changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/common/inc/camconfiguration.h	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implementation for camera dynamic configuration.
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include "CamSettingsInternal.hrh"
-#include "CamPSI.h"
-#include "camconfigurationtypes.h"
-#include "imagingconfigmanager.h"
-#include "CamSettings.hrh"
-class CImagingConfigManager;
-struct TVideoQualitySet;
-struct TImageQualitySet;
-* Class CCamConfiguration
-* Queries supported image and video qualities for ICM and creates the related 
-* data and does the mappings needed by cameraapp application. These include
-* quality descriptions and icons.
-* In the initial phase, emulates the product specific configuration code,
-* so only minimal changes are needed in cameraapp UI code.
-class CCamConfiguration: public CBase
-  public: // Constructors and destructors
-   	/**
-    * Destructor.
-    */
-    ~CCamConfiguration(); 
-    /**
-    * Two-phased constructor.
-    * @return pointer to the created CCamConfiguration object
-    */  
-    static CCamConfiguration* NewL();
-  public: // New functions
-    /**
-    * Returns number of image qualities configured using ICM. Setting data
-    * for these qualities is accessible via ImageQuality() function.
-    * @return Number of qualities
-    */
-    TInt NumImageQualities() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns index for primary camera MMS quality
-    * @return MMS quality index or KErrNotFound
-    */   
-    TInt MmsImageQuality() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns index for secondary camera imagequality.
-    * @return Secondary image quality index or KErrNotFound
-    */    
-    TInt SecondaryCameraImageQuality() const;   
-    /**
-    * Returns settings of the requested quality
-    * @param aIndex Index of the quality (Must be <NumImageQualities())
-    * @return Quality settings
-    */
-    const TCamPhotoQualitySetting& ImageQuality( TInt aIndex ) const;
-    /**
-    * Returns number of video qualities configured using ICM. Setting data
-    * for these qualities is accessible via VideoQuality() function.
-    * @return Number of video qualities
-    */
-    TInt NumVideoQualities() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns number of primary camera image qualities configured using ICM.
-    * Setting data for these qualities is accessible via ImageQuality( TInt aIndex ) function.
-    * @return Number of primary camera image qualities
-    */
-    TInt NumPrimaryImageQualities() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns index for secondary camera video quality. Currently this is
-    * always same as last quality for primary camera.
-    * @return Secondary video quality index
-    */
-    TInt SecondaryCameraVideoQuality() const; 
-    /**
-    * Returns the quality setting for a required index from iVideoQualities array
-    * in camera video quality.
-    * @return iVideoQualities array index
-    */
-    TInt VideoQualitySetting( TInt aIndex ) const;
-    /**
-    * Returns settings data of the requested video quality
-    * @param aIndex Index of the quality (Must be <NumImageQualities())
-    * @return Quality settings
-    */
-    const TVideoQualitySettings& VideoQuality( TInt aIndex ) const;
-    /**
-    * Gives description id for given image/video quality
-    * Image: TCamImageQualitySetting => TCamPhotoQualityDescription
-    * Video:  TCamVideoQualitySettings => TCamVideoQualityDescription
-    * @param aVideoMode EFalse if image mode
-    * @param aQualityVal Quality value
-    * @return Description id
-    *
-    */
-    TInt MapSupportedQualityToQualityDescriptor( TBool aVideoMode,
-                                                 TInt aQualityVal ) const;      
-    /**
-    * Returns the the following image quality related integer arrays:
-    * - ECamPsiSupportedStillResolutions
-    * - ECamPsiJpegDataSizes
-    * - ECamPsiSequencePostProcessDataSizes
-    * - ECamPsiSupportedStillQualities
-    * - ECamPsiStillQualityIconIds
-    * - ECamPsiPrecapStillQualityIconIds
-    * And following video quality related arrays:
-    * - ECamPsiSupportedVideoQualities
-    * - ECamPsiPrecapVideoQualityIconIds
-    * - ECamPsiVideoQualityIconIds
-    * - ECamPsiVideoQualityFileTypeId
-    *
-    * @param aKey   Key
-    * @param aArray Destination array
-    */
-    void GetPsiIntArrayL( TCamPsiKey aKey, RArray<TInt>& aArray ) const; 
-    /**
-    * Provides mapping between TCamImageResolution and TCamPhotoSizeId types
-    * @param aResolution
-    * @return Photo Size
-    */
-    static TCamPhotoSizeId MapResolutionToPhotoSize( TCamImageResolution aResolution );
-    /**
-    * Provides mapping between TCamPhotoSizeId and TCamImageResolution types
-    * @param aSizeId
-    * @return Resolution
-    */  
-    static TCamImageResolution MapPhotoSizeToResolution( TCamPhotoSizeId aSizeId );  
-    /**
-    * Calculate number of images than can still be taken with the current
-    * image size
-    * @param aStorage Storage media
-    * @param aSizeId The current photo resolution setting
-    * @param aCriticalLevel Critical threshold on the specified drive 
-    * @param aBurstActive Whether or not burst mode is active
-    * @return Number of images
-    */        
-    TInt ImagesRemaining( TCamMediaStorage aStorage,
-                          TCamPhotoSizeId aSizeId, 
-                          TInt aCriticalLevel, 
-                          TBool aBurstActive ) const;          
-    /**
-    * Returns the CMR average video bitrate scaler (obtained from ICM)
-    * This is used to scale bitrates for remaining video time calculation
-    * @return scaler
-    */
-    TReal CMRAvgVideoBitRateScaler() const;
-    /**
-    * Returns the default VideoQuality setting which has the highest 
-    * iVideoQualitySetLevel value (obtained from ICM)
-    * This is used to get the default video quality setting when restore
-    * settings or frist start camera
-    * @return video quality
-    */
-	TCamVideoQualitySettings GetDefaultVideoQualityFromIcmL();
-    /** 
-    * Returns the index to the image quality required by embedding application
-    * @return index to icm image configuration array
-    */
-    TInt GetRequiredImageQualityIndex( const TSize& aResolution ) const;
-    /** 
-    * Returns the resolution that matches closest to the required resolution by embedding application
-    * @return TSize of the resolution
-    */
-    TSize MapRequiredResolutionToActualResolutionPhoto( const TSize& aRequiredResolution ) const;
-    /** 
-    * Returns the index to the video quality required by embedding application
-    * @return index to icm video configuration array
-    */
-    TInt GetRequiredVideoQualityIndex( const TSize& aResolution ) const;
-    /** 
-    * Returns the resolution that matches closest to the required resolution by embedding application
-    * @return TSize of the resolution
-    */
-    TSize MapRequiredResolutionToActualResolutionVideo( const TSize& aRequiredResolution ) const;
-  private:  
-    /**
-    * C++ default constructor.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */        
-    CCamConfiguration();
-    /**
-    * 2nd phase constructor.
-    */
-    void ConstructL();
-    /**
-    * Queries image qualities from ICM, converts enabled qualities to internal
-    * data formats and adds them to ordered arrays.
-    */
-    void InitializeImageQualitiesL();
-    /**
-    * Initializes TCamImageQualityData contents based on TImageQualitySet, which
-    * we have received from the ICM.
-    * @param aSet Image quality set from ICM
-    * @param aData CamConfiguration image quality data structure
-    */
-    void InitializeImageQualityL( const TImageQualitySet& aSet, TCamImageQualityData& aData );
-    /**
-    * Returns all data of the requested quality
-    * @param aIndex Index of the quality (Must be <NumImageQualities())
-    * @return Quality data
-    */
-    const TCamImageQualityData& ImageQualityData( TInt aIndex ) const;    
-    /**
-    * Queries video qualities from ICM, converts enabled qualities to internal
-    * data formats and adds them to ordered arrays.
-    */    
-    void InitializeVideoQualitiesL();
-    /**
-    * Creates TCamVideoQualityData contents based on TVideoQualitySet, which we
-    * have received from ICM. Not const, because memory allocations are needed
-    * for string data.
-    * @param aSet ICM video quality data
-    * @return Video quality data in CamConfiguration data structure
-    */
-    TCamVideoQualityData CreateVideoQualityDataL( const TVideoQualitySet& aSet );
-    /**
-    * Adds the given image quality data to correct place in ordered image
-    * qualities data array. Ordering is done based on number of pixels in the
-    * image quality.
-    * @param aQuality Image quality data
-    * @param aArray Ordered image quality data array
-    */
-    static void AddToOrderedImageQualitiesArrayL( TCamImageQualityData& aQuality, 
-                                                  RArray<TCamImageQualityData>& aArray );
-    /**
-    * Adds the given video quality data to correct place in ordered video
-    * qualities data array. Ordering is done based on the image quality
-    * description enumeration. (Highest quality first)
-    * @param aQuality Image quality data
-    * @param aArray Ordered image quality data array
-    */                                                  
-    static void AddToOrderedVideoQualitiesArrayL( TCamVideoQualityData& aQuality,
-                                                  RArray<TCamVideoQualityData>& aArray );   
-    /**
-    * Checks if the value for aValue is used for type aCheckType if the 
-    * supported image qualities. If so, Appends the aAppendType value 
-    * (or aValue, if aAppendType is ECamItemSame) of that quality to
-    * the array.
-    * 
-    * @param aCheckType Type for checking existence of value
-    * @param aValue Item value (of checking type)
-    * @param aArray Integer array
-    * @param aAppendType Type of correspondin value to be appended
-    */                                                  
-    void AppendIfSupportedL( TCamItemType aCheckType, TInt aValue,
-                             RArray<TInt>&aArray, TCamItemType aAppendType=ECamItemSame ) const;
-    /**
-    * Appends value of item of type aType from image quality data to aArray.
-    * @param aType Item type
-    * @param aArray Destination array
-    * @param aData Image quality data
-    */                          
-    static void AppendTypeL( TCamItemType aType, RArray<TInt>&aArray, const TCamImageQualityData& aData );
-    /**
-    * @param aValue Video resolution value
-    * @param aArray Destination array
-    */
-    void AppendVideoResIfSupportedL( TInt aValue, RArray<TInt>&aArray ) const;
-    /**
-    * Allocates memory for asciiz string given in aData. Returns pointer to the
-    * string in the allocated memory.
-    * @param aData
-    * @return String
-    */  
-    const TUint8*  AllocString8L( const TUint8* aData );
-    /**
-    * Allocates memory for asciiz string given in aData, converts it to 16-bit
-    * and returns pointer to the 16-bit string in the allocated memory.
-    * @param aData
-    * @return String
-    */      
-    const TUint16* AllocString16L( const TUint8* aData ); 
-  private: // Data
-    // Imaging configuration manager 
-    CImagingConfigManager* iIcm;
-    // Camera display ids. Used when querying ICM for supported image and 
-    // video qualities.
-    TInt iPrimaryCameraDisplayId;
-    TInt iSecondaryCameraDisplayId;
-    // Image qualities data for primary and secondary camera
-    RArray<TCamImageQualityData> iPrimaryCameraPhotoQualities;
-    RArray<TCamImageQualityData> iSecondaryCameraPhotoQualities;
-    // Video quality data. Last item is shared between primary camera MMS
-    // quality and secondary camera.
-    RArray<TCamVideoQualityData> iVideoQualities;  
-    TInt                         iSecondaryVideoQualityIndex;
-    // Arrays for storing (video qualities) string data from ICM
-    // All the content is owned by CCamConfiguration
-    RPointerArray<HBufC8> iStrings8;
-    RPointerArray<HBufC16> iStrings16;  
-    // Average video bitrate scaler - needed for remaining time calculation
-    TReal iCMRAvgVideoBitRateScaler;
-// End of file