changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/data/resource_inc/CamBurstCaptureV2.ra	Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1402 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Resource definitions for the Camera Application*
-#include "CamConstantsCamcorder.hrh"
-#define K9FirstColumnCellOffset     34
-#define K9SecondColumnCellOffset    118
-#define K9ThirdColumnCellOffset     202
-#define K9TopRowCellTop             5
-#define K9MiddleRowCellTop          69
-#define K9BottomRowCellTop          133
-#define K9CellWidth                 84
-#define K9CellHeight                64
-#define K9FirstColumnHighOffset     35
-#define K9SecondColumnHighOffset    119
-#define K9ThirdColumnHighOffset     203
-#define K9TopRowHighTop             6
-#define K9MiddleRowHighTop          70
-#define K9BottomRowHighTop          134
-#define K9HighWidth                 82
-#define K9HighHeight                62
-#define K9FirstColumnMarkOffset     106
-#define K9SecondColumnMarkOffset    190
-#define K9ThirdColumnMarkOffset     274
-#define K9TopRowMarkTop             12
-#define K9MiddleRowMarkTop          72
-#define K9BottomRowMarkTop          132
-#define K9MarkWidth                 10
-#define K9MarkHeight                10
-#define K9FirstColumnThumbOffset    36
-#define K9SecondColumnThumbOffset   120
-#define K9ThirdColumnThumbOffset    204
-#define K9TopRowThumbTop            7
-#define K9MiddleRowThumbTop         71
-#define K9BottomRowThumbTop         135
-#define K9ThumbWidth                80
-#define K9ThumbHeight               60
-#define K9ThumbnailWidth            80
-#define K9ThumbnailHeight           60
-#define K6FirstColumnCellOffset     4
-#define K6SecondColumnCellOffset    108
-#define K6ThirdColumnCellOffset     212
-#define K6TopRowCellTop             20
-#define K6BottomRowCellTop          99
-#define K6CellWidth                 104
-#define K6CellHeight                79
-#define K6FirstColumnHighOffset     5
-#define K6SecondColumnHighOffset    109
-#define K6ThirdColumnHighOffset     213
-#define K6TopRowHighTop             21
-#define K6BottomRowHighTop          100
-#define K6HighWidth                 102
-#define K6HighHeight                77
-#define K6FirstColumnMarkOffset     93
-#define K6SecondColumnMarkOffset    197
-#define K6ThirdColumnMarkOffset     301
-#define K6TopRowMarkTop             24
-#define K6BottomRowMarkTop          103
-#define K6MarkWidth                 10
-#define K6MarkHeight                10
-#define K6FirstColumnThumbOffset    6
-#define K6SecondColumnThumbOffset   110
-#define K6ThirdColumnThumbOffset    214
-#define K6TopRowThumbTop            22
-#define K6BottomRowThumbTop         101
-#define K6ThumbWidth                100
-#define K6ThumbHeight               75
-#define K6ThumbnailWidth            100
-#define K6ThumbnailHeight           75
-#define KTimelapseSliderLeft        160
-#define KTimelapseSliderLeftAH      160 //Left positions were identical in original
-#define KTimelapseSliderTop         20
-#define KTimelapseSliderWidth       16
-#define KTimelapseSliderHeight      160
-#define KTimelapseSliderThumbWidth  16
-#define KTimelapseSliderThumbHeight 12
-#define KTimelapseSliderLegendWidth 60
-#define KTimelapseSliderLeftLegendLeft      (0)
-#define KTimelapseSliderLeftLegendLeftAH    (0)
-#define KTimelapseSliderLeftLegendRight     (KTimelapseSliderLeft   + 9)
-#define KTimelapseSliderRightLegendLeft     (KTimelapseSliderLeft   + KTimelapseSliderWidth + 9)
-#define KTimelapseSliderRightLegendLeftAH   (KTimelapseSliderLeftAH + KTimelapseSliderWidth + 9)
-#define KTimelapseSliderRightLegendRight    (0)
-#define KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing       ( ( KTimelapseSliderHeight - 8 ) / 8)
-#define KSliderLegend1Bottom           (KTimelapseSliderTop + 8)
-#define KSliderLegend2Bottom        (KSliderLegend1Bottom + KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing)
-#define KSliderLegend3Bottom        (KSliderLegend2Bottom + KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing)
-#define KSliderLegend4Bottom        (KSliderLegend3Bottom + KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing)
-#define KSliderLegend5Bottom        (KSliderLegend4Bottom + KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing)
-#define KSliderLegend6Bottom        (KSliderLegend5Bottom + KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing)
-#define KSliderLegend7Bottom        (KSliderLegend6Bottom + KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing)
-#define KSliderLegend8Bottom        (KSliderLegend7Bottom + KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing)
-#define KSliderLegend9Bottom        (KSliderLegend8Bottom + KTimelapseSliderLegendSpacing)
-#define KSliderWaypointLeft         78
-#define KSliderWaypointRight        150
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-//    r_cam_burst_delete_multiple_note
-//    Dialog to display delete multiple image 
-//    confirmation note
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_cam_burst_delete_multiple_note
-    {
-    flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
-    buttons = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO__YES;
-    items =
-        {
-        DLG_LINE
-            {
-            type = EAknCtQuery;
-            id = EGeneralQuery;
-            control = AVKON_CONFIRMATION_QUERY
-                {
-                layout = EConfirmationQueryLayout;
-                label = "";
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_delete_multiple_note_text
-//    Delete confirmation query text for multiple files
-RESOURCE TBUF r_cam_burst_delete_multiple_note_text
-    {
-    buf = qtn_fldr_del_items_query;
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_array
-//    Array storing the positions of the components in the Burst post-capture
-//    thumbnail grid
-//    NOTE: Cell_rect has to be a pixel wider and higher so adjacent cells
-//          share a border
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_array
-    {
-    items= 
-        {
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 0 (top left)
-            {                                                   
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K9TopRowCellTop; W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K9TopRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K9TopRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K9TopRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 1 (top middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K9TopRowCellTop; W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K9TopRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K9TopRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K9TopRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 2 (top right)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K9TopRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K9TopRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K9TopRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K9TopRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 3 (middle left)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K9MiddleRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K9MiddleRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K9MiddleRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K9MiddleRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 4 (middle middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K9MiddleRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K9MiddleRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K9MiddleRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K9MiddleRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 5 (middle right)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K9MiddleRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K9MiddleRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K9MiddleRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K9MiddleRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 6 (bottom left)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K9BottomRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K9BottomRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K9BottomRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K9BottomRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 7 (bottom middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K9BottomRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K9BottomRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K9BottomRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K9BottomRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 8 (bottom right)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K9BottomRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K9BottomRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K9BottomRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K9ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K9BottomRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_array_ah
-//    Array storing the positions of the components in the Burst post-capture
-//    thumbnail grid (Arabic/Hebrew version)
-//    NOTE: Cell_rect has to be a pixel wider and higher so adjacent cells
-//          share a border
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_array_ah
-    {
-    items= 
-        {
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 0 (top right)
-            {                                                   
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K9TopRowCellTop; W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K9TopRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K9TopRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K9TopRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 1 (top middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K9TopRowCellTop; W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K9TopRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K9TopRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K9TopRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 2 (top left)
-           {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K9TopRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K9TopRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K9TopRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K9TopRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 3 (middle left)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K9MiddleRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K9MiddleRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K9MiddleRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K9MiddleRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 4 (middle middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K9MiddleRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K9MiddleRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K9MiddleRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K9MiddleRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 5 (middle right)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K9MiddleRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K9MiddleRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K9MiddleRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K9MiddleRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 6 (bottom left)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K9BottomRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K9BottomRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K9BottomRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K9BottomRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 7 (bottom middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K9BottomRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K9BottomRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K9BottomRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K9BottomRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 8 (bottom right)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K9BottomRowCellTop;  W=K9CellWidth; H=K9CellHeight; 
-                };
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K9BottomRowHighTop; W=K9HighWidth; H=K9HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K9BottomRowMarkTop; W=K9MarkWidth; H=K9MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K9ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K9BottomRowThumbTop; W=K9ThumbWidth; H=K9ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_array_upto_six
-//    Array storing the positions of the components in the Burst post-capture
-//    thumbnail grid
-//    NOTE: Cell_rect has to be a pixel wider and higher so adjacent cells
-//          share a border
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_array_upto_six
-    {
-    items= 
-        {
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 0 (top left)
-            {                                                   
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K6TopRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K6TopRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K6TopRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K6TopRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 1 (top middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K6TopRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K6TopRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K6TopRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K6TopRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 2 (top right)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K6TopRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K6TopRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K6TopRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K6TopRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 3 (bottom left)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K6BottomRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K6BottomRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K6BottomRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K6BottomRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 4 (bottom middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K6BottomRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K6BottomRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K6BottomRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K6BottomRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 5 (bottom right)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K6BottomRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K6BottomRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K6BottomRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                l=K6ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K6BottomRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_array_upto_six_ah
-//    Array storing the positions of the components in the Burst post-capture
-//    thumbnail grid
-//    NOTE: Cell_rect has to be a pixel wider and higher so adjacent cells
-//          share a border
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_array_upto_six_ah
-    {
-    items= 
-        {
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 0 (top right)
-            {                                                   
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K6TopRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K6TopRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K6TopRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K6TopRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 1 (top middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K6TopRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K6TopRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K6TopRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K6TopRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 2 (top left)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K6TopRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K6TopRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K6TopRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K6TopRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 3 (bottom right)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6FirstColumnCellOffset; t=K6BottomRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6FirstColumnHighOffset; t=K6BottomRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6FirstColumnMarkOffset; t=K6BottomRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6FirstColumnThumbOffset; t=K6BottomRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 4 (bottom middle)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6SecondColumnCellOffset; t=K6BottomRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6SecondColumnHighOffset; t=K6BottomRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6SecondColumnMarkOffset; t=K6BottomRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6SecondColumnThumbOffset; t=K6BottomRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            },
-        CAM_BURST_GRID_ITEM // Cell 5 (bottom left)
-            {
-            cell_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6ThirdColumnCellOffset; t=K6BottomRowCellTop; W=K6CellWidth; H=K6CellHeight;  
-                }; 
-            high_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6ThirdColumnHighOffset; t=K6BottomRowHighTop; W=K6HighWidth; H=K6HighHeight; 
-                };
-            mark_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6ThirdColumnMarkOffset; t=K6BottomRowMarkTop; W=K6MarkWidth; H=K6MarkHeight; 
-                };
-            thmb_rect = AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT 
-                { 
-                r=K6ThirdColumnThumbOffset; t=K6BottomRowThumbTop; W=K6ThumbWidth; H=K6ThumbHeight; 
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_scrollbar_position
-//    Position of the scroll bar when more than 6 grid items on screen.
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_scrollbar_position
-    { 
-    l = 315;  
-    t = 0;
-    W = 16; 
-    H = KCentralPaneHeightCC; 
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_scrollbar_position_ah
-//    Position of the scroll bar when more than 6 grid items on screen.
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT r_cam_burst_post_capture_grid_scrollbar_position_ah
-    { 
-    l = 5;  
-    t = 0;
-    W = 16; 
-    H = KCentralPaneHeightCC; 
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_post_capture_thumb_size
-//    The size of thumbnail images (in pixels) to be shown by burst thumbnail 
-//    grid control
-RESOURCE CAM_RECT_SIZE r_cam_burst_post_capture_thumb_size
-    { 
-    width  = K6ThumbnailWidth; 
-    height = K6ThumbnailHeight; 
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_cam_burst_thumbnail_menubar
-//   Menubar for burst thumbnail view
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_cam_burst_thumbnail_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE
-            {
-            menu_pane = r_cam_burst_thumbnail_menu;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_cam_burst_thumbnail_menu
-//   Options menu for burst thumbnail view
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_cam_burst_thumbnail_menu
-    {
-    items = 
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdOpenPhoto;
-            txt = qtn_lcam_options_open_photo;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdSend;
-            txt = qtn_options_send_via;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdSendToCallerMultimedia;
-            txt = qtn_lcam_options_send_to_call;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdDelete;
-            txt = qtn_lcam_options_delete;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = KAiwCmdAssign;
-            txt     = qtn_lcam_use_image_postcapture_menu;
-            cascade = AIW_INTELLIGENT_CASCADE_ID; 
-            },      
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdShareOnOvi;
-            // AIW provider fills the menu item title.
-            // No submenu, only 1 provider acccepted.
-            txt     = "";
-            },
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdShareSettings;
-            // AIW provider fills the menu item title.
-            // No submenu, only 1 provider acccepted.
-            txt     = "";
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdPhotos;
-            txt = qtn_lcam_options_go_to_photos;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdMarkUnmarkMenu;
-            txt = qtn_options_list;
-            },            
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = EAknCmdHelp;
-            txt = qtn_options_help;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdInternalExit;
-            txt = qtn_options_exit;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_cam_burst_thumbnail_ok_menubar
-//   Ok menubar for burst thumbnail grid view
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_cam_burst_thumbnail_ok_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE
-            {
-            menu_pane = r_cam_burst_thumbnail_ok_menu;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_cam_burst_thumbnail_ok_menu
-//   Context specific ok options menu for burst
-//   thumbnail grid view
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_cam_burst_thumbnail_ok_menu
-    {
-    items = 
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdDelete;
-            txt = qtn_lcam_options_delete;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdSend;
-            txt = qtn_options_send_via;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdSendToCallerMultimedia;
-            txt = qtn_lcam_options_send_to_call;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdMarkUnmarkMenu;
-            txt = qtn_options_list;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-//    r_cam_burst_thumbnail_view
-//    Thumbnail view after burst capture
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_cam_burst_thumbnail_view
-    {
-    menubar = r_cam_burst_thumbnail_menubar;
-    toolbar = r_cam_burst_postcapture_toolbar;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-//    r_cam_timelapse_image_text_layout
-//    Layout for captured and remaining images in navi pane.
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_TEXT r_cam_timelapse_image_text_layout
-    {
-    font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=26; B=234; W=100; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    // font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=296; r=224; B=234; W=32; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-//    r_cam_timelapse_image_text_layout_ah_camcorder
-//    Arabic/Hebrew layout for captured and remaining images in navi pane.
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_TEXT r_cam_timelapse_image_text_layout_ah
-    {
-    //font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=26; B=234; W=100; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=45; B=234; W=100; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    }    
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-//    r_cam_timelapse_countdown_text_layout
-//    Layout for remaining time till next timelapse capture
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_TEXT r_cam_timelapse_countdown_text_layout
-    {
-    font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=130; B=234; W=100; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    // font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=224; r=174; B=234; W=45; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    }  
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-//    r_cam_timelapse_countdown_text_layout_ah_camcorder
-//    Arabic/Hebrew layout for remaining time till next timelapse capture
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_TEXT r_cam_timelapse_countdown_text_layout_ah
-    {
-    font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=130; B=234; W=100; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    }      
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-//    r_cam_timelapse_captured_text_layout
-//    Layout for count of captured images in post capture view
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_TEXT r_cam_timelapse_captured_text_layout
-    {
-    font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=20; B=234; W=100; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    }  
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-//    r_cam_timelapse_captured_text_layout_ah
-//    Arabic/Hebrew layout for count of captured images in post capture view
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_TEXT r_cam_timelapse_captured_text_layout_ah
-    {
-    //font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=20; B=234; W=100; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    font = EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont; C=0; l=22; B=234; W=100; J=ELayoutAlignLeft;
-    }      
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_cam_timelapse_in_capture_navicounter_decorations
-//   Decorations for the navicounter during timelapse capture
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE CAM_DECORATIONS r_cam_timelapse_in_capture_navicounter_decorations
-	{
-	decorations = 
-		{
-			{
-			type = ECamScreenDecorationBlendedBackground;
-			decoration = 
-				{
-					{
-					tl_x  = 0;   // 20; // 0
-					tl_y  = 219; // 220;
-					width = 180; //220; // 200;
-					}
-				};
-			}
-		};
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_cam_timelapse_post_capture_navicounter_decorations
-//   Decorations for the navicounter in timelapse post capture view
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE CAM_DECORATIONS r_cam_timelapse_post_capture_navicounter_decorations
-	{
-	decorations = 
-		{
-			{
-			type = ECamScreenDecorationBlendedBackground;
-			decoration = 
-				{
-					{
-					tl_x  = 0;   
-					tl_y  = 219; 
-					width = 167;
-					}
-				};
-			}
-		};
-	}
-//    r_cam_timelapse_images_captured
-//    String for the count of captured images in timelapse 
-//    postcapture view
-RESOURCE TBUF r_cam_timelapse_images_captured
-    {
-    buf = qtn_lcam_images_captured_v2;
-    }		
-//    r_cam_timelapse_countdown_time
-//    String for the remaining time till next capture
-RESOURCE TBUF r_cam_timelapse_countdown_time
-    {
-    buf = qtn_lcam_time_cap;
-    }    
-//    r_cam_sequence_icon_rect
-//    Position of the sequence capture icon 
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT r_cam_sequence_icon_rect
-    { 
-    r = 199;
-    // Background top at 219
-    // Background height 20
-    // Icon height 16
-    // => Icon top at 219 + (20/2 - 16/2) = 221 when centered
-    t = 221;
-    W = 16; 
-    H = 16; 
-    }  
-//    r_cam_sequence_icon_rect_ah
-//    Position of the sequence capture icon 
-RESOURCE AVKON_LAYOUT_RECT r_cam_sequence_icon_rect_ah
-    { 
-    //l = 5;
-    r = 280;
-    t = 221;
-    W = 16;
-    H = 16;
-    }       
-//    r_cam_time_lapse_title
-//    Time lapse slider title string
-RESOURCE TITLE_PANE r_cam_time_lapse_title
-     {
-     txt = qtn_lcam_selector_title_tl; //qtn_lcam_title_tl;
-     }        
-// Time lapse listbox
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_cam_capture_setup_list_sequence_mode
-    {
-    items=
-        {
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_adv_seq_off;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapseOff;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence;
-            },
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_burst;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapseMin;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_burst;
-            },
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_5secs;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse5sec;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_5s;
-            },            
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_10secs;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse10sec;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_10s;
-            },
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_30secs;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse30sec;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_30s;
-            },
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_1min;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse1min;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_1min;
-            },  
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_5min;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse5min;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_5min;
-            },                               
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_10min;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse10min;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_10min;
-            },                                                        
-            {
-            item_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_30min;
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse30min;
-            bitmap_id = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_30min;
-            }  
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_cam_capture_setup_list_sequence_mode_summary
-    {
-    items =
-        {
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapseOff;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_adv_seq_off;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_adv_seq_off_ex;
-            },
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapseMin;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_burst;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_burst;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_burst2_ex;
-            },
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse5sec;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_5s;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_5secs;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_5secs_ex;
-            },               
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse10sec;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_10s;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_10secs;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_10secs_ex;
-            },                     
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse30sec;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_30s;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_30secs;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_30secs_ex;
-            },
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse1min;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_1min;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_1min;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_1min_ex;
-            },
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse5min;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_5min;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_5min;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_5min_ex;
-            },                        
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse10min;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_10min;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_10min;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_10min_ex;
-            },
-            {
-            setting_value_id = ECamTimeLapse30min;
-            summary_icon = EMbmCameraappQgn_indi_cam4_sequence_30min;
-            summary_title_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_30min;
-            summary_description_text = qtn_lcam_set_seq_30min_ex;
-            }            
-        };
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_cam_infolistbox_menubar
-//   Menubar for InfoListBox
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_cam_infolistbox_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE
-            {
-            menu_pane = r_cam_infolistbox_menu;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_cam_scene_infolistbox_menu
-//   Options menu for InfoListBox
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_cam_infolistbox_menu
-    {
-    items = 
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdSelect;
-            txt = qtn_lcam_options_select;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = EAknCmdHelp;
-            txt = qtn_options_help;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ECamCmdInternalExit;
-            txt = qtn_options_exit;
-            }
-        };
-    }            