changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
equal deleted inserted replaced
50:f54ad444594d 53:61bc0f252b2b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Video pre-capture view class for Camera application*
    15 */
    21 #include "CamUtility.h"
    22 #include "CamAppUiBase.h"
    23 #include "CamAppController.h"
    24 #include "CamVideoPreCaptureView.h"
    25 #include "CamLogger.h"
    26 #include "CamContainerBase.h"
    27 #include "CamAppUi.h"
    28 #include <eikmenub.h>
    29 #include <eikapp.h>
    30 #include <avkon.rsg>
    31 #include <CaeEngine.h>
    32 #include <akntoolbar.h>
    33 #include <akntoolbarextension.h>
    34 #include <gulicon.h>
    35 #include <AknIconUtils.h>
    36 #include <aknbutton.h>
    37 #include <StringLoader.h>
    38 #include <AknsUtils.h>
    39 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    40 #include <cameraapp.mbg>
    41 #include "CamCaptureSetupMenu.h"
    42 #include "CamPanic.h"
    43 #include "CamSidePane.h"
    45 #include "CamShootingModeContainer.h"
    46 #include "CamVideoPreCaptureContainer.h"
    47 #include "Cam.hrh"
    48 #include "CamAppUid.h"
    49 #include <csxhelp/lcam.hlp.hrh>
    50 #include <cameraapp.rsg>
    51 #include <vgacamsettings.rsg>
    52 #include "CamUtility.h"
    53 #include "camactivepalettehandler.h"
    54 #include "CameraUiConfigManager.h"
    55 #include "CamLocalViewIds.h"
    56 #include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
    58 #include "CamVideoPreCaptureViewTraces.h"
    59 #endif
    60 #include "CamTimer.h"
    62 const TInt KHdmiTimeout = 1000000; // 1 sec
    65 // ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
    66 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::NewLC
    68 // Symbian OS two-phased constructor
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 //
    71 CCamVideoPreCaptureView* CCamVideoPreCaptureView::NewLC( CCamAppController& aController )
    72     {
    73     CCamVideoPreCaptureView* self = 
    74         new( ELeave ) CCamVideoPreCaptureView( aController );
    76     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    77     self->ConstructL();
    78     return self;
    79     }
    81 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView destructor
    83 // 
    84 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 //
    86 CCamVideoPreCaptureView::~CCamVideoPreCaptureView()
    87     {
    88     if( iHdmiTimer )
    89         {
    90         delete iHdmiTimer;
    91         iHdmiTimer = NULL;
    92         }
    93     }
    95 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::Id
    97 // Returns UID of view
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 TUid CCamVideoPreCaptureView::Id() const
   101     {
   102   	return TUid::Uid( ECamViewIdVideoPreCapture );
   103     }
   105 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DoDeactivate
   107 // Deactivate this view
   108 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 //
   110 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DoDeactivate()
   111     {
   113     PERF_EVENT_START_L2( EPerfEventVideoPreCaptureViewDeactivation ); 
   114     CCamPreCaptureViewBase::DoDeactivate();
   115     PERF_EVENT_END_L2( EPerfEventVideoPreCaptureViewDeactivation ); 
   117     }
   119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleCommandL
   121 // Handle commands
   122 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 //
   124 void 
   125 CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
   126   {
   127   PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleCommandL") );
   128   // check our current operation state
   129   TCamCaptureOperation operation = iController.CurrentVideoOperation();
   130   CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( iEikonEnv->AppUi() ); 
   131   TCamOrientation orientation = appUi->CamOrientation();
   132   switch ( aCommand )
   133     {
   134     case ECamMSKCmdSelect:
   135     case ECamMSKCmdAppRecord:
   136     	{
   137         if( orientation == ECamOrientationCamcorder || 
   138             orientation == ECamOrientationCamcorderLeft ||
   139 			orientation == ECamOrientationPortrait )
   140         	{ 
   141    		    if ( !StartMskCaptureL() )
   142        		    {
   143             	  // If in the Landscape mode, MSK event is mapped 
   144             	  // like a normal selection key so that AP items
   145             	  // are selected and respective setting pages are launched
   146             	TKeyEvent aKeyEvent;
   147         		aKeyEvent.iCode =  aKeyEvent.iRepeats = aKeyEvent.iModifiers = 0;
   148         		aKeyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyDevice3;
   149             	static_cast<CCamVideoPreCaptureContainer*>
   150             			( Container() )->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, EEventKey );	
   151        		    }
   152         	}
   153         else if ( aCommand == ECamMSKCmdAppRecord )
   154              // if the Camera in the Portrait mode
   155              // MSK event is handled like a capture key
   156             {
   157             if( iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemStopRecordingInHdmiMode) &&
   158                     iController.IsHdmiCableConnected() )
   159                 {
   160                 appUi->HandleHdmiEventL( ECamHdmiCableConnectedBeforeRecording );
   161                 }
   162             else if ( iController.IsViewFinding() && appUi->CheckMemoryL() )
   163                 {
   164                 iController.StartVideoRecordingL();
   165                 // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
   166                 if ( iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
   167                     {
   168                     CAknToolbar* fixedToolbar = Toolbar();
   169                     if ( fixedToolbar )
   170                         {
   171                         fixedToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( EFalse );
   172                         }
   173                     }
   174                 }
   175             }	
   176         break;
   177     	}
   178     case ECamCmdRecord:
   179         {
   180         	TInt callType( EPSCTsyCallTypeUninitialized );
   181             RProperty::Get( KPSUidCtsyCallInformation, KCTsyCallType, callType );
   182             if( iController.IsHdmiCableConnected() )
   183                 {
   184                 appUi->HandleHdmiEventL( ECamHdmiCableConnectedBeforeRecording );
   185                 }
   186             else if ( callType != EPSCTsyCallTypeH324Multimedia && iController.IsViewFinding() && appUi->CheckMemoryL() )
   187             {
   188             SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_BLANK );
   189             appUi->SetLensCoverExit( EFalse );
   190             iController.StartVideoRecordingL();
   191             // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
   192             if ( iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
   193                 {
   194                 CAknToolbar* fixedToolbar = Toolbar();
   195                 if ( fixedToolbar )
   196                     {
   197                     fixedToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( EFalse );
   198                     }
   199                 }
   200             }
   201         break;
   202         }
   204     case EAknSoftkeySelect:
   205       {
   206       switch( operation )
   207         {
   208         // -------------------------
   209         case ECamNoOperation:
   210           {
   211           if ( !iController.VideoRecordPending() )
   212             {                    
   213             CCamPreCaptureViewBase::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   214             }
   215           break;
   216           }
   217         // -------------------------
   218         // ...Otherwise, if we are in video recording or paused mode
   219         // ...then stop the recording.
   220         case ECamCapturing:
   221         case ECamPaused:
   222           {
   223           iController.StopVideoRecording();
   224           break;
   225           }
   226         // -------------------------
   227         default:
   228           break;
   229         // -------------------------
   230         }
   231       break;
   232       }
   233     // ---------------------------------------------------
   234     case ECamCmdPause:
   235       {
   236       iController.PauseVideoRecording();
   237       break;
   238       }
   239     // ---------------------------------------------------
   240     case ECamCmdContinue:
   241       {
   242       iController.ContinueVideoRecording();
   243       break;
   244       }
   245     // ---------------------------------------------------
   246     case ECamCmdShootSetup:
   247       {
   248       // If currently recording or paused recording then don't
   249       // popup the capture setup menu.
   250       if ( ECamPaused     == operation 
   251         || ECamCapturing == operation )
   252         {
   253         return;
   254         }
   255       // Otherwise popup the capture setup menu
   256       else
   257         {
   258         CCamPreCaptureViewBase::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   259         }
   260       break;
   261       }
   262     // ---------------------------------------------------
   263     case ECamCmdGoToStandby:
   264       {
   265       PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleCommandL: case ECamCmdGoToStandby") );
   267       //PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleCommandL standby error (%d)"), iStandbyError)
   268       //SwitchToStandbyModeL( ECamViewIdVideoPreCapture, iStandbyError );
   269       SwitchToStandbyModeL( ECamViewIdVideoPreCapture, appUi->StandbyStatus() );
   270       break;
   271       }
   272     // ---------------------------------------------------
   273     case ECamCmdExitStandby:
   274       {
   275       PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleCommandL: case ECamCmdExitStandby") );
   276       ExitStandbyModeL();
   277       UpdateToolbarIconsL();
   278       break;
   279       }
   280     // ---------------------------------------------------
   281     case ECamCmdMute:
   282       {
   283       MuteEmbeddedAudioL( ETrue );
   284       break;
   285       }
   286     // ---------------------------------------------------
   287     case ECamCmdUnmute:
   288       {
   289       MuteEmbeddedAudioL( EFalse );
   290       break;
   291       }
   292     // ---------------------------------------------------
   293     case ECamCmdStop:
   294       {
   295       CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() );
   296       appUi->EndCapture();
   297       break;
   298       }
   299     // ---------------------------------------------------
   300     case ECamCmdToggleVideoFlash:
   301       {
   302       if ( iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsVideoLightSupported() )
   303           {
   304           TCamFlashId flash = static_cast< TCamFlashId > 
   305                         ( iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoFlash ) );       
   306           if( flash == ECamFlashForced )
   307             {
   308             flash = ECamFlashOff;
   309             }
   310           else
   311             {
   312             flash = ECamFlashForced;
   313             }
   314           iController.SetIntegerSettingValueL(ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoFlash, flash);             
   316           CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() );
   317           if ( appUi && 
   318                appUi->APHandler() &&
   319                ( appUi->CamOrientation() == ECamOrientationCamcorder || appUi->CamOrientation() == ECamOrientationCamcorderLeft ) )
   320             {
   321             appUi->APHandler()->UpdateActivePaletteL();
   322             }          
   323           }
   324       UpdateToolbarIconsL();
   325       break;
   326       }
   327     // ---------------------------------------------------
   328     default:
   329       {
   330       CCamPreCaptureViewBase::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   331       break;
   332       }
   333     // ---------------------------------------------------
   334     }
   336   PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleCommandL") );
   337   }
   339 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   340 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL
   341 // Handle foreground event
   342 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 //
   344 void 
   345 CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground )
   346   {
   347   PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL %d" ), aForeground );
   349   CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() );
   351   // -------------------------------------------------------
   352   // reset menu and cba as appropriate
   353   if( aForeground )
   354     {
   355     // ignore event if received in postcapture or if uiorientationoverride
   356     // is supported and going to stillmode
   357     if ( ECamViewStatePostCapture == appUi->CurrentViewState() ||
   358        ( iController.UiConfigManagerPtr() && 
   359          iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsUIOrientationOverrideSupported() &&
   360          appUi->TargetMode() == ECamControllerImage ) ) 
   361       {
   362       return;	
   363       }	
   365     if ( appUi->IsInPretendExit() )
   366       {
   367       // The view can get a foreground event while the application is
   368       // actually in a pretend exit situation. This occurs when the view switch
   369       // was called before the exit event, but didn't complete until after the
   370       // exit event. In this case the view should not register an interest in
   371       // the engine as the application is really in the background and the resources
   372       // need to be released
   373       PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL, in pretend exit" ) );
   374       return;
   375       }
   376     // if foreground event is received while in videocall, go to standby with error
   377     if ( iController.InVideocallOrRinging() && ECamNoOperation == iController.CurrentOperation() )
   378         {
   379         ExitAllModesL();
   380         appUi->SetStandbyStatus( KErrInUse );
   381         appUi->HandleCommandL( ECamCmdGoToStandby );
   382         SetTitlePaneTextL();	
   383         return;
   384         }
   386     // make sure CBA is correct
   387     UpdateCbaL();
   389     // check for silent profile whenever we come to foreground, we dont need it here,
   390     // but we keep track of this in appcontroller.
   391     iController.IsProfileSilent();
   393     // set embedded flag here
   394     iEmbedded = appUi->IsEmbedded();
   395     PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL - iEmbedded:%d"), iEmbedded );
   397     // update menu bar as required
   398     SetMenuBar();
   400     // if video is currently saving, it can be in either of the states:
   401     // ECamVideoRecordInProgress orECamVideoRecordPaused
   402     // but the recording has already been stopped
   403     if ( iController.CurrentlySavingVideo() )
   404       {
   405       UpdateCbaL();
   406       // if the app was behind an eikon server window then the resources
   407       // were not released. 
   408       if ( iContinueInBackground )
   409         {
   410         iContinueInBackground = EFalse;
   411         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEvent, returned behind notification" ) );                
   412         return;
   413         }
   415       // Register that we want to use the engine
   416       IncrementCameraUsers();
   417       PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEvent, waiting for postcapture" ) );                
   418       return;
   419       }
   421     }
   422   // -------------------------------------------------------
   423   // if going to the background, stop any current video recording
   424   // unless already saving or it is only an eikon server window
   425   else
   426     {
   427     TCamCaptureOperation operation( iController.CurrentVideoOperation() );
   429     PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL - operation=%d"), operation );
   430     if( !iController.CurrentlySavingVideo() && 
   431     	( ( ECamCapturing == operation || ECamPaused    == operation ) 
   432     	   && appUi->AppInBackground( EFalse )
   433     	   || ( iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsKeyLockWatcherSupported() && iController.IsKeyLockOn() ) ) )
   434       {
   435         PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL  stopping video") );
   436       // If the video stops for an active call then inform the controller
   437       // this info is needed so that the stop tone isn't played
   438       if ( appUi->ForegroundAppIsPhoneApp() )
   439         {
   440         PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL  SetVideoStoppedForPhoneApp") );
   441         iController.SetVideoStoppedForPhoneApp( ETrue );
   442         }
   444       // If AknCapServer has NOT got foreground, (which would possibly 
   445       // indicate a "charging" note) stop video recording
   446       iController.StopVideoRecording();
   447       // reset the stopped for call flag
   448       iController.SetVideoStoppedForPhoneApp( EFalse );
   449       }
   451     /*
   452     const TInt KWindowGroupId( iCoeEnv->WsSession().GetFocusWindowGroup() );
   453     TCamCaptureOperation operation( iController.CurrentVideoOperation() );
   455     if ( KWindowGroupId != iEikonServerWindowGroupId
   456       && KWindowGroupId != iBTServerWindowGroupId
   457       && ( ECamCapturing == operation
   458         || ECamPaused    == operation ) )
   459       {
   460       if ( !CamUtility::IdMatchesName( KWindowGroupId, KAknCapServer ) )
   461         {
   462         // If the video stops for an active call then inform the controller
   463         // this info is needed so that the stop tone isn't played
   464         if ( appUi->ForegroundAppIsPhoneApp() )
   465           {
   466           iController.SetVideoStoppedForPhoneApp( ETrue );
   467           }
   469         // If AknCapServer has NOT got foreground, (which would possibly 
   470         // indicate a "charging" note) stop video recording
   471         iController.StopVideoRecording();
   472         // reset the stopped for call flag
   473         iController.SetVideoStoppedForPhoneApp( EFalse );
   474         }
   475       }
   476       */
   477     }
   478   // -------------------------------------------------------
   480   CCamPreCaptureViewBase::HandleForegroundEventL( aForeground );
   482   PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleForegroundEventL" ) );    
   483   }
   485 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleFocusLossL
   487 // Handle change of focus
   488 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 //
   490 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleFocusLossL()
   491   {
   492   PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleFocusLossL" ) );    
   493   // if the application was already in the background, but behind an
   494   // eikon server window, then handle backgrounding properly now.
   495   // Otherwise the backgrounding will be handled in the normal
   496   // HandleForeground() method.
   497   if ( iContinueInBackground )
   498     {
   499     const TCamCaptureOperation operation( iController.CurrentOperation() );
   500     if ( ECamCapturing == operation
   501       || ECamPaused    == operation )
   502       {
   503       iController.StopVideoRecording();
   504       }
   505     }
   506   CCamPreCaptureViewBase::HandleFocusLossL();
   507   PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleFocusLossL" ) );    
   508   }
   510 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   511 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleControllerEventL
   512 // Handle controller events
   513 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   514 //
   515 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleControllerEventL( TCamControllerEvent aEvent, 
   516                                                      TInt aError )
   517   {
   518   PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleControllerEventL event (%d) error (%d)"), aEvent, aError );
   519   switch( aEvent )
   520     {
   521     // -----------------------------------------------------
   522     // If the recording state of the camera has changed (started/paused/stopped)
   523     // we may need to update the CBA labels
   524     case ECamEventOperationStateChanged:
   525       {
   526       if( iController.IsAppUiAvailable() )
   527           {
   528           const TCamCaptureOperation operation( iController.CurrentOperation() );
   529           if ( ECamCapturing == operation )
   530             {
   531             const TCamOrientation camOrientation = 
   532                 static_cast<CCamAppUiBase*>( AppUi() )->CamOrientation();
   533             // if in camcorder mode need to show navi-ctr
   534             if( ECamOrientationCamcorder     == camOrientation 
   535              || ECamOrientationCamcorderLeft == camOrientation 
   536              || ECamOrientationPortrait == camOrientation )
   537               {
   538               iContainer->SetupNaviPanesL( CCamContainerBase::ECamPaneProgress );
   539               }
   540             else
   541               {
   542               static_cast<CCamAppUiBase*>( AppUi() )->PushNaviPaneProgressBarL(); 
   543               }
   544             }
   545           else if ( ECamCompleting == operation )
   546               {        
   547               iContainer->SetupNaviPanesL( CCamContainerBase::ECamPaneCounter );
   548               }
   549         else
   550           {
   551           // empty else statement to remove LINT error
   552           }
   553         UpdateCbaL();
   554         }
   555       break;
   556       }
   557     // -----------------------------------------------------
   558     case ECamEventRecordComplete:
   559       {
   560       static_cast<CCamAppUiBase*>( AppUi() )->PushNaviPaneCounterL();
   561       // if the recording failed due to a problem with the MMC
   562       if ( KErrNone != aError
   563               && iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoMediaStorage ) 
   564               == ECamMediaStorageCard 
   565               && CamUtility::MemoryCardStatus() != ECamMemoryCardInserted )
   566           {
   567           StopViewFinder();
   568           StartViewFinder();
   569           }
   570       if ( static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() )->ShowPostCaptureView() == EFalse 
   571               && !iController.IsCaptureStoppedForUsb() )
   572           {
   573           // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
   574           if ( iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
   575               {
   576               CAknToolbar* toolbar = Toolbar();
   577               if ( toolbar )
   578                   {
   579                   toolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( ETrue );
   580                   }
   581               }
   582           }
   584       if ( iController.IsCaptureStoppedForUsb() )
   585           {
   586           iContainer->SetupNaviPanesL( CCamContainerBase::ECamPaneCounter );
   587           }
   589       if ( EFalse == static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() )->ShowPostCaptureView() )          
   590           {
   591           // Vf was stopped when stopping video recording, need to restart here
   592           // if postcapture is off.
   593           StartViewFinder();
   594           if( iHdmiTimer->IsActive() )
   595               iHdmiTimer->Cancel();
   596           iHdmiTimer->StartTimer();
   597           } 
   598       break;
   599       }
   600     // -----------------------------------------------------
   601     case ECamEventEngineStateChanged:
   602       {
   603       CCamPreCaptureViewBase::HandleControllerEventL( aEvent, aError );
   604       break;
   605       }
   606     // -----------------------------------------------------
   607     case ECamEventSliderOpen:
   608         {
   609         iController.StartViewFinder();
   610         break;
   611         }
   612     default:
   613       {
   614       // Other events ignored
   615       break;
   616       }
   617     // -----------------------------------------------------
   618     }  
   619   PRINT ( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HandleControllerEventL") );
   620   }
   623 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   624 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::CCamVideoPreCaptureView
   625 // C++ constructor
   626 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   627 //
   628 CCamVideoPreCaptureView::CCamVideoPreCaptureView( CCamAppController& aController )
   629     : CCamPreCaptureViewBase( aController )
   630     {
   631     }
   633 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   634 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::ConstructL
   635 // Symbian OS 2nd phase constructor
   636 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   637 //
   638 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::ConstructL()
   639     {
   640     BaseConstructL( ROID(R_CAM_VIDEO_PRE_CAPTURE_VIEW_ID) );
   641     CCamPreCaptureViewBase::ConstructL();
   642     iHdmiTimer = CCamTimer::NewL( KHdmiTimeout, TCallBack(HdmiTimerCallback, this));
   643     }
   645 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   646 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateCbaL
   647 // Update softkeys to reflect current state
   648 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   649 //
   650 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateCbaL()
   651   {
   652   PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateCbaL") );
   654   CCamAppUi* appui = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() );
   656   // if videocall is active, set the softkeys already here 
   657   if ( iController.InVideocallOrRinging() )
   658       {
   659       SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT );	
   660       }	
   661   // if the view is in capture setup menu mode
   662   if (  iCaptureSetupMenuModeActive 
   663     && !iCaptureSetupModeActive 
   664     && !iSceneSettingModeActive )
   665     {
   666     SetSoftKeysL( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_SELECT_BACK );
   667     }
   668   // if the view is in capture setup mode
   669   else if ( iCaptureSetupModeActive )
   670     {
   672     }
   673   // if the view is in scene settings mode
   674   else if ( iSceneSettingModeActive )
   675     {
   676     if( !iForceAvkonCBA )
   677         {
   679         }
   680     else
   681         {
   682         SetSoftKeysL( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_SELECT_CANCEL  );
   683         }
   684     }
   685   else if ( iStandbyModeActive )
   686     {
   687     if( KErrNone == appui->StandbyStatus() )
   689     else
   690       SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT );
   691     }
   693   else // otherwise, show the default softkeys
   694     {
   695     switch ( iController.CurrentVideoOperation() )
   696       {
   697       // -------------------------------
   698       case ECamCapturing:
   699         {
   700         if(appui->IsSecondCameraEnabled() && !appui->IsQwerty2ndCamera())
   701             {
   702             SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_PAUSE_STOP_SECONDARY );
   703             }
   704         else
   705             {
   706             SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_PAUSE_STOP );
   707             }
   708         break;
   709         }
   710       // -------------------------------
   711       case ECamPaused:
   712         {
   713         if(appui->IsSecondCameraEnabled() && !appui->IsQwerty2ndCamera())
   714             {
   715             SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_CONTINUE_STOP_SECONDARY );
   716             }
   717         else
   718             {
   719             SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_CONTINUE_STOP );
   720             }
   721         break;
   722         }
   723       // -------------------------------
   724       case ECamNoOperation:
   725         {
   726         if ( iController.CaptureModeTransitionInProgress() )
   727           {
   728           if(iEmbedded )
   729               {
   730               if(appui->IsSecondCameraEnabled() && !appui->IsQwerty2ndCamera())
   731                   {
   732                   SetSoftKeysL(R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_BACK_SECONDARY);
   733                   }
   734               else
   735                   {
   736                   SetSoftKeysL(R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_BACK);
   737                   }
   738               }
   739           else
   740               {
   741               if(appui->IsSecondCameraEnabled() && !appui->IsQwerty2ndCamera())
   742                   {
   743                   SetSoftKeysL(R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_BLANK_EXIT_SECONDARY);
   744                   }
   745               else
   746                   {
   747                   SetSoftKeysL(R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_BLANK_EXIT);
   748                   }
   749               }
   750           }
   751         else
   752           {
   753           if ( appui->TargetViewState() != ECamViewStatePostCapture )
   754             {
   755             if ( iEmbedded )
   756                 {
   757                 if(appui->IsSecondCameraEnabled() && !appui->IsQwerty2ndCamera())
   758                     {
   759                     SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK__RECORD_SECONDARY );
   760                     }
   761                 else
   762                     {
   763                     SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK__RECORD );
   764                     }
   766                 }
   767             else 
   768                 {
   769                 if ( !appui->IsToolBarVisible()
   770                     && appui->IsSecondCameraEnabled() 
   771                     && !appui->IsQwerty2ndCamera())
   772                     {
   773                     SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT__RECORD_TXT );
   774                     }
   775                 else if ( appui->DrawPreCaptureCourtesyUI() )
   776                     {
   777                     if(appui->IsSecondCameraEnabled() && !appui->IsQwerty2ndCamera())
   778                         {
   779                         SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT__RECORD_SECONDARY );
   780                         }
   781                     else
   782                         {
   783                         SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_EXIT__RECORD );
   784                         }
   785                     }
   786                 else
   787                     {
   788                     SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_BLANK );
   789                     }
   790                 }            
   791             }
   792           }
   793         break;
   794         }
   795       // -------------------------------
   796       case ECamCompleting:
   797         {
   798         if ( iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoShowCapturedVideo ) == ECamSettOn &&
   799              !iController.IsCaptureStoppedForUsb() && appui->TargetViewState() == ECamViewStatePostCapture )
   800           { 
   801           //We need to blank the precapture view CBA here to prevent
   802           //blinking when changing back to precapture from postcapture.
   803           SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_BLANK );
   804           }
   805         break;	
   806         }
   807       // -------------------------------
   808       default:
   809         {
   810         // do nothing
   811         break;
   812         }
   813       // -------------------------------
   814       }
   815     }
   816   PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateCbaL") );
   817   }
   819 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   820 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SetTitlePaneTextL
   821 // Set the view's title text
   822 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   823 //
   824 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SetTitlePaneTextL()
   825     {
   826     CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() );
   827 #ifndef __WINS__
   828     if ( iEmbedded /*&& !appUi->IsInCallSend()*/ )
   829         {
   830         // only set the title if the construction is complete
   831         // otherwise the application is not yet set up correctly
   832         // as embedded
   833         if ( appUi->IsConstructionComplete() )
   834             {
   835             // set title to name of embedding application
   836             appUi->SetTitleEmbeddedL();
   837             }   
   838         }
   839     else
   840 #endif  
   841         {
   842         TInt titleResourceId = R_CAM_VIDEO_PRE_CAPTURE_TITLE_NAME;
   844         if ( iCaptureSetupModeActive || iSceneSettingModeActive )
   845             {
   846             titleResourceId = CCamCaptureSetupViewBase::SetupModeTitlePaneResourceId();
   847             }
   849         appUi->SetTitleL( titleResourceId );
   850         }
   851     }
   853 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   854 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::StartViewFinder
   855 // Enter viewfinder mode
   856 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   857 //
   858 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::StartViewFinder()
   859     {
   860     iController.EnterViewfinderMode( ECamControllerVideo );
   861     }
   863 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   864 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::StopViewFinder
   865 // Exit viewfinder mode
   866 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   867 //
   868 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::StopViewFinder()
   869     {
   870     iController.ExitViewfinderMode( ECamControllerVideo );
   871     }
   873 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   874 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::CreateContainerL
   875 // Create container control
   876 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   877 //
   878 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::CreateContainerL()
   879     {
   880     PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::CreateContainerL" ) )
   882     TRect screen;
   883     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screen );
   885     iContainer = CCamVideoPreCaptureContainer::NewL(
   886         iController,
   887         *this,
   888         screen );
   890     iContainer->SetMopParent( this );
   892     CCamPreCaptureViewBase::CreateContainerL();
   893     PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::CreateContainerL" ) )
   894     }
   896 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   897 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DynInitMenuPaneL
   898 // Changes MenuPane dynamically
   899 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   900 //
   901 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   902     {
   903     PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DynInitMenuPaneL" ));
   905     if ( iContainer )
   906         {
   907         iContainer->Window().SetNonFading( ETrue );
   908         }
   910     CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() );
   911 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(appUi, CamPanic(ECamPanicNullPointer));
   912     TInt itemPos(0);
   913     if( aMenuPane->MenuItemExists(ECamCmdToggleCourtesyUI, itemPos) )
   914         {
   915         if ( !appUi->AlwaysDrawPreCaptureCourtesyUI() )
   916             {
   917             aMenuPane->SetItemTextL( ECamCmdToggleCourtesyUI, 
   918                                       R_CAM_CAPTURE_DISPLAY_ON_TEXT);
   919             }
   920         }
   922 //    if ( aResourceId == R_CAM_STANDBY_MENU && iStandbyError != KErrNone )
   923     if ( aResourceId == R_CAM_STANDBY_MENU && appUi->StandbyStatus() != KErrNone )
   924         {
   925         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ECamCmdExitStandby, ETrue );
   926         }
   927     else if ( aResourceId == ROID(R_CAM_VIDEO_PRE_CAPTURE_MENU_ID))
   928         {
   929         DynInitSwitchCameraMenuItemL( aMenuPane ); 
   930         }
   931     else // otherwise, not in burst mode or menu pane is not default
   932         {
   933         // if embedded video set mute/unmute option appropriately, and set up
   934         // Switch camera item
   935         if( aResourceId == ROID(R_CAM_VIDEO_EMBEDDED_PRE_CAPTURE_MENU_ID))
   936             {
   937             DynInitSwitchCameraMenuItemL( aMenuPane );
   938             iAudioEnabled = iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemVideoAudioRec );
   939             // if audio off replace mute with unmute
   940             if( iAudioEnabled == ECamSettOff )
   941                 {
   942                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ECamCmdMute, ETrue );
   943                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ECamCmdUnmute, EFalse );
   944                 }
   945             else
   946                 {
   947                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ECamCmdMute, EFalse );
   948                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ECamCmdUnmute, ETrue );
   949                 }
   950 /*#ifndef __WINS__
   951             // if embedded and not in in-call send
   952             if ( !appUi->IsInCallSend() )
   953 #endif*/
   954         //        {
   955                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ECamCmdNewPhoto, ETrue );
   956         //        }
   957             }
   959         CCamCaptureSetupViewBase::DynInitMenuPaneL( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
   960         }
   961     PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DynInitMenuPaneL" ))  
   962     }
   965 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   966 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::CreateCaptureSetupMenuL
   967 // Creates a video capture setup menu
   968 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   969 //
   970 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::CreateCaptureSetupMenuL()
   971     {
   972     TInt resource;
   973     // check if we are Western or Arabic/Hebrew layout
   974     if ( !AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
   975         {
   976         if( AknLayoutUtils::Variant() == EApacVariant )
   977             {
   978             resource = ROID(R_CAM_CAPTURE_SETUP_MENU_VIDEO_DATA_APAC_ID);
   979             }
   980         else
   981             {
   982             // use Western resource
   983             resource = ROID(R_CAM_CAPTURE_SETUP_MENU_VIDEO_DATA_ID);
   984             }
   985         }
   986     else
   987         {
   988         resource = ROID(R_CAM_CAPTURE_SETUP_MENU_VIDEO_DATA_AH_ID);
   989         }
   991     // Use capture setup menu for second camera
   992     if ( static_cast<CCamAppUiBase*>( AppUi() )->IsSecondCameraEnabled() )
   993         {
   994         resource = ROID(R_CAM_CAPTURE_SETUP_MENU_VIDEO_DATA_ID);
   995         }
   997     iCaptureSetupMenuContainer = 
   998         CCamCaptureSetupMenu::NewL( iController, *this, AppUi()->ClientRect(),
   999         resource, iCaptureSetupMenuLastItemIndex );
  1001     }
  1003 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1004 // CCamPreCaptureViewBase::SwitchToSceneSettingModeL
  1005 // Switches the current mode to scene setting and activates a 
  1006 // specific control.
  1007 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1008 //
  1009 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SwitchToSceneSettingModeL()
  1010     {
  1011     if ( !iSceneSettingContainer )
  1012     	{
  1013 	    // Create the scene setting container for video mode.
  1014 	    iSceneSettingContainer = CCamShootingModeContainer::NewL( AppUi()->ApplicationRect(),
  1015                                                                ETrue, //Skinned background
  1016 	                                                           *this,
  1017 	                                                           ECamControllerVideo,
  1018 	                                                           iController,
  1019 	                                                           EFalse ); 
  1021 	    iSceneSettingContainer->DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition(-1);
  1022     	}
  1024     iSettingModeTitleResourceId = R_CAM_VIDEO_SCENE_SETTING_TITLE;
  1026     if ( iEmbedded )
  1027         {
  1028         iPreviousMenuResourceId = ROID(R_CAM_VIDEO_EMBEDDED_PRE_CAPTURE_MENUBAR_ID);
  1029         }
  1030     else
  1031         {
  1032         iPreviousMenuResourceId = ROID(R_CAM_VIDEO_PRE_CAPTURE_MENUBAR_ID);
  1033         }
  1034     // Remove the view's main container, and add the capture setup 
  1035     // control associated with the input command to the container stack.
  1036     CCamCaptureSetupViewBase::SwitchToSceneSettingModeL();
  1038     // only remove the capture setup menu container after 
  1039     // the switch completes successfully
  1040     RemoveCaptureSetupMenuContainers();
  1042     // Stop the viewfinder as it isn't required for scene settings
  1043     StopViewFinder();
  1045     }
  1048 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1049 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DoActivateL
  1050 // Activate this view
  1051 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1052 //
  1053 void 
  1054 CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId, 
  1055                                             TUid        aCustomMessageId,
  1056                                       const TDesC8&     aCustomMessage )
  1057     {
  1059     PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DoActivateL") );
  1060     PERF_EVENT_START_L2( EPerfEventVideoPreCaptureViewActivation );        
  1061     // Ensure the correct menu is used for the current mode.
  1062     CCamAppUi* appUi =  static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() );
  1063     // Toolbar is created here.
  1064     // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
  1065   if ( iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
  1066       {
  1067       CAknToolbar* toolbar = Toolbar();
  1068       if( !toolbar )
  1069         {
  1070         PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DoActivateL - Not toolbar -> Create one" ) );
  1071         if(iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsXenonFlashSupported())
  1072             {
  1073             CreateAndSetToolbarL(R_CAM_VIDEO_PRECAPTURE_TOOLBAR);
  1074             }
  1075         else
  1076             {
  1077             CreateAndSetToolbarL(R_CAM_VIDEO_PRECAPTURE_TOOLBAR_VIDEOLIGHT);
  1078             }
  1079         }
  1080       }
  1083     // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
  1084     if ( iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
  1085         {
  1086         if ( appUi->IsEmbedded() )
  1087             {
  1088             CAknToolbar* toolbar = Toolbar();
  1089             toolbar->SetToolbarVisibility(EFalse);
  1090             }
  1091         }
  1092     else
  1093         {
  1094         // handled in CamPreCaptureViewBase
  1095         }
  1097     // Check if view is activated internally or externally
  1098     TUid appUid = aPrevViewId.iAppUid;
  1099     if( appUid != appUi->Application()->AppDllUid() )
  1100       {
  1101       // set capture mode 
  1102       appUi->SetCaptureMode( ECamControllerVideo );
  1103       }
  1105     SetMenuBar();
  1107     CCamPreCaptureViewBase::DoActivateL( aPrevViewId, aCustomMessageId, aCustomMessage );  
  1109     PERF_EVENT_END_L2( EPerfEventVideoPreCaptureViewActivation );
  1110     PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DoActivateL") );
  1112     }
  1114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1115 // SetMenuBar <<virtual>>
  1116 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1117 //
  1118 void 
  1119 CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SetMenuBar()
  1120   {
  1121   PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SetMenuBar") );  
  1122   CEikMenuBar* menuBar = MenuBar();
  1123   if ( menuBar )
  1124     {
  1125     if ( iStandbyModeActive ) 
  1126       {
  1127       PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SetMenuBar: setting standby menubar..") );
  1128       menuBar->SetMenuTitleResourceId( R_CAM_STANDBY_MENUBAR );
  1129       }
  1130     else if ( iEmbedded )
  1131       {
  1132       PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SetMenuBar: setting menu resource to R_CAM_VIDEO_EMBEDDED_PRE_CAPTURE_MENUBAR_ID") );
  1133       menuBar->SetMenuTitleResourceId( ROID(R_CAM_VIDEO_EMBEDDED_PRE_CAPTURE_MENUBAR_ID));
  1134       }
  1135     else
  1136       {
  1137       PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SetMenuBar: setting menu resource to R_CAM_VIDEO_PRE_CAPTURE_MENUBAR_ID") );
  1138       menuBar->SetMenuTitleResourceId( ROID(R_CAM_VIDEO_PRE_CAPTURE_MENUBAR_ID) );
  1139       }
  1140     }
  1141   PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::SetMenuBar") );
  1142   }
  1145 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1146 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::GetHelpContext
  1147 // Called to identify the help context for this view
  1148 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1149 //
  1150 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const
  1151     {
  1152     aContext.iMajor = TUid::Uid( KCameraappUID );
  1154     // First check to see if the scene settings list is open
  1155     if ( iSceneSettingModeActive )
  1156         {
  1157         aContext.iContext = KLCAM_HLP_SCENES_VIDEO;
  1158         }
  1159     // Else check for standby mode
  1160     else if ( iStandbyModeActive )
  1161         {
  1162         // Also check to see if this is embedded standby
  1163         if ( iEmbedded )
  1164             {
  1165             aContext.iContext = KLCAM_HLP_STANDYBY_EM;
  1166             }
  1167         else
  1168             {
  1169             aContext.iContext = KLCAM_HLP_STANDYBY_EM;
  1170             }        
  1171         }
  1172     // Else check for embedded mode
  1173     else if ( iEmbedded )
  1174         {
  1175         aContext.iContext = KLCAM_HLP_VIEWFINDER_VIDEO_EM;
  1176         }
  1177     // Else this is the plain photo viewfinder
  1178     else
  1179         {
  1180         aContext.iContext = KLCAM_HLP_VIEWFINDER_VIDEO;
  1181         }
  1182     }
  1184 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1185 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::MuteEmbeddedAudioL
  1186 // Mute or unmute audio for embedded video
  1187 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1188 //
  1189 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::MuteEmbeddedAudioL( TBool aMuteAudio )
  1190     {
  1191     if( aMuteAudio )
  1192         {
  1193         iController.SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemVideoAudioRec, ECamSettOff );
  1194         }
  1195     else
  1196         {
  1197         iController.SetIntegerSettingValueL( ECamSettingItemVideoAudioRec, ECamSettOn );
  1198         }
  1199     }
  1201 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1202 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DynInitToolbarL
  1203 // Dynamically initialize toolbar contents
  1204 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1205 //
  1206 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DynInitToolbarL( TInt aResourceId, 
  1207                                        CAknToolbar* aToolbar )
  1208     {
  1209     PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DynInitToolbarL(%d, 0x%X)" ), aResourceId, aToolbar )
  1210     (void)aResourceId; // remove compiler warning
  1212     CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( AppUi() );
  1214     iController.StartIdleTimer();
  1215     // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
  1216     if ( iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
  1217         {
  1218         UpdateToolbarIconsL();
  1219         if( aToolbar )
  1220             {            
  1221             if ( iEmbedded /* && appUi->IsSecondCameraEnabled()*/ )
  1222                 {
  1223                 // Dim mode switch icon and disable tooltip
  1224                 aToolbar->SetItemDimmed(ECamCmdNewPhoto, ETrue, ETrue);
  1225                 CAknButton* imageModeButton = static_cast<CAknButton*>(
  1226 					          aToolbar->ControlOrNull( ECamCmdNewPhoto ) );
  1227                 if ( imageModeButton ) 
  1228                     {
  1229                     imageModeButton->SetDimmedHelpTextL( KNullDesC );
  1230  					}
  1232                 if ( appUi && appUi->IsSecondCameraEnabled() )
  1233                     {
  1234                     aToolbar->SetItemDimmed( ECamCmdPhotos, ETrue, ETrue );
  1235                     CAknButton* photosButton = static_cast<CAknButton*>(
  1236                         aToolbar->ControlOrNull( ECamCmdPhotos ) );
  1237                     if ( photosButton ) 
  1238                         {
  1239                         // do not show tooltip for dimmed item
  1240                         photosButton->SetDimmedHelpTextL( KNullDesC );
  1241                         }
  1242                     }
  1243                 }
  1244             CAknToolbarExtension* extension = aToolbar->ToolbarExtension();
  1245             if( extension )
  1246                 {
  1247                 if ( iEmbedded )
  1248                     {
  1249                     extension->HideItemL( ECamCmdNewPhoto, ETrue );
  1250                     extension->HideItemL( ECamCmdPhotos, ETrue );
  1251                     }
  1252                 else
  1253                     {
  1254                     extension->HideItemL( ECamCmdNewPhoto, EFalse );
  1255                     extension->HideItemL( ECamCmdPhotos, EFalse );
  1256                     }
  1257                 if(aResourceId == ECamCmdToolbarExtension)
  1258                     {
  1259                     appUi->ZoomPane()->MakeVisible(EFalse,ETrue);
  1260                     }
  1261                 }
  1262             }
  1263         }
  1266     PRINT2( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DynInitToolbarL(%d, 0x%X)" ), aResourceId, aToolbar )
  1267     }
  1269 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1270 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateToolbarIconsL
  1271 // Update fixed toolbar icons according to current settings
  1272 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273 //
  1274 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateToolbarIconsL()
  1275     {
  1276     PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateToolbarIconsL") );
  1277     // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
  1278     if (!iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
  1279         return;
  1280      UpdateVideoFlashIconsL();
  1281      UpdateVideoSceneModeIconsL();
  1282      UpdateVideoColorToneIconsL();
  1283      UpdateVideoWhitebalanceIconsL();
  1284 	 RedrawToolBar();
  1285 	PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateToolbarIconsL") );
  1286     }
  1288 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1289 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::OfferToolbarEventL
  1290 // Handle commands from toolbar
  1291 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1292 //
  1293 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand )
  1294     {
  1295     PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamVideoPreCaptureView::OfferToolbarEventL(%d)" ), aCommand );
  1297     iController.StartIdleTimer();
  1298     // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
  1299     if ( iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
  1300         {
  1301         CCamPreCaptureViewBase::OfferToolbarEventL( aCommand );
  1304         // Redraw video light button
  1305         CAknToolbar* toolbar = Toolbar();
  1306         if ( aCommand == ECamCmdToggleVideoFlash && 
  1307              toolbar )
  1308             {
  1309              CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( 
  1310                                   toolbar->ControlOrNull( aCommand ) );
  1311 			 if ( button )
  1312                 {
  1313                 button->DrawDeferred();
  1314                 }
  1315             } 
  1316         }
  1318     PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamVideoPreCaptureView::OfferToolbarEventL(%d)" ), aCommand );
  1319     }
  1322 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1323 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::StartMskCapture()
  1324 // Try to start the capture with MSK command. Return true if started.
  1325 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1326 //
  1327 TBool CCamVideoPreCaptureView::StartMskCaptureL()
  1328     {
  1329     CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( iEikonEnv->AppUi() );
  1330     TCamOrientation orientation = appUi->CamOrientation();
  1331     TBool startedCapture(EFalse);
  1332     if( orientation == ECamOrientationCamcorder || 
  1333         orientation == ECamOrientationCamcorderLeft ||
  1334 		orientation == ECamOrientationPortrait )
  1335     	{ 
  1336    		if ( appUi && !appUi->IsToolBarVisible()
  1337        		 && iController.UiConfigManagerPtr() 
  1338        		 && !iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsOpticalJoyStickSupported() )
  1339    		    {
  1340     		// In case of MSK if no AP on screen, it should work as record
  1341     		// If optical joystic is not available, we will start the 
  1342     		// recording here. Otherwise it is handled
  1343     		// in CCamVideoPreCaptureContainer
  1344         	TInt callType( EPSCTsyCallTypeUninitialized );
  1345             RProperty::Get( KPSUidCtsyCallInformation, KCTsyCallType, callType );
  1346             if( iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemStopRecordingInHdmiMode) &&
  1347                     iController.IsHdmiCableConnected() )
  1348                 {
  1349                 appUi->HandleHdmiEventL( ECamHdmiCableConnectedBeforeRecording );
  1350                 }
  1351             else if ( callType != EPSCTsyCallTypeH324Multimedia && iController.IsViewFinding() && appUi->CheckMemoryL() )
  1352             {
  1353                 SetSoftKeysL( R_CAM_SOFTKEYS_BLANK );
  1354                 iController.StartVideoRecordingL();
  1355                 startedCapture = ETrue;
  1356                 // fixed toolbar is used only with touch devices
  1357                 if ( iController.IsTouchScreenSupported() )
  1358                     {
  1359                     CAknToolbar* fixedToolbar = Toolbar();
  1360                     if ( fixedToolbar )
  1361                         {
  1362                         fixedToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( EFalse );
  1363                         }
  1364                     }
  1365                 }
  1366    		    }
  1367 	    // else let the calling function take care of capturing
  1368     	}
  1369         return startedCapture;
  1370     }
  1373 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1374 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoFlashIconsL()
  1375 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1376 //
  1377  void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoFlashIconsL()
  1378      {
  1379      CAknButton* button = ToolbarButtonById(ECamCmdToggleVideoFlash);
  1380      if(!button)
  1381          return;
  1382      MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  1383      TFileName iconFileName;
  1384      CamUtility::ResourceFileName( iconFileName );
  1385      TCamFlashId flash = static_cast< TCamFlashId > 
  1386          ( iController.IntegerSettingValue(
  1387                  ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoFlash ) );
  1389      CAknButtonState* state = button->State();
  1390      if ( state )
  1391          {
  1392          switch ( flash )
  1393              {
  1394              case ECamFlashOff:
  1395                  {
  1396                  SetIconL(
  1397                      button,
  1398                      iconFileName,
  1399                      EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_tb_light_off,
  1400                      EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_tb_light_off_mask,
  1401                      skinInstance,
  1402                      KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4TbLightOff );
  1403                  HBufC* tooltipText = 
  1404                      StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_LCAM_TT_VIDEOFLASH );
  1405                  state->SetHelpTextL( *tooltipText );
  1406                  CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tooltipText );
  1407                  break;
  1408                  }
  1409              case ECamFlashForced:
  1410                  {
  1411                  SetIconL(
  1412                      button,
  1413                      iconFileName,
  1414                      EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_tb_light,
  1415                      EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_tb_light_mask,
  1416                      skinInstance,
  1417                      KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4TbLight ); 
  1418                  HBufC* tooltipText =
  1419                      StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_LCAM_TT_FLASHOFF );
  1420                  state->SetHelpTextL( *tooltipText );
  1421                  CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tooltipText );
  1422                  break;
  1423                  }
  1424              default:
  1425                  break;
  1426              }
  1427          }
  1428      }
  1430  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1431  // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoSceneModeIconsL()
  1432  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1433  //
  1434  void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoSceneModeIconsL()
  1435      {
  1436      CAknButton* button = ToolbarButtonById(ECamCmdCaptureSetupSceneVideo);
  1437      if(!button)
  1438          {
  1439          return;
  1440          }
  1442      MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  1443      TFileName iconFileName;
  1444      CamUtility::ResourceFileName( iconFileName );
  1445      TCamSceneId scene = static_cast< TCamSceneId > ( 
  1446          iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoScene ) );
  1448      // For use with scene indicator
  1449      TInt32 iconId = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_auto;
  1450      TInt32 maskId = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_auto_mask;
  1452      switch ( scene )
  1453          {
  1454          case ECamSceneAuto:
  1455          case ECamSceneNormal:
  1456              {
  1457              SetIconL(
  1458                  button,
  1459                  iconFileName,
  1460                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_auto,
  1461                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_auto_mask,
  1462                  skinInstance,
  1463                  KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4ModeAuto );
  1464              iconId = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_auto;
  1465              maskId = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_auto_mask;
  1466              break;
  1467              }
  1468          case ECamSceneNight:
  1469              {
  1470              SetIconL(
  1471                  button,
  1472                  iconFileName,
  1473                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_night,
  1474                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_night_mask,
  1475                  skinInstance,
  1476                  KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4ModeNight );
  1477              iconId = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_night;
  1478              maskId = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_mode_night_mask;
  1479              break;
  1480              }
  1481          case ECamSceneLowLight: 
  1482              {
  1483              SetIconL(
  1484                  button,
  1485                  iconFileName,
  1486                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_tungsten,
  1487                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_tungsten_mask,
  1488                  skinInstance,
  1489                  KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4WbTungsten );
  1490              iconId = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_tungsten;
  1491              maskId = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_tungsten_mask;
  1492              break;
  1493              }
  1494          default:
  1495              {
  1496              //Do Nothing
  1497              }
  1498              break;
  1499          }
  1501      // Update the icon in the side pane
  1502      if ( iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsCustomCaptureButtonSupported() )
  1503          {
  1504          CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( iEikonEnv->AppUi() );
  1505          CCamSidePane* sidePane = appUi->SidePane();
  1507          if ( sidePane )
  1508              {
  1509              PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoSceneModeIconsL - Updating side pane indicator") );
  1510              sidePane->UpdateSceneIndicatorL( iconId, maskId );
  1511              }
  1512          }
  1513      }
  1515  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1516  // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoColorToneIconsL()
  1517  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1518  //
  1519 void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoColorToneIconsL()
  1520     {
  1521     CAknButton* button = ToolbarButtonById(ECamCmdCaptureSetupColourFilterVideo);
  1522     if(!button)
  1523         return;
  1524     if ( !iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsColorToneFeatureSupported() )
  1525         {
  1526         HideButton(ECamCmdCaptureSetupColourFilterVideo);
  1527         return;
  1528         }
  1529     MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  1530     TFileName iconFileName;
  1531     CamUtility::ResourceFileName( iconFileName );
  1533     TCamColourFilterId color = static_cast< TCamColourFilterId > 
  1534         ( iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoColourFilter ) );
  1536     switch ( color )
  1537         {
  1538         case ECamColourFilterColour:
  1539             {
  1540             SetIconL(
  1541                 button,
  1542                 iconFileName,
  1543                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_normal,
  1544                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_normal_mask,
  1545                 skinInstance,
  1546                 KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4ColourNormal );
  1547             break;
  1548             }
  1549         case ECamColourFilterBlackAndWhite:
  1550             {
  1551             SetIconL(
  1552                 button,
  1553                 iconFileName,
  1554                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_bw,
  1555                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_bw_mask,
  1556                 skinInstance,
  1557                 KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4ColourBw );
  1558             break;
  1559             }
  1560         case ECamColourFilterSepia:
  1561             {
  1562             SetIconL(
  1563                 button,
  1564                 iconFileName,
  1565                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_sepia,
  1566                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_sepia_mask,
  1567                 skinInstance,
  1568                 KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4ColourSepia );
  1569             break;
  1570             }
  1571         case ECamColourFilterNegative:
  1572             {
  1573             SetIconL(
  1574                 button,
  1575                 iconFileName,
  1576                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_negative,
  1577                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_negative_mask,
  1578                 skinInstance,
  1579                 KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4ColourNegative );
  1580             break;
  1581             }
  1582         case ECamColourFilterVivid:
  1583             {
  1584             SetIconL(
  1585                 button,
  1586                 iconFileName,
  1587                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_vivid,
  1588                 EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_colour_vivid_mask,
  1589                 skinInstance,
  1590                 KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4ColourVivid );
  1591             break;
  1592             }
  1593         default:
  1594             break;
  1595         }
  1596     }
  1598 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1599 // CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoWhitebalanceIconsL()
  1600 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1601 //
  1602  void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::UpdateVideoWhitebalanceIconsL()
  1603      {
  1604      CAknButton* button = ToolbarButtonById(ECamCmdCaptureSetupWhiteBalanceVideo);
  1605      if(!button)
  1606          return;
  1607      MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  1608      TFileName iconFileName;
  1609      CamUtility::ResourceFileName( iconFileName );
  1610      if ( !iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsWhiteBalanceFeatureSupported() )
  1611          {
  1612          HideButton( ECamCmdCaptureSetupWhiteBalanceVideo);
  1613          return;
  1614          }
  1615      TCamWhiteBalanceId wb = static_cast< TCamWhiteBalanceId > 
  1616          ( iController.IntegerSettingValue( ECamSettingItemDynamicVideoWhiteBalance ) );
  1618      switch ( wb )
  1619          {
  1620          case ECamWhiteBalanceAWB:
  1621              {
  1622              SetIconL(
  1623                  button,
  1624                  iconFileName,
  1625                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_auto,
  1626                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_auto_mask,
  1627                  skinInstance,
  1628                  KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4WbAuto );
  1629              break;
  1630              }
  1631          case ECamWhiteBalanceDaylight:
  1632              {
  1633              SetIconL(
  1634                  button,
  1635                  iconFileName,
  1636                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_sunny,
  1637                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_sunny_mask,
  1638                  skinInstance,
  1639                  KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4WbSunny );
  1640              break;
  1641              }
  1642          case ECamWhiteBalanceCloudy:
  1643              {
  1644              SetIconL(
  1645                  button,
  1646                  iconFileName,
  1647                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_cloudy,
  1648                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_cloudy_mask,
  1649                  skinInstance,
  1650                  KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4WbCloudy );
  1651              break;
  1652              }
  1653          case ECamWhiteBalanceTungsten:
  1654              {
  1655              SetIconL(
  1656                  button,
  1657                  iconFileName,
  1658                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_tungsten,
  1659                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_tungsten_mask,
  1660                  skinInstance,
  1661                  KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4WbTungsten );
  1662              break;
  1663              }
  1664          case ECamWhiteBalanceFlourescent:
  1665              {
  1666              SetIconL(
  1667                  button,
  1668                  iconFileName,
  1669                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_fluorecent,
  1670                  EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_wb_fluorecent_mask,
  1671                  skinInstance,
  1672                  KAknsIIDQgnIndiCam4WbFluorecent );
  1673              break;
  1674              }
  1675          default:
  1676              break;
  1677          }
  1678      }
  1680  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1681  // CCamVideoPostCaptureView::HdmiTimerCallback
  1682  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1683  //
  1684  TInt CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HdmiTimerCallback( TAny* aSelf )
  1685      {
  1686      CCamVideoPreCaptureView* self = static_cast<CCamVideoPreCaptureView*>(aSelf);
  1687      TInt err(0);
  1688      if( self )
  1689          {
  1690          TRAP(err, self->DoHdmiTimerCallbackL() );
  1691          }
  1692      PRINT1( _L("Camera <> CCamVideoPreCaptureView::HdmiTimerCallback err=%d"), err);
  1693      return err;
  1694      }
  1696  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1697  // CCamVideoPostCaptureView::DoHdmlTimerCallbackL
  1698  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1699  //
  1700  void CCamVideoPreCaptureView::DoHdmiTimerCallbackL()
  1701      {
  1702      iController.HandlePostHdmiConnectDuringRecordingEventL();
  1703      }
  1706 //  End of File