changeset 54 bac7acad7cb3
child 57 2c87b2808fd7
equal deleted inserted replaced
53:61bc0f252b2b 54:bac7acad7cb3
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Camera Zoom Pane; shows the zoom level graphically*
    15 */
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <coemain.h>
    23 #include <eikenv.h>
    24 #include <cameraapp.mbg>
    25 #include <eikappui.h>    // For CCoeAppUiBase
    26 #include <eikapp.h>      // For CEikApplication
    27 #include <barsread.h>    // resource reader
    28 #include <AknIconUtils.h>
    29 #include <centralrepository.h>
    30 #include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>         
    31 #include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h> 
    32 #include <touchfeedback.h> 
    33 #include <cameraapp.rsg>
    34 #include <vgacamsettings.rsg>
    35 #include "CameraUiConfigManager.h"
    36 #include "CamPanic.h"    // Panic codes
    37 #include "CamUtility.h"
    38 #include "CamZoomPane.h"
    39 #include "CamZoomModel.h"
    40 #include "CamAppUi.h"
    41 #include "CamBmpRotatorAo.h"
    42 #include "CameraappPrivateCRKeys.h"
    43 #include "CamTimer.h"
    46 // CONSTANTS
    47 const TInt KDivisorFactor = 10000;    // integer scaling factor to avoid the 
    48                                      // use of floating point arithmetic
    49 const TInt KTouchAreaExpansion = 35; // Pixels to grow touchable area                                    
    50 const TInt KFastZoomMultiplier = 4;  // Multiplier to skip some zoom levels 
    51                                      // to make zooming faster. Used with double tap.
    53 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    55 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 // CCamZoomPane::CCamZoomPane
    57 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    58 // might leave.
    59 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 //
    61 CCamZoomPane::CCamZoomPane( CCamAppController& aController, TBool aOverlayViewFinder )
    62     : iController( aController ),
    63       iOverlayViewFinder( aOverlayViewFinder )
    64     {
    65     }
    67 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 // CCamZoomPane::ConstructL
    69 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    70 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 //
    72 void CCamZoomPane::ConstructL()
    73     {
    74     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::ConstructL " ) );
    75     // Load the zoom pane orientation value from the Central Repository
    76  	CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCameraappSettings );        
    77  	TInt val = 0;
    78     TInt err = repository->Get( KCamCrZoomPaneOrientation, val );
    80     // If there is an error then assume standard (vertical) orientation
    81     if ( err != KErrNone )
    82         {
    83         iOrientation = EZPOrientationVertical;
    84         }
    85     else 
    86         {
    87         iOrientation = static_cast<TZPOrientation>( val );
    88         }
    89 #if !( defined(__WINS__) || defined(__WINSCW__) )
    90     // Get Central Repository key indicating if product uses volume keys for zoom
    91     err = repository->Get( KCamCrZoomUsingVolumeKeys, val );
    93     // If there is an error then assume volume keys not used
    94     if ( err != KErrNone )
    95         {
    96         iZoomUsingVolumeKeys = EFalse;
    97         }
    98     else 
    99         {
   100         iZoomUsingVolumeKeys = val;
   101         }
   103         iZoomUsingVolumeKeys = EFalse;
   105     // Get Central Repository key indicating if product uses navi-keys for zoom
   106     err = repository->Get( KCamCrZoomUsingNaviKeys, val );
   108     // If there is an error then assume navi-keys not used
   109     if ( err != KErrNone )
   110         {
   111         iZoomUsingNaviKeys = EFalse;
   112         }
   113     else 
   114         {
   115         iZoomUsingNaviKeys = val;
   116         }
   117 #else
   118     iZoomUsingVolumeKeys = EFalse;   
   119     iZoomUsingNaviKeys = ETrue;  
   120 #endif // !( defined(__WINS__) || defined(__WINSCW__) )       
   122     delete repository;
   123     repository = NULL;
   125     // Find the name and path of the MBM file for zoom pane bitmaps
   126     TFileName resFileName;
   127     CamUtility::ResourceFileName( resFileName );
   128     TPtrC resname = resFileName;
   130     // Create component bitmaps 
   131     AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( iIconZoomTop[0], 
   132                                iIconZoomTop[1], 
   133                                resname, 
   134                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_top, 
   135                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_top_mask );
   137     AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( iIconZoomMiddle[0], 
   138                                iIconZoomMiddle[1], 
   139                                resname, 
   140                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_middle, 
   141                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_middle_mask );
   143     AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( iIconZoomBottom[0], 
   144                                iIconZoomBottom[1], 
   145                                resname, 
   146                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_bottom, 
   147                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_bottom_mask );   
   149     AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( iIconZoomMarker[0], 
   150                                iIconZoomMarker[1], 
   151                                resname, 
   152                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_marker, 
   153                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_marker_mask );
   155     AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( iIconZoomMarkerGray[0], 
   156                                iIconZoomMarkerGray[1], 
   157                                resname, 
   158                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_marker_selected, 
   159                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_marker_selected_mask );
   161     AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( iIconZoomMin[0], 
   162                                iIconZoomMin[1], 
   163                                resname, 
   164                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_min, 
   165                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_min_mask );
   167     AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( iIconZoomMax[0], 
   168                                iIconZoomMax[1], 
   169                                resname, 
   170                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_max, 
   171                                EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_zoom_max_mask );   
   173     SizeChanged(); // Initialize layouts and set sizes   
   174     CamUtility::SetAlphaL( iIconZoomTop[0], iIconZoomTop[1] ); 
   175     CamUtility::SetAlphaL( iIconZoomMiddle[0], iIconZoomMiddle[1] ); 
   176     CamUtility::SetAlphaL( iIconZoomBottom[0], iIconZoomBottom[1] );  
   177     CamUtility::SetAlphaL( iIconZoomMarker[0], iIconZoomMarker[1] );  
   178     CamUtility::SetAlphaL( iIconZoomMarkerGray[0], iIconZoomMarkerGray[1] ); 
   179     CamUtility::SetAlphaL( iIconZoomMin[0], iIconZoomMin[1] ); 
   180     CamUtility::SetAlphaL( iIconZoomMax[0], iIconZoomMax[1] );  
   181     iIconZoomMarkerCurrent = iIconZoomMarker[0]; 
   183     // Retrieve product-specific information about zoom support
   184     CamUtility::GetPsiInt( ECamPsiVideoZoomSupport, iZoomSupport );
   186     // Retrieve the timing and step values for each of the zoom bar 
   187     // segments/modes eg Optical/Digital/Extended    
   188     TPckgBuf <TCamZoomLAF> pckg;
   189     CamUtility::GetPsiAnyL( ECamPsiZoomBarLAF, &pckg);
   190     iZoomLAF = pckg();
   192     // Register for notification of controller events
   193     iController.AddControllerObserverL( this );    
   195     iModel = CCamZoomModel::NewL( iController, this );
   196     iFeedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();   
   198     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::ConstructL " ) );
   199     }
   201 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 // CCamZoomPane::LoadResourceDataL()
   203 // Reads in all information needed from resources
   204 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 //
   206 void CCamZoomPane::LoadResourceDataL()
   207     {
   208     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::LoadResourceDataL " ) );
   209     ReadLayoutL();
   210     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::LoadResourceDataL " ) );
   211     }
   213 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 // CCamZoomPane::UnloadResourceData()
   215 // Frees all dynamic resources allocated in LoadResourceDataL
   216 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 //
   218 void CCamZoomPane::UnloadResourceData()
   219     {
   220     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::UnloadResourceData " ) );
   221     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::UnloadResourceData " ) );
   222     }
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // CCamZoomPane::ReloadResourceDataL()
   226 // Refreshes all resource-based information stored in the class
   227 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 //
   229 void CCamZoomPane::ReloadResourceDataL()
   230     {
   231     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::ReloadResourceDataL " ) );
   232     UnloadResourceData();
   233     LoadResourceDataL();
   234     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::ReloadResourceDataL " ) );
   235     }
   237 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   238 // CCamZoomPane::NewL
   239 // Two-phased constructor.
   240 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 //
   242 CCamZoomPane* CCamZoomPane::NewL( CCamAppController& aController,
   243                                   TBool aOverlayViewFinder )
   244     {
   245     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::NewL " ) );
   246     CCamZoomPane* self = new( ELeave ) CCamZoomPane ( aController, aOverlayViewFinder );
   247     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   248     self->ConstructL();
   249     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   250     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::NewL " ) );
   251     return self;
   252     }
   254 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   255 // CCamZoomPane::~CCamZoomPane
   256 // Destructor.
   257 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 //
   259 CCamZoomPane::~CCamZoomPane()
   260     {
   261     PRINT( _L("Camera => ~CCamZoomPane" ))  
   262     iController.RemoveControllerObserver( this );
   264     delete iIconZoomTop[0];  
   265     delete iIconZoomMiddle[0];
   266     delete iIconZoomBottom[0];
   267     delete iIconZoomMarker[0];
   268     delete iIconZoomMarkerGray[0]; 
   269     delete iIconZoomMin[0];
   270     delete iIconZoomMax[0];
   271     delete iIconZoomTop[1];  
   272     delete iIconZoomMiddle[1];
   273     delete iIconZoomBottom[1];
   274     delete iIconZoomMarker[1];
   275     delete iIconZoomMarkerGray[1]; 
   276     delete iIconZoomMin[1];
   277     delete iIconZoomMax[1];
   279     delete iModel;
   281     if ( iRotatorAo &&
   282          iRotatorAo->IsActive() )
   283         {
   284         iRotatorAo->Cancel();
   285         }
   286     delete iRotatorAo;
   289     iZoomInKeys.Close();
   290     iZoomOutKeys.Close();
   292     PRINT( _L("Camera <= ~CCamZoomPane" ))  
   293     }
   295 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   296 // CCamZoomPane::Draw
   297 // Draws the zoom pane
   298 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   299 //
   300 void CCamZoomPane::Draw( CBitmapContext& aGc ) const
   301     {
   302     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::Draw " ) );
   303     if ( !iMaxZoom )
   304         {        
   305         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::Draw not set up yet" ) );
   306         return; // Not set up yet
   307         }
   309     if ( !iOverlayViewFinder )
   310         {
   311         aGc.Clear( iZoomPaneRect );
   312         }
   314     DrawPlusMinus( aGc );
   315     DrawShaft( aGc );
   316     DrawThumb( aGc );    
   317     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::Draw " ) );
   318     }
   320 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   321 // CCamZoomPane::DrawPlusMinus
   322 // Draws the plus and minus icons
   323 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   324 //    
   325 void CCamZoomPane::DrawPlusMinus( CBitmapContext& aGc ) const
   326     {    
   327     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::DrawPlusMinus " ) );
   328     aGc.BitBlt( iPlusPoint,  iIconZoomMax[0] );    
   329     aGc.BitBlt( iMinusPoint, iIconZoomMin[0] );   
   330     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::DrawPlusMinus " ) );                 
   331     }
   333 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   334 // CCamZoomPane::DrawShaft
   335 // Draws the shaft of the zoom pane
   336 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 //    
   338 void CCamZoomPane::DrawShaft( CBitmapContext& aGc ) const  
   339     {
   340     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::DrawShaft " ) );
   341     aGc.BitBlt( iTopPoint,    iIconZoomTop[0] );
   342     aGc.BitBlt( iMiddlePoint, iIconZoomMiddle[0] );
   343     aGc.BitBlt( iBottomPoint, iIconZoomBottom[0] );
   344     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::DrawShaft " ) );
   345     }
   347 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 // CCamZoomPane::SetPoint
   349 // Sets the value of a point based on another point and an (optional) modifier value.
   350 // This was added to simplify the bar drawing code, so the changes based on orientation 
   351 // are (as much as possible) contained in this function
   352 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   353 //    
   354 void 
   355 CCamZoomPane::SetPoint(       TPoint& aPoint, 
   356                         const TPoint& aOffset, 
   357                               TInt    aAdditional ) const
   358     {
   359     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::SetPoint " ) );
   360     if ( PaneOrientation() == EZPOrientationVertical )
   361         {
   362         aPoint.iY = aOffset.iY + aAdditional;
   363         }
   364     else
   365         {
   366         aPoint.iX = aOffset.iX - aAdditional;
   367         }
   368     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SetPoint " ) );
   369     }
   371 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 // CCamZoomPane::PaneOrientation
   373 // Returns the current zoom pane orientation (taking into account whether this
   374 // should be forced or not if on secondary camera)
   375 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   376 //        
   377 CCamZoomPane::TZPOrientation CCamZoomPane::PaneOrientation() const
   378     {
   379     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::PaneOrientation " ) );
   380     if ( iController.ActiveCamera() == ECamActiveCameraSecondary )
   381         {
   382         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::PaneOrientation EZPOrientationVertical" ) );
   383         return EZPOrientationVertical;
   384         }
   385     else 
   386         {
   387         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::PaneOrientation iOrientation" ) );
   388         return iOrientation;
   389         }
   390     }
   392 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   393 // CCamZoomPane::DrawThumb
   394 // Draws the thumb of the zoom pane
   395 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 //       
   397 void CCamZoomPane::DrawThumb( CBitmapContext& aGc ) const
   398     {   
   399     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::DrawThumb " ) );
   400     TPoint newThumbPos;                            
   401     // Knob bitmap has an empty area on the edge, thus it starts upper than top
   402     // of zoom slider 
   403     // topPointY is iTl.iY of knob bitmap when maximum zoom is used. 
   404     newThumbPos.iX = iZoomPaneRect.iTl.iX;        
   406     TInt pixelsPerStep = ( iMaxOffset * KDivisorFactor ) / (iMaxZoom+1);
   407     TInt pixelsFromBase;
   408     pixelsFromBase = ( iTrgZoom * pixelsPerStep );
   409     newThumbPos.iY = iTopPoint.iY + iMaxOffset -
   410              (pixelsFromBase + pixelsPerStep/2 +
   411               iIconZoomMarker[0]->SizeInPixels().iHeight * 
   412               KDivisorFactor / 2) / KDivisorFactor;                                                        
   414     aGc.BitBlt( newThumbPos, iIconZoomMarkerCurrent ); 
   415     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::DrawThumb " ) );                   
   416     }
   418 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   419 // CCamZoomPane::SetRect
   420 // Sets the rect that zoom pane is drawn into
   421 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   422 //
   423 void CCamZoomPane::SetRect( TRect aRect )
   424     {
   425     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::SetRect " ) );
   426     iZoomPaneRect = aRect;
   427     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SetRect " ) );
   428     }
   430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 // CCamZoomPane::SetZoomRange
   432 // Specifies the range of values zoom supports
   433 // aMax should always be more than aMin. 
   434 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 //
   436 TInt CCamZoomPane::SetZoomRange( TInt aMin, TInt aMax )
   437     {        
   438     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::SetZoomRange " ) );
   439     // The minimum value should always be less than the max.
   440     if ( aMin >= aMax ||
   441          aMin < 0 )
   442         {    
   443         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SetZoomRange KErrArgument" ) );
   444         return KErrArgument;
   445         }
   447     iMinZoom = aMin;
   448     iMaxZoom = aMax;
   449     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SetZoomRange " ) );
   450     return KErrNone;
   451     } 
   453 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   454 // CCamZoomPane::SetZoomSteps
   455 // Sets the number of steps allowed in each category
   456 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   457 //
   458 void CCamZoomPane::SetZoomSteps( TInt aOptSteps, TInt aStdSteps, TInt aExtSteps )
   459     {  
   460     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::SetZoomSteps " ) );      
   461     ASSERT( aOptSteps >= 0 && aStdSteps >= 0 && aExtSteps >= 0 );
   463     iOptSteps = aOptSteps;
   464     iStdSteps = aStdSteps;    
   465     iExtSteps = aExtSteps;
   466     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SetZoomSteps " ) );        
   467     }
   469 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   470 // CCamZoomPane::SetZoomValue
   471 // Specifies the current level of Zoom.
   472 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   473 //
   474 TInt CCamZoomPane::SetZoomValue( TInt aZoom )
   475     { 
   476     PRINT1( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::SetZoomValue aZoom=%d" ), aZoom );
   477     if ( iController.UiConfigManagerPtr()->IsExtendedDigitalZoomSupported() )
   478         {
   479         // this may happen if in the extended zoom range
   480         // and we switch the extended range off - the
   481         // zoom value in the engine will be greater than
   482         // the max value allowed
   483         if ( aZoom > iMaxZoom )
   484             {
   485             aZoom = iMaxZoom;
   486             }        
   487         }
   489     // Check supplied value is within valid range
   490     if ( aZoom < iMinZoom || aZoom > iMaxZoom )
   491         {
   492         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SetZoomValue KErrArgument" ) );
   493         return KErrArgument;
   494         }
   496     iCurZoom = aZoom;
   497     iTrgZoom = aZoom;
   499     if ( iVisible )
   500         {
   501         // force redraw of zoom pane
   502         MakeVisible( ETrue, ETrue );
   503         }
   505     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SetZoomValue " ) );
   506     return KErrNone;
   507     }
   509 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   510 // CCamZoomPane::ZoomValue
   511 // Returns the current zoom value (as the ZoomPane knows it)
   512 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   513 //
   514 TInt CCamZoomPane::ZoomValue() const
   515     {   
   516     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::ZoomValue " ) );
   517     PRINT1( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::ZoomValue iCurZoom=%d" ), iCurZoom );
   518     return iCurZoom;
   519     }
   521 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   522 // CCamZoomPane::IsZoomAtMinimum
   523 // Returns whether the current zoom value is the minimum zoom
   524 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 //
   526 TBool CCamZoomPane::IsZoomAtMinimum() const
   527     {
   528     PRINT2(_L("Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::IsZoomAtMinimum iCurZoom = %d, iMinZoom = %d"), iCurZoom, iMinZoom);
   529     return iCurZoom == iMinZoom;
   530     }
   532 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   533 // CCamZoomPane::IsZoomAtMaximum
   534 // Returns whether the current zoom value is the maximum zoom
   535 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   536 //
   537 TBool CCamZoomPane::IsZoomAtMaximum() const
   538     {
   539     PRINT2(_L("Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::IsZoomAtMaximum iCurZoom = %d, iMaxZoom = %d"), iCurZoom, iMaxZoom);
   540     return iCurZoom == iMaxZoom;
   541     }
   543 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   544 // CCamZoomPane::OkToShowPane
   545 // Returns whether or not the Zoom Pane can currently be shown.
   546 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   547 //
   548 TBool CCamZoomPane::OkToShowPane() const
   549     {    
   550     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::OkToShowPane " ) );
   551     // Are we currently recording video?
   552     if ( iRecordingVideo )
   553         {   
   554         // Are we allowed to zoom when recording video?
   555         if ( ( iZoomSupport & ECamZoomWhenRecord ) )
   556             {
   557             PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OkToShowPane ETrue" ) );
   558             return ETrue;
   559             }
   560         else // If not allowed, return false
   561             {
   562             PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OkToShowPane EFalse" ) );
   563             return EFalse;
   564             }
   565         }
   567     // If a sequence capture is in progress
   568     if ( iController.SequenceCaptureInProgress() )
   569         {
   570         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OkToShowPane EFalse" ) );
   571         return EFalse;
   572         }
   574     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OkToShowPane ETrue" ) );
   575     return ETrue;
   576     }
   578 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   579 // CCamZoomPane::HandleControllerEventL
   580 // Handle controller events, specifically to find out if video is currently
   581 // being recorded.  Only called if Zooming while recording is NOT allowed
   582 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   583 //
   584 void CCamZoomPane::HandleControllerEventL( TCamControllerEvent aEvent, 
   585                                            TInt                /*aError*/ )
   586     {
   587     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::HandleControllerEventL " ) );
   588     switch ( aEvent )
   589         {
   590         case ECamEventOperationStateChanged:
   591             {
   592             iRecordingVideo = ECamControllerVideo == iController.CurrentMode()
   593                            && ECamCapturing == iController.CurrentOperation();
   594             break;
   595             }
   596         case ECamEventCameraChanged:
   597             {
   598             ReadLayoutL();
   599             break;
   600             }
   601         case ECamEventCaptureComplete:
   602             {
   603             // Release knob if image is captured with HW button while zooming.
   604             iIconZoomMarkerCurrent = iIconZoomMarker[0];
   605             break;
   606             }
   607         default:
   608             break;
   609         }
   610     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandleControllerEventL " ) );
   611     }
   613 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   614 // CCamZoomPane::Rect
   615 // Returns the zoom pane rect
   616 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   617 //
   618 TRect CCamZoomPane::Rect() const
   619     {
   620     PRINT( _L( "Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::Rect " ) );
   621     return iZoomPaneRect;
   622     }
   624 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   625 // CCamZoomPane::ReadLayoutL
   626 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   627 //
   628 void CCamZoomPane::ReadLayoutL()
   629     {   
   630     PRINT( _L( "Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::ReadLayoutL " ) );
   632     if ( CamUtility::IsNhdDevice() ) 
   633         {
   634         TouchLayout();
   635         }
   636     else
   637         {
   638         NonTouchLayout();
   639         }
   640     }
   642 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   643 // CCamZoomPane::IsVisible
   644 // Is the zoom pane invisible
   645 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   646 //
   647 TBool CCamZoomPane::IsVisible() const
   648     {
   649     PRINT( _L( "Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::IsVisible " ) );
   650     return iVisible;
   651     }
   653 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   654 // CCamZoomPane::MakeVisible
   655 // Makes the zoom pane visible
   656 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   657 //
   658 void CCamZoomPane::MakeVisible( TBool aVisible, TBool aRedraw )
   659     {
   660     PRINT2( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::MakeVisible aVisible=%d aRedraw=%d" ), aVisible, aRedraw );    
   661     iVisible = aVisible;
   663     CCamAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCamAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );    
   665     // No zoom in secondary camera view
   666     if ( appUi && iController.ActiveCamera() == ECamActiveCameraPrimary )
   667         {
   668         if ( aVisible ) 
   669             {
   670             appUi->ShowZoomPane(aRedraw);
   671             }
   672         else
   673             {
   674             appUi->HideZoomPane(aRedraw);
   675             iVisible = EFalse;  
   676             }
   677         }
   678     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::MakeVisible " ) );    
   679     }
   681 void CCamZoomPane::SetZoomKeys( const RArray<TInt>& aZoomIn,
   682                                 const RArray<TInt>& aZoomOut )
   683     {
   684     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::SetZoomKeys CAMERAAPP_MULTIPLE_ZOOM_KEYS" ) );    
   685     iZoomInKeys.Reset();
   686     ReadZoomKeys( aZoomIn, iZoomInKeys );
   687     iZoomOutKeys.Reset();
   688     ReadZoomKeys( aZoomOut, iZoomOutKeys );
   689     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SetZoomKeys " ) );    
   690     }
   692 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   693 // CCamZoomPane::ReadZoomKeys
   694 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   695 //
   696 void CCamZoomPane::ReadZoomKeys( const RArray<TInt>& aSource,
   697                                  RArray<TInt>& aTarget )
   698     {
   699     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::ReadZoomKeys " ) );
   700     for ( TInt i = 0; i < aSource.Count(); i++ )
   701         {
   702         // here we ignore the error 
   703         aTarget.Append( aSource[i] );
   704         }
   705     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::ReadZoomKeys " ) );
   706     }
   708 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   709 // CCamZoomPane::CheckForZoomKey
   710 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   711 //
   712 TBool CCamZoomPane::CheckForZoomKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   713                                      const RArray<TInt>& aKeys )
   714     {
   715     PRINT( _L( "Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::CheckForZoomKey " ) );
   716     return (KErrNotFound != aKeys.Find( aKeyEvent.iScanCode ));
   717     }
   720 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   721 // CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL
   722 // Handles key events for the zoom pane.
   723 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   724 //
   725 TKeyResponse CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
   726     {    
   727     PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL (%d) (%d)"),aKeyEvent.iScanCode, aType )
   728     TBool vertical = PaneOrientation() == EZPOrientationVertical;
   731     TBool foundZoomInKey =  CheckForZoomKey( aKeyEvent, iZoomInKeys  );
   732     TBool foundZoomOutKey = CheckForZoomKey( aKeyEvent, iZoomOutKeys );
   734     if ( foundZoomInKey && vertical ||
   735          foundZoomOutKey && !vertical )
   736         {
   737         // Block key events if touch is active
   738         if ( iTouchActive )
   739             {
   740             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   741             }
   742         // Handle a zoom-in key as a valid event, and start zoom
   743         else if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )
   744             {
   745             iModel->ZoomIn();      
   746             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKeyDown, zoom in"))
   747             return EKeyWasConsumed;      
   748             }
   749         // Handle an up zoom-in key as a valid event, only if currently
   750         // zooming.  Can get stray up events if user woke from standby
   751         // with zoom key.  This should filter these out.
   752         else if ( aType == EEventKeyUp &&
   753                   IsCurrentlyZooming() )
   754             {
   755             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKeyUp, stop zoom 1"))
   756             iModel->StopZoom();
   757             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   758             }
   759         // Handle special zoom-in once request
   760         else if ( aType == EEventUser &&
   761                   !IsCurrentlyZooming() )
   762             {
   763             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKeyUp, zoom in once"))
   764             iModel->ZoomIn( ETrue );
   765             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   766             }
   767         // Repeat "key" events are consumed (to keep the bar visible) but
   768         // no need to do anything with it as zooming is timer (not key event) based
   769         else if ( aType == EEventKey &&
   770                   aKeyEvent.iRepeats > 0 )
   771             {            
   772             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKey repeated 1"))
   773             // Do nothing with it, but consume it
   774             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   775             }
   776         else
   777             {
   778             // empty statement to remove Lint error.
   779             }
   781         }
   782     // If the orientation of the zoom pane changes, the keys to zoom in/out 
   783     // need to switch to move in the correct direction on the zoom pane.
   784     else if ( foundZoomOutKey && vertical ||
   785               foundZoomInKey && !vertical )
   786         {   
   787         // Handle a zoom-out key as a valid event, and start zoom
   788         if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )
   789             {
   790             iModel->ZoomOut();
   791             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKeyDown, zoom out"))
   792             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   793             }
   794         // Handle an up zoom-out key as a valid event, only if currently
   795         // zooming.  Can get stray up events if user woke from standby
   796         // with zoom key.  This should filter these out.            
   797         else if ( aType == EEventKeyUp &&
   798                   IsCurrentlyZooming() )
   799             {
   800             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKeyUp, calling StopZoom"))
   801             iModel->StopZoom();
   802             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKeyUp, stop zoom 2"))
   803             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   804             }
   805         // Handle special zoom-out once request
   806         else if ( aType == EEventUser &&
   807                   !IsCurrentlyZooming() )
   808             {
   809             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKeyUp, zoom out once"))
   810             iModel->ZoomOut( ETrue );
   811             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   812             }
   813         // Repeat "key" events are consumed (to keep the bar visible) but
   814         // no need to do anything with it as zooming is timer (not key event) based
   815         else if ( aType == EEventKey &&
   816                   aKeyEvent.iRepeats > 0 )
   817             {        
   818             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKey repeated 2"))
   819             // Do nothing with it, but consume it
   820             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   821             }
   822         else
   823             {    
   824             // empty statement to remove Lint error.   
   825             PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKey empty statement!"))
   826             }
   828         }
   829     // otherwise, do nothing
   830     else
   831         {
   832         // empty statement to remove Lint error.
   833         PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL EEventKey empty statement!!"))
   834         }
   835 	PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamZoomPane::OfferKeyEventL not consumed"))
   836     return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   837     }
   839 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   840 // CCamZoomPane::HandleForegroundEvent
   841 // Performs required actions on gaining/losing foreground
   842 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   843 //
   844 void CCamZoomPane::HandleForegroundEvent( TBool aForeground )
   845     {
   846     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::HandleForegroundEvent " ) );
   847     if ( !aForeground )
   848         {
   849         // Ensure any ongoing zoom is stopped
   850         PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamZoomPane::HandleForegroundEvent calling StopZoom" ) );
   851         iModel->StopZoom();            
   852         }
   853     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandleForegroundEvent " ) );
   854     }
   856 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   857 // CCamZoomPane::IsCurrentlyZooming
   858 // Returns ETrue if the zoom model is currently zooming in/out,
   859 // else returns EFalse
   860 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   861 //
   862 TBool CCamZoomPane::IsCurrentlyZooming() const
   863     {
   864     PRINT( _L( "Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::IsCurrentlyZooming " ) );
   865     return iModel->IsCurrentlyZooming();
   866     }
   868 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   869 // CCamZoomPane::ResetToDefaultAfterPrepare
   870 // Sets the zoompane to reset the zoom level to default values
   871 // next time the engine is prepared
   872 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   873 //
   874 void CCamZoomPane::ResetToDefaultAfterPrepare( TBool aReset )
   875     {
   876     PRINT( _L( "Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::ResetToDefaultAfterPrepare " ) );
   877     iModel->ResetToDefaultAfterPrepare( aReset );
   878     }
   880 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   881 // CCamZoomPane::IsResetPending
   882 // Whether or not the zoom level is waiting to be reset to default
   883 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   884 //
   885 TBool CCamZoomPane::IsResetPending() const
   886     {
   887     PRINT( _L( "Camera =><= CCamZoomPane::IsResetPending " ) );
   888     return iModel->IsResetPending();
   889     }    
   891 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------    
   892 // CCamZoomPane::StopZoom
   893 // Stops zoom actions
   894 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   895 //
   896 void CCamZoomPane::StopZoom()
   897     {
   898     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::StopZoom " ) );
   899     iModel->StopZoom();
   900     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::StopZoom " ) );
   901     }
   903 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   904 // CCamZoomPane::ResetZoomTo1x
   905 // Resets the zoom level to 1x.
   906 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   907 //
   908 void CCamZoomPane::ResetZoomTo1x()
   909     {
   910     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::ResetZoomTo1x " ) );
   911     iModel->ResetZoomTo1x();
   912     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::ResetZoomTo1x " ) );
   913     }
   915 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   916 // CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL
   917 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   918 //
   919 TBool CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL( TInt aPointer )  
   920     {     
   921     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL" ) );
   923     // Block key events
   924     iTouchActive = ETrue;
   925     if ( !iMaxZoom ) // Avoid division by zero 
   926         {
   927         return EFalse;
   928         }
   929     TInt pixelsPerStep = ( iMaxOffset * KDivisorFactor ) / (iMaxZoom+1);
   931     PRINT1( _L( "Camera <> CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL (iMaxZoom) %d" ), iMaxZoom );
   932     PRINT1( _L( "Camera <> CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL (iMinZoom) %d" ), iMinZoom );
   933     PRINT1( _L( "Camera <> CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL (pixelsPerStep) %d" ), pixelsPerStep );
   935     // New zoom according to touched point                        
   936     TInt base = iSliderParentRect.iBr.iY - aPointer;
   937     PRINT1( _L( "Camera <> CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL (base) %d" ), base );
   939     // Target zoom level 
   940     iTrgZoom = base * KDivisorFactor / pixelsPerStep;
   941     iTrgZoom = ( iTrgZoom < iMinZoom )? iMinZoom:iTrgZoom;
   942     iTrgZoom = ( iTrgZoom > iMaxZoom )? iMaxZoom:iTrgZoom;
   943     PRINT1( _L( "Camera <> CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL (iTrgZoom) %d" ), iTrgZoom );
   945     // Only update zoom when necessary
   946     if ( Abs( aPointer - iPointerPrevi ) >= pixelsPerStep / KDivisorFactor &&
   947          iTrgZoom != iCurZoom )
   948         {
   949         PRINT( _L( "Camera <> CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL ZoomTo" ) );
   950         iModel->ZoomTo( iTrgZoom );
   951         iPointerPrevi = aPointer;
   952         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL ETrue" ) );
   953         return ETrue;
   954         }       
   956     // Pointer didn't move, so we don't need to update anything
   957     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::StartTouchZoomL EFalse" ) );
   958     return EFalse;
   959     }
   961 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   962 // CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL
   963 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   964 //
   965 TBool CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
   966     {
   967     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL" ) );
   969     if ( PaneOrientation() != EZPOrientationVertical )
   970         {
   971         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL (orientation)" ) );
   972         return EFalse; // EZPOrientationHorizontal not supported               
   973         }
   975     TRect tchZoomArea = iSliderParentRect;
   976     tchZoomArea.Grow( KTouchAreaExpansion, KTouchAreaExpansion );
   977     TPointerEvent::TType type = aPointerEvent.iType;
   979     // Only make the pane appear on first touch
   980     if( !IsVisible() &&
   981         type == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
   982         {
   983         Touchfeedback(); 
   984         StopZoom();
   985         MakeVisible( ETrue, ETrue );
   986         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL (first touch)" ) );
   987         return ETrue;
   988         }
   990     // At this point, the zoom pane should have already been visible
   991     // so we activate touch zoom if the pointer is on the zoom pane
   992     if ( IsVisible() &&
   993          tchZoomArea.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) &&
   994          type == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
   995         {
   996         Touchfeedback(); 
   997         // Change zoom thumb to non-dimmed
   998         iIconZoomMarkerCurrent = iIconZoomMarkerGray[0]; // Dimmed knob
   999         // Force redraw of zoom pane, so knob will be dimmed
  1000         TBool ret = ETrue;
  1001         // Update zoom position, if necessary
  1002         StartTouchZoomL( aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY );
  1003         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL (touch active)" ) );
  1004         return ret;
  1005         }
  1007     // If the zoom panel is visible, but the touch event is not in the
  1008     // zoom area, then make the zoom pane disappear.
  1009     if ( IsVisible() &&
  1010          !tchZoomArea.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) &&
  1011          type == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
  1012         {
  1013         Touchfeedback();
  1014         // Cancel zoom if user is pushing the volume key
  1015         StopZoom(); 
  1016         // Hide zoom pane
  1017         MakeVisible( EFalse, ETrue );
  1018         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL (make disappear)" ) );
  1019         // return EFalse so the calling component doesn't reactivate the zoom pane
  1020         return EFalse;
  1021         }
  1023     // Only allow drag if the zoom is already active
  1024     if ( type == TPointerEvent::EDrag &&
  1025             tchZoomArea.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) &&
  1026          iTouchActive )
  1027         { 
  1028         TBool ret = StartTouchZoomL( aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY );
  1029         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL (dragging)" ) );
  1030         return ret;
  1031         }  
  1033     // Clean up when the touch events are stopped
  1034     if ( type == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up ||
  1035             (type == TPointerEvent::EDrag &&
  1036                     !tchZoomArea.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition )))
  1037         {
  1038         // don't do anything for stray touches
  1039         if ( iTouchActive )
  1040             {
  1041             // Key events are no longer blocked
  1042             iTouchActive = EFalse;
  1043             // Change zoom thumb to non-dimmed
  1044             iIconZoomMarkerCurrent = iIconZoomMarker[0]; 
  1045             // force redraw of zoom pane, so knob is not dimmed anymore
  1046             MakeVisible( ETrue, ETrue );
  1047             PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL (touch stopped)" ) );
  1048             return ETrue;
  1049             }
  1051         PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL (touch not active)" ) );
  1052         return EFalse;
  1053         }
  1055     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::HandlePointerEventL (not handled)" ) );
  1056     return EFalse;
  1057     }
  1059 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1060 // CCamZoomPane::SizeChanged
  1061 // Called when the view size is changed
  1062 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1063 //
  1064 void CCamZoomPane::SizeChanged() 
  1065     {
  1066     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::SizeChanged" ) );
  1067     if ( CamUtility::IsNhdDevice() ) 
  1068         {
  1069         TouchLayout();
  1070         }
  1071     else
  1072         {
  1073         NonTouchLayout();
  1074         }
  1076     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::SizeChanged" ) );                       
  1077     }
  1079 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1080 // CCamZoomPane::TouchLayout
  1081 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1082 void CCamZoomPane::TouchLayout() 
  1083     {
  1084     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::TouchLayout()" ) );
  1085     TRect mainPaneRect;   
  1086     iMaxOffset = 0;
  1087     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EApplicationWindow,
  1088                                        mainPaneRect );  
  1089     mainPaneRect.Move( -mainPaneRect.iTl ); 
  1091     TInt variant = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation();                                     
  1092     TAknWindowComponentLayout l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam4_zoom_pane(variant); 
  1094     TAknLayoutRect area;
  1095     area.LayoutRect( mainPaneRect, l.LayoutLine() ); 
  1096     iZoomPaneRect = area.Rect();
  1098     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam4_zoom_cont_pane(variant); 
  1099     area.LayoutRect( iZoomPaneRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1100     iSliderParentRect = area.Rect();
  1102     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam4_zoom_pane_g1(variant); // +
  1103     area.LayoutRect( iZoomPaneRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1104     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMax[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1105                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1106     iPlusPoint = area.Rect().iTl;                       
  1108     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam4_zoom_pane_g2(variant); // -
  1109     area.LayoutRect( iZoomPaneRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1110     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMin[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1111                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1112     iMinusPoint = area.Rect().iTl;                             
  1114     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam4_zoom_cont_pane_g1(variant); // Top
  1115     area.LayoutRect( iSliderParentRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1116     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomTop[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1117                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1118     iTopPoint = area.Rect().iTl;                           
  1119     iMaxOffset += area.Rect().Height();
  1121     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam4_zoom_cont_pane_g3(variant); // Middle
  1122     area.LayoutRect( iSliderParentRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1123     iIconZoomMiddle[0]->Resize( area.Rect().Size());
  1124     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMiddle[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1125                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1126     iMiddlePoint = area.Rect().iTl;                        
  1127     iMaxOffset += area.Rect().Height();
  1129     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam4_zoom_cont_pane_g2(variant); // Bottom
  1130     area.LayoutRect( iSliderParentRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1131     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomBottom[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1132                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1133     iBottomPoint = area.Rect().iTl;                        
  1134     TRect bottomRect = area.Rect();
  1135     iMaxOffset += area.Rect().Height();
  1137     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam4_zoom_pane_g3(variant); // Knob
  1138     area.LayoutRect(iSliderParentRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1139     TRect adj = iZoomPaneRect;
  1140 	adj.SetHeight( area.Rect().Height() );
  1141 	adj.Move( bottomRect.Center() - adj.Center() );
  1142     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMarker[0], adj.Size() );  
  1143     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMarkerGray[0], adj.Size() );
  1145     }
  1147 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1148 // CCamZoomPane::NonTouchLayout
  1149 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1150 void CCamZoomPane::NonTouchLayout() 
  1151     {
  1152     TRect mainPaneRect; 
  1153     iMaxOffset = 0;
  1154     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EApplicationWindow,
  1155                                        mainPaneRect );  
  1156     mainPaneRect.Move( -mainPaneRect.iTl ); 
  1158     TInt variant = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation(); 
  1160     TAknWindowComponentLayout l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam6_zoom_pane(variant); 
  1162     TAknLayoutRect area;
  1163     area.LayoutRect( mainPaneRect, l.LayoutLine() ); 
  1164     iZoomPaneRect = area.Rect();
  1166     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam6_zoom_cont_pane(variant); 
  1167     area.LayoutRect( iZoomPaneRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1168     iSliderParentRect = area.Rect();
  1170     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam6_zoom_pane_g1(variant); // +
  1171     area.LayoutRect( iZoomPaneRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1172     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMax[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1173                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1174     iPlusPoint = area.Rect().iTl;                       
  1176     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam6_zoom_pane_g2(variant); // -
  1177     area.LayoutRect( iZoomPaneRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1178     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMin[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1179                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1180     iMinusPoint = area.Rect().iTl;                             
  1182     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam6_zoom_cont_pane_g1(variant); // Top
  1183     area.LayoutRect( iSliderParentRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1184     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomTop[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1185                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1186     iTopPoint = area.Rect().iTl; 
  1187     iMaxOffset += area.Rect().Height();
  1189     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam6_zoom_cont_pane_g3(variant); // Middle
  1190     area.LayoutRect( iSliderParentRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1191     iIconZoomMiddle[0]->Resize( area.Rect().Size());
  1192     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMiddle[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1193                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1194     iMiddlePoint = area.Rect().iTl;                        
  1195     iMaxOffset += area.Rect().Height();
  1197     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam6_zoom_cont_pane_g2(variant); // Bottom
  1198     area.LayoutRect( iSliderParentRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1199     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomBottom[0], area.Rect().Size(), 
  1200                            EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
  1201     iBottomPoint = area.Rect().iTl;                        
  1202     TRect bottomRect = area.Rect();
  1203     iMaxOffset += area.Rect().Height();
  1205     l = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cam6_zoom_pane_g3(variant); // Knob
  1206     area.LayoutRect(iSliderParentRect, l.LayoutLine() );
  1207     iZoomPaneRect.iTl.iX += area.Rect().Width()/2;
  1208     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMarker[0], area.Rect().Size() );  
  1209     AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIconZoomMarkerGray[0], area.Rect().Size() );    
  1210     }
  1212 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1213 // CCamZoomPane::Touchfeedback
  1214 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1215 //
  1216 void CCamZoomPane::Touchfeedback() 
  1217     {
  1218     PRINT( _L( "Camera => CCamZoomPane::Touchfeedback" ) );
  1219     if ( iFeedback )
  1220         {
  1221         iFeedback->InstantFeedback( iRecordingVideo?
  1222                                     ETouchFeedbackNone : ETouchFeedbackBasic );        
  1223         }
  1224     PRINT( _L( "Camera <= CCamZoomPane::Touchfeedback" ) );
  1225     }
  1227 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1228 // CCamZoomPane::ZoomToMinimum
  1229 // Zooms out to min zoom level. Should be stopped by StopZoom(), if needed
  1230 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1231 //
  1232 void CCamZoomPane::ZoomToMinimum()
  1233     {
  1234     iModel->SetZoomMultiplier( KFastZoomMultiplier );
  1235     iModel->ZoomOut();
  1236     }
  1238 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1239 // CCamZoomPane::ZoomToMaximum
  1240 // Zooms in to max zoom level. Should be stopped by StopZoom(), if needed 
  1241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1242 //
  1243 void CCamZoomPane::ZoomToMaximum()
  1244     {
  1245     iModel->SetZoomMultiplier( KFastZoomMultiplier );
  1246     iModel->ZoomIn();
  1247     }
  1249 //  End of File