //
  1312 CThumbnailGridItem::CThumbnailGridItem()
  1313     {
  1314     // intentionally doing nothing
  1315     }
  1317 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1318 // CThumbnailGridItem::~CThumbnailGridItem
  1319 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1320 //
  1321 CThumbnailGridItem::~CThumbnailGridItem()
  1322     {   
  1323     delete iDisplayThumb;        
  1324     }
  1327 //  End of File