changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/common/inc/mcamsettingsmodel.h	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Interface to object that manages all settings data.
-// ===========================================================================
-#include <aknview.h>
-#include "CamSettings.hrh"
-#include "CamSettingsInternal.hrh"
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-class CCamVideoQualityLevel;
-class MCamSettingsModelObserver;
-// ===========================================================================
-class TIntSetting
-  {
-  public:
-    TInt iItemId;
-    TInt iValueId;
-  };
-class TSceneData 
-  {
-  public: // Destructor
-    ~TSceneData ();
-  public: // Data
-    TInt iSceneId;
-    RPointerArray<TIntSetting> iSettings;
-  };
-class TCamVariantInfo
-  {
-  public:
-    TCamVariantInfo();
-  public:
-    TInt            iFlags;
-    TCamSupportFlag iTimeLapseSupport;
-    TCamSupportFlag iAlwaysOnSupport;
-    TVersion        iVersion;
-  };
-// ===========================================================================
-* Interface to object that manages all settings data.
-* @since 2.8
-class MCamSettingsModel
-  {
-  public: // Interface
-    /**
-    * This needs to be here to be able to greacefully delete
-    * an object of inherited class through mixin pointer.
-    * If this is not defined, deleting through the mixin pointer
-    * results in User-42 panic!
-    */
-    virtual ~MCamSettingsModel() {};
-    /**
-    * Add a settings model observer.
-    * Observers will be notified of settings changes.
-    */
-    virtual void AttachObserverL( const MCamSettingsModelObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Remove a settings model observer.
-    */
-    virtual void DetachObserver( const MCamSettingsModelObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Resets all user scene settings to their defaults.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual void ResetUserSceneL() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Previews a new value for the specified integer setting
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want to preview the value of.
-    * @param aSettingValue the new integer value for the specified setting item to be previewed.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-//    virtual void PreviewSettingChangeL( TInt aSettingItem, TInt aSettingValue ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Cancels all preview changes, since last commit/cancel.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-//    virtual void CancelPreviewChangesL() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Commits last preview change.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-//    virtual void CommitPreviewChanges() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Returns the current integer value for the specified setting
-    * @return the current integer setting value
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want the value of.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual TInt IntegerSettingValue( TInt aSettingItem ) const = 0; 
-    /**
-    * Returns the setting value for a specific field of a scene 
-    * @return the setting value
-    * @param aSceneId specifies which scene.
-    * @param aSceneId specifies which field of the scene.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual TInt SceneSettingValue( TInt aSceneId, TInt aSceneField ) const = 0; 
-    /**
-    * Sets a new value for the specified integer setting
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want to set the value of.
-    * @param aSettingValue the new integer value for the specified setting item.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual void SetIntegerSettingValueL( TInt aSettingItem, TInt aSettingValue ) = 0; 
-    /**
-    * Sets a new text value for the specified setting
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want to set the text value of.
-    * @param aSettingValue the new text value for the specified setting item.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual void SetTextSettingValueL(       TInt aSettingItem, 
-                                       const TDesC& aSettingValue ) = 0; 
-    /**
-    * Returns the current text value for the specified setting
-    * @return the current text setting value
-    * @param aSettingItem specifies which setting item that want the text value of.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual TPtrC TextSettingValue( TInt aSettingItem ) const = 0; 
-    /**
-    * Returns whether a particular setting value can be set or not.
-    * @return ETrue if can be set. Otherwise, EFalse.
-    * @param aSettingValue the value in question. 
-    * @param aSettingItem the setting item in question. 
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual TBool SettingValueEnabled( TInt aSettingItem, 
-                                       TInt aSettingValue ) const = 0;
-    /**
-    * Get the default value for a setting item.
-    * @param  aSettingId The id of the setting.
-    * @return The default value for setting item or KErrNotFound if not found.
-    */
-    virtual TInt DynamicSettingDefaultValue( TInt aSettingId ) const = 0;
-    /**
-    * Sets all dynamic settings to their defaults.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */       
-    virtual void SetDynamicSettingsToDefaults() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Sets a single dynamic setting to its default.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */       
-    virtual void SetDynamicSettingToDefault(TInt aSettingItem) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Sets a single dynamic setting to scene default value.
-    * @param  aSceneId    Scene which the default value is taken from.
-    * @param  aSceneField Id of the setting in scene data.
-    * @param  aSettingId  Id of the setting in dynamic settings.
-    * @param  aVideoScene Is the scene a video scene.
-    * @return KErrNotFound, if setting could not be set.
-    */
-    virtual TInt SetDynamicSettingToSceneDefaultL( TInt  aSceneId,
-                                                   TInt  aSceneField,
-                                                   TInt  aSettingId,
-                                                   TBool aVideoScene ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Loads the static settings from shared data. Required to update
-    * the settings whenever get foreground event, in case of external
-    * changes to the settings.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aIsEmbedded Specifies whether the application is embedded
-    * or not.
-    */       
-    virtual void LoadStaticSettingsL( TBool aIsEmbedded ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Return handle to video quality level array
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return reference to array of video quality levels
-    */
-    virtual const RPointerArray<CCamVideoQualityLevel>& VideoQualityArray() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Return handle to video resolution array
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param return reference to array of video resolutions
-    */
-    virtual const RArray<TSize>& VideoResolutions() = 0;
-    /** 
-    * Returns the image resolution for a given resolution index.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aIndex The index to get the resolution for
-    * @returns The X and Y dimensions in pixels of the resolution.
-    */
-    virtual TSize ImageResolutionFromIndex( TCamPhotoSizeId aIndex ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Returns the current photo quality.
-    * @return the quality.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual TInt CurrentPhotoCompression() const = 0;
-    /**
-    * Returns the current photo resolution from Settings
-    * @return the resolution.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual TCamPhotoSizeId CurrentPhotoResolution() const = 0;
-    /**
-    * Returns the photo resolution for a particular quality
-    * @return the resolution.
-    * @param aQualityIndex The index of the quality
-    * @since 3.0
-    */
-    virtual TCamPhotoSizeId PhotoResolution( TInt aQualityIndex ) const = 0;
-    /**
-    * Stores the primary camera settings when changing to secondary camera
-    * that they can be reapplied when changing back
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual void StorePrimaryCameraSettingsL() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Restores the primary camera settings 
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual void RestorePrimaryCameraSettingsL() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Return variant info.
-    */
-    virtual const TCamVariantInfo& VariantInfo() = 0;
-    /*
-    * Reset repository file
-    * @since3.0
-    */
-    virtual void ResetRepository() = 0;
-	/**
-    * Store FT user defined setting
-    * @since 5.0
-    */
-    virtual void StoreFaceTrackingValue() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Returns the face tracking state as it was before the latest scene mode change
-    */     
-    virtual TCamSettingsOnOff GetPreviousFaceTrack() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Sets the face tracking state as it was before the latest scene mode change
-    */       
-    virtual void SetPreviousFaceTrack( TCamSettingsOnOff aPreviousFaceTrack ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Returns the scene mode that was in use before the current scene mode was selected
-    */       
-    virtual TCamSceneId GetPreviousSceneMode() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Sets the scene mode that was in use before the current scene mode was selected
-    */         
-    virtual void SetPreviousSceneMode( TCamSceneId aPreviousSceneMode ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Sets user scene setting to default
-    */
-    virtual void SetUserSceneDefault() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Handles a change in the value for the photo scene setting.
-    * That is, it updates the rest of the photo dynamic setings.
-    * @param the new scene value.
-    * @since 2.8
-    */
-    virtual void PhotoSceneHasChangedL( TInt aSettingValue ) = 0;
-    /**
-    * Store UserScene settings
-    * @since 5.1
-    */
-    virtual void StoreUserSceneSettingsL() = 0;
-  };
-// ===========================================================================
-// End of File