changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/common/inc/CamAppUiBase.h	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  AppUi base class for Camera AppUi and Dummy AppUi*
-#include <aknappui.h>
-#include <aknViewAppUi.h>
-#include <activepalette2ui.h>
-#include "CamSettingsInternal.hrh"
-enum  TCamAppViewIds
-    {
-    ECamViewIdStillPreCapture,
-    ECamViewIdStillPostCapture,
-    ECamViewIdVideoPreCapture,
-    ECamViewIdVideoPostCapture,
-    ECamViewIdBurstThumbnail,
-    ECamViewIdVideoSettings,
-    ECamViewIdPhotoSettings,
-    ECamViewIdPhotoUserSceneSetup,
-    ECamViewIdViaPlayerPlayBack,
-    ECamViewIdCustomiseToolbar
-    };
-enum TCamSelfTimerFunctions
-    {   
-    ECamSelfTimerMode1,     // Eg ON 10-second timer
-    ECamSelfTimerMode2,     // Eg ON 2-second timer
-    ECamSelfTimerMode3,     // Eg ON additional possibility
-    ECamSelfTimerDisabled   // Eg OFF 
-    };
-* Camera orientations
-enum TCamOrientation
-    {
-    ECamOrientationDefault = 0,
-    ECamOrientationCamcorder = ECamOrientationDefault,
-    ECamOrientationPortrait,
-    ECamOrientationViewMode,
-    ECamOrientationCamcorderLeft,	// softkeys left
-    ECamOrientationTotal
-    };
-enum TCamPreCaptureMode
-    {
-    ECamPreCapViewfinder,
-    ECamPreCapCaptureSetup,
-    ECamPreCapTimeLapseSlider,
-    ECamPreCapStandby,
-    ECamPreCapSceneSetting,
-    ECamPreCapGenericSetting
-    };
-enum TCamAppEvent
-  {
-  ECamAppEventFocusGained,
-  ECamAppEventFocusLost
-  };
-class CCamSelfTimer;
-class MCamBurstModeObserver;
-class CCamSidePane;
-class CCamZoomPane;
-class CTextResolver;
-class CCamActivePaletteHandler;
-class MCamAppController;
-class MCamStaticSettings;
-*  AppUi base class for Camera AppUi and Dummy AppUi
-*  @since 2.8
- */
-class CCamAppUiBase : public CAknViewAppUi
-                        //, public MCamControllerObserver
-    {
-    public:  // Constructors and destructor
-    public: // New functions
-        /**
-        * Determines whether or not all construction has been completed
-        * Used on view activation to determine if the view should
-        * open in standby mode. This will happen if the app is waiting for
-        * an orientation switch to complete or for the initial view to be set
-        * when launched in embedded
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @return ETrue if all construction has completed, else EFalse
-        */   
-        virtual TBool IsConstructionComplete() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Set title pane text from a resource.
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @param aResourceId resource to read from
-        */
-        virtual void SetTitleL( TInt aResourceId ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * Set title pane text from a descriptor.
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @param aText title pane text
-        */
-        virtual void SetTitleL( const TDesC& aText ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * In embedded mode set title to name of embedding application
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void SetTitleEmbeddedL() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Draw the counter to the bitmap used in the navi pane
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @param aBmpGc The graphics context for the bitmap
-        * @param aBmpMaskGc The graphics context for the bitmap mask
-        */
-	    virtual void CreateNaviBitmapsL( TBool aDrawStorageIconAndCounter )= 0;
-        /**
-        * Push navi pane indicators on to navi pane stack.
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void PushNaviPaneCounterL() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Push navi pane progress bar on to navi pane stack.
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void PushNaviPaneProgressBarL() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Push default navi pane on to navi pane stack.
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void PushDefaultNaviPaneL() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Enable or disable SelfTimer functionality
-        * @param aEnable specifies self timer mode or self timer off
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void SelfTimerEnableL( TCamSelfTimerFunctions aEnable ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * Returns current self-timer state
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual TBool SelfTimerEnabled() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Returns pointer to self-timer object
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual CCamSelfTimer* SelfTimer() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Registers an observer for changes in burst mode activation
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @param aBurstModeObserver the object observing burst mode changes
-        */
-        virtual void AddBurstModeObserverL(
-                            MCamBurstModeObserver* aBurstModeObserver ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * Removes an observer for changes in burst mode activation
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @param aBurstModeObserver the observer to remove
-        */
-        virtual void RemoveBurstModeObserver(
-                        const MCamBurstModeObserver* aBurstModeObserver ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * Returns whether or not burst capture mode is enabled.
-        * Will return ETrue when burst mode is enabled for still capture
-        * even if the application is currently in video capture mode
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @return ETrue if burst mode is enabled, else returns EFalse
-        */
-        virtual TBool IsBurstEnabled() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Returns the currently enabled burst mode.
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @return the currently enable burst mode or ECamImageCaptureNone if 
-        * burst is not enabled
-        */
-        virtual TCamImageCaptureMode CurrentBurstMode() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Return whether we are in embedded mode (if we have a pointer to a
-        * MApaEmbeddedDocObserver).
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @return TBool if tthere is a handle to MApaEmbeddedDocObserver
-        */
-        virtual TBool IsEmbedded() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Sets the current capture mode ( and target capture mode )
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @param aMode      the desired capture mode
-        * @param aImageMode In image capture, the desired mode (single/burst/timelapse)
-        */
-        virtual void SetCaptureMode( TCamCameraMode       aMode, 
-                                     TCamImageCaptureMode aImageMode = ECamImageCaptureNone ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * Shows the mmc removal note if it is required
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void ShowMMCRemovalNoteIfRequiredL() = 0;
-        /**        
-        * Returns pointer to side-pane
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @return pointer to CCamSidePane object constructed by appUi
-        */
-        virtual CCamSidePane* SidePane() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Returns pointer to zoom-pane
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @return pointer to CCamZoomPane object constructed by appUi
-        */
-        virtual CCamZoomPane* ZoomPane() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Returns current camera orientation
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @return current camera orientation
-        */
-        virtual TCamOrientation CamOrientation() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Returns whether or the secondary camera has been activated
-        * Will return ETrue when when the second camera is active
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @return ETrue if second camera is active, else returns EFalse
-        */
-        virtual TBool IsSecondCameraEnabled() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Secondary camera orientation is constructed according to this flag.
-        * Flag can be forced to portrait/landscape or it can follow qwerty 
-        * state. Variation is handled via configuration manager 
-        * KCamCrFeature2ndCameraOrientation key.  
-        * @param aLock, Lock orientation state flag. 
-        *               ETrue, ask state and lock it.
-        *               EFalse, ask current state.
-        * @return ETrue if secondary camera orientation must be landscape
-        */
-        virtual TBool IsQwerty2ndCamera( TBool aLock = EFalse ) = 0;  
-        /**
-        * Returns the active camera
-        * @since 2.8
-        * @return either primary, secondary or none ( if in process of switching )
-        */
-        virtual TCamActiveCamera ActiveCamera() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Handles the shutter key press
-        * @param aPressed ETrue if the shutter is pressed, EFalse if released
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void HandleShutterKeyL( TBool aPressed ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * Set embedding flag 
-        * @param aEmbedding ETrue if we are embedding (ie Messaging, Realplayer), 
-        * EFalse if not
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void SetEmbedding( TBool aEmbedding ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * Return embedding flag 
-        * @return aEmbedding ETrue if we are embedding (ie Messaging, Realplayer), 
-        * EFalse if not
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual TBool Embedding() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Set SendAs flag 
-        * @param aSendAsInProgress ETrue if SendAs in progress, EFalse if not
-        * @since 2.8
-        */
-        virtual void SetSendAsInProgressL( TBool aSendAsInProgress ) = 0;
-        /**
-        * Read SendAs flag value 
-        * @return ETrue if sending file is in progress, EFalse otherwise  
-        * @since 4.0
-        */        
-        virtual TBool SendAsInProgress() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Return handle to active palette if supported
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @return Handle to Active palette
-        */               
-        virtual MActivePalette2UI* ActivePalette() const = 0;    
-        /**
-        *
-        *
-        */
-        virtual CCamActivePaletteHandler* APHandler() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Indicates whether or not the application is in a simulated exit situation
-        * @return ETrue if the application has pretended to exit, else EFalse 
-        */
-        virtual TBool IsInPretendExit() const = 0;
-        /**
-        * Whether or not the telephone application is in the foreground
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @return ETrue if the telephone application is in the foreground
-        */    
-        virtual TBool ForegroundAppIsPhoneApp() const = 0;
-        /**
-         * Let the AppUi know what is being shown in pre-capture
-         * @param aMode What's being shown
-         */
-        virtual void SetPreCaptureMode(TCamPreCaptureMode aMode) = 0;
-        /*
-        * Gets the handle to the controller, which is used inturn by the
-        * plugin to call the interfaces for performing needed actions.
-        */
-        virtual MCamAppController& AppController() = 0;
-        /*
-        * Gets the handle to the settings model, which is used inturn by the
-        * plugin to call the interfaces for performing needed actions.
-        */
-        virtual MCamStaticSettings& StaticSettingsModel() = 0;
-        /**
-        * Returns whether an MMC removed note is pending
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @return TBool ETrue if the UI needs to show an MMC 
-        */
-        virtual TBool IsMMCRemovedNotePending() const = 0;
-        /**
-         * Set the requested resolution for a new file
-         * @since 3.2
-         * @param aRequestedResolution the requested resolution from the new file request.
-         */
-         virtual void SetRequestedNewFileResolution( const TSize& aRequestedResolution ) = 0;
-         /**
-         * Get the requested resolution for a new file
-         * @since 3.2
-         * @return the requested resolution from the new file request.
-         *  Default is TSize(0,0) which interpreted as mms quality resolution
-         */
-         virtual TSize RequestedNewFileResolution() const = 0;
-         /**
-         * Whether or not the application is in the background
-         * @since 2.8
-         * @param aIncludeNotifier If EFalse then the application is not
-         * classed as being in the background if the foreground application is
-         * a notifier, e.g. charging enabled.
-         * @return ETrue if the application is in the background
-         */   
-         virtual TBool AppInBackground( TBool aIncludeNotifier ) const = 0;
-    protected: 
-        /**
-        * Offers a pointer to appui's TextResolver instance
-        * @since 3.0
-        * @return pointer to appui's TextResolver instance   
-        */
-        virtual CTextResolver* TextResolver() = 0;
-    private:
-    private:    // Data
-    };
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-const TUint16* const KCamPreCaptureModeNames[] =
-  {
-  (const TUint16* const)_S16("ECamPreCapViewfinder"),
-  (const TUint16* const)_S16("ECamPreCapCaptureSetup"),
-  (const TUint16* const)_S16("ECamPreCapTimeLapseSlider"),
-  (const TUint16* const)_S16("ECamPreCapStandby"),
-  (const TUint16* const)_S16("ECamPreCapSceneSetting"),
-  (const TUint16* const)_S16("ECamPreCapGenericSetting")
-  };
-#endif      // CAMAPPUIBASE_H   
-// End of File